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Messages - Paleo Donk

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Primal Diet / Re: youtube video of long-term primal dieter
« on: April 21, 2010, 09:56:41 am »
Correct. As Tyler has mentioned, many of the problems that combine to make it impossible for all humanity to eat Paleo-type diets stem from overpopulation.

How are you so sure about this. Have you done the math? It shouldn't really take that much work to find out how much land used for grain we could convert to grass fed animals. There is an excerpt in Vegetarian Myth that covers this and I remember I did some quick math and it seemed like we would have enough land to cover the worlds population with raw paleo. Though she did have at least one numerical mistake and she even said the population could only be 650 million or so. I'll look up that passage where she goes over calories per acre and give you  guys an estimate based on that sometime soon.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Ex-vegan newb
« on: April 21, 2010, 09:48:35 am »
Welcome aboard - this site has an unbelievable wealth of information and I would suggest that you peruse it at your own will.

As for calories - I'm not sure anybody here really keeps track of them. I did briefly when I was trying to experiment with lower protein but realized it was foolish since I am pretty far away from being healed. Healing yourself should be priority number one, getting an ideal superficial weight should be near the bottom of things to worry about.  If you are scared of gaining weight, then it might be good to find a support group. Also, you shouldn't worry about micornutrients yet. Just eat enough fatty red meats and this should be good for now.

General Discussion / Re: A question on salt
« on: April 21, 2010, 06:03:44 am »
  Actually, a number of RPDers, such as myself, get rather nasty reactions fron salt, even in small amounts. Salt is not a palaeo food and was never needed in palaeo times. Salt is primarily a food used in post-cooking eras to help store raw meats for longer periods, otherwise it's useless.

Do you not consider the salt content of blood that was probably eaten with the meat during paleo times? Or is blood sodium different enough from land salt to not be considered paleo?

Once the mercury contamination source ( amalgams) is removed it seems that our organism progressively excretes the mercury (lead and other heavy metals) in store in the CNS, kidneys etc (bones) if one adopts a RP diet rich in food of animal origin. The process takes however a long time if the silver fillings were in our teeths for decades (as, unfortunately, in my case).

Well this sounds awfully nice, but how do you know an rpd will chelate the mercury? Seems like a pretty strong statement to make. I assume you think an rpd will also remove any and all excess junk contaminating the liver/gall bladder/pancreas areas as well.

I have tried recently to accelerate the process and two products seem to work fairly well without serious side effects in my case:

- cilantro tincture for mercury stored in brain and CNS.

- a drug called DMSA for kidney and other organs

Many other products are claimed to work but I can't tell for sure. It's a very controversial subject though mercury poisoning by silver fillings is a widespread and often overlooked or denied reality.  

How do you know the cilantro tincture is working? What is physically different now and how exactly are you administering the cilantro  tincture?

Have you heard of Andy Cutler and his extremely detailed protocol for removing mercury. Here are the basics from wiki

Andy Cutler's protocol is explained in his book Amalgam Illness,
Moria has a web page explaining the dosages and timings of the chelating agents (ALA, DMSA, DMPS) here:
Basically, ALA must be taken no less often than every 3 hours, around the clock. Every 4 hours for DMSA and 8 hours for DMPS. If taking ALA+DMSA or ALA+DMPS, the dosing must be every 3 hours.
The ALA and DMSA dose should start from 1/8 or 1/4 mg per lb body weight, and adjusted upwards in ensuing rounds as tolerated. The same starting doses apply if taking ALA with DMSA. For DMPS, start from 1/4 mg per lb body weight. If taking ALA with DMPS, halve the starting dose of DMPS.
Taking it less often means running a higher risk of regression or damage. Taking large single doses or once a day doses can result in permanent neurological and other damage. Challenge tests are an example of this kind of usage. See Testing for mercury for some reports. See the sections below for an understanding of why dosage and timing are so important for safe chelation.
All sources of mercury in the body must be removed first, including amalgams under crowns, or permanent and irreversible damage can occur. See How people get poisoned#Toxicity exacerbated by chelating while having mercury fillings for reports of damage from chelating with amalgams.

I'm a great candidate for mercury poisoning, having had 10 amalgams now in place for more than 10 years. I should be getting them removed this year I hope.

Also - William, I thought you already detoxed from Mercury. You gave some links before, one of which was the one I just posted.

I think he means the quote which you provided.
obviously, yes. The quote came directly from my email. You seem to misinterpret just about everything I write, even trivial things like this.

Does anyone know why the body doesn't just use excess protein to build more? I can see that if you have more size, you need more food to support it, so you may not do so well when food runs short, but then why isn't it better to have more body to break down? Also, if you're bigger, when food is scarce you should be able to out-compete the others for that food..? Someone mentioned myo-statins in another topic. Do the levels of these ever decrease naturally, simply through continually surpassing the body's dietary needs, if not why not?

