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Re: Ron Paul for President of the USA
« Reply #200 on: December 02, 2011, 02:41:22 pm »
Ron Paul will not win even if all the American Jews vote for him.  Whoever gets the most fundraising money from bankers, lawyers, farma, oil and unions has the best chance of winning regardless of the agenda.  Ron Paul does not have the backing of any of those groups.  He relies on individual contributions which would not be enough to win even the Senate or Governor's seat.  Unfortunately in this country money make all the weather.  Ron Paul isolated himself from big money and for that he will get his 5%.

Love this hard truth from YS.

But people are free to dream.  Maybe the internet will allow Ron Paul a vehicle to challenge the dominance of the MSM.
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Re: Ron Paul for President of the USA
« Reply #201 on: December 02, 2011, 08:18:15 pm »
Gooood. Use your aggressive feelings. Let the hate flow through you.
It's so sad that you have to resort to George Lucas's notoriously dismal attempts at dialogue in the movies, when you have nothing useful or valid to add to any discussion.

"“George, you can type this shit, but you sure as hell can't say it". Harrison Ford commenting on George Lucas' appalling dialogue in Star Wars.

Incidentally, you tried, falsely, to imply that I was attacking "all jews". Not in the slightest true - after all, I'm a big fan of Bruno Kreisky who was heavily anti-Israel, plus a fan of Noam Chomsky, among others.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2011, 09:29:58 pm by TylerDurden »
"During the last campaign I knew what was happening. You know, they mocked me for my foreign policy and they laughed at my monetary policy. No more. No more.
" Ron Paul.

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Re: Ron Paul for President of the USA
« Reply #202 on: December 02, 2011, 08:31:16 pm »
For that matter, everyone of European descent is Jewish, if by "Jewish", you mean "descended from a Jew". Your point is ridiculous.  As far as the strict definition of Jewish, only a few million people on the planet are born to a Jewish mother, which is the strict definition.

I just don't get all the anti-Semitism. Rise above hate.
First of all, there was no anti-semitism whatsoever in simply pointing out that data  re population figures was flawed. Secondly, most people nowadays, jews included, do not take religion too seriously. In the case of Israel, for example, they are even now  willing to invite people with just Jewish fathers into their country. I suppose a more valid population census would include all those with jewish surnames, but that would not include those who changed their names to more anglo-saxon ones.

The absurdity in suggesting that all Europeans are descended from Jews is surprising and shows a lack of knowledge of history. In case, you weren't aware, Jews lived in closed-off ghettoes in most European cities for centuries upon centuries. Hardly an opportunity to intermingle much.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2011, 08:48:26 pm by TylerDurden »
"During the last campaign I knew what was happening. You know, they mocked me for my foreign policy and they laughed at my monetary policy. No more. No more.
" Ron Paul.

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Re: Ron Paul for President of the USA
« Reply #203 on: December 02, 2011, 09:25:01 pm »
Absolutely correct.  They were used to counteract USSR invasion of Afghanistan in case you forgot.  Same thing with Saddam until his ego took the best of him and got himself lots of enemies.
  The point raw-al was making was that these "allies" of the US were tyrants who made their own peoples' lives hell, thus showing that the US was pure evil in trying to recruit them at all. What the fate of US allies, such as Mubarak and Gaddhafi, shows us, too, is that the US can never be trusted and will always stab its allies in the back whenever the opportunity arises(not only the US:- another example being Pinochet being betrayed by the UK etc. etc.)

And in case you don't know arabs who stayed and are now Israeli citizens have more rights and freedom than citizens of Syria, Egypt, Jordan, and the rest of the arab world.  How do you explain that arabs in Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan treat their Palestinian refugee brothers like dirt?  When muslims expelled jews from Morocco, Lybia, Iraq, Iran, Syria, and others Israel took them all and gave them citizenship right away.  And Lebanese, Syrians, and Jordanians treat arab refugees like dirt.  Do you know why?  Because arabs in those countries do not have national identity, they live by medieval tribal rules and given chance would love to cut throats of competing tribes.  Not just arabs, but pretty much throughout muslim world with few exceptions.  Do you see where the problem is?
Iran did not expel the Jews, they simply emigrated to Israel, given Israel's generous bonuses to Jewish immigrants. In fact, the Iranians go to great lengths to give rights to Jews, and even give them one parliamentary seat, despite the very low Jewish population in Iran. The main rights they are not allowed are service in the military or government.  As for Israel's appalling treatment of its Arab citizens, one only has to look at the Koenig Memorandum:-
Oh yes, US is greatly despised, but somehow most of them want to come to the US.  Care to explain that?
  People only want to emigrate to the US because they get a skewed, highly unrealistic view  of the US from watching Hollywood films and imported US TV shows, nothing more. If other countries had any sense, they would forbid all US film and TV imports and produce their own media rather than depending on low-grade trash/propaganda from the US about the american nightmare(sorry, .."dream"   l)  ).

