Paleo Diet: Raw Paleo Diet and Lifestyle Forum

Raw Paleo Diet Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: Projectile Vomit on September 15, 2014, 09:35:32 pm

Title: New post on advanced glycation end products
Post by: Projectile Vomit on September 15, 2014, 09:35:32 pm
Just finished a post on Advanced Glycation End Products ( (AGEs), which are formed when sugar reacts with proteins and create cross-links in long-lived structural tissues like collagen and myelin. For those who aren't aware (and I know many on this forum already are) AGEs are also formed when we cook our food at high temperatures, particularly without moisture as in frying, grilling, roasting, etc.

While other heat created toxins like heterocyclic amines (, acrylamide ( and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ( are known for carcinogenic and/or mutagenic effects, AGEs have a very different mode of action. Turns out the cross-links they form in our tissues are inflammatory, and seem to play an integral role in the progression of chronic degenerative diseases like diabetes, heart disease and perhaps neurodegenerative diseases too. Dietary consumption of AGEs adds significantly to our body burdens of these compounds, so choosing foods that don't contain as much might be a wise choice for those of us who want to avoid chronic inflammation.
Title: Re: New post on advanced glycation end products
Post by: jessica on September 15, 2014, 10:37:59 pm
Hey Eric the first link doesn't work, perhaps remove the quotation marks?  Excellent blogs, thank you for compiling research and making it cohesive and understandable.
Title: Re: New post on advanced glycation end products
Post by: Projectile Vomit on September 15, 2014, 11:36:56 pm
Thanks Jessica, sorry about that. I should have tested them right after I posted. At any rate, they're all working now.
Title: Re: New post on advanced glycation end products
Post by: van on September 16, 2014, 12:46:17 am
Eric, do you plan to explain in more detail about combining protein and sugars.   I have also thought that sugar and fats do the same. 
Title: Re: New post on advanced glycation end products
Post by: Projectile Vomit on September 16, 2014, 01:32:14 am
I might eventually. This particular series was on heat-created toxins, so I focused on those dietary toxins that are created by heat. Advanced lipoxidation end products (ALEs) are also produced in the body due to reactions between sugars (or their degradation products) and lipids, but I didn't find any references that claim they are created by cooking food. If you know if any, definitely point me to them.
Title: Re: New post on advanced glycation end products
Post by: van on September 16, 2014, 02:52:20 am
neither have I regarding cooking.  but I think Rosedale mentions sugars sticking to fats.  That's where my interest comes from.   'Many' speak of eating fat with sugar to reduce the insulin spike.  But very well may come as a consequence. 
Title: Re: New post on advanced glycation end products
Post by: Projectile Vomit on September 16, 2014, 04:01:53 am
I think you're onto something there, and it's something I've thought about too. After several thousand years of agricultural revolution that provided easy access to starch (that our bodies very quickly turn into sugar) and now over 100 years of industrial revolution that's provided easy access to refined sugars and starches, we've developed something of a society-wide sugar addiction. Rather than addressing this sugar addiction, 'many' would rather find ways to continue eating high sugar/starch diets while mitigating the impacts by eating yet more food. Seems like a treadmill that doesn't lead anywhere useful, at least to me.

I'll certainly write about ALEs at some point, though not quite sure when. So much to write about now that I have my blog up and running!
Title: Re: New post on advanced glycation end products
Post by: fireflysea on September 17, 2014, 12:54:37 pm
Thanks for sharing!
Recently I've been eating wayyyy too much fruit and also lots of meat and avocados. I started to get this sensation that my blood is sticky. Ick

What would you recommend raw foodists eat to have low AGEs. I have a lot of inflammation whatever I eat unless I take food enzymes (and even then sometimes). I think non-fruit green lemon juice, cucumbers, and fermented vegetables and seaweeds probably feel best, if not an entirely liquid diet. But it's not really sustainable energetically. Anyway if Combos of fats and sugars / proteins and sugars are the issue do you think we need to choose either higher fat/protein OR higher sugar from fruits and starches? Again I'm talking raw here.
Title: Re: New post on advanced glycation end products
Post by: Inger on September 17, 2014, 04:08:25 pm
I eat almost only raw animal food, go heavy on raw seafood and lots of oysters... but lots of raw grassfed heart too. I have very low AGE levels.
I have it cool in my home, use minimal clothing and swim/dip in cold waters.
Cold and seafood are the best for lowering inflammation IMHO.
Also, avoid non native EMF and fake lights.
Title: Re: New post on advanced glycation end products
Post by: Projectile Vomit on September 17, 2014, 07:37:49 pm
Inger's diet seems to work very well for her. I can tolerate more carbs and even wild fruit in season, like wild blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, crab apples and less sugary fruit like ground cherries. Everyone's body is a little different, based partly on physiological differences as well as our past experiences and the deficiencies or excesses old junk food diets created. What works for Inger or me won't necessarily work for you, you'll have to experiment to figure out what fits your body best, at different times of the year.

