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Raw Paleo Diet Forums => Hot Topics => Topic started by: achillezzz on January 12, 2011, 01:04:57 am

Title: World class athlets
Post by: achillezzz on January 12, 2011, 01:04:57 am
You know those guys from NBA , NFL , FIFA even the swimmer Michael Phelps almost everyone of them is on A SAD diet just with a little bit leaner protein and more veggies than regular and eating 6 meals per day.

How they still look so muscular and healthier than any person on this forum -\?

Super genetics and strong body that can handle all this shit ?

They also fly to different countries every week eating hotel shit foods banging sluts all day overtraining almost everyworkout eating very low fat diet drinking COCA COLA  eating pancakes with chocolate and Energy drinks for breakfast and still they are at the top of the worlddddd why dont they just die lol  -\

how they do it ?
Title: Re: World class athlets
Post by: achillezzz on January 12, 2011, 01:10:06 am
 this is how michael phelps diet look like

Pizza? coffe n energy drinks for breakfast?
Title: Re: World class athlets
Post by: TylerDurden on January 12, 2011, 01:12:01 am
First of all, appearances are deceptive so pointless to judge by them. Secondly, there are raw-foodist athletes from the past who looked just as good if not better, such as Armand Tanny etc.. Thirdly, most modern athletes go in for extremely unhealthy lifestyles involving taking special drugs, endless artificial vitamin/mineral supplements, all of which take their toll in the end on their health. Plus, such athletes are usually only competitive up till some time in their 30s, and it is past the age of 40, when cooked-food-eaters usually tend to start deteriorating at a much quicker rate due to their diets.
Title: Re: World class athlets
Post by: King Salmon on January 12, 2011, 01:42:25 am
banging sluts all day  why dont they just die lol  -\

 -d That's too funny

But on a more serious note,look at a lot of the guys from the WWF.A lot of them die in their 30's and 40's of heart attacks,streroid overdose,liver failure...etc.
NBA,NHL,NFL guys eat much better.Shaq,for example,has a personal chef and the menu I saw looked pretty good as far as SAD is concerned.A lot of raw stuff in there.Decent SAD diets tend to include a ton of fresh raw fruits and veggies at least.
As far as people on this forum,I'm sure a lot of people here didn't have the genetics that olympic athletes have.And even then,how many people even make it to the olympics?NBA?NHL?NFL? The percentage is very low.
Title: Re: World class athlets
Post by: KD on January 12, 2011, 02:26:59 am
like many things, you can see it in the degrees. Steve Nash (NBA:Suns) eats sugar free - largely paleo diet. He might not be the best or hunkiest basketball player by your standards but he claims to perform better that way. Really what matters is whether the way YOU eat makes you perform and feel the best over other diets. Also what provides the best quality of life, which for some might not be obsessing over raw food. It may be that other foods/carbs etc.. you can manipulate things to some advantage similar to drugs but they might have detriments, or they might not..who knows.. maybe we all here downplay the advantage that wealth, airtravel and 'banging sluts' provide.
Title: Re: World class athlets
Post by: turkish on January 12, 2011, 03:01:27 am
..who knows.. maybe we all here downplay the advantage that wealth, airtravel and 'banging sluts' provide.
being in the zone (mentally/emotinally/physically/spiritually) - does compensate a bad diet (or lifestyle) to a certain extent.

For some short peroid of my life i have been there, food and sleep were not necessary, used to get away with very little food/sleep. But whatever little i ate i used to chew like crazy....

Title: Re: World class athlets
Post by: Nation on January 12, 2011, 05:55:47 am
Olympians are extremely dedicated, if they could benefit from eating a raw food diet, I'm sure they would eat that way. Some people just have no problem with cooked food and grains.
Title: Re: World class athlets
Post by: TylerDurden on January 12, 2011, 06:20:31 am
Olympians are extremely dedicated, if they could benefit from eating a raw food diet, I'm sure they would eat that way. Some people just have no problem with cooked food and grains.
  You are forgetting that sports drugs offer a far bigger benefit re sports than any diet. As regards going raw,  they are likely not to have heard of it, and would studiously avoid it as it is a diet that frowns on drugs and supplements which are the lifeblood of athletes from their POV.
Title: Re: World class athlets
Post by: achillezzz on January 12, 2011, 06:22:21 am
Watch that an NBA player wana teach the world whats healthy food is "PASTA BREAD ETC... "


Please pay attention how he moves his hands while eating his "Healthy Food" he is a monkey.