The body is very conservative and generally knows what its doing. It has no need for extra muscle mass if it is not being used. It must think extra mass is not as important as simply converting these amino acids to glucose, even when provided with an overabundance. The process of storing excess amino acids as muscle could take longer and be harder than the body than to just excrete them into them urine.

Journals / Re: Journalistica
« on: April 20, 2010, 06:46:38 am »
You might try cooking a bit of meat and seeing if this increases your appetite. Maybe making a bone broth could be an option as well. Also, how was your appetite when you had cancer?

I've read that post from BBQ 3 times now...I'm guessing I need some sleep, 'cause it's still not really registering.  Anyways I went from 30+ 650mg HCL pills with no burn to feeling a burn with 1-2, so I have dropped them for a while now. They definitely seemed to help, though. 

Well, I guess I need to change the password to my email if you've read that three times... With the HCL, I wonder how the actual mechanism in the body works that gets your stomach to produce enough acid again. Perhaps the body stores this HCL slowly somewhere and the pills just top off its supply. I don't see how the HCL would ramp up the body's natural ability to produce it on its own. Maybe it does, who knows. It'll be interesting to see if your need for HCL goes back up since have stopped taking the pills.

Let's go ahead and say it's lack of nutrients from poor digestion that's still causing my issues, then.  Why would I be excreting so much nitrogen in my urine?  Does this mean I'm absorbing absolutely no fat, so my body refuses to produce ketones and instead wastes protein for glucose?  Shouldn't I just use bodily fat stores?  (I am no higher than 7-8% bodyfat, if even, but there's still a bit to be used by my body in an emergency...)  I'll try HCL until burning with my next protein meal later this week and see what happens.

We need to be clear - you don't know how much nitrogen is in your urine and the bubbles are far from a sure sign that this means you are excreting lots of nitrogen.  This is a gigantic assumption from just bubbles. I'm not sure if there is an easily available method for calculating this.

There still is a small possibility that you did over-accumulate protein from your high-protein diet over the past few months that it would take a few days to get completely out of your system. Perhaps your liver is overworked and it can only convert so much protein per day - less than what a normal liver could convert? With your small intake of protein and adequate consumption of tallow (though I don't think this spares much if any protein), you could have lost little lean body-mass after your 'fast', but I still can't make sense of it with all the starvation work I have seen.

What I still think is the interesting part, is whether or not it would be more beneficial to have large protein meals every few days and just munch on low-density vegetation in between or eat smaller amounts of protein everyday.

Primal Diet / Re: Aajonus' Appearances and Primal Potlucks
« on: April 19, 2010, 08:20:03 pm »
Thanks for the summary.

Aajonus saying that the body is 99% bacteria is taken horribly out of context. True, bacteria could outnumber non-bacterial human cells 100:1, but this does not make the body 99% bacteria. Almost all bacteria is contained in the intestines is it not? They are much smaller than normal human cells and thus can manage much larger numbers.

I really don't think your problem is excess protein, as I said that even if you blood was an entire block of amino acids it could convert all of it to glucose or fat in a couple weeks. Don't you think you would get signals from your body from protein overconsumption much before you reach the point that your blood is entirely composed of amino acids? Or even 10%? Perhaps, though all these amino acids are simply stored in the liver waiting to get converted. Or even better in muscle tissue, though there is no evidence that this would happen in large amounts, though it makes sense that the muscles would be a great temporary deposit for excess amino acids. But, perhaps there is a limit here too, to how much muscle can be built in one day. So, maybe your liver tripled in size?

Why not go to the drugstore and get something to measure urinary ketones? This should give us an answer on ketosis.

I have been corresponding with a forum poster here by the name of Mr. BBQ (check up his posts, they are very informative) who's dealing with many of the same problems as you and I. Here is what he has to say about HCL and its connection to liver function, which I think is probably closer in line with finding the underlying cause of this mess.

On the matter of betaine HCL, it’s a sticking plaster – one questions why the stomach is not producing HCL with multiple possibility. Initially, sufficient chloride is needed, which is nicely bio-available in any traditionally-harvested sun-dried sea salt (with its full complement of ionic minerals and some respective living element).
Also, the chyme leaving the stomach and entering the duodenum is a pretty damn acidic cocktail, as you can imagine – this kind of pH ain’t the funk in the small intestine, so what normalises the pH of chyme for that environment(?)...The juices entering the duodenum via the sphincter of oddi – you guessed it, from the liver, gallbladder and pancreas. So, if there’s insufficient alkalising element coming into the duodenum due to occlusions in the biliary tree (sludge, soft stones, hard stones, grit, gravel, allsorts), one may wonder if there’s a corresponding effect to down-regulate HCL production in the stomach. Ultimately, this may impact the effect of the enzymes in the stomach (pepsin etc.), yielding undigested protein.
Bile as a fat emulsifier and vehicle for toxins out of the liver, is also a deliverer of bicarbonate for the purpose of alkalising chyme and generally controlling downstream pathogenesis.
Can you see a pattern forming here – a really insipid vicious circle, which may be dealt with swiftly to preserve living systems and facilitate proper nourishment?
Also, if you’re not emulsifying your fats optimally (bile insufficiency), you’re certainly not uptaking calcium and the fat-soluble vitamins, which are critical to maintaining skeletal metabolism etc.
What’s the point in putting excess good food in a body that can’t absorb/uptake or use it?! The people on raw paleo forum contest that good food is all you need, although I can’t imagine that everyday paleo eating could shift some of the very stubborn debris.