I know you were probably hoping someone would tell you The Answer, but I don't think that's possible...
Title: Re: New post on advanced glycation end products
Post by: PaleoPhil on September 18, 2014, 05:29:40 am
I can tolerate more carbs and even wild fruit in season, like wild blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, crab apples and less sugary fruit like ground cherries.
Interesting; those are some of my best tolerated fruits too (though I don't like the taste of cherries much, so I don't normally eat them). I also find that good quality crab apples tend to taste better than the bigger ones, yet many people don't even know that they're edible and assume that they're only for cooking with.

Did I talk about elderberries yet? One day recently a local market had them, so I bought a container of them. Wow am I glad I did! Many people are unaware that they can be eaten raw, and most use them in cooking. Thanks to Green Deane, I knew that the black ones can be eaten raw, so I did. They tasted mediocre--bland and mildly bitter, though not awful, and rather like some wild berries I've sampled, which may contribute to people thinking they have to be cooked. So taste wasn't the interesting thing. What was interesting is that within minutes of eating some I started feeling remarkably good. I ate the entire container rather quickly, felt great and wished I had more. They digested quite well. A few days later when I looked for more to buy, they were all sold out.

I had read before that elderberries are supposed to be a particularly beneficial berry, and I can believe it. I checked out Green Deane's video again, and he reported that some people get ill effects from eating too many of even the ripe, black elderberries, but I experienced only positive effects. They now rank as one of my favorite foods I've ever tried--not at all for taste, but because of the benefits.
Title: Re: New post on advanced glycation end products
Post by: eveheart on September 20, 2014, 10:05:33 am
Eric, I've been wondering about the chart "kU AGE per 100 grams" ( that you posted in your blog on Advanced Glycation Endproducts. Starting on the low end with rice, bananas, apples, and celery all under 50 kU, I see that raw fish and meats range around 500 - 1000 kU. It's the rice that's been on my mind.

The text above the chart says that "foods containing processed, cooked grains" are among the foods containing the highest AGE levels. That led me to believe that the entry for rice in the chart refers to raw rice, but I was not sure about that, so I looked up values on the chart at ( There, the value of 9kU was for cooked rice.

Reducing inflammation is my primary goal, keeping low blood sugar levels is my secondary goal. I'm very happy with my health results eating raw, but this low-AGE rice information has me wondering... I'd welcome any comments except those based on "not paleo" or phytic acid/phytates because those are clear to me already. Is rice really an ideal low-AGE food?
Title: Re: New post on advanced glycation end products
Post by: Inger on September 21, 2014, 03:13:28 am
 I would never eat rice, Eveheart. I have read about stuff in it that is no good for us... I just do not remember what it was right now. And anyways it is a unnatural food for me. I have never seen any around... in the wild....nothing close to it

I would be careful with believing, only because a food is low in AGE it is good for you.... big mistake.. we need to see a way bigger picture
Title: Re: New post on advanced glycation end products
Post by: Inger on September 21, 2014, 03:16:58 am
If you want to reduce inflammation effectively, I recommend lots of raw seafood.. lots of it. Preferably oysters... and keep it cold..
and keep it dark = avoid fake light and stress
you will get results, I am confident :)
Title: Re: New post on advanced glycation end products
Post by: Projectile Vomit on September 21, 2014, 07:16:51 am
Hi Eve, regarding rice there are many different types of AGEs and most only form at higher temps, or when heat is dry. Rice tends to be cooked by steaming or boiling, methods that tend not to produce AGEs in high quantities.

