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Messages - yon yonson

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Health / Re: infected wound?
« on: January 19, 2010, 08:00:12 am »
That is what I don't understand. I would definitely tell them the truth and wouldn't care what they say.

yeah, i think i might tell that doctor in an email or something. i don't know how the health care is over in poland, but doctors here can get pretty aggressive if you don't follow the protocol. even when i told him that i wanted to 'wait' on getting the tetanus vaccine, he questioned me about it pretty persistently and i felt very uncomfortable. but i stuck with my gut instinct. so, i didn't want to go through the same thing with the antibiotics while im there. but now that i don't have to go back, i might let them know how i actually healed so they don't go on believing that their antibiotics are amazing. hope this all makes sense. but you're right, if i was a more confrontational person, i'd have told him anyways and maybe even given him a little lecture on why antibiotics are bad and why vaccines can be dangerous. im just not that kind of person... yet

my whole foods in austin, tx sells really good quality grass fed fatty brisket for 4.99 a pound and some other leaner cuts for 6.99 a pound. i get marrow bones for 2.99 a pound and i get suet and hide fat for free. this is very cheap in my opinion. however, in the whole foods i've been to outside of austin (where whole foods began) are more expensive. the ones in portland, oregon and san diego, california both had grass fed beef for 7.99 a pound minimum. and it wasn't as good quality. if i were you i'd check it out though. they might have cheap stuff.

note: i only buy meat there, everything else is way too expensive (ie. produce and seafood)

one of the butchers at whole foods asked me once if i have ever eaten the grass fed beef or lamb raw. i just smiled and said 'yes, i have'. haha, apparently he eats it raw pretty often too, but i haven't gotten around to telling him that's all i eat. i just prefer not to mess with a good situation. this whole foods provides the vast majority of my meat and gives me free fat. if one of his fellow butchers gets privy to my raw diet, it might get weird and uncomfortable. they already refer to me as their 'best grass fed customer'

Health / Re: infected wound?
« on: January 19, 2010, 03:35:03 am »
so i just got back from my check up. there was a different doctor this time and she said the infection looked great. she said it was healing nicely as evident from the reduced swelling and redness and the presence of puss. i told them i took the antibiotics and they seemed to be pretty satisfied. i didn't take the liberty to tell them what really happened... also, she didn't mention the tetanus vaccine so i just went with it. guess im not getting that either. i'll keep you guys updated as to how it's healing. so far, bentonite clay is amazing

Health / Re: infected wound?
« on: January 19, 2010, 12:07:28 am »
i don't want to speak too soon, but im pretty sure it's healing nicely. here's what i did. yesterday i applied raw honey for a couple hours. then, around 6pm i found a website that recommended bentonite clay. luckily i had some so i hydrated it and applied that. i took the clay off after about an hour. already, the swelling had gone down and the scab that was on the wound was gone and yellow pus was coming out! so, i applied the clay again for an hour and removed it. even better. apparently you're not supposed to let the clay dry completely. then, i applied more raw honey just before going to sleep and wrapped it up in cloth. i just woke up a little while ago and it looks pretty good (less swelling, MUCH less pain, and more range of motion). even typing was very painful yesterday, but im going strong now. i just applied some more clay. im going to the doctor's check up in an hour or so. i guess i'll just tell him i took the antibiotics and stuff at first. then, i might tell him the truth as im leaving. i think that'd be pretty funny - a kind of fuck you to the pill pushers. i also don't think im gonna get the tetanus shot. i mean i figure since the wound is healing there's probably no reason, right? i don't know, there's a possibility i'll get the version of the tetanus shot without diphtheria and pertussis  vaccines added...

any input appreciated

Health / Re: infected wound?
« on: January 18, 2010, 08:51:14 am »
thanks for the advice guys. im still skeptical about the vaccine and the anitbiotics though...

im thinking about applying some hydrated bentonite clay to the wound. i've read that it helps with infections

Health / Re: infected wound?
« on: January 18, 2010, 05:26:10 am »
thanks for the insight van. what kind of honey works? i have local unheated and unfiltered raw honey, will that work?