KD, I hope I didn't try and sound like I knew exactly what your bubbles meant. I was speculating and have seen some sites associate bubbles in urine with excess nitrogen or even protein (less likely), so I was merely giving you an idea of what might be happening. It might be something completely different.

I don't think protein in excess would necessarily cause low energy by itself and do not consider this as one of the main reasons why I feel so tired. Protein is slowly converted to glucose (slow enough where insulin can work without overworking the cells of the metabolically challenged) and so people with bad glucose tolerance should easily be able to handle the glucose load. ZC'ers are have extremely stable blood sugar and probably show the best hunger control out of any diet group there is.

I think the problem with low energy has to do with assimilating nutrients properly. One can be very tolerant to glucose, but at the same time have a malfunctioning liver/gall bladder/leaky-gut that is constantly disturbing the body. This is the best idea I can come up with right now that explains my symptoms. I don't think glucose is a problem for me and I might tolerate I high cooked starch diet much better than the one I'm on right now.

Carnivorous,  the best way to tell if you are in ketosis is to measure blood ketone levels. There is a paper out there that discusses just this. Urinary ketones vary wildly from different individuals. If you have not eaten in a few weeks, you will definitely be using ketones, regardless of the amount of amino acids in your blood before. Gluconeogenesis, especially in a fasted state, should not provide you enough glucose to keep you out of ketosis....

Unless something very, very strange is going on and you just might be a very special case, and I need to find out what the maximum capacity for amino acids is in the blood before one starts to feel sick. I just found a paper that lists amino acids at 3000 micromoles per liter. There are about 5 liters of blood in the human body and so this would equate to 15000 micromoles or .015 moles. The study was done on the elderly after an overnight fast so this is probably the low end. Still, .015 moles is very little considering the molecular weight for amino acids range 75-200g/mole, giving us an estimate of just 1-2g of amino acids in the blood stream. Starvation studies show just about the same concentration at the start and end of the fasting period. I don't know enough to know where the rest of the amino acids are stored after a high protein meal.

This still doesn't explain your nearly three weeks of fasting without muscle loss. You would be extremely unique and quite a subject of study if this truly was the case. If you didn't carefully measure lean-body mass then there is no way to tell. Did you track weight or strength levels. How has your energy been throughout your fast? If it is possible to have an abundance of free amino acids available it does make sense that you could fast for some time without any reprocussions at all, but I haven't seen a study show this. Everyone starts losing lean mass right away.

Personally, I've only fasted for a day and half and I felt great at the end of the fast like I could have gone much longer but decided to eat because it seemed like the right thing to do. I ate cooked food with carbs and felt worse soon after. I've also had other days where I have ate only fat to the point where I didn't feel like eating any protein but again decided it was best to go ahead and eat some meat.

What I would guess now is that if you have eaten a ton of protein say greater than 400 grams for sometime a la redfulcrum then you could probably go a few days completely fasted without losing any lean mass while your liver slowly processes the excess, but 3 weeks seems like a very large stretch and I don't think the body has the capacity to hold that kind of concentration of amino acids. I mean, the blood weighs about 5-6 kg for an average human so even if the blood was one big block of amino acids your liver would still be able to process the entire amount a relatively short amount of time.

Go to Dr. Eades blog and search for junk proteins and you will find the article that I was talking about.

I'll try and not duplicate the thread on DC, so if you guys are interested my response to carnivorous is below.


5kg in three months isn't actually a whole lot of protein. Most bodybuilders will supplement with a lot more than that for much longer periods of time. I don't think these amino acids remain in your blood for all that long. There is a physical space limitation for them. I think they simply get turned into glucose or fat rather quickly or else you'd be in danger of an overload of amino acids pretty quick.

I'm really glad you posted this, carnivorous, as I too am searching for this answer. From what I have found the liver can only handle around 400g of protein per day. And the ability to process this amount probably slows down considerably before it reaches this amount. I think it is likely that you slowly built up excess amino acids in your blood over the time period of being carnivorous.

It takes quite a bit of amino acids to get into hyperaminoacidosis. There is a poster by the name of redfulcrum, who did a very dangerous experiment getting around 1000g of protein per day and reached this state of amino acids very quickly within a couple weeks forcing him to the hospital. You might have just experienced something similar, except with a much, much slower build up.