Just because white rice is low in AGEs doesn't mean it isn't inflammatory. There can be other things in a food that make it inflammatory besides AGEs. That said, it's been my experience that small amounts of cooked white rice eaten occasionally aren't that bad. I wouldn't want to have to live on the stuff though...
Title: Re: New post on advanced glycation end products
Post by: eveheart on September 21, 2014, 08:07:16 am
Thanks, Inger and Eric. I didn't want to sound like I was contemplating rice consumption. I was just reinforcing the depth of my meager scientific knowledge. I myself "encounter" rice from time to time when I peel the fish off the rice from a piece of sushi, but I don't actually eat it. I am sharing Eric's posts with my daughter (cooked "paleo"), so I have to be able to answer a few questions.
Title: Re: New post on advanced glycation end products
Post by: fireflysea on September 21, 2014, 01:45:26 pm
Thanks Inger! I bet sticking to lots of seafood and no fruit really would help me! I'm going to liquid fast a bit because I've made myself sick on food the past three weeks. Wah. And the I'll try a high seafood diet! Seafood is so delicious, one of my favorites really. But I get sick of it easily unless I have a lot of variety (And I don't unless I were to go out to sushi restaurants all the time).

Can you give an example of a days food? I live in Florida USA
Title: Re: New post on advanced glycation end products
Post by: Inger on September 21, 2014, 03:19:10 pm
you need to listen to what your body needs, using your intellect simultaneously

I sometimes crave organs/meat/beef fat when I have been eating lots of seafood for days. Means my body craves saturated fat - so I eat it
You need to exercise your sensitivity - and you do that by living in tune with the nature! The more unnatural life you live (being much inside... fake lights... fake temps... fake foods... too little sun, too much clothes...etc) the less good your intuition will work about what is good for you.

This is what I often have for breakfast, oysters picked by me, and raw wild salmon (more often I do herring or mackerel) in ACV/lemon/limejuice and raw onions + a little sea salt, you can add grated ginger too / a little raw wild honey if you like
The greens are wild crispy salty things I have picked by the shore - so yummy!


so yummy oysters......


This is Galloway meat from a local farm... it is divine. Only pastured, get some hay in winter.. Galloway is my favorite so far. They grow very slowly, and they are an old kind of cattle from Scotland..


I usually eat 2 meals of seafood an 1 land animal, which mostly is raw heart, I also do raw liver once in a while.

I often do raw nuts for dessert, I love hazelnuts! I eat the a lot now in summer and fall. Almost every day. I love pistachios too.... and I sometimes eat coconut, in summer. I have some organic young coconuts in my fridge now.... they are not native to here but I do allow myself to eat them in summer... I love the juice and the meat!
Title: Re: New post on advanced glycation end products
Post by: fireflysea on September 22, 2014, 11:47:52 am
Wow Inger that all looks delicious!!!! Mmmm I love those greens, I've had them before, here they are often called "sea beans". Omg oysters are my favorites! Wonderful that you can harvest oysters and sea beans yourself!!!! You chose a wonderful place to live it seems!
I really want to fast for a bit but the bingeing initiated after I ate something I am intolerant to (which kills the villi in my intestines, which means lack of micronutrient absorption, which is the only thing that leads me to binge these days when my body is like wtf where are my nutrients).  So maybe if I focus on seafood and meat only (with maybe a but of raw fermented veg or acv/lemon juice and green juice) for a bit first my inflammation will go down and I'll be able to fast after. We'll see!

Unfortunately I'm intolerant to most nuts so those are off the menu for me, tho recently I had a handful of almonds and cashews to retest my sensitivity and wound up in the hospital! Agh.  I do love coconut tho and it's not te best for me but I do eat it!  I' really don't know how to stop the bingeing at this point. I keep thinking I'm so done and then wind up doing it again . Wah! But I just need to get myself together lol.  I know when I do have fish and no carbs and stuff I always feel better and less inflamed.

Thanks for the ideas and delicious photos inger!!! <3
Title: Re: New post on advanced glycation end products
Post by: eveheart on September 22, 2014, 12:29:31 pm
I really don't know how to stop the bingeing at this point. I keep thinking I'm so done and then wind up doing it again.

Fireflysea, I was told I had binge-eating disorder... and I had all the symptoms until I starting eating raw paleo. Seriously! I'm never out of control when I stick to raw foods in good proportions.

