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Messages - djr_81

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Off Topic / Re: Anyone else play xbox live?
« on: October 27, 2010, 04:15:17 am »
I've had Live for 2-odd months now and have yet to play a game on it. My wife and I splurged the $40 so we could stream Netflix to the Xbox.
On the topic though I'd be down for a couple games of something. I've got tons of games and I'm sure a fair share have online multiplayer. Playing Borderlands right now if anyone is interested. :)

Well it's a very good story and you fight real-time, you don't have to cast spells you can use swords/bows, you have choice of how you behave, there's lots of stuff to make you choose between good and bad, and at one point especially it is hard... I was good the whole game, glowing and then something happened and I fell to the darkside. Definitely adventure. When I played I barely used spells. Quite an emotional story/game.
I loved Fable 1. Fable 2 was not as good but still fun. I'll pick up #3 in a couple months. Good games for what they are but honestly not what Sully gravitates to IMO.

Sully, I recommend an Xbox game called Viking:Battle for Asgard. Should be right up your alley IMO. :)

Primal Diet / Re: Lactose intolerance
« on: October 27, 2010, 04:08:24 am »
I was under the understanding that this forum was for primal dieters which means that dairy is a part of their diet and they are OK with that. So I am curious as to why you insist on ranting here about your personal issue. We all know from your ceaseless foaming at the keyboard  ;D that you cannot eat dairy. How many ways do you have to be told this before you get the point.
Ding ding ding. ;D
TD; I can fully understand why you are so virulently against dairy but this IS the Primal Diet sub-forum. Attacks on dairy, other than constructive discussion, should be a no-fly zone here. Much like the carnivorous members have been chastised for demonizing carbs in the Omni forum.  ;)

General Discussion / Re: what is adrenal fatigue/burnout?
« on: October 26, 2010, 01:01:45 am »
It's not real, it doesn't exist, it's a new illness like fibromyalgia was 5 years ago, it's a fashion. It's psychologically induced, it's a crutch for emotional/stress issues. The feelings and lab test show it's real but it's caused by the body/mind.
My mother has fibromyalgia on top of her MS and migraines. It is most definitely a real thing and from what I gather fairly debilitating at times. She's an incredibly grounded and positive person as well so I have doubts that it can all be attributed to psychological reasons.

So that sounds like:

Morning and Afternoon - Just water.

Before bed at say 8pm, raw animal food.

Just one type of raw animal food?  Or can I eat sequentially in the same meal?
I'm thinking tomorrow of oysters + beef.

That would be the warrior diet.
I think you could sequentially eat those two. In that instance I'd eat the oysters first, give myself time to digest, then eat the beef.

Fast-5 is eating your meal in a five hour window at some point in the day. It could be that same evening window as the warrior diet or could be a mid-day window.

I for example eat my first meal at mid-day (usually around 1PM lately but as early as 11AM or as late as 3PM depending on my hunger levels) and then eat my second, and last meal at dinner time (usually around 7PM lately but as early as 6PM or as late as 9PM). Doing the math I'm not technically eating "fast-5" but still get the same benefits. The large block of time each day spent intermittent fasting allows the body to recover and flourish without the burden of digestion in my experience. :)
I do eat different types of animal foods some days but not usually during the same meal. As long as I've had say 2 hours since I ate swordfish for lunch I won't have a problem eating beef for dinner.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Beef Liver
« on: October 24, 2010, 08:55:22 pm »
A raw vegan told me liver jerky is good (for pets better than muscle jerky). 
Liver jerky is very tasty. It's worth a try with at least some of the liver. :)

I was wondering if people would believe "wild" boar liver would be best to eat than beef that has been finished with grain (that's the closest I can get for fresh healthy beef, grain fed organic is probably my best bet during the winter months though). I'm not completely sure what boars are supposed to eat (scavengers), so I'm not sure :P...

The liver isn't jellowy or anything so I think that means it's healthy...