I also feel that excess protein can be one of the main reasons people have problems with low-carb diets although I can think of plenty more, many people gloss right over this. The body has very little need for protein(perhaps as low as 30g/day for sedentary adults) and all excess amounts will be converted to glucose or fat. Saying its the problem for 99% of low-carbers is going way to far, imo. I lift weights intensely and have been eating low protein (50-100g) per day on average and have still been suffering energy wise as well as a host of other issues. The liver needs to be functioning properly to allow for proper fat digestion as well.

I think rabbit starvation is simply getting too much amino acids in the blood which cause a back up in the liver and completely mess up the nutrient composition of the blood. So essentially I'm saying rabbit starvation is hyperaminoacidosis, or they are very closely related.

Thats also very interesting that you fasted for 4 days on nothing but tallow. I think this is a great idea if you had been intaking so much protein. Once your intake to 4-5 pounds of meat which is something like 4-5k calories you are still getting over a 250g a day of protein, which even if you are active is way too much and could eventually lead to the exact problems that you described. I know 250 < 400 but who knows what happens to the liver after prolonged high protein intake. The amount of protein matters here not the percentage. I've seen numbers thrown around that 250g is actually the maximum amount of protein the liver could handle.

Also, for those that are active enough like you, I would suggest, as I have previously that for the more calories you consume, the more should come from fat (or carbs) and not protein. I think this is very important that excess calories do not involve protein at all! So, as you can see in your case that if you do overload on protein, you can actually go for a few days on just tallow for energy with no protein intake. It will take a while for the blood to clear the amino acids. Redfulcrum, took quite some time to reach hyperaminoacidosis, so it is possible to have quite a bit of excess to supply you with your protein needs for the coming days.

Now, a good question to ask, would be whether or not its beneficial to consume extreme amounts over the course of a few days and then fast on fat for the next while? I have no idea, but I think it could work and I would like to try something like this in the near future. Carnivores in the wild go several days without eating on purpose, so its very likely that the have sufficient amino acids running through their blood to cover their daily needs. Although carnivores are better adapted to higher protein intakes and can handle the nitrogen waste, ammonia much better than humans.

Interesting thread - let us know how you are doing.

Journals / Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« on: April 17, 2010, 03:52:24 am »
I finally have the pleasure of reporting my first significant piece of good news since starting raw paleo 4 months ago. This morning I awoke to the urge to produce stool, which I did - this very long, dark, dense, homogeneous thick mass came straight down from my ass. I probably should of kept it, like restaurants keep their first dollar bills as a token to my first sign of progress. My body felt very light all day, especially my abdomen/gut area. My body felt very at ease the entire day. The pile of sledgehammers dragging behind me were absent today and I felt like I could easily move around with no pain. I had some mild brain fog but this was probably the best my body has felt yet.

If I had to guess, what helped, it would probably be the HCL pills. Although I did eat heaps of carbs last night, I'm not sure they would have gone through my digestive system that fast overnight. Plus, every other time I have carbed up, I have produced terrible soft turds, though no pain. ZC causes me to become constipated with very thin turds.

So, obviously I will be continuing to take the HCL pills but I do want to get to the root of the problems. I actually stayed up late last night past 1:30 and woke up at 7:30 with energy and the ability to move around. Even when I was up at 1:30 I wasn't really pushing myself, it felt somewhat natural - so perhaps my energy had corrected itself somewhat before my magic dump. I had glossed completely over adrenal fatigue this past four months, just assuming that raw zero carb would cure almost everything. But, it seems there are quite a few people that have had adrenal fatigue symptoms with raw zero carb and I found quite a few threads here with little anecdotal evidence that zero carbs can indeed be difficult for those with burnt adrenals. Not to mention Matt Stone and his latest attack of low-carb almost solely because of this glandular malfunction while on it. This connected with me well, since I no doubt have very badly disturbed my adrenals playing poker, yelling, screaming, crying and breaking computers for the last 5 years. Not to mention doing nearly the same thing when I play sports. So, I plan on looking at getting some raw sweetbreads(adrenals, thymus and pancreas), though this seems to be pretty difficult. If I cannot find them, I will just by Dr. Ron's freeze dried glandular supplements.

I'm also not going to restrict carbs for the time being, for the reasons that there is all this chatter about that zc does stress the adrenals. I was so extremely tired on rzc, that I don't think HCL alone will help me out. I've also followed several other zc journals where HCL did not give them the energy they needed. I will even add cooked starch as this seems to be one of the better choices of cooked foods to add to a diet. I do not think this necessarily optimal or even close, its just that it may have some beneficial effects letting my adrenals heal. Meat and fat will be as raw as ever.