I repeat, aircraft carriers do nothing for the defense.  Those things are ridiculously expensive and costly to maintain.  Only superpowers who have invasions in mind build them.
  Not true. An aircraft carrier is a symbol of power and versatility and so creates a deterrent to enemies planning an invasion.
You really have no clue who is in power in Iran.  Iran's president publicly calls for Israel's destruction.  No sane president would ever say that.  Unless of course you greatly don't like Israel then you would want Iran to have nuclear bomb.
Utter rubbish. The Iranian president was deliberately misquoted. Here are the actual facts:-

It is interesting to note that Iran hasn't attacked another country aggressively for over a century. By comparison, the US and Israel have done so repeatedly within the last 50 years.
On a similar topic can you explain why US keeps paying Pakistan even though both pretty much hate each other?
Hmm, without regular warfare, the US couldn't justify keeping such  vast armed forces, so it's in their interests to bribe foreign governments/politicians in order to carry on with their wars.
"During the last campaign I knew what was happening. You know, they mocked me for my foreign policy and they laughed at my monetary policy. No more. No more.
" Ron Paul.

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Re: Ron Paul for President of the USA
« Reply #204 on: December 02, 2011, 09:31:21 pm »
Out of curiosity, does Ron Paul support Nasa, or at least private sector space industry?
"During the last campaign I knew what was happening. You know, they mocked me for my foreign policy and they laughed at my monetary policy. No more. No more.
" Ron Paul.

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Re: Ron Paul for President of the USA
« Reply #205 on: December 02, 2011, 09:59:45 pm »
I am not an anti-semite, I just blame the jews for screwing up humanity with their invention of the mono God and cursing the world with such a nonexistent entity. Then there is the idea I can't stand, that the Israelites are the chosen people and that Jerusalem is the Holy land.

 Too much ignorance to even begin to break down.

The pharisees and their attempts to create Zion and control the earthly realm have failed miserably. Lucky for this day and age it seems that the dogmatism has faded out and many contemporary Jewish believers are just as watered down as the modern Christians.

There still seems to be a covetousness among the elders of zion and a religious drive to control the money,  to worship Mammon in secret.

To digress, and not single out one group unfairly I have to admit this same demon of falsely professed faith and secret worship of mammon possesses the power elite of other faiths as well. Skull in bones, being the christian equivalent of the Elders of zion.

 Many anti-semitics like Hitler were insane with hate at the realization that Jews orchestrated the financial collapses that left Germany in abject poverty. He just didn't realize that it was the Jews in roles of power and high finance that were responsible, not the entire Jewish race. A christian group with the same power and wealth would probably be much more ruthless world controllers than the Rothschilds.

Considering Hitler's insanity I am far more content to live under the governance of the Zionist in the Obama administration. Although I am a radical who still believes that a Ron Paul  could do a lot better job of president without  the help of a cabinetry of Jewish Mafia types like Rahm Israel Emanuel. Our White house chief of staff was an Israel agent. Now he is the mayor of Chicago, the mafia capital of the world.

« Last Edit: December 03, 2011, 01:33:39 am by TylerDurden »
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Re: Ron Paul for President of the USA
« Reply #206 on: December 02, 2011, 11:49:11 pm »
Hmm, Ron Paul does seem to be against NASA but he appears to have solid reasons for his stance:-

 I have often wondered why, though, countries didn't simply pool together their resources for specific manned missions and just each contribute 0.5 percent of their national budgets to space. That way, we would by now have reached Mars.
"During the last campaign I knew what was happening. You know, they mocked me for my foreign policy and they laughed at my monetary policy. No more. No more.
" Ron Paul.