Here is lebron james diet.

Two 8 ounce glasses of water
10 grams of L-glutamine mixed with water

6:25 am breakfast

1 whole wheat bagel
1 tbsp peanut butter
½ cup cottage cheese
½ cup strawberries
1 multivitamin and mineral tablet

Yields 529 calories, 30 grams of protein, 77 grams of carbohydrates, and 12 grams of fat.

9:30 am Mid morning meal

1 scoop protein powder (2oz)- 22 grams

1 cup orange juice
1 medium banana
1 ½ cup 1% milk

Yields 487 calories, 35 grams of protein, 73 grams of carbohydrates, 6 grams of fat

12:00 pm Lunch -lean roast beef sub

6 " whole wheat bun
4 ounces lean roast beef
1 cup lettuce
1 tomato cut into slices,
½ oz low fat cheddar cheese
2 tbsp mustard
1 cup 1% milk

Yields 502 calories, 43 grams of protein, 47 grams of carbohydrates, and 16 grams of fat

2:30 pm Mid afternoon meal

1 granola bar -Quaker
½ cup blueberries
1 tbsp brown sugar
1 cup low fat natural yogurt
1 apple
½ glass of low fat milk

Yields 528 calories, 19 grams of protein, 90 grams of carbohydrates, and 10 grams of fat

4:30 pm

2 glasses of pure water
Branched chain amino acids

5:15 pm workout

2-4 glasses of pure water while working out

6:30 pm post workout meal

1 cup strawberries
1 cup low fat strawberry yogurt
1 scoop(2oz) vanilla protein powder- 22 grams

½ tbsp honey
1 cup 1% milk
1 cup orange juice
5 grams creatine monohydrate

Yields 549 calories, 41 grams of protein, 75 grams of carbohydrates, and 6 grams of fat.

8:30 pm dinner -chicken teriyaki

3 oz skinless/boneless chicken breasts
1/3 cup prepared teriyaki sauce
1/3 cup orange juice
1 tsp cornstarch
1/3 tsp ginger
½ tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 ½ cup small broccoli florets
½ can (4 ounces) sliced water chestnuts
½ cup rice
1 cup pure water

Yields 549 calories, 38 grams of protein, 69 grams of carbohydrates, and 13 grams of fat

10:00 pm

10 grams of L-glutamine with 1 glass of pure water
Title: Re: World class athlets
Post by: achillezzz on January 12, 2011, 06:28:31 am
Kobe bryant diet

Zach, Kobe spread out his meals this way:
meal #1: breakfast (egg whites, toast, protein fruit shake)
meal #2: snack (fruit or salad)
meal #3: lunch (turkey sandwich, steamed fish with brown rice, veggies, water)
meal #4: snack (fruit, salad or lowfat yogurt)
meal #5: dinner (baked/steamed lean chicken breast, steamed broccoli/veggies, etc..)
Title: Re: World class athlets
Post by: achillezzz on January 12, 2011, 06:31:31 am
They eat lot of meals through the day they do it all wrong according to Sequentinal eating and food combining and bonus to this their food is all low fat chemicly treated and commercial probably also they eat tons of carbs but I think you already know.

Why their adrenal glands aint burned yet? it looks like they only improve and improve every season.
Title: Re: World class athlets
Post by: KD on January 12, 2011, 06:52:40 am
why would their adrenal glands burn out more so than people eating outright junk? These diets seem alot healthier than average or the Michael Phelps thing or 90% fruit sugar diets.

It would be hard to say definitively that they would have better results eating a raw plaeo diet, but odds are it would be pretty hard to convince any relatively healthy person of doing so. If you don't have a compelling need yourself, its going to be hard to achieve that motivation as well, i assume. I certainly wouldn't eat this way just to squeeze a few more years of old age in. Its about being healthy and getting healthier when you can't as easily on such other programs.