I am hopeful for a full recovery but I think I still need to remove my amalgams and then chelate the metals out - which I have not figured out the best method for yet. I'll probably try something natural first - chorella and coriander tincture before trying Cutlers methods but I still have a lot to research here first. I also want to continue liver flushing and so should be eating lots of raw yolks but might try something more potent with a Hulda Clark type liver flush. I also have a bag of french green clay that I will look into using as an even further healing agent.

KD, yes it seems that not that many people at DC add fat. I think a lot of them still eat grain-fed meat which doesn't need much fat. Many people there seem to be very concerned with weight and not as much with other health issues, whearas here at rpf, it seems there is little discussion on weight on more on finding the underlying cause of these issues. Also, 20lbs of suet isnt that much and I would have bought more if I knew I was going to be staying here longer. I never seem to lose the taste for suet though marrow can definitely give me a stop like it did yesterday. Perhaps my body would like to be fueled more with saturated fat than mono.

DJR, I really hope you are right, that my taste buds can tell the whole story with deficiencies, though I'm reluctant to take your statement as strong as you state it. I've only managed to intake maybe 3ml total in the past couple weeks since I got the trace minerals Mg, and thats not even their suggested 1 day intake. My taste buds don't have an off switch for fruit or other carbs so I'm going to be cautious with listening to them, though it'd be really interesting to take that test.

With that said, I tried to eat kidney yesterday and failed massively, so perhaps my kidneys are fine?  I was also pretty hungry when I tried them. I've had them sitting out now for a couple days and will try them again tonight. If they still taste bad I'm either going to cook them or toss them. Also interesting, is that I had a bunch of liver a week ago or and stuffed it down with ease but a month or so before that I couldn't get through 100g of it. Maybe I need to eat liver more frequently?

I'm also going to probably add some kelp for some iodine as this seems to be connected with glandular malfunction.

This is just speculation but, my digestion has been very poor for at least the past 5 years, if not longer and I might not have as many issues with carbs as I once thought. Cooked VLC seemed to save me at first, but it may have had nothing to do with the low carb content. We shall see

Journals / Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« on: April 16, 2010, 10:29:41 am »
Thanks for the blood test recommendations, I'll be sure to add those and research others to add. I have insurance, and I suppose I should go to a doctor to take advantage of it, they might actually have something important to say.

Under 140, wow thats really sick. I should have been more fair to my diet, raw foods appear to digest well - I feel nothing after eating them and am never bloated or have that full feeling. Its just kind of odd that there are obvious other signs of maldigestion that I have no answers to at the moment. I suppose it will just take a long time. I wonder what is the worst case scenario for people on years of RAF. It seems like all the long time RAF'ers have done very well, but this could very well just be survivalship bias where we only observe the people that made it and not the failures.

I too start loosely interpreting raw paleo whenever I see other foods. I feel that raw paleo is the answer. It makes tremendous sense to me and seems so superior with respects to all that I have read. It seems so hard to make a case against it, but empirically it is not working for me, so nights like tonight where I was at this huge banquet with free reign to all the food that I wanted to I caved. My mind had an easy way out of this one - since raw pale isn't working, why would it matter if I cheated. Cheating could even be healthier right now, if I am not digesting raw properly and my immune system is attacking me. Probably not, but the chance is there.

Before the banquet, I had fasted til about 4 p.m., came home starving for fat, and had some bone marrow, though I wasn't in the mood for bone marrow - I really wanted some suet, which is highly saturated. Bone marrow is only ~ 30% saturated iirc. I don't have any suet around so I just ate the marrow which quickly sated me in some way. I then tried to eat some raw kidney for the first time and didn't get very far. It tastes like liver covered in some urine. I had 6 egg yolks with lime juice with some trace mineral magnesium - which tastes unbelievably bad by itself and just a drop manages to make the mixture taste bad, but tolerable. The daily suggested amount is 4 drops (4ml), which I cannot see myself approaching ever, since the taste is so bad.

I get to the banquet a few hours later not hungry but willing to eat. I hold off for the first hour but then decide to try some roast beef. I try eating the cooked fat but do not get very and start feeling full and bloated much quicker than normal. I used to be able to eat tons of cooked beef without feeling too ill. Not sure if I am just paying attention more to my body or am actually more vulnerable to cooked meat or both but of of course this cheating leads to more and so I gorged on fruit and ate maybe 15 chocolate covered strawberries. Yum!!! MY stomach immediately bloated up but not as bad as two weeks ago so I was able to remain conscious. I was really craving carbs the last couple days after being nearly carb free for 10 days.

I wonder how much these cheats affect my body. I would assume that one big cheat every so often is going to be very hard for someone adapted to eating mainly raw fat. I think the body fine tunes itself for certain inputs. I also wonder if I'd be more likely to cheat now that my diet isn't working or if and when my diet starts to work, because as for now there really isn't much reason for me to stay on it, especially if you were an outsider observing just my physical symptoms.

I also ordered 20 pounds of suet from us wellness meats, which should be good for a couple months.