Health / infected wound?
« on: January 18, 2010, 03:01:11 am »
alright guys. here's the story. yesterday i was cutting a branch with a metal saw and accidentally hit my other hand's index finger with the blade. it made a very small  (1mm by 5mm) but deep (i could see the bone) cut. it bled a lot but didnt hurt that bad so i continued with what i was doing the rest of the day (the accident happend around 1 pm). when i got home at night i noticed my finger was getting swollen and stiff. i cleaned it a little with hydrogen peroxide and went to bed. when i woke up this morning, it was a little more swollen and very stiff. i though it might be broken because it felt like the bone hurt, not the cut. so i went to my school health clinic and they x-rayed it and found it wasn't broken. then they told me it was probably infected.

at that point, i kinda just wanted to leave because i figured i could deal with an infection. but then they suggested i get a tetanus shot and take antibiotics (cephalexin- apparently similar to penicillin). i faked a story about my parents not wanting me to get vaccines because i was very unsure about the need for one. i got my last tetanus shot in 2002, but the doctors still recommended it. i told them i'd wait until tomorrow to decide (they had already scheduled me for a check up tomorrow). i took the prescription for the antibiotics but i really don't plan on buying them or taking them.

anyways, i would really appreciate any insight. is the tetanus vaccine one of the legit ones? should i get it? any recommendations about the antibiotics? any home remedies i should try? i've already applied raw honey to it just recently as i've heard that helps a lot... also, are there any particular raw foods i should eat? honey, liver, eggs?

haha, they seemed pretty bewildered when i refused the vaccine

wow guitarman, that was a great post. thank you for that insight

General Discussion / Re: What are you eating right now?
« on: January 15, 2010, 09:58:05 am »
about to eat some wild hog shoulder, some beef marrow and suet, and a small sliver of goat testicle (can't handle too much).

General Discussion / Re: Pork
« on: January 14, 2010, 11:04:58 am »
i eat wild hog meat whenever i can get it. it's delicious! just got 4 pounds today actually. havent had any bad experiences with it...

Well, there was no Tyenol in the in 12,000 B.C.  There's no room for drugs in nature.  Diet is important with dealing with disease, diet is what allowed the diseases to happen in the first place.  You don't have the building blocks, you don't repair yourself.  You can't expect a bridge to hold up without somebody doing maintenance on it.  The same goes to our bodies.  It's just a matter of chemistry.  Your body needs to acquire certain things from the foods you eat.  How on earth are you going to get better without proper nutrition?  I worked in a hospital and I hated it.  Bad food and toxic meds on top of it.  The only "legal" way to treat cancer is radiation, chemo, or surgery?  I just don't understand the concept of destroying the body to heal it.  That's stupid!  Medicine has changed for the worse since Hippocrates.  It all boils down to the root of all evil: money. 

I hate to say it, people should be dying anyways.  What ecosystem allows a predator to outnumber the rest of the chain?  That's what happened to humans when agriculture came about.  Now we're six billion strong because of the green revolution.  Boy, people do not get it. Let's see what happens when all the petroleum is gone, and people don't eat it anymore.  Will our numbers dwindle once again? 

agree with first paragraph (with a caveat): i agree with paleophil, herbs were used in the past and are still used even by wild animals for both external and internal healing.

and then i just plain agree with the second paragraph

Hot Topics / Re: Coconut oil and antinutrients
« on: January 14, 2010, 07:24:06 am »
thanks for the response alphagruis

Well maybe I'm missing something too but I can't see any serious role of natural enzymes in a raw food during digestion of that same food. If anything helps in digestion of raw meat it has perhaps more to do with the effect of bacteria and fungi that predigest the food.   

i suspect this is the case too. the bacteria has to be doing something if the food's enzymes are not. i mean it's quite obvious that raw foods are easier to digest than cooked and there's gotta be some logical reasoning. perhaps the bacterial enzymes are the key, not the enzymes in meat. i dont know though, this is all just kind of a pointless conversation though. we already know raw is better, who cares how or why. i feel good eating raw so im gonna keep it up

Hot Topics / Re: Coconut oil and antinutrients
« on: January 14, 2010, 03:53:47 am »
Once more Tyler which enzymes are there is the raw meat and fat we are talking of and that would help digest them ?  Name them please.

Please do it :)

There are of course none. Absolutely none.  

Again if there were any, meat would actually just digest by itself when left on butcher's shelf or in fridge within a few hours :)


im definitely not an expert, but i did just take a biology class at university and i do know that all cells have enzymes. once the cell dies, the enzymes in the lysosomes start to 'digest' the cell so that the cell's molecules can be used by other cells (not necessarily from the same organism). so, just off the top of my head, there are many proteases and lipases that unravel proteins and fats. that's exactly why meat ages, just not within a 'few hours'. enzyme reactions occur on different time scales according to its environment (temp, acidity, etc) so the molecular break down that usually occurs rapidly inside a living body takes much longer when dead and cold. maybe im missing something...

