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Messages - djr_81

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Journals / Re: The Wodg Journal
« on: March 08, 2011, 04:08:01 am »
My thoughts at the moment I'm convinced more and more daily that most health problems/food intolerances are emotionally based. Everyone on here seems to have the same kind of personality.
There could definitely be something emotion based to it. Interestingly raw animal fat seems to emotionally calm most of us down which could be helping the healing. :)

Journals / Re: My experiences so far
« on: March 08, 2011, 04:06:09 am »
NY winter is one of the worst provokers of symptoms. The cold weather it brings aggravates symptoms including fatigue, poor digestion, pain, brain fog, blood flow, weakness, and weight loss. Even with a carefully constructed diet, the harsh climate + school will interrupt recovery. The contrast between summer and now is huge, as I was able to perform a wider variety of actions (physical, mental, etc) than now. School is a big problem - stressful, uncomfortable, and unhealthy environments worsen illness and pain. Going to have to switch to homeschooling as soon as possible. It's hard attending school when getting out of bed is such a big mission.

It gets better in time. This is my second New York winter eating RPD and even though it was a brutal winter weather-wise compared to last year I feel it wasn't as tough on me as last winter. Give it some time and it'll be easier. :)
Not sure if you exercise much but regular exercise keeps the cold much more manageable. ;)

Health / Re: Got balls?
« on: March 03, 2011, 01:17:23 am »
Did you guys just go and measure your balls? 
I shotgunned it.You spend enough time with your body you roughly know the size of everything, genitalia or otherwise. :P

Health / Re: Got balls?
« on: March 02, 2011, 05:00:05 am »
I've got smallish testicles. I'd say maybe 1" by 1 1/2"; not much bigger than a grape. Maybe I have lower testosterone, maybe not. I have no problems getting aroused or performing. I do have diminished performance after the first ejaculation though and only rarely ejaculate a second time but I'm OK with it. ;)

Journals / Re: Ramblings of a madman...
« on: March 02, 2011, 04:35:12 am »
so then which fruit(s) work best for you?  and how low are you carbs?.. like one piece fruit or honey with meat meal?
To be honest, in hindsight, no fruit really works well with me. Each time I'd eat a type by itself it went right through me. Only when combining types did I seem to tolerate them better and this appears to be because they would bind me up as opposed to getting quick diarrhea. I haven't tried fruit again in a couple weeks and I feel better.
I also apparently understated my honey consumption. It's actually a half tablespoon of comb. Still not a lot but significantly more than the 1/2 teaspoon I mentioned earlier. I have this with my dinner meal and it seems to do me good.

I have noticed that the Tinea on my skin is flared and is itchy. I'm contemplating whether starving whatever yeast/fungus is inside of me is any better of a choice than trying to find a way to coexist. For now I'm doing well with a bit of honey but we'll see how I do over the long haul. I'll change it up again if I have problems. :)

Journals / Re: Ramblings of a madman...
« on: March 01, 2011, 02:37:47 am »
I am feeling awesome lately. ;D

Started back up the push-up routine last week. Knocked out ~600 in 4 days but put it on hold Friday/Saturday/Sunday as I could feel I was pushing myself too hard after a couple months of less than optimal exercise. I was strangely feeling it most in my abs but also some in my shoulders. I'm going to do some bench presses and chin-ups this week (I'm think 3 sets of 5 on the bench presses Monday and Thursday) and get back to the push-ups next week. I'm also working on my abs some this week so they're up to the task.

It was nice out yesterday so I went for a walk. Went up a road up a mountainside down the street. ~2.5 miles at maybe a 45* incline. After I got back on flat ground I jogged a bit then broke into a full out run. I missed that exhilaration but I'm glad I get to start back up in earnest again soon. I've been reading "Born To Run" and it has me wanting to get back out there and enjoy every second of it. :D

Since last week my food intake has gone up tremendously. I went from a little over 1 pound of meat a day to 2-3 pounds a day. It's pretty much all getting used to. Saturday was 1 1/3 pounds of ground bull, 1/3 pound suet, a bit of honey, and another 1 1/2 pound beef tongue.

Hot Topics / Re: Bone Broth Recipe
« on: February 25, 2011, 02:18:29 am »
Why would you want to cook delicious bone marrow? :'( Makes me sad.
I eat the marrow and then give my wife the bones to make broth. I don't have much use for the bones after I've gotten my marrow out so if she can use them more power to her. :)

I'm from NJ. Where is this farm and what is it called?
They're probably 2 - 2 1/2 hours north of NYC. They're a little over an hour drive for me. :)

EDIT: They've got a stall in Union Square as well as attending markets in Brooklyn & South Salem. Definitely worth a drive out to one of the markets to give their meat a try. ;)