Also, good point about high meat. I was letting my meat rot on its own at room temperature or below for a few days to as long as just over a week, I actually liked the rotting meat. I don't think it technically got high but it did have a strong smell and some of it was pretty slimy, though it wasn't anywhere near the sliminess of the meat I've seen posted here. I probably should invest in a small fridge to store some high meat on my own. There is no way I can keep that stuff in my aunts fridge. Its starting to get too hot here for me to keep the meat out in the garage, I'd really like to avoid making her entire home stink, which I think I might have already done so to some extent. So, now Im eating all the meat fresh defrosted or out in my room for at most a day, not long enough for it to get that smelly.

Journals / Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« on: April 16, 2010, 05:30:45 am »
Will, yeah its feedlot beef that tastes terrible-which is fed grain. So there is a difference between farm raised grain-fed beef and industrial feed lot beef? It almost tasted toxic to me, which is why I chose to cook it. Also, I would easily welcome pemmican into my diet, except that is seems like an enormous bitch to make and there is no way I'm going to be smelling up my aunt's house with rendering fat for half a day. Once I go back to my own house this summer I might give it a go.

KD, there have been a few people I've seen that don't handle raw that well at all. Perhaps cooked meat can in some sense or another be easier for the body to digest or process. I still think there is something seriously wrong with my gut.

Though, yesterday after several days of little to no stool, I had one of my better turdings of the year - just too thin, giving me the feeling that something is trapped all along the walls of my colon. So, good news nonetheless, perhaps the HCL had something to do with it.

I'm also going to go do a blood test in the next couple weeks. I think its about time, 4 months on the diet should have given me enough time for my blood nutrient levels to settle to a level that should give significant results. Now, I just need to know what kinds of tests to get, what to look for, and whether or not I should even bother going to a doctor in the first place. I wouldn't mind just going directly to the lab and bypassing the appointment.

Forgot to add - energy during the day is pretty horrible. Still a lot of pain just moving around or even standing up straight. The late afternoons through the night seem to be a bit better after I come home from work.

Also, any suggestions on what to get tested for besides the normal, TGL, HDL, LDL, Serum D, white blood cells?

I'm thinking thyroid - TSH, T3, T4

Journals / Re: Journalistica
« on: April 16, 2010, 05:19:34 am »
Have you ever been checked for hypothoroidism? Do you have cold hands or feet often?

Hot Topics / Re: The Vegetarian Myth
« on: April 15, 2010, 05:01:49 am »
I agree, we shouldn't be developing technologies designed to make us live longer or survive longer etc.

As for how people would be weeded out, I have absolutely no problems with a worldwide IQ test to determine who gets their tubes tied or not, as I have always scored 125 at the very lowest, and 170 IQ at the very highest point(depending on which type of test or type of intelligence tested).   

lol, I would actually choose to wipe you out based on this comment alone. good game TD

Journals / Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« on: April 14, 2010, 11:15:22 am »
A few things. Grain fed meat is starting to taste much worse to me. I was forced to buy some in Miami this last week and decided to cook part of it because it tasted so bad. Grass-fed meat on the other tastes good, especially the lamb shoulder chops that sit out for a day. They are amazing - the fat content is high and the meat is so tender and soft. I could eat it the rest of my life no problem.

I can't tell if this is a product of my training or my diet, but it appears that I am not doing so well when I lift for sets longer than 5. The first rep seems very light and then the rest seem significantly heavier. I wonder if this has to do with me depleting my glycogen the last week with almost no carbs. For instance, today I deadlifted 425 for a new personal best one time. It wasn't my intention to max out, its just that I didn't feel like doing anymore than one rep. That one rep felt very strong, just that I had no need for anymore. So, with this in mind I decided to just throw on more weight. This was 10 more pounds than my previous max and and whopping 60 more pounds than I had done double-overhand, implying that my grip is probably stronger and also that if I switched to the stronger mixed grip I could have probably deadlifted a bit more. I also maxed on olympic squatting getting 355 the other day. So max strength is up, which is important, but I'm not sure about endurance.

Also, I picked up a canker sore for the first time in a very long time (perhaps since I went vlc 18 months ago). I used to get these annoying sores pretty often in the past and they too miraculously disappeared with the change in diet. Essentially, there isn't one aspect of my health that has improved over the last 4 months. Most things have stayed the same, but a few have gotten worse. I am a bit stronger than ever though and thats about it. Maybe its time for pemmican - something I really don't want to make.