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Re: Ron Paul for President of the USA
« Reply #207 on: December 03, 2011, 03:22:39 am »
  I must admit, your above drivel is shown as being particularly stupid right now. I mean, if the above were true, there's no way that affirmative action would exist right now, let alone the rabid support for Israel by the US. Quite aside, from the Israeli lobby's current dominance of Hollywood and the White House/Congress.

I don't personally approve of the extremist Islamic viewpoint, as of this time, but , compared to the Israeli/Zionist viewpoint, they seem like tame doves by comparison. I do often wonder  if the world's current problems could all just be resolved just by a few tactical nuclear strikes in the major Israeli cities...

I agree.

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Re: Ron Paul for President of the USA
« Reply #208 on: December 03, 2011, 03:39:03 am »
Lots info good info gents. Nothing like a good raucous discourse to spread info and misinfo.

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Re: Ron Paul for President of the USA
« Reply #209 on: December 03, 2011, 03:47:41 am »
Love this hard truth from YS.

But people are free to dream.  Maybe the internet will allow Ron Paul a vehicle to challenge the dominance of the MSM.

Sadly you both are right IMHO. Ron said in his books and his speeches that when big money walked in his doors he said FO.

Sadly, big money, or whoever has it in hand, is the bestower of power. This is true everywhere from the powerful Indian (aboriginals) chiefs and further back to when we were swinging from tree to tree.

He with the largest phallus rules the roost.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2011, 04:08:10 am by TylerDurden »

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Re: Ron Paul for President of the USA
« Reply #210 on: December 03, 2011, 06:08:33 am »
Hmm, Ron Paul does seem to be against NASA but he appears to have solid reasons for his stance:-

 I have often wondered why, though, countries didn't simply pool together their resources for specific manned missions and just each contribute 0.5 percent of their national budgets to space. That way, we would by now have reached Mars.

I grew up watching Space 1999, a TV show, and while the Apollo missions were still running.   I had dreams of being an astronaut.  (I was named after Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin) But then the manned missions after Apollo stopped. 

I thought by 2020 we'd have space colonies in the solar system... or at least have a working populated moon colony.  Probably why programmed as I'm pro-life, pro-polygamy, pro-natal.

Instead the powers that be are brainwashing everyone we are stuck in island earth so they tell you to stop making babies and drown yourselves in contraception.

We are like that stupid Chinese emperor who stopped all the shipping explorations. 

This is also why some people think the Apollo moon landings were hoaxes.
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Re: Ron Paul for President of the USA
« Reply #211 on: December 03, 2011, 11:21:03 am »
What the fate of US allies, such as Mubarak and Gaddhafi, shows us, too, is that the US can never be trusted and will always stab its allies in the back whenever the opportunity arises

Correction - Gaddafi was never ever an ally of the US.  He was the enemy since the day one after the coup in 1969.
You finally starting to understand how the world works.  Congrats.

To everyone else here is a simplified analogy.  Countries are like flowers in the field.  For a country to prosper it has to spread its leaves over its neighbors.    Add to it the fact that there are thousands of languages and only about 200 countries.  There is not enough space for everyone.   Conflicts are inevitable.  It make take another 1000 years to consolidate languages and nationalities.  Look how long it took for Europe to shape itself -  few thousand years.

And Ron Paul does not understand any of it!

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Re: Ron Paul for President of the USA
« Reply #212 on: December 03, 2011, 11:26:38 am »
I have often wondered why, though, countries didn't simply pool together their resources for specific manned missions and just each contribute 0.5 percent of their national budgets to space. That way, we would by now have reached Mars.

The answer is simple.  That's 0.5 percent less for ruling elite pockets esp in the 3rd world and they are not willing to share.  That's why only the richest countries can afford to do space exploration and only those programs that promise the best ROI. 

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Re: Ron Paul for President of the USA
« Reply #213 on: December 03, 2011, 12:23:41 pm »

    On a similar topic can you explain why US keeps paying Pakistan even though both pretty much hate each other?

Hmm, without regular warfare, the US couldn't justify keeping such  vast armed forces, so it's in their interests to bribe foreign governments/politicians in order to carry on with their wars.

Nope, they don't even cooperate anymore, not military nor intelligence.  Today's cooperation is a mere shell of what it used to be only 5 years ago.  US and Pakistan hate each other guts.   US keeps paying Pakistani military only to keep nuclear bombs out of hands of radical islamists.

Not true. An aircraft carrier is a symbol of power and versatility and so creates a deterrent to enemies planning an invasion.