I do know alot of crossfit (paleo/PB) people who consider themselves to be peak condition athletes and claim alot of improvements over the 6 meals a day protein/starch thing, and probably a small fraction of these people might in turn begin eating some or much of their food raw for an added bonus. None of this means that the same original people in their 20's o 30's are going to die some gruesome death, or not be able to perform otherwise. A healthy (raw) diet seems to have the ability to help make an unhealthy non-athletic person into a healthy and athletic person, but this doesn't mean its going to randomly create miracles or superstars, or that some relatively clean SWD sports diet is necessarily going to take people down in their 20's or 30's. the damage from high carb (of it exists) isn't as simple as you are suggesting. virtually all diets contain lots of carbs, but only certain types and certain types of predispositions will lead to issues.
Title: Re: World class athlets
Post by: goodsamaritan on January 12, 2011, 08:41:02 am
You know those guys from NBA , NFL , FIFA even the swimmer Michael Phelps almost everyone of them is on A SAD diet just with a little bit leaner protein and more veggies than regular and eating 6 meals per day.

How they still look so muscular and healthier than any person on this forum -\?

Super genetics and strong body that can handle all this shit ?

They also fly to different countries every week eating hotel shit foods banging sluts all day overtraining almost everyworkout eating very low fat diet drinking COCA COLA  eating pancakes with chocolate and Energy drinks for breakfast and still they are at the top of the worlddddd why dont they just die lol  -\

how they do it ?

They were born mutated to eat this sh*t.

So my nephew was 100% breast fed at 6 months old, breaks out with psoriasis.
My wife and I visit my brother and teach them some paleo diet and lifestyle, even though cooked, with some organic rice.  Little boy gets well in 2 weeks.

Kid just can't handle wheat eaten by mom through mother's milk.
Title: Re: World class athlets
Post by: achillezzz on January 12, 2011, 08:48:16 am
So their genetic is superior to ours and their digestive systems are more flexible than ours?
If its true it means we are weak people and they are the strong and the evolved new human specie and the degneration theory
is bullshit ? because lebron james has wide jaw and testosterone levels of a neanderthal while being on SAD lol
Title: Re: World class athlets
Post by: goodsamaritan on January 12, 2011, 08:59:36 am
So their genetic is superior to ours and their digestive systems are more flexible than ours?
If its true it means we are weak people and they are the strong and the evolved new human specie and the degneration theory
is bullshit ? because lebron james has wide jaw and testosterone levels of a neanderthal while being on SAD lol

Yes, they have fantastic physical genes.
If you want some of their luck, interbreed with them and you might have a piece of those mutated genes.

I'd rather stick to comparing ourselves when we were on SAD vs ourselves on Raw Paleo.
Title: Re: World class athlets
Post by: Nation on January 12, 2011, 09:21:52 am
Athletes are like the 0.1% of smokers who get to live past 90 years old. Just because some of them get to live that long doesn't mean smoking is not dangerous. How athletes react to cooked food is just not relevant, they have best genes a human could hope for while some of us here are on the opposite side of the gene spectrum.
Title: Re: World class athlets
Post by: riy freeman on January 12, 2011, 10:37:53 am
I'm glad I don't have such genes, my body tells me exactly what is healthy and what is not.
Title: Re: World class athlets
Post by: turkish on January 12, 2011, 10:58:38 am
Athletes are like the 0.1% of smokers who get to live past 90 years old. Just because some of them get to live that long doesn't mean smoking is not dangerous. How athletes react to cooked food is just not relevant, they have best genes a human could hope for while some of us here are on the opposite side of the gene spectrum.

Its not all genes. They undergo surgeries/drug regime etc to perform -  that is not my definition of health, its a very narrow perspective on health: redefinition of the word athlete and health.

Life can be long and health can have many facets. ( i would much prefer a short one)

Me neighbors (husband and wife) are both olympic athletes in their late forties - i think a lot of you will have better health at that age - most of them are like the US economy - borrowing from the future health.
Title: Re: World class athletes
Post by: Ioanna on January 12, 2011, 11:30:55 am
maybe we're just not aware?.. some capitalize on pharmaceutical endorsements, so there are some that we know.  i saw a football player talking about his crohn's disease.  lots of asthma endorsement by athletes.  idk, lance armstrong and flo jo are extremes.

i think, at least, they are a healthier version of cooked.
Title: Re: World class athlets
Post by: TylerDurden on January 12, 2011, 05:41:32 pm
So their genetic is superior to ours and their digestive systems are more flexible than ours?
If its true it means we are weak people and they are the strong and the evolved new human specie and the degneration theory
is bullshit ? because lebron james has wide jaw and testosterone levels of a neanderthal while being on SAD lol
Of course their digestive systems are not more flexible than ours, as a whole. As pointed out previously, many sportsmen end up with serious health-problems, partly as a result of their excessive training over-straining their bodies and partly as a result of their appallingly bad diets and drug-regimes. For some, these problems happen in the middle of their sports-career, forcing them to stop in their 20s/30s, others may be OK until their 40s, well after their career has ended, in which case their particular health-problems are not noticed by the media as they are out of the limelight. Indeed, for much of the population, slight  deterioration in health due to diet generally starts on a minimal level around 30(or well before in cases like asthma etc.), with  serious deterioration only starting around 40/50 onwards.
Title: Re: World class athlets
Post by: wodgina on January 12, 2011, 09:38:54 pm
Lebron has great genes.