Its kind of weird that raw meat feels great going down and raw fat is satiating but that my stools are so completely awful but they were fine on cooked meat, as was everything else. Well, I'm going to stick it out and get my mercury taken out and then detox from that. I did have this huge swiss chard and an avocado yesterday, which has produced no bowel movements today. I sense something painful in the near future :(

One good thing as well - the HCL pills seemed to have done something today after 6-8 pills (lost track when I was on the phone). I can't really describe the feeling as a warm burning sensation that others have reported but I didn't feel like taking more

Hot Topics / Re: The Vegetarian Myth
« on: April 14, 2010, 04:41:02 am »
I just read it and overall, I thinks its very good and just a complete bombardment of everything imaginable against vegetarianism - mainly grains and soy. The one aspect of the book that was annoying was that, there were many instances where the arguments she makes go unchecked. I remember thinking how easily I could bring up some counter points (not that I know I'm right) that she would have a hard time arguing against. She would have benefited a great deal from posting on message boards like this one, where my arguing skills have sharpened immensely.

But, she did research the book well and it shows and the information inside is priceless even if the logic does get derailed every so often. The last bit of the book was easily the most controversial and most worthless. She kind of goes into the abyss when she recommends not reproducing and getting rid of anything reliant on fossil fuels. I am strongly against the reproduction argument. I think its actually pretty absurd. Reproducing children in vibrant health because of our diets is one of the best weapons we have to fix the future.

Journals / Re: Journalistica
« on: April 14, 2010, 04:33:09 am »
Sorry to hear about the horrible results - Any reason you chose to eat such a large amount of carbs instead of reintroducing them back more slowly?

Journals / Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« on: April 14, 2010, 04:28:09 am »
Been there, done that. It used to be so bad at times in high school that they'd think I cheated.
I'd take a math test and finish in less than 10 minutes with nothing written out other than answers while it took the rest of the class 30+ minutes and they'd have a page or two of scrap paper filled out with their calculations.

I'm not alone, again. Nice!

I forgot to mention my liver flush experiment which I did not continue in miami for the 5 days I was there. I did have about 4 egg yolks with some limie juice and a touch of coconut oil a couple nights ago, which produced nothing interesting the next day. My stools seem to be backed up significantly again. If you recall I was having tremendous difficulty, with horrible pain passing malformed stools at the end of my first two months of raw carnivore. The stools became painless once I added carbs, but never even got close to normalcy. I keep talking about stools in my journal since they seem to give me immediate feedback, though I still do not know how to interpret them.

I'm going to restart HCL pills which I only took a few times and thought they were worhtless after getting no burn. I found another journal online of a zc'er who had a very similar reaction to me with the pills. He took 6 one meal, then 8 and eventually up to 20 650 mg pills without a burn. But, he stuck with it, but kept his intake much lower and eventually got down to a more reasonable number. I'm not sure he got down to 0, but he did feel something after 6-8 IIRC. This got me very hopeful and so I took 7-8 HCL pills last night after my meal and felt nothing of course, but it didn't bother me as much because of the other guy's experience. His journal can be found here -

He suffered from poor anaerobic performance and never got to the level he wanted to be at in the 8 months of zero-carbing, even with his much improved digestion with the HCL. He's now doing a Matt Stone inspired High Everything Diet (now renamed RRARF, which I have my own inconclusive opinions on that I will talk about later). I have never had trouble with weightlifting and in fact increased my lifts significantly going vlc/zc.

Today and yesterday I felt what it was like to be both not depressed but physically incapable of doing much. More so yesterday, but the 5 day break away from the computer and in social situations almost all the time with little isolation, as well as being outside seemed to really erase some mental instability. I called one of my good friends that I had not talked to in a year or longer. I emailed her a couple months ago telling her I would call very soon. I kept putting off this call and was in fact kind of dreading it the entire time. Well, I somehow just called her up and had a really inspiring conversation that lasted for more than 2 hours. It was effortless most of the time and I was able to produce uninterrupted streams of thoughts that connected well with her. My mind seems to be in a much better place and this was without any bookwork, just stepping out into the open. I finally feel like talking to the opposite sex in the way that I want to.

Journals / Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« on: April 13, 2010, 06:50:54 am »
Good news and bad news to report as usual. Good news is that I had some really relaxing smooth conversations that were creative, absent of diarhea of the mouth where my sentences seem to splatter everywhere without direction. The bad news is that I was wallowing in extreme lethargy for much of the day. I only slept 5+ hours last night after scouring throw a bunch of research last night. I was in my addiction completely unable to remove myself from the computer. There was much catching up to do from the 5 days in Miami that I was without a computer. I was tired around 1030 but just pushed myself until 2 until I was borderline hallucinating. Its crazy what I will do for instant gratification. In this instance sleep is not instantly gratifying and so my mind rejects this in favor of tirelessly searching. I have about 20 tabs open on this browser alone on a lot of material that I did not quite get through. I feel like I have so much work to do. Not necessarily a bad thing but I need to force myself away.