It is not a symbol of anything.  They don't make symbols that take 15 years to build the first unit, cost $10 billions, and billions more to operate.
It is not a deterrent of the invasion.   During the invasions carriers are sitting ducks and would be the first to get destroyed.  No one can invade China, not even US, EU, and Russia combined.  And Chinese know that.  China needs carriers to start doing what US is doing - bullying smaller countries with natural resources.

Utter rubbish. The Iranian president was deliberately misquoted. Here are the actual facts:-

It is interesting to note that Iran hasn't attacked another country aggressively for over a century. By comparison, the US and Israel have done so repeatedly within the last 50 years.

haha, of course from antiwar website, what else to expect.
Israel never attacked anyone first.  Arab states started the war.  Anything happened before 1948 you can blame UK for that.  They were responsible for the Mandate.  All the subsequent Israel attacks were because Israel was in state of WAR that it did not start.  In case you don't know it is still at WAR with Lebanon and Syria since 1948.

Iran did not expel the Jews, they simply emigrated to Israel
OK, I'll take Iran off the list.  But all the other mentioned countries did expel all the jews and took their land.  Not sure why no one raised the question of return of jewish refugees.

All this Israel thing is blown way out of the proportion.  Israel was defending itself and should have annexed the land just like Allies annexed 3 years earlier.
And another thing to think about.  In 1939 Soviet Union grabbed a chunk of Finland just because it could.  Surely Finland lost the war and land was grabbed.  League of Nations kicked Soviet Union out only to take them back into UN (with veto power!).  You don't hear Finns talk about land return and refugees return.  That's because Soviet Union was a superpower at the time and Israel is just a small tiny country that can be picked on.

Why no one is crying for poor Kurds which are being terrorized by Iran, Turkey, Syria, and Iraq?  The civilian death toll in that conflict is thousand times more than in Israeli-Palestinian.

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Re: Ron Paul for President of the USA
« Reply #214 on: December 03, 2011, 12:26:25 pm »

The absurdity in suggesting that all Europeans are descended from Jews is surprising and shows a lack of knowledge of history. In case, you weren't aware, Jews lived in closed-off ghettoes in most European cities for centuries upon centuries. Hardly an opportunity to intermingle much.

The Jews have existed for about 5000 years.  Any Jew alive 5000 years ago who has descendants today is an ancestor of ANYONE with European, MIddle Eastern, or European ancestry.  The Jews have been insular, but not insular enough to completely avoid sowing wild oats, or to prevent people from leaving the faith and intermarrying with outsiders.

I don't think you understand heredity.  Not that it matters, it's barely germane to the discussion, let alone to the main purpose of the board, but...we are pretty much all Jews here, except maybe Good Samaritan.  The PERCENTAGE of Jewish blood is a separate issue.

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Re: Ron Paul for President of the USA
« Reply #215 on: December 03, 2011, 12:46:14 pm »
but...we are pretty much all Jews here, except maybe Good Samaritan.  The PERCENTAGE of Jewish blood is a separate issue.

In Spain maybe.  They had large number of Jews converted to Christianity and assimilate with locals.  Not too sure about France but the rest of European Jews were very segregated in ghetto-like compounds esp in the Eastern Europe.  Jews in Western Europe and UK especially had more rights but marriages to non-Jews were very very rare and only possible  when converting to Christianity.  Only later in the beginning of 1900s there were more mixed marriages.

Segregation is one of the reasons why jews remained a distinct nationality as oppose to Ancient Egyptians which got completely assimilated with invading Arabs.  Same thing with Gypsies, they don't intermingle much with locals and still have their national distinction.

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Re: Ron Paul for President of the USA
« Reply #216 on: December 03, 2011, 01:46:24 pm »
People only want to emigrate to the US because they get a skewed, highly unrealistic view  of the US from watching Hollywood films and imported US TV shows, nothing more. If other countries had any sense, they would forbid all US film and TV imports and produce their own media rather than depending on low-grade trash/propaganda from the US about the american nightmare(sorry, .."dream"   l)  ).

Not at all ( or should I say "rubbish"  >D).  Everyone I know who landed in the US recently (few hundred people) don't want to go back to their home country.  Some succeeded to such point they never dream about.  Most are much better off than before.  Even some who appear to had easier life back home for some reason do not want to go back.  So it is not propaganda.  Clearly US offers something that other country  do not have.  Even Canadians don't mind relocating to the US given the chance.