By the way, is 2 pounds of liver a week too much?
Wild boars will eat a wide variety of things. Some grass, some herbs & plants, some seeds/nuts/grains, some small animals. A much better diet than a grain finished steer IMO.
2 pounds of liver a week sounds excessive to me. I guess it depends on what you might be deficient in as well as your lifestyle. Your body should let you know though. The taste will be less appealing when you are eating more than you need. You will also probably get diarrhea if you eat way too much as your body tries to get rid of it.

Try eating warrior diet style. Katelyn does that and in fact that worked best for me when I tried rzc.
This or fast-5 seem to give the best results to many.
Intermittent fasting, even as low as just 16 hours a day, is a big key to my success thus far.

Journals / Re: Ramblings of a madman...
« on: October 24, 2010, 12:02:08 am »
I also gave Hindu squats a shot today based on a couple people mentioning them in other threads and KD's encouragement to train other areas while I'm not working upper body with the push-ups.
I had no idea my quads had gotten as weak as they had before I began the squats. I biked a lot last year but this year I didn't go out as much. I think this let my quads atrophy some but I never really picked up on this until I started focusing on them. I did some regular squats at the hotel a few nights ago and I felt those but the deeper squats I did today really worked my legs over. I only did 2 sets of 25 followed by a set of 50 but I got quite a burn going and definitely see these in a regular routine.

Journals / Re: Ramblings of a madman...
« on: October 23, 2010, 07:51:52 pm »
Well, I got home last night around 7:30 and I definitely feel better here.
The hotel I was staying at was pet tolerant so my allergies were flared in the room (I need to look into this before I book the room next time). I had to take medicine so I could function and it dehydrated me. Between that and trying to sleep in a hotel with people making lots of noise in the other rooms I had a rough couple days. Slept fantastic last night, I'm drinking lots of water, and I'm feeling much better overall. :)

Health / Re: triglycerides and cholesterol
« on: October 23, 2010, 09:57:57 am »
I'd try drinking more water.

I think RZC don't drink enough water. You should be drinking massive amounts.

You don't have to drink it gradually through out the day, in fact I think that's unnatural.

But once or twice a day you should drink a shitload. It will also help promote bowel movements if you are having issues with that.
Truly great advice for anyone eating "raw carnivore". Anytime I have problems now I can trace it back to a couple days where I got too little water. So long as I drink enough I feel great.
I drink my water during the morning, usually in 1 quart or so quantities at a time, and try to get in at least 1/2 gallon in before my first meal of the day. I drink much less water after I eat as I have less desire, it sits heavier, and I get less benefit from it.

But IMO RZC is not the way to go, atleast not for me. My brain doesn't function at all with out carbs.
I did have that problem at times in the beginning. I function just fine on fat now. It did take trial & error as well as time to get here though.

They've got it set up that when a photo hosted on there site is hotlinked it shows as a banner supporting the site. Much more innocuous than other sites which can show anything from a funny photo to hardcore pornography. Some folks really don't link hotlinking there stuff.

Journals / Re: Yuri recovery
« on: October 22, 2010, 07:24:38 am »
As you decrease fruit consumption you need to up the meat consumption. If you try to go zero carb, but replace your carbs with fat instead of meat then you will have less active energy. If you eat lots of meat in the evening and then rest, it will give you active energy for the next day, until you eat again. If you eat fruit throughout the day it will give you active energy. Either way you should have fat for a more sustained balanced energy(even if it's your PRIMARY energy source), but if you try to make fat your sole energy source you will be lethargic as it requires a lot of oxygen to utilise. Your main energy source yeah, but the more you want to have active energy, easy-to-use energy, the more you need to eat of either meat or fruit. ZC is fine, but in an evening meal you should consume lots of meat(lbs), and then rest to allow your body to process it properly, unless you are happy being lethargic. Otherwise you can just eat fruit through the day.
Miles; we're all different. When I up my meat too high a ratio versus my fat intake I have lower energy, low metabolism, tired eyes, etc. I need to eat a consistently high ratio of suet to lean (truly lean as my meat is ground old bulls so is at best 5% fat by volume) to feel right.
You can't make blanket statements like this about everyone as we are all so different. Just like TD would do horrible on a raw-carnivore diet I would wither on either an omnivorous or a lean meat diet. I know you have recently found a lower fat intake to be a panacea for yourself but temper the absolutes. ;)

