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Messages - Haai

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Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Cutting Weight for Competition
« on: December 03, 2017, 11:44:22 am »
In addition to what Tyler said, you could do more cardio training or try high intensity interval training.

I don't believe in an ideal type of food. Are you living in a tropical jungle? On the coast? In the Alps? Next to a river? Near the Arctic? On the Equator? I have travelled quite a lot in my life, and seen a lot of local markets, mostly in Asia, Africa, Nepal, Sri Lanka... And one thing I have noticed: most warm/tropical/sub-tropical countries do still eat grubs, not as a staple, but it is still there. In the colder climates you don't go for insects, well, there aren't that many around. Walk through a forest in Northern/central Europe, and you don't hear that many sounds, but in the tropics, it's such a racket... there are simply so much more things out there...
It's true that the colder the climate, the more the focus is on big animals. In the warmer places they eat also bats, birds, etc... Sure, buffalo is common, and porc is king is many places in Asia. But there is SO more variety in the diet, which I do miss when I am in Europe.
Yes, animal fats are difficult to get in nature. But sometimes there's a bit too much focus on it.
If you eat a grub, you get the whole package. 

Your whole post is talking about present day. Megafauna used to live all over the planet in multiple different climates and habitats. Nowadays there's pretty much only elephants and rhinos, and I suppose hippos. Even those few animals live in various different habitats, from jungle to desert, tropical to subtropical, aquatic and terrestrial. The lack of megafauna today means people need to eat something else, such as insects.
Yes there are lots of insects and grubs in the tropics. But many insects actually aren't that easy to catch. Grubs need to be dug out of the ground or trees/logs need to be broken into to access them. Imo it goes against optimal foraging theory. Ie. hunting insects and grubs burns, relatively speaking, a lot of calories for a small return.

General Discussion / Re: Iron level of long time meat eaters
« on: November 25, 2017, 12:30:00 pm »
Yes I have had the same happen to me. Approximately 3 years into RPD my blood ferritin level was 332 ug/L. 4.5 yrs later (7.5 yrs after starting RPD) it is 480 ug/L.

I have pondered the issue of iron for some time. A few thoughts that have crossed my mind, but I am in no way saying are facts are:
- humans in the palaeolithic were actually fativores and would have instinctively chosen to prioritize consumption of animal fat. Once satiated on fat they would then only eat a small amount of flesh, therefore iron intake would be relatively lower than if one gorged oneself on flesh.
- regarding organ meats; I have come to believe that one can easily over-consume them. They are so nutrient-dense (including very high in iron) that a little goes along way.
- I have read in past threads about suggestions of drinking blood being paleo and that it would be a good source of electrolytes etc. I can't help thinking it would probably lead to iron overdose too. In the stoneage I doubt that drinking blood was common place. I imagine most animals die by bleeding out from wounds made by the hunter. By the time the hunter catches up with the animal there would be very little blood left in it. Plus they wouldn't have had much available to them in the way of drinking vessels to collect blood.
- perhaps so-called high iron levels are actually the norm and the reference range is based on a human population who follows a standard western diet and who could be chronically deficient in iron.

To me it seems like humans aren't meant to eat insects or worms unless in a starvation situation.

I agree.
The ideal prey for humans imo are megafauna, which is likely why the vast majority of the world's megafauna species are now extinct. Megafauna provide ample fat. The majority of today's wild mammals are relatively small and lean and would likely lead quickly to rabbit starvation.

From what I gather, the wai diet is very high in fruit, which in my opinion is loaded with too much sugar. Insulin spikes and over-stimulation of the mtor pathway are, I believe, very much associated with acne.
I originally started a RPD 7.5 yrs ago to combat eczema. I found that RPD only helped me with that condition once I went very low carb ie. very little fruit.


Sun Bathing along with practicing natural hygiene, and eliminating the triggering foods is the best way to begin to deal these kind of issues. The skin excretes oily substances laced with a food for certain bacteria, these bacteria intern detoxify the skin while producing vitamin D from UV light. This is a delicate process and is easily disrupted by using cleansers, other cosmetic products, antibiotics, sun avoidance, and in part leads people to become unable to obtain optimal hormonal balance. 