General Discussion / Re: How can I do with meat when travelling
« on: February 21, 2011, 07:51:07 pm »
For some bizarre reason, the link to that thread in my post above, actually points to a completely different thread. I can't make it go to the right one, it seems. I guess you will have to use google to find that particular thread.
I fixed it. :)

Journals / Re: PaleoPhil's Journal
« on: February 21, 2011, 07:39:19 pm »
djr, i find this interesting about your 1/2 tsp of honey.  it seems calorically and nutritionally negligible to me, but obviously it's not.  i don't get it.  does it have to be honey??   
I don't know yet. I'll try it with something else in the future and keep everyone posted in my journal. :)

Journals / Re: PaleoPhil's Journal
« on: February 21, 2011, 09:14:33 am »
I don't know much about the seasonality, perhaps someone else can fill me in on that.
Simply that flowers only bloom part of the year so pollen is collected and honey is made at those times only. I suppose you could find hives outside of this period though.

Phil; My apologies if you mentioned this earlier in the journal but roughly how much honey are you ingesting at once to test your blood sugar? Also, have you tried the honey in conjunction with a fat to see how it affects your blood sugar response?
I've personally had success with a very minimal amount of raw comb with a typical meal of suet & ground beef. Anything more than the scant 1/2 teaspoon with 1 pound ground and ~1/4 pound suet and I get soreness to my eyes. If I eat the right amount though I seem to have better energy the next day (I add the honey at my second, dinnertime, meal). :)

General Discussion / Re: organ mixes
« on: February 20, 2011, 06:32:07 am »
and i've read on here that tongue is really good for newbies, and tasty, but.. it looks... like a tongue!  :P
Feels like one too when you take it out of it's bag. I threw the first one out because I couldn't get past it.
Tongue is recommended because it's mild unlike many other organs. The mental image of eating a tongue is the hard part to get past.

Journals / Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« on: February 08, 2011, 07:55:00 am »
And Dan - if you want to make the drive to KD's, cool!
Yeah, I could come meet you guys or you guys could come visit up this way, either works for me. Let me know a date in advance and I'll take a day or two off from work.

General Discussion / Re: Honey Wars
« on: February 08, 2011, 07:42:08 am »
My favorite honey is an Israeli honey I buy at an ethnic store. It's a 6x6 piece of comb in a small plastic container. I couldn't tell you the name though as the package is practically devoid of English. It's slightly stronger in flavor than a Clover honey and makes me feel good in small doses (1 teaspoon max with a full meal of ~1/3 pound suet and 1 pound ground GF beef, a dash of sea salt with the meat & fat). If I eat more than that, or eat it by itself I get a bit of acid build-up and malaise. If I eat just the little bit with a full meal I seem to have more energy afterwards.
I still have concerns about how the honey does or does not feed Candida. I am on a sabbatical from it right now but will probably buy more in a couple weeks. :)
I was at a job site ~15 minutes from the store today so I made the drive to stock up on a couple things including the honey. It wasn't as enjoyable with this evening's meal as it had been last time so maybe I instinctively needed something in it. I'll probably leave it be for a while now.

FWIW the honeycomb is Turkish, not Israeli. It's a brand called Anadolu.

Hot Topics / Re: Sex drive on a raw diet?
« on: February 07, 2011, 04:32:32 am »
My sex drive actually reduced a bit when I switched to RPD. I'm more in control of myself now as opposed to previously when I was a mass of hormones.

I still annoy my wife with a constant desire for sex though so I guess it didn't diminish much. :P

My recent experiments with high fruit intake did significantly reduce my drive. Extensive aerobic exercise also reduces my drive.

General Discussion / Re: Honey Wars
« on: February 07, 2011, 03:53:06 am »
My favorite honey is an Israeli honey I buy at an ethnic store. It's a 6x6 piece of comb in a small plastic container. I couldn't tell you the name though as the package is practically devoid of English. It's slightly stronger in flavor than a Clover honey and makes me feel good in small doses (1 teaspoon max with a full meal of ~1/3 pound suet and 1 pound ground GF beef, a dash of sea salt with the meat & fat). If I eat more than that, or eat it by itself I get a bit of acid build-up and malaise. If I eat just the little bit with a full meal I seem to have more energy afterwards.
I still have concerns about how the honey does or does not feed Candida. I am on a sabbatical from it right now but will probably buy more in a couple weeks. :)

Off Topic / Re: PUSH-UP CHALLENGE!!!
« on: February 03, 2011, 02:02:32 am »
When you say that you do 100 push-ups a day, do you mean all at once? Or spread out? If you're allowed to spread it out (33 in morning, 33 in afternoon, 33 in evening for example), then it's quite easy. But doing 100 in a row without pausing is not so easy...
I think that's up to the individual. If you're doing 100 at a clip though you're probably going to do a couple sets of those and hit a few hundred for the day.