And you said it yourself.  UK sucks when it comes to obtaining quality wild food.  US has it all.  US offers the OPPORTUNITY to succeed, buy land, and hunt as much as you want, or do any other thing one is interested in.  I say those who despise US are really envious.

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Re: Ron Paul for President of the USA
« Reply #217 on: December 03, 2011, 06:20:43 pm »
The Jews have existed for about 5000 years.  Any Jew alive 5000 years ago who has descendants today is an ancestor of ANYONE with European, MIddle Eastern, or European ancestry.  The Jews have been insular, but not insular enough to completely avoid sowing wild oats, or to prevent people from leaving the faith and intermarrying with outsiders.

I don't think you understand heredity.  Not that it matters, it's barely germane to the discussion, let alone to the main purpose of the board, but...we are pretty much all Jews here, except maybe Good Samaritan.  The PERCENTAGE of Jewish blood is a separate issue.
Would you believe 3000 years.......

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Re: Ron Paul for President of the USA
« Reply #218 on: December 03, 2011, 06:59:50 pm »
Not at all ( or should I say "rubbish"  >D).  Everyone I know who landed in the US recently (few hundred people) don't want to go back to their home country.  Some succeeded to such point they never dream about.  Most are much better off than before.  Even some who appear to had easier life back home for some reason do not want to go back.  So it is not propaganda.  Clearly US offers something that other country  do not have.  Even Canadians don't mind relocating to the US given the chance.

And you said it yourself.  UK sucks when it comes to obtaining quality wild food.  US has it all.  US offers the OPPORTUNITY to succeed, buy land, and hunt as much as you want, or do any other thing one is interested in.  I say those who despise US are really envious.
When people emigrate to the US it is because they hear about the land of promise as Tyler said. It's the old "other man's grass is always greener stuff. They hated some or other thing in the old country up to and including their parents. Typically only educated people are "allowed" in so that skews any results. People are motivated to move and for a wide variety of reasons.

This also happens in the other direction where people leave the US for other destinations. They go to third world countries and live under sub-optimal conditions for various reasons.

Canadians move south and Americans move north for a variety of reasons. I used to live in a house that was full of US war resisters, during the Vietnam fiasco. A lot of Canadians were loyalists who did not want to have anything to do with the American Revolution. They left in droves. I buy my raw honey from a guy who used to be a Yank. He was not a war resister. American troops passing through Newfoundland married a high proportion of the local girls in the various military bases.

I personally have a lot of US friends for a variety of reasons. I used to hang glide and paraglide in a bunch of different locations there. I used to go for training annually in various locations, Wichita, Atlanta, Orlando, Toledo and I have visited a # of places on business.

Other than your crazy gun laws, completely ununderstandable political system and propensity for hanging flags outside your homes.... Americans are essentially the same as Canucks. There is just 10 times as many people on a lot less land. I am not sure I could handle moving there though. Politics.

It is amazing though to travel to the US. When you drive a mile over the border it's like another universe. Different accents, expressions, points of view. I remember once I was flying into a small to town in Maine and I visited the weather office. It was late at night and so I had a chat with the weather guy. As I was leaving I remember he said something about how he loved briefing Canadians because they were so "nice". I sincerely replied that that my experience was the same.

It's too bad that Americans all get tarred with the same brush due to their military presence in the world.

Another time I was in a  hangar getting ready to go to a hotel and a young pilot from Israel was buttoning up his aircraft also. It was a military version of what I was flying and it had a variety of military antennae hanging out and was painted military grey. I chatted with him a bit. They had just picked it up and they were taking it home. I felt badly that he was essentially cannon fodder but that was his choice.

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Re: Ron Paul for President of the USA
« Reply #219 on: December 03, 2011, 07:11:48 pm »
It is not a symbol of anything.  They don't make symbols that take 15 years to build the first unit, cost $10 billions, and billions more to operate.
It is not a deterrent of the invasion.   During the invasions carriers are sitting ducks and would be the first to get destroyed.  No one can invade China, not even US, EU, and Russia combined.  And Chinese know that.  China needs carriers to start doing what US is doing - bullying smaller countries with natural resources.
  Rubbish. For example, nuclear weapons are far more expensive, even, than aircraft carriers and have been routinely used as a deterrent against invasion. In fact, the only time nuclear weapons were used aggressively was in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 66 years ago or so.
haha, of course from antiwar website, what else to expect.
That's stupid, the antiwar website merely took the explanation from elsewhere, it wasn't thought up by the antiwar website itself.There are many other sites pointing out the sheer idiocy in believing that Ahmadinejad's statement was all about destroying Israel:-

A jewish site even grudgingly admits that the remark was falsely translated:-

What is even more imbecilic is that Aahmadinejad not only was merely stating that he hoped the Israeli regime would collapse at some time in the future (not remotely the same thing he was accused of) but he was merely quoting the Ayatollah.