I work outdoors usually wearing nothing but a pair of shorts and shoes, so I get a  ton of sun exposure.
I don't voluntarily apply anything to my skin other than cold water (short cold showers).
I haven't taken antibiotics since I was a child or teenager.
I don't eat triggering foods unless grassfed beef (fat) or offal could be considered a trigger. I haven't eaten offal in 3 months now. There has been no improvement in symptoms.

I guess I just need to be patient. It's only been 8 weeks since I stopped drinking from plastic bottles and replaced it with river water.
I started taking the zinc a couple of days ago, let's see what happens with that.

@ van... I tend to agree about what you say about oils. I think the majority of people on this forum have probably heard it all before. But it doesn't justify stating as a fact that a particular salmon oil supplement is rancid before it was put in the bottle.
A more appropriate statement would be something along the lines of, "imo the chances are high that the oil was rancid before it was put in the bottle".
The way you said it made out like you had personal experience with said supplement - perhaps it caused a burning in your throat - and so you then went on to have a laboratory analysis carried out on it which proved that the fats therein were oxidized.

the salmon oil was rancid before they even put it in the bottle.   

Is there a reason why you state this as if it's a fact?

Maybe I should be adding an ionic zinc supplement to my liver smoothies or something to help try and correct this.

I'd be more inclined to just lower liver intake. I know it's considered a superfood among the paleo community, but too much of a good thing can be bad.

Also. You are eating 200 to 300 grams of fat to only 400 grams of beef? I'd be suspicious of that much fat being the cause of your acne! Especially if you are not taking the fat already in the beef into consideration. I tried a keto (hight fat) diet for a while and  despite reading very good things about it, it didn't agree with me at all. A third to half my calories from fat seems to be the sweet spot for me. I'd definitely check into the amount and kinds of fat you are consuming in relation to your acne.

I actually started a ketogenic diet in an attempt to heal the acne. Before that I was getting approx 35 to 40% of cals from protein and I would guess about 10% from carbs.
I'm convinced that low carb is key to good health, because the eczema that I had when I first started RPD 7.5 yrs ago didn't disappear until I went low carb.
The only fat I eat is grassfed beef fat, a tiny amount of cold pressed extra virgin so-called raw coconut oil and the salmon oil that is in the Dr Rons astaxanthin supplement. With astaxanthin being, I believe,  the most powerful antioxidant known in nature, I think I don't need to worry about the salmon oil being rancid or anything.

In what way did a keto diet not agree with you? How long did you follow a ketogenic diet?

Thanks for your input.
Yeah my diet is very clean. I follow a ketogenic version of the RPD. These days I eat, on a daily basis, about 400g beef, 100g berries, 6 tblsp raw dried broccoli or kale powder, and a few pieces of fresh turmeric and 200-300g beef fat, plus 2 capsules of Dr Rons astaxanthin supplement which contain salmon oil. Also about 2 liters of river water (I live in New Zealand atm, so have access to relatively clean rivers). Also one bottle of red wine (organic and preservative free) per week, which I just started doing a few weeks ago..
After a bit more reading I've decided to buy a zinc supplement. I'd read many times that zinc deficiency is often a culprit for acne. But I always dismissed it, because meat is a decent source of bioavailable zinc. However, I came across an old post written by Cherimoya, if my memory serves me right, about zinc being highly antagonistic with copper. This switched on a light bulb in my head, because I've always eaten quite a lot of liver, and even went through a period where I ate about half a pound of it per day. Liver is very high in copper, so I figured this could have had a negative impact on my zinc levels. Liver is also very high in iron. And I believe that iron and zinc compete for the same uptake channels in the body, perhaps further depleting my zinc. Blood tests already confirm that my iron (ferritin) is very high. That's why I do not currently eat organ meats, but I will reintroduce them sometime in the future and just make sure that I don't go overboard on them. Furthermore, apparently zinc acts as a DHT blocker. So hopefully I'm putting the right pieces of the puzzle together here.
I'm not one for opting in for supplements in general, but I'm allergic to shellfish, otherwise oysters would have been the way to go regarding upping zInc.