But now I feel pretty good and about to head to my weekly recovery meeting, something I have not done in about a month. I'm actually pretty excited to go and see the people and join in the active listening. So going to miami was a fantastic experience. I stayed with my Dad's best friend from college who is now recently widowed. The guy really questioned almost everything that left my mouth. Not necessarily at all in a threatening manner, though it did get quite annoying and I did explode on him eventually, but he really forced me to make everything I said crystal clear with no leaks. He picked apart every little part of my reasoning, which really forced me into thinking, yes thinking, something I have been avoiding been stuck in my own anxieties. My mind sharpened like it had before with his mandatory need for explanations - something I have never been good at doing. For the most part, I figure out how to do things without being able to explain back what it took to get there.

A psychologist explained my thinking to me using the following example - She would always tell me how "bright" kids like me were worse at explaining things they learned since the knowledge just intuitively came to them. You ask a smart kid how he knew how to write the letter 'D' and he'll say "I don't know?" but you ask a kid struggling in school and he'll be able to give a more precise, detailed answer. I know its not exactly like this, but the point is that I think this really explains how I think. I don't figure things out really and instead skip over the details and grasp ideas as a whole. This also leads me to think other people understand my thoughts better than they really do. They can't actually read my mind - just because what makes sense to me does not mean that makes the same sense to them. This really is a lack of empathy, the ability to put oneself in another one's place. I feel much more empathetic right now than last week. Empathy is also related to my ability to connect to my surroundings without agonizing and simply reacting. I think I do well with pattern recognition types of intelligence, stuff that looks nice on standardized tests but not particularly helpful in real life.

This also helps explain why my posts often have missing words - my ideas in my mind are clear but I have trouble fully putting all of it down in a readable manner for everyone else. It makes so much sense to me that I rush to get my point across without the thought about how others will read it. I still have to proofread my posts multiple times, like this one, which I am editing now(twice now) to correct for a couple mistakes.

Also, not being able to explain myself clearly leads to me just giving up and saying "I don't know". If an answer does not just spontaneously come to me, I badly want to give up. This has been my modus operandi for years now. I just give up, or cry and pout like a little baby when things don't work out. Its amazing how much I just don't think about a situation whenever a problem arises. I just stop trying instead of thinking critically and asking the right questions. Right now, thanks to my Dad's friend, I feel I can ask the right questions to get out of a jam. But I'm vulnerable as always to slipping back but the confidence is there. Woot.

Journals / Re: Lex's Journal
« on: April 12, 2010, 09:38:16 am »
The interview was excellent and you sounded great and healthy, nothing at all how you described it.

Journals / Re: Journalistica
« on: April 12, 2010, 09:36:12 am »
Thanks for clarifying. Did you fix your relationship? I thought you said it was ending.

Thats pretty strange that you are struggling to eat and losing your ass. Most people on ZC that I have seen have reported no decrease in muscle mass and generally have significantly improved muscle tone. I still can't believe you are 165, I would have guessed 200+. ZC could be pretty bad for you. And since you don't have much problems with cravings from carbs (right?), this could be a sign that you 'need' much more carbs than me. I wouldn't completely rule out cooked starches, some people do very with them and I've seen some reports of people who have struggled with low-carb only to do very well with the addition of potatoes. I will probably 'make' more fermented sweet potatoes. They really did taste great with the texture and taste similar to what its like when cooked, just a little sourer.

Eating lean meat only isn't a problem, I set new PRs last night on my bench (Incline+Flat), Snatch and Weighted Dips, it's only a problem if you are under 5.8% body fat.

"In a study of these elite troops, body fat percent dropped from 14.3% at the start of the course to an average of 5.8% at the end. Fat Mass declined according to initial fatness. The body fat loss ceased at a point where each man still carried 2.5 Kg of body fat. This apparently represents a lower limit of body fat loss in healthy men.

In a few soldiers, bodyweight loss, but not body fat loss, continued after reaching this low Fat Mass. This bodyweight loss was fully accounted for by losses in Lean Body Mass. At a critical point in bodyweight loss, the body chooses to spare its remaining fat reserves. Now, instead of losing fat, it sacrifices proteins (muscles and organs) to provide fuel. " P. 196, UDS, Dr. Greggory Ellis

Maybe an extreme amount of lean would be bad, but then, other than sex and sports, everything extreme is bad for you.

I actually agree, that at least in the short term, eating just lean meat, might not be a problem at all, as long as you are not eating too much protein. The simplest explanation for this would be that, as long as you had enough body fat, all your energy needs should come straight from your own body, with the protein sparing your muscle and providing much needed glucose for proper brain function through gluconeogenesis. Very overweight people can actually not eat for very long periods of time, provided they are given a few supplements for mineral and vitamin balance. Lyle McDonald has a book on a diet called the protein-sparing modified fast that is designed to get you to safely lose the most weight in the least amount of time. You simply eat just enough protein to spare muscle and essential fats and the rare carb refeed.

Now, whether this will disturb your metabolism in the future is a huge question for concern. In keys famous starvation study, the men regained all their fat stores and more very quickly after refeeding. I can't remember if the study lasted long enough to see if their fat stores eventually went back to their pre-study amounts.

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