Israel never attacked anyone first.  Arab states started the war.  Anything happened before 1948 you can blame UK for that.  They were responsible for the Mandate.  All the subsequent Israel attacks were because Israel was in state of WAR that it did not start.  In case you don't know it is still at WAR with Lebanon and Syria since 1948.
  All lies. I already previously showed you an article in which Begin, the former Israeli leader and former terrorist, openly admitted to Israel having started at least 3 wars:-

Now, this admission occurred in 1982, and Israel has started other wars since that time, such as the recent Lebanon war. Now, if a former Israeli leader is willing to admit to 3 wars started up to 1982, one can be sure that the actual number of wars started by Israel is higher than that number, given Begin's obvious bias, being an Israeli commander.

Plus, the British only introduced the Mandate because of political pressure from Zionists and eventually gave up Palestine because of all the bombings by the Stern gang and other Israeli terrorist organisations. They can be blamed for being weak and giving in to pressure, but, ultimately, they were not responsible, overall.
As for Syria and Lebanon, the reason for the continuing state of war is because Israel stole land from both of those countries, such as the Gholan Heights etc. Naturally, neither of those 2 countries wishes to recognise the state of Israel in any way  until the latter country has the decency to return those stolen territories.
OK, I'll take Iran off the list.  But all the other mentioned countries did expel all the jews and took their land.  Not sure why no one raised the question of return of jewish refugees.
They expelled them because of the appalling behaviour of Israel at the time. I've sometimes wondered if Israel deliberately acted outrageously re its invasions so as to encourage emigration of Jews from surrounding countries to Israel.
All this Israel thing is blown way out of the proportion.  Israel was defending itself and should have annexed the land just like Allies annexed 3 years earlier.
And another thing to think about.  In 1939 Soviet Union grabbed a chunk of Finland just because it could.  Surely Finland lost the war and land was grabbed.  League of Nations kicked Soviet Union out only to take them back into UN (with veto power!).  You don't hear Finns talk about land return and refugees return.  That's because Soviet Union was a superpower at the time and Israel is just a small tiny country that can be picked on.
Israel cannot be compared to Finland. Finland was deserted by the Western Allied Powers, betrayed by the Nazis to the Soviets(one reason why they never fully allied with them after Barbarossa), whereas Israel has been fully supported, first  by Britain and France and then the US.
Why no one is crying for poor Kurds which are being terrorized by Iran, Turkey, Syria, and Iraq?  The civilian death toll in that conflict is thousand times more than in Israeli-Palestinian.
Very simple. Turkey is a NATO ally so the US is hardly going to condemn ill treatment of the Kurds. Actually, Iraq has its own Kurdish province in the North, and they're doing quite well there - so much so, that Turkey constantly threatens to invade Northern Iraq.
"During the last campaign I knew what was happening. You know, they mocked me for my foreign policy and they laughed at my monetary policy. No more. No more.
" Ron Paul.

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Re: Ron Paul for President of the USA
« Reply #220 on: December 03, 2011, 07:19:27 pm »
Correction - Gaddafi was never ever an ally of the US.  He was the enemy since the day one after the coup in 1969.
  Wrong again. Or "nearly right" as some  US teachers like to say, instead. Gaddhafi was made into an ally after he promised to remove any nuclear facilities and made other numerous concessions:-
"During the last campaign I knew what was happening. You know, they mocked me for my foreign policy and they laughed at my monetary policy. No more. No more.
" Ron Paul.

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Re: Ron Paul for President of the USA
« Reply #221 on: December 03, 2011, 07:21:31 pm »
haha, of course from antiwar website, what else to expect.
Israel never attacked anyone first.  Arab states started the war.  Anything happened before 1948 you can blame UK for that.  They were responsible for the Mandate.  All the subsequent Israel attacks were because Israel was in state of WAR that it did not start.  In case you don't know it is still at WAR with Lebanon and Syria since 1948.
OK, I'll take Iran off the list.  But all the other mentioned countries did expel all the jews and took their land.  Not sure why no one raised the question of return of jewish refugees.