I came across your post because I'm trying to find a solution to get rid of my chest and back acne that I've developed. I think it could be hormonal. More specifically I suspect it's due to an imbalance in sex hormones,  but I don't know for sure.
My testosterone is sky high. That's total testosterone; I can't get free T tested here at the local blood testing centre without a referral from a doc. After a little secondary research, it seems high testosterone means high dihydrotestosterone  (DHT), which is often blamed as being a cause of hormonal acne.
Another stream of thought of mine was that perhaps (xeno)estrogens are to blame. I haven't been tested for it, but I've been traveling a lot the past 15 months or so, and so had to resort to drinking from plastic bottles most of the time. I quit this about 7 weeks ago. Instead I've been drinking only raw river water, which I collect and store in glass. I started including raw powdered broccoli and kale in my diet about 3 weeks ago, as well as fresh turmeric. Some days I think there's improvement and some days I'm like, nah there's no improvement. I guess I'll have to give it a few months.
Another thing to note, my body fat % is, I would estimate about 9%.
Part of me thinks I should try and lower my testosterone (f*** knows how), but then I think surely testosterone can't be the problem.
Any insights?

Did you incorporate those foods, that are mentioned in the conclusion, into your diet? Any noticeable effects?

Journals / Re: Haai - Journal
« on: August 20, 2017, 04:24:53 am »
PS: if there's anyone here in NZ feel free to contact me to arrange a meet up!

Journals / Re: Haai - Journal
« on: August 20, 2017, 04:20:59 am »
I've had to get a medical exam (16th Aug 2017) in order to extend my visa for New Zealand. I thought I'd post the results here for anybody who is interested in blood work etc.
I've now been following a RPD for nearly 7.5 years. The last few years have been VLC with protein counting for about 35-40% calories, and the last 11 weeks I've been pretty much zero carb and in nutritional ketosis with fat making up 85-95% of calories. I was fasted at time of examination.

Creatinine: 77 umol/L
eGFR: >90 mL/min/1.73m2

Haemoglobin: 139 g/L
Haematocrit: 0.43 Ratio
MCV: 83 fL
MCH: 27 pg
Platelets: 252 x 10e9/L
WBC: 6.5 x 10e9/L
Neutrophils: 3.5 x 10e9/L
Lymphocytes: 1.6 x 10e9/L
Monocytes: 0.8 x 10e9/L
Eosinophils: 0.5 x 10e9/L
Basophils: 0.1 x 10e9/L

HbA1c: 35 mmol/mol

Chest x-ray: heart size and contour are normal. Lungs are clear.

Urine analysis: no blood, sugar, or proteins detected.

General Discussion / I'm going to be in California
« on: September 22, 2016, 12:38:09 am »
I'm flying to and from LA on 7th and 10th Oct respectively.
If any fellow RPDers or primal dieters would like to meet up give me a shout.
If anybody could provide details of where I can buy good quality meat there I'd appreciate it.

General Discussion / South America and yellow fever
« on: June 02, 2016, 12:06:18 am »
I will be going to Brazil, Peru and Ecuador in a few months. I do not want to be vaccinated against anything. Does anybody here amongst us RPDers have any reason to believe I should be concerned about yellow fever, or any other disease for that matter?

Health / Re: Eczema - A Journey To Healing
« on: April 12, 2014, 09:16:34 am »

We have a lot of beef fat and connective tissue, so I'm getting him to eat that. Other than that, fat is generally from fatty fish like tuna belly and salmon, whatever just comes in a steak or piece of beef, and then avocado or coconut. Should we be cutting out all plant foods completely? The one thing he has trouble with is fruit, he is a fruit lover. He'll easily down pounds of fruit in one sitting if I had them in the house. How much is safe, or should it be cut out altogether? We don't eat any nuts or seeds at the moment.

In my honest opinion there is no need to eliminate plant foods altogether, but pounds of sweet fruit equates to way too much sugar. If he wants fruit then I would recommend berries eg. raspberries, blackberries, blueberries and the like, but keep it to just a couple of hundred grams per day. Berries, avocados and coconut should be alright, providing your bf doesn't have a salycilate sensitivity.