I follow a modified version of this. I did it over a month and a half in the fall and had great results with it. I'm going to begin cycling one week on, following the second week routine, then one week off (I've been lax the past few months over the winter). Once I get into that cycle I think I'm going to add free weights & chin/pull-ups 2-3 days over the "off" week. Should be a good split between vascular growth and muscle growth.

General Discussion / Re: Limits on raw fat intake?
« on: February 03, 2011, 01:56:13 am »
For those who eat relatively low carb, what sort of values are you hitting for daily fat consumption (grams if possible)?
Do you just chew on fat until your desire to eat any more diminishes?
I eat it usually as chunks of suet with my meat. I hit maybe 1/2 pound a day.

Could over-eating raw fat be taxing on digestion?
Yes, definitely. It takes a fair amount of bile to break down denser fats and if you eat way too much they'll sit very heavy. It's also likely if you eat much more that you can handle that you'll purge it all with diarrhea as well.

Do you consider my taste for fat and my desire to eat it as a sign I should go wild with it?
Personally, yes. Just take it slow and listen to your body. You should get signs to stop when you've had enough.

General Discussion / Re: Cattle Skin (beef, bison, elk, deer, etc)
« on: February 03, 2011, 01:50:37 am »
In the past, I've bought a slab of pork skin, with fat under it. I ate the fat, but the skin was quite hard to chew, not very palatable. It also had a bit of hair on it. Cooking makes it soft. I imagine that cattle skin would be even harder to eat raw.

Is the vitamin D stored in the actual skin, or in the fat under the skin?
I'm not sure. In the episode they were eating beef skin which was cut into thin strips and sauteed ( I think in a sauce but possibly in oil). They didn't appear to have much/any fat on them but that's not to say the fat isn't where it's stored.

I can't find anything with a Google search to validate or refute the claim. -\

General Discussion / Re: Cattle Skin (beef, bison, elk, deer, etc)
« on: February 02, 2011, 10:35:46 pm »
I have not but I'm intrigued by it. I was watching "Bizarre Foods" on TV and Andrew Zimmern was talking about the high Vitamin D concentration in the skin. Might be a good source for those concerned about getting enough.

I suppose one can be more secure if one lives in a climate closer to the Equator than where I am.
I live in New York. We're about the same latitude. ;)
They've got ~475 acres with 300 head. They have enough fields that they can make hay all spring/summer/fall long and have food for the animals. They also have them outside in all but the worst storms. :)

    How do you know what the animal ate, if someone else raised it and slaughtered it far away?  I don't trust what I don't see.

    I got tripes to eat a few times.  The contents therein were smelly brown decayed grass.  I didn't find any grainlike substances.

    How about you?  Experience or advice for knowing grassfed?

    Wow, the government will maybe dislike this.  We're supposed to accept whatever they say is for our best, without ever thinking it out.

    Have you found grain in the tripe?
I've found a farmer that I trust implicitly. I've also been to their farm and walked through the whole process with them. They're just as concerned with keeping their animals pastured/grain-free as I am. :)

Journals / Re: Ramblings of a madman...
« on: February 02, 2011, 06:36:48 am »
Oh yeah, and I don't feel compelled to eat a kiwi again anytime soon. I had what seemed to be a perfectly ripe one a couple weeks ago and it burned my mouth horribly. Felt like I was eating black pepper all night long. I don't know if it had pesticides or something else but it will be a long time before I have one again.

Journals / Re: Ramblings of a madman...
« on: February 02, 2011, 06:33:07 am »
Still dabbling in the carbs even though I've moved to doing it usually on a Friday or Saturday night. I'm intrigued as the longer I do this the less negatives I seem to be having from them and I don't have huge cravings for them.
The raw honeycomb seems to work fine in small amounts (1/2 teaspoon with my meat/fat at a meal, beyond that I get sleepy/spacey).
Fruits can result in more noticeable negatives including gas, constipation, diarrhea, spaceyness, sleepiness, and itching. Different fruits have different thresholds.
I'm not sure if I will be going back to full ZC or if I will stick to VLC. The test will be athletic performance this spring.
Of note I'm up to 187/188. The added weight appears to be either fat or water as a result of the added carbs. I will see if this results in easier mass gains in the spring as well.

I tried a frozen Durian over the weekend. I'm one of the minority that is not truly repulsed or enamored with the fruit. It smelled bad and tasted sweet yet oniony (as Sully mentioned in the past). I do not feel compelled to buy one again. FWIW my wife was truly repulsed by the bit she tried.

Off Topic / Re: PUSH-UP CHALLENGE!!!
« on: February 02, 2011, 06:13:23 am »
I'm really NOT a sporting ace! hehe.

But 100 push-ups a day? That's really nothing. Or did you mean 1000?


100 in a day isn't hard but sticking to a routine wherein you do average 100 every day all month long isn't as easy for many. ;)

I'm in SD. Going to start back up on a bi-weekly routine next week. If I stay on par with the last routine I'll easily meet it. :)

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