Also having an exciting life can help. Being stuck in peak hour, doing long days at work seems to make me feel worse than when I used to surf all day then drink and have BBQ's every night.
Title: Re: World class athlets
Post by: TylerDurden on January 12, 2011, 10:15:35 pm
Lebron has great genes.

Also having an exciting life can help. Being stuck in peak hour, doing long days at work seems to make me feel worse than when I used to surf all day then drink and have BBQ's every night.
That's true. I remember Anthony Robbins once referring to a famous pianist in his 90s who was more or less crippled, barely able to move his hands. The exception was when he was put in front of a piano, where he suddenly found himself able to move his hands around as nimbly as 50 years earlier.
Title: Re: World class athlets
Post by: achillezzz on January 12, 2011, 11:30:24 pm
Watch that Michael Jordan diet

Potatoes with steak is something that I can understand but Pancakes and cereal for breakfast WTFFFFFFFFF

Even at his age now he looks young and pretty fit.
+ I don't think his diet and overtraining made his kids degenerate or something they both(his 2 boys youtube it) can dunk like crazy and both muscularr like lions
Title: Re: World class athlets
Post by: achillezzz on January 12, 2011, 11:51:36 pm
He eats candy and ice cream because god blessed him it what he says .

Wait aint candy and sugar increase the metabolism?? is he stupid or something?

Wow thats fucked up some people can eat whatever they want and break world records.
god really blessed them?
Title: Re: World class athlets
Post by: achillezzz on January 12, 2011, 11:54:56 pm
Now lets assume they all start eating raw paleo high fat / protein .
What would happen to them?

Please notice all of them are afro americans (no racism).

Maybe all this diet gona show up in their next generation of kids? they all will get degenerated?  :D
Title: Re: World class athlets
Post by: KD on January 13, 2011, 12:21:41 am
god really blessed them?
yep, each and every one.
Title: Re: World class athlets
Post by: King Salmon on January 13, 2011, 02:01:08 am
George Forman eats (and has been for years) hamburgers & hot dogs.If I could be healthy on chocolate chip cookies,I would do it ;D

Yep,it's all about genes & karma.You gotta work with what you got.
Title: Re: World class athlets
Post by: TylerDurden on January 13, 2011, 02:22:45 am
This is all rather idiotic. Selecting one of the very few outliers in the population who look great(if only in terms of appearances, we don't know if the athletes mentioned have Crohn's etc. or whether their harsh dietary regimes are going to ruin their health in a decade or two etc.) is absurd. A more reasonable comparison would be between someone like KD or sabertooth who both have photos posted here, and SAD-eaters like the following 3 (I saw many, many people like that when I went on holiday to the western United States some time back!):-




Here are 2 photos of RPDers for contrast:-


Title: Re: World class athlets
Post by: turkish on January 13, 2011, 02:32:09 am
 you nailed it, a picture is worth a thousand words (at least).

My wife commented, (two nights back), ever since i started here - i started to look younger and got a spark in my eyes.

Title: Re: World class athlets
Post by: TylerDurden on January 13, 2011, 02:47:51 am
 you nailed it, a picture is worth a thousand words (at least).

My wife commented, (two nights back), ever since i started here - i started to look younger and got a spark in my eyes.