Our staple foods right now are grass-fed beef, wild-caught salmon, ahi tuna (including tuna belly), scallops, shrimp, beef liver, egg yolks, avocado, and some type of fruit (apples, banana, mango, orange). Soon to be adding the bone marrow in regularly, as well as oysters. We sometimes get another random fish like mahi mahi or snapper. I will cut out fruit if you guys suggest it.

Others may well disagree with me about this, but my advice would be to cut out the scallops and shrimps (sea food allergy is pretty common and could be triggering eczema, so perhaps hold back on adding oysters to diet), cut out the egg yolks (eggs are also a common allergen), cut out the apples, bananas, mangoes and oranges (too much sugar in these), eat more liver (try 100 g per day, because 4 pills is nothing, I used to sometimes eat a 2 to 3 kg beef liver within a week, but it shouldn't be necessary to eat that much). Start eating that bone marrow asap, because animal fats should form the backbone of the diet.

Once the eczema has cleared up (this will take time, even if you are doing everything right, so be patient), if you wanted to, you could add sea food to the diet to see if it causes any problems. Then do the same with eggs. In my opinion, though, neither are essential for good health.

About supplements: the only one I ever used was vit D3.

Health / Re: Eczema - A Journey To Healing
« on: April 11, 2014, 10:06:59 am »
One more thing: I regularly ate liver, heart and kidneys

Health / Re: Eczema - A Journey To Healing
« on: April 11, 2014, 10:05:34 am »
I almost never added/add salt to anything. The only seafood I regularly ate was wild salmon.

Health / Re: Eczema - A Journey To Healing
« on: April 11, 2014, 10:02:51 am »
I was in the same situation as your boyfriend. I had an eczema-covered body. Now it has completely gone.

Here is what I did (no particular order) to finally get rid of eczema:

1. followed a high ANIMAL fat, low carb diet (no oils)
2. eliminated dairy and eggs, alcohol and drugs (i also never ate nuts. I very rarely ate veg).
3. sunbathed whenever possible (not to the point of burning). Supplement with vit D when not summer.
4. never strayed from the raw palaeolithic high fat low carb diet. If I did (eg. if i drank some red wine or ate some raw honey, or chocolate etc), any healing would be reversed and I'd be back at square one, due to having scratched myself all night.
5. eliminated use of all man-made chemicals, eg washing powders, skin creams, body care products etc)
6. got an earthing bed sheet
7. removed mercury fillings
8. thought positive
9. learnt to be patient
10. avoided air pollution eg from traffic, whenever possible.
11. used an air humidifier whenever the heating in the house was on.

I can't think of anything else right now.

My diet right now is zero carb. But your boyfriend will probably be fine to eat a few berries and avocados for example.

General Discussion / Thyroid gland?
« on: March 02, 2014, 10:14:19 am »
Can anyone confirm whether or not these are thyroid glands? They are from sheep/lamb, by the way. Included are photos of both sides.

Journals / Re: The Butcher
« on: February 09, 2014, 08:23:41 am »
Where in the sheep did you find it???

Tapeworms should not be in sheep.  Only cysts.  Adult tapeworm should only be found in carnivores (humans included).

Maybe these are some kind of other worms??

Over the past couple of months I've eaten several wild kangaroos. I've seen tapeworms in at least two of them. I was quite surprised to find that even the liver of one of them, which looked like a very healthy liver on the outside, was chockablock full of tapeworms. Pretty much every hole/vessel in the liver contained tapeworm.
I think it must be very normal for animals to contain parasites, and I think it would have been very normal for Palaeolithic man to have parasites. Nevertheless, I couldn't bring myself to eat the liver that was full of tapeworms (fed it to dog lol), however I have eaten one that only had one or two tapeworms in it (which I removed), with the knowledge that I would probably end up ingesting tapeworm or cysts that I hadn't seen.

Off Topic / Re: I can't help but notice...
« on: November 10, 2013, 02:22:58 am »
I believe he vowed never to post again.

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Suggest Foods High in SULFUR?
« on: November 05, 2013, 04:48:39 pm »
Fish and meat. I can't imagine anyone on a paleo diet being short of sulphur, except maybe those few individuals who choose to eat about 90% of their calories from fat.

Journals / Re: Journal of an acne and dermatitis sufferer
« on: November 05, 2013, 02:15:30 am »
How is your skin condition now?

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