I get the mental aspect. Paleodonk is another who was trying to use fat as almost the sole source of energy, and who felt lethargic as a result. He continued to go through it though because as he said, he didn't 'love himself', so drove on with his present idea of what was dietary perfection, despite the poor way that he felt. In this case, using fat as the sole energy source.
You have no idea what you're talking about here miles. Leave PD's diet alone and just be happy he's found his own way to make progress on himself even if it's not on a raw paleo diet. There are a number of things out there just as important as one's food. It might not be the road your or I would take but he has his own way to find and he's doing well. :)

Journals / Re: Ramblings of a madman...
« on: October 21, 2010, 07:12:08 pm »
You go to school in Boston? I live just north of the city.
No, I'm taking a three day seminar here (actually in Braintree) for my job.
You can keep Boston BTW. I know plenty of people love the city but it's overpriced and congested IMO. I couldn't live here. :)

Off Topic / Re: what is your job/profession?
« on: October 21, 2010, 07:17:59 am »
I do architecture, as a project manager and I am not inclined to pursue the paper to call myself an architect, with a company that specializes in the healthcare field. I'm usually in the office 3 days or so a week and at job sites 2 days a week. Lots of thinking, particularly spatially, which keeps me focused and not bored. :)

General Discussion / Re: Blood - its soo good, but how good?
« on: October 21, 2010, 06:52:32 am »
FWIW it sounds like you're talking about the juices in the meat yuli and not actual blood. Real blood will noticeably clot in just a couple hours time.

Journals / Re: Ramblings of a madman...
« on: October 21, 2010, 06:40:39 am »
yeah, i would take it easy. There are certain models which suggest doing bodyweight stuff everyday regardless of soreness but I think its better to rest and do other things. It might not take as long as a week but in the meantime I would try body-weight squats (Hindu or regular air-squat) samson stretches, sit-ups, back extensions (supermans), jumping repeatedly on a high box or flat rock, some sprinting etc...
I haven't done jack yesterday or today, mostly because I didn't make it to Boston for my seminar until 7:30 last night and was at the seminar most of the day. I did jog the 1.5 miles from the seminar back to the hotel this evening. I think I might do some ab exercises and perhaps some squats tonight too.

dress to kill man!
It would be nice to get a deer. Of course by the time I get back from here Friday night it'll be 8-9PM and I'm not sure I'll be able to get up at 3AM to get ready and drive the hour out to his house. I might put it off for a week. :(

General Discussion / Re: pastured pork/boar fat v. grassfed suet
« on: October 20, 2010, 09:04:09 am »
Dunno, but I'm not sure about pastured pork...pigs are omnivores so I think they have to feed them something as well as what are they feeding them?
Some places use acorns which fatten them up nicely.

General Discussion / Re: Reccomend a good natural deoderant
« on: October 20, 2010, 09:02:01 am »
All these salt crystals and sprays are ok but they try to act as antiperspirant, meaning they try to absorb the odors or sweat etc...
Antiperspirant means it prevents the body from sweating.
My deodorant doesn't stop me from sweatign at all it just tempers the scent. There is still a bit of smell but it's not an overpowering muskiness.

Hot Topics / Re: Raw Dairy? Who embraces it?
« on: October 19, 2010, 07:54:19 pm »
I think Brother has the most pragmatic approach to the dairy issue. Many people on this planet do not have the ability to handle dairy properly but some do. I don't believe there is inherent harm with trying it to see if it works for you but foods can have steadily worsening effects on one's body at such a rate that someone might not notice until a drastic change is made. I speak from the experience of all my food allergies which were exactly in this capacity.
I think we can all agree that the quantities of dairy that are consumed by most primal dieters are not a truly sustainable quantity, particularly in paleo times, but if it helps your health more power to you. I just suggest a cycle of time on & time off to confirm that it does not cause you problems; perhaps 2-3 months on then one month off.