Yes. One of the most frequent things mentioned in RVAF diet circles is that people start looking younger than before the raw diet, with middle-aged and older people noticing even bigger differences in that respect. I think that has to do partly with the fact that heat-created toxins target a lot of things like collagen, so once one gets rid of the levels of such toxins to some extent, one gets firmer skin like in younger days, thus looking younger.
Title: Re: World class athlets
Post by: KD on January 13, 2011, 04:19:27 am
heh heh

I can say this for certain. I am not an athlete, never been an athlete, or trained from birth to be an athlete. Always picked close to last in pick-ups, failing the presidential fitness tests in P.E. etc..I've been disappointed myself in the past with testimonials of raw veg folks claiming to be 'athletes' when they can't even come in the first 1000 in a marathon or whatever. In that case one cannot claim fowl play and drugs as the only factor and be taken seriously. At the same time, there are obviously short term things that might have long term consequences, and harmful things as suggested will be a drop in the pan until they accumulate later. Just looking at bodybuilding. It is probably fairly true that if someone eats tons and tons of baked chicken breasts and supplements, they will look big, but most people know this isn't real vibrance or will even give lasting health or results. Actual sport is different in that it does require perhaps a bit more 'health' and other systems to be working well internally, but that doesn't mean there isn't some degree of 'nitro' going on that only lasts so long. To me this is no more shocking than average people eating what EVERYONE acknowledges as crap and still looking and feeling vibrant at young ages. Unfortunately this is clearly changing across the spectrum as things 'evolve', and more or less proves that these things can potentially become exacerbated even in the fairly young and well bred.

heres an article on an endurance runner who is mostly paleo/primal, and minimizes carbs. I don't have other articles on hand but I know he eats quite a bit of raw animal foods. Obviously he doesn't do what he does for kicks, but does seem to have a fairly relaxed approach which might work best for him, so maybe that is something to look into.
I doubt he would be impressed or shocked by Kobe's diet, just chooses what works and makes the most sense for health I think.

When it comes to comparisons, as I said earlier - largely you will only find inspiration in shifts between people themselves (with raw/restrictive stuff you def have to check for tissue growth as opposed to just weight loss of course). At the same time it doesn't hurt that it seems like on top of health concerns, gains and performance ARE available on this diet that might not otherwise be and particularly for people who find they can't just eat whatever or have struggled with 'pure' veganism and vegetarianism.

I'm beginning to feel confident saying also that people that I know who DO consider themselves to be athletes might not make the same progress as me even if they pay very close attention to their diet in their own way. If my goal was to be competitive in one thing or another, its perhaps not likely that I would all of a sudden take on the ability of a life-time trained athlete, but i'm satisfied with kicking some ass on an amateur level, considering athletics is like 15% of my life's interests. I guess we'll have to just see in the following years and with many of the other people here or other paleo/primal communities that I believe ARE actually involved in competitive sports.

Title: Re: World class athlets
Post by: King Salmon on January 13, 2011, 05:12:18 am
This is all rather idiotic. Selecting one of the very few outliers in the population who look great(if only in terms of appearances, we don't know if the athletes mentioned have Crohn's etc. or whether their harsh dietary regimes are going to ruin their health in a decade or two etc.) is absurd. A more reasonable comparison would be between someone like KD or sabertooth who both have photos posted here, and SAD-eaters like the following 3 (I saw many, many people like that when I went on holiday to the western United States some time back!):-




Here are 2 photos of RPDers for contrast:-



This is even more idiotic.Western U.S.? You obviously didn't go to Venice Beach l)

The point of this thread is/was to explore how world athletes eat SAD and remain healthy.Are you changing the subject because you're jealous? It's so easy to show anonymous unhealthy people and compare them to healthy RPDers.It would be just as easy(and pointless) to compare unhealthy people to healthy Vegans,Vegetarians...Whateveratarians.Now,do you have anything to say about world class athletes? ;)
Title: Re: World class athlets
Post by: wodgina on January 13, 2011, 05:52:49 am
Some of these world class athletes are paleo people. Look at some of the rugby players, rock solid, strong bones, facial structures just like we all would of looked 40000 years ago.
Title: Re: World class athlets
Post by: KD on January 13, 2011, 06:02:09 am

 It's so easy to show anonymous unhealthy people and compare them to healthy RPDers.It would be just as easy(and pointless) to compare unhealthy people to healthy Vegans,Vegetarians...Whateveratarians.

The second pic was when I was having some hormonal issues. the one below is paleodonk contemplating suet vs. donuts.
Title: Re: World class athlets
Post by: KD on January 13, 2011, 06:05:14 am
Some of these world class athletes are paleo people. Look at some of the rugby players, rock solid, strong bones, facial structures just like we all would of looked 40000 years ago.

theres a bunch of ex (or current) rugby guys at my cf gym. I don't know how long they have strictly adhered to paleo prior, but I know they are pretty big on it now and definitely have that kind of mold, seem very happy and healthy.
Title: Re: World class athlets
Post by: wodgina on January 13, 2011, 06:10:01 am
The second pic was when I was having some hormonal issues. the one below is paleodonk contemplating suet vs. donuts.