Welcoming Committee / Re: Advice on how to heal the gut
« on: January 13, 2010, 08:43:16 am »
just wanted to add that i experimented with some raw dairy a few weeks ago. i got (all from grass fed cows) raw butter, raw cream, raw buttermilk, and raw colostrum. the cream and butter digested with no problem and i actually felt really good eating the butter with other foods. the buttermilk and colostrum both tasted great but gave me a little constipation and a pimple. other than that i felt pretty good. anyways, it seems that i do very well on butter and cream but will only be getting those again very rarely (due to price and availability). but, im unsure whether i would still feel good eating raw dairy for an extended period of time. for some reason i can't see that going very well, even if it was just butter. but who the hell knows...

General Discussion / Re: Raw Chicken
« on: January 13, 2010, 02:36:20 am »
no i get chicken from the farmer's market. it's pastured chicken not fed grain. they eat grass and bugs. really good stuff

General Discussion / Re: Any way of knowing if my high meats gone bad?
« on: January 10, 2010, 05:14:41 am »
so i just got back from vacation (san diego is beautiful!). i had high meat in the fridge while i was gone for 5 days so couldn't air it out until today. does anyone think there is a risk with consuming it now? it smells a little different but not necessarily bad... im mainly concerned about botulism. it's probably fine i guess. any input would be much appreciated.

also, has anyone tried to make high suet? i put some in a jar in the fridge while i was gone and it smells a little funky now. i might just try to 'age' it more

Display Your Culinary Creations / Re: Lex's Jerky Maker Specimans
« on: December 30, 2009, 11:42:10 pm »
amazing dehydrator yon

thanks! i just recently added another stick to the other pull chain. now i can make a fair amount of jerky at a time

I've also been investigating the idea of building my own futon platform, as I would also like a slightly elevated bed although nothing remotely as high as normal American beds.  I would also like a platform that was easy to disassemble and move with, as I'm still a renter.  Seeing this post has got me thinking about designs...

hey, just thought of an idea. you could just find some free shipping palates on craigslist (there are always some listed in the free section where i live). then arrange them so that they'll accommodate your yoga mat. makes sense in my head at least

Personals / Re: i'll be in san diego january 5-8th
« on: December 28, 2009, 07:01:11 am »
thanks for the tips guys. im assuming there's some kind of fish market too... im craving some seafood right now (and living in central texas - not exactly ocean front). if anyone else has been there and knows where to get good quality meats, let me know

Off Topic / Re: Just for kicks.
« on: December 28, 2009, 06:51:48 am »
hahaha! that's awesome. im gonna post that if i ever see a vegan flyer around town

Personals / i'll be in san diego january 5-8th
« on: December 27, 2009, 08:42:11 am »
anyone live near there? is it pretty easy to get good grass fed meats or wild seafood? suggestions would be appreciated. also, if anyone would want to meet up i might be able to arrange that.

General Discussion / Re: recommend products to me
« on: December 23, 2009, 06:34:46 am »
thanks for the reply. i definitely am skeptical of my professors opinion as he is in the field so he is a stakeholder. it's just he's an old hippy guy and i would totally expect him to be against adding stuff to drinking water. but, he's also a vegetarian so i guess i shouldn't respect his opinion too much, ha. so does your filter get rid of fluoride? or is there just no fluoride in your local tap water? i wonder if you can buy natural fluoride and add it to fluoride-free filtered water?

General Discussion / Re: recommend products to me
« on: December 23, 2009, 06:20:37 am »
cool, thanks for that kyle. i think i need to get myself a glass water bottle. the aquasana filter looks good, but my local health food store has these filters on sale for $89:

 pretty cheap in my opinion, and i have a friend who recommends them. anyone else have this filter? any suggestions? they also offer a similar shower filter.

ps: kyle, does the aquasana remove fluoride? im still a little confused about whether fluorine is good or bad. im studying environmental engineering at my university and my extremely well respected professor is an expert on drinking water treatment. he's probably the best professor i've ever had and i have a good deal of trust in him. i asked and he told me that fluoride is natural in most waters and that if they didnt add it in treated drinking water we would lose tooth enamel. i generally believe this, but im not so sure about the quality of the sources of fluoride added. i've heard some municipalities add the fluoride left over in manufacturing processes...

General Discussion / Re: recommend products to me
« on: December 23, 2009, 05:57:19 am »
kyle did you ever decide on a particular water filter? im now looking for one too and am curious as to what you found. anyone else feel free to comment as well.

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