General Discussion / Re: Reccomend a good natural deoderant
« on: October 19, 2010, 07:34:52 pm »
I use a spray deodorant which is essentially a saline solution.
I used to get reactions to regular deodorants/antiperspirants. I found a deodorant stone from the company and began using that but the stone would retain my body odor smell after a couple weeks. This spray is a suspension of the deodorant stone salts in water that you spray on. Works like a charm for me.

Journals / Re: Ramblings of a madman...
« on: October 19, 2010, 07:11:47 pm »
I've got pain in the triceps of both arms which hasn't seemed to get better the past couple days. I first noticed it when I'd lay a certain way in bed but I get it when doing regular push-ups as well. I'm going to take the week off from the push-ups and give my muscles lots of time to recover rather than push through and damage something. I'll figure out something else to work on this week. :)

Edit: The pain is more in my shoulders.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Are you a ZCer?
« on: October 18, 2010, 07:06:33 pm »
I am. It's purely a function of what my body does well on and not a strict adherence to the idea though. I think RVLC/RLC are both perfectly fine choices and possibly the healthiest (moderation is key). Unfortunately each time I indulge in a different fruit or vegetable I have adverse reactions which remind me how RZC is best for me. Some day I may go back to a diet with fruits or vegetables in it but not in the foreseeable future.

Yours is, GS, but not everyone's, unfortunately.
There are a few people who get a bit worked up about RZC, pro or con, which get more attention as they're more vocal. Overall though the forum is civil about it IMO.

Journals / Re: Ramblings of a madman...
« on: October 18, 2010, 08:16:48 am »
Today: 9 sets of 5 (45 total)

Since I have to go away to a seminar Tuesday through Friday, and will likely not get to do as many push-ups as I'd like, I'm going to re-do week 1 this week and then do week 2 next week. My wife has also decided she's going to join me in this venture. :)

Deer season (bow) opened here on Saturday. My wife's uncle already took a doe on Saturday morning. I'm going to go out with him next Saturday and learn the ropes. I doubt I will take a shot at anything yet but with luck he'll take another deer and I'll learn to dress the kill as well.

Journals / Re: Ramblings of a madman...
« on: October 17, 2010, 08:24:24 pm »
Yesterday's push-ups: 14 sets of 10 (140 total)
Somebody mentioned beets, one of my favorite vegetables, on here the other day and luck would have it I saw some beautiful beets at the farmer's market yesterday. I picked up a couple so I could give them a shot and see how I did.
I coarsely grated a small beet (~1/4 cup) and sprinkled a dash of sea salt on the top to counterpoint the (relative) sweetness. The beet was sweet (but not cloyingly so like fruit is nowadays), very earthy, and very delicious. I did not have any immediate problems with the beet but after a couple minutes I got the faintest headache and a slight soreness to my throat. I also woke with much more soreness this morning than I should have given the lighter exercise yesterday (I was as sore as the morning after my 350 rep day).
All in all I think that I will be able to add occasional beets to my diet in the future but do not plan to do so in the near future. Beets are my favorite vegetable though so this is encouraging.

An interesting side note; The beet turned my urine pink. Beets never did this to me when eating any other way. I'm not sure if this means I need less of whatever the beet supplies or something else but I thought it was curious.

Hot Topics / Re: Is Fruit Meant For Man
« on: October 16, 2010, 07:06:44 pm »
Lol maybe it wasnt raspberries that i ate, but it definately looked like them. Whatever berry it was, it tasted like candy to me.
It could have been a more modern variety that someone tossed out and it established. It could have also possibly been a Mulberry; those are noticeably sweeter but somewhat similar in shape.

I agree with you Pioneer. The people on this forums though are not morons and will find this thread and sign if they are inclined. Having it posted in a half dozen sub-forums will just cause problems.

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