Title: Re: World class athlets
Post by: TylerDurden on January 13, 2011, 06:23:41 pm
This is even more idiotic.Western U.S.? You obviously didn't go to Venice Beach l)

The point of this thread is/was to explore how world athletes eat SAD and remain healthy.Are you changing the subject because you're jealous? It's so easy to show anonymous unhealthy people and compare them to healthy RPDers.It would be just as easy(and pointless) to compare unhealthy people to healthy Vegans,Vegetarians...Whateveratarians.Now,do you have anything to say about world class athletes? ;)
The other poster was suggesting by implication that the results of those athletes were due to their appalling diets and that they were somehow immune to negative effects of cooked foods. I was pointing out that this was a false assumption, that we have no real idea just how those athletes are affected by their diets.And those photos I gave were indeed representative of western US - well, of numerous small towns I visited in California and Oregon.
Title: Re: World class athlets
Post by: Stig of the Dump on January 13, 2011, 07:13:14 pm
The key to this whole debate is statistics.

One of the mainstays of Paleo diets is that we are not adapted to modern food.  Well adaption is a process that occurs over time.  In a few hundred million years, given enough competitive pressure ("death without progeny" for the "failures"), everyone would be very well adapted to pizza and coke.  Perhaps athletes are the first few people "breaking through" genetically - "mutants", as goodsamaritan suggested, for want of a better word.  (And ignore the negativity in that word - if it is a positive adaptation, it is a great place to be - we are all ultra-lucky "mutants".)

Perhaps some sort of futuristic superintelligence, that could trace and understand the relevance of every atomic movement in the body, could even see and comprehend the changes.  We can't, nor have we even looked.

Much more important is the pure statistical argument.  I'd guess at an outside there are a million paleo eaters in the world; maybe ten thousand raw paleo eaters; very few long term.  I'd guess nearly all of them were forced onto it through health problems of some kind.  (I used to joke that everyone in health shops looked unhealthy; same reason.)  The number of second generation raw paleo must be countable on one hand (and are likely the descendants of the same people with health problems).

Now what are the odds that that handful of people could compete with the cream ("cream" doesn't even cut it - you can see cream - try and see fifty thousand or so "elite" athletes in a milk bottle of 7 billion parts!) of a worldwide gene pool, when that cream are likely to have indeed made some of the early adaptations needed to deal with the worst of their environmental (dietary) change?  To all intents and purposes: Zero.

(Meanwhile, I'll make the best of myself.)
Title: Re: World class athlets
Post by: Brother on January 14, 2011, 01:18:07 am
Some of these world class athletes are paleo people. Look at some of the rugby players, rock solid, strong bones, facial structures just like we all would of looked 40000 years ago.

Crossfit is all the rage here atm. The default diet teached is paleo. On the youtube vids every single one of them, without using the word 'paleo' describes a diet that cannot be interpreted in any other way (edit: one guy did use the word 'paleo').  They look good! Notice the emphasis all of them has on fat and protein. All of these people look really good.

Title: Re: World class athlets
Post by: kurite on January 14, 2011, 05:33:35 am
Hey figured I would add my two cents worth. My tennis coach is very fit, he regularly exercise 3 hours on his own plus 7 to 9 hours of playing tennis with his students. Hes got a six pack and looks like hes in perfect health. He eats absolute crap but still sustains a very fit body, however on a regular basis he gets sick, in the last 4 months hes had to cancel 3 lessons because he came down with some illness.
Title: Re: World class athlets
Post by: raw-al on January 14, 2011, 11:40:53 pm
The thing about health is it is a long term thing. When you are 20 to 30 your immune system is very resilient and able to cast off crap. You have to look at where these athletes are when they go past 40 - 50 - 60 years.

In the case of contact sports they are usually a mess between the drugs and surgeries especially as they age and with non-contact sports they will tend to have other issues depending on the nature of the sport.

A friend who was in the Olympics spent quite a bit of time with structural pain. He is the only person I have ever seen do an iron cross from an arms up position. Awesome! Another friend used to call him "fat carrot" because he was built like one.