All this Israel thing is blown way out of the proportion.  Israel was defending itself and should have annexed the land just like Allies annexed 3 years earlier.
Israel never attacked anybody.... poor little Israel... you must be an Israeli working for the department of public relations.

Poor little Israel is alarmed that some other country wants to be nuclearatized like them.

The whole sorry mess over there can be laid on the doorstep of many nations, not just the UK. That group includes the US as it was the US and Canada who refused the ship of immigrants from war torn Europe so many years ago.

Alas but history is not a simple subject.

However that does not take away anything from the fact that Ron Paul is saying that the US should haul it's overgrown proboscus out of the business of the rest of the world and mind it's own freakin business, look after it's own interests, in it's own country.

He is dead on the money with his discussion on the Federal Reserve. I do not agree with absolutely everything he says but the vast majority and he is the only one who is saying it. The only honest upright politician who actually worked for a living prior to getting into politics and he came from a family who actually worked for an honest living. He left his prior work out of choice not like a lot of politicians.

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Re: Ron Paul for President of the USA
« Reply #222 on: December 03, 2011, 07:26:24 pm »
And you said it yourself.  UK sucks when it comes to obtaining quality wild food.  US has it all.  US offers the OPPORTUNITY to succeed, buy land, and hunt as much as you want, or do any other thing one is interested in.  I say those who despise US are really envious.
Ironically, that's actually not true. I am easily able to obtain raw wild game from local farmers' markets in the UK, and at dirt-cheap prices, too. By contrast, many americans have complained about how laws in most States forbid  the sale of wild game so that their only hope is to find a hunter-friend who is willing to give them a carcass for free, an unlikely prospect.

I once came across a quotation that stated that "all that is the best and the worst in the world can all be found in the US", or something like that. The implication being that there was no middle-ground, only extremes, some wonderful, some truly revolting. That more or less sums up my own view.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2011, 09:29:14 pm by TylerDurden »
"During the last campaign I knew what was happening. You know, they mocked me for my foreign policy and they laughed at my monetary policy. No more. No more.
" Ron Paul.

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Re: Ron Paul for President of the USA
« Reply #223 on: December 03, 2011, 07:30:29 pm »
The only thing I disagree with Ron Paul on is his discussion on gun laws. He makes a totally ridiculous statement.

He says that guns make people polite. That is so laughable. He is essentially saying that a gun-toting American is more polite than a Canadian/Brit/Japanese...... Hmmmm try again Ronny....

However having said that, he is the only politician that I am aware of that actually states his positions clearly and concisely, giving the reasoning which led up to it.

He even defends the right to have raw milk. His father owned a dairy.

He is truly a jewel, an honest man.

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Re: Ron Paul for President of the USA
« Reply #224 on: December 03, 2011, 07:37:37 pm »
The Jews have existed for about 5000 years.  Any Jew alive 5000 years ago who has descendants today is an ancestor of ANYONE with European, MIddle Eastern, or European ancestry.  The Jews have been insular, but not insular enough to completely avoid sowing wild oats, or to prevent people from leaving the faith and intermarrying with outsiders.

I don't think you understand heredity.  Not that it matters, it's barely germane to the discussion, let alone to the main purpose of the board, but...we are pretty much all Jews here, except maybe Good Samaritan.  The PERCENTAGE of Jewish blood is a separate issue.
Like I said, you are not familiar with European history. For example, not only were Jews routinely settled in closed-off ghettoes, but they were also subject to regular pogroms against Jewish communities over millenia. Plus, countries regularly expelled their Jewish populations. Therefore there was very little scope for intermarriage, with both sides frowning on such a practice. As for ancestry, what relevance is that? 

You do have this ridiculous "one-drop-rule" in the USA, which, I suppose, is why  you go on about this irrelevant issue of Jewish ancestry, which has nothing to do with the point I made earlier that statistics don't usually take into account those Jews who are not religiously affiliated, only ethnically.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2011, 08:09:32 pm by TylerDurden »
"During the last campaign I knew what was happening. You know, they mocked me for my foreign policy and they laughed at my monetary policy. No more. No more.
" Ron Paul.


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