I try to eat as my paleolithic ancestors would have eaten - with the seasons. That really answers my questions about when, which food, and how much food to eat. I live in a temperate zone, so fruit would be some berries for a few weeks in the summer and stone fruits in the summer or fall. If you've ever had a stone fruit tree, you will know how short the harvest is for each variety.

Thinking about the food inhibition/food disinhibition cycles of binge-eating disorder, I would advise against fasting.
Title: Re: New post on advanced glycation end products
Post by: Joy2012 on September 23, 2014, 01:05:33 pm
I eat almost only raw animal food, go heavy on raw seafood and lots of oysters... but lots of raw grassfed heart too. I have very low AGE levels.
I have it cool in my home, use minimal clothing and swim/dip in cold waters.
Cold and seafood are the best for lowering inflammation IMHO.
Also, avoid non native EMF and fake lights.
Inger, you look very good in your photo.
One thing I don't understand: According to the charts mentioned in this thread, raw seafood is high in AGE (in the hundreds of units) compared with vegetables/cooked starches. So how come you have very low AGE levels?
Title: Re: New post on advanced glycation end products
Post by: fireflysea on September 23, 2014, 02:44:12 pm
Thank you love! Such good points :). I've been raw for 8+ years so I actually don't even know how to eat "normal" foods anymore. I binge on raw foods, lately to the point of it being quite scary. I usually don't eat really anything processed, raw or not, but when in binge mode as I've been all month since I ate some almonds (I'm allergic/intolerant), I will sometimes eat more processed raw foods if they are around out of "desperation" (like coconut oil, coconut butter, raw macaroons, date-coconut balls, etc). I've gained 10 lbs of fat this month, it's a very high weight for me. but the part that actually bothers me is that I FEEL intensely swollen, achey, and fly like every day. Fasting really helps calm my inflammation but I know it can lead to bingeing again.
Title: Re: New post on advanced glycation end products
Post by: Projectile Vomit on September 23, 2014, 09:33:32 pm
Figuring out what's causing the inflammation and not eating that anymore will also take care of your symptoms, and will do it more gently than a fast. Not that fasts aren't useful, they can be, I'm just not sure one would help all that much if you haven't cut the culprit food from your diet first.
Title: Re: New post on advanced glycation end products
Post by: eveheart on September 23, 2014, 11:41:46 pm
...I've been raw for 8+ years so I actually don't even know how to eat "normal" foods anymore. I binge on raw foods, lately to the point of it being quite scary. I usually don't eat really anything processed, raw or not, but when in binge mode as I've been all month since I ate some almonds (I'm allergic/intolerant), I will sometimes eat more processed raw foods if they are around out of "desperation" (like coconut oil, coconut butter, raw macaroons, date-coconut balls, etc)....

The foods you mentioned are all processed foods. Paleolithic people wouldn't eat almonds that have been stored for months (so are available year-found), coconut butter that has been separated from the coconut meat, blended foods like macaroons and date-coconut balls, etc. Pretend you are a hunter-gatherer. Eat that way.
Title: Re: New post on advanced glycation end products
Post by: Inger on September 24, 2014, 03:16:42 am
Inger, you look very good in your photo.
One thing I don't understand: According to the charts mentioned in this thread, raw seafood is high in AGE (in the hundreds of units) compared with vegetables/cooked starches. So how come you have very low AGE levels?

Because I do not eat any sugar / carbs. Except some green veggie here and there and wild herbs and wild berries and very little raw wild honey and I do eat raw nuts - I do carbs seasonally. I avoid carbs in winter. I eat a little bit in summer but also then have days where I am zero carb.

high sugar intake and stress (also exercise!) gives you higher AGE level in your body too

I eat around 3000 calories / day, high protein, high fat, do zero exercise, am 38 yo in a few days and 166 cm

I still have muscles, even if being that sedentary and eating so many calories
I feel very strong and healthy
(pic from a few weeks ago)


Title: Re: New post on advanced glycation end products
Post by: Inger on September 24, 2014, 03:21:34 am
raw paleo junk is not great food at all. You need to quit that stuff if you are not healthy / having an eating disorder
Title: Re: New post on advanced glycation end products
Post by: Joy2012 on September 24, 2014, 03:48:19 am
Thank you, Inger. You do have muscles! I am impressed.

If I may ask, what about facial skin, such as wrinkles and skin lagging? You do look good in your photo. But photos do not show fine wrinkles.  Some say that high-protein and high-calorie are aging and could cause skin aging quick.
Title: Re: New post on advanced glycation end products
Post by: Projectile Vomit on September 24, 2014, 06:35:37 am
Regarding the chart in the post I started the thread with, realize that most of the meats and even the seafood featured there were farm raised. Farm raised meats will likely have higher AGEs because the animals are fed a high-carb, processed diet that makes their blood sugar higher and increases the reactions in their body that create AGEs. AGEs aren't only created by heat, they are also created naturally when you have high blood sugar. This is one reason why diabetics tend to have high AGEs, they have trouble regulating their blood sugar and it is often far too high.
Title: Re: New post on advanced glycation end products
Post by: fireflysea on September 24, 2014, 06:59:36 am
The foods you mentioned are all processed foods. Paleolithic people wouldn't eat almonds that have been stored for months (so are available year-found), coconut butter that has been separated from the coconut meat, blended foods like macaroons and date-coconut balls, etc. Pretend you are a hunter-gatherer. Eat that way.

Exactly lol, what I was saying is I DONT eat those things! The only time I have was at one point when I slipped into a binge
Title: Re: New post on advanced glycation end products
Post by: fireflysea on September 24, 2014, 07:02:08 am
Because I do not eat any sugar / carbs. Except some green veggie here and there and wild herbs and wild berries and very little raw wild honey and I do eat raw nuts - I do carbs seasonally. I avoid carbs in winter. I eat a little bit in summer but also then have days where I am zero carb.

high sugar intake and stress (also exercise!) gives you higher AGE level in your body too

I eat around 3000 calories / day, high protein, high fat, do zero exercise, am 38 yo in a few days and 166 cm

I still have muscles, even if being that sedentary and eating so many calories
I feel very strong and healthy
(pic from a few weeks ago)

Just wanted to say you look fantastic Inger!!! :)
Title: Re: New post on advanced glycation end products
Post by: Joy2012 on September 24, 2014, 11:38:02 am
Regarding the chart in the post I started the thread with, realize that most of the meats and even the seafood featured there were farm raised. Farm raised meats will likely have higher AGEs because the animals are fed a high-carb, processed diet that makes their blood sugar higher and increases the reactions in their body that create AGEs. AGEs aren't only created by heat, they are also created naturally when you have high blood sugar. This is one reason why diabetics tend to have high AGEs, they have trouble regulating their blood sugar and it is often far too high.

Title: Re: New post on advanced glycation end products
Post by: Joy2012 on September 24, 2014, 12:33:10 pm
Thanks, Inger and Eric. I didn't want to sound like I was contemplating rice consumption. I was just reinforcing the depth of my meager scientific knowledge. I myself "encounter" rice from time to time when I peel the fish off the rice from a piece of sushi, but I don't actually eat it. I am sharing Eric's posts with my daughter (cooked "paleo"), so I have to be able to answer a few questions.

If your daughter wants to eat rice, brown rice is much better than white rice.

The following article actually considers brown rice a very healthy food. (

Title: Re: New post on advanced glycation end products
Post by: Greenbalance on September 24, 2014, 06:43:40 pm
You look great Inger!

I want to ask you about your favorite way of eating raw herring. It's the cheapest fish for me and I can afford it often for that reason.
Title: Re: New post on advanced glycation end products
Post by: Inger on September 24, 2014, 11:06:30 pm
Thank you, Inger. You do have muscles! I am impressed.

If I may ask, what about facial skin, such as wrinkles and skin lagging? You do look good in your photo. But photos do not show fine wrinkles.  Some say that high-protein and high-calorie are aging and could cause skin aging quick.

Well, I have always had wrinkles under my eyes, even as a baby......... go figure! So I would lie if I said I were wrinkle-less. Also my high fruit rawfood years really did no good to my skin too.... I have never had that great a skin anyways. But I can say for sure, I have never had better skin than I have now :) it is so soft and smooth! And i have less wrinkles now than I had 6 years ago with high fruit..........
also I easily get cellulite... and that is practically gone...... I bet it would go away 100% if I quit drinking my close to daily cold cardamom-coffee cup and the occasional wine.. and I seldom have some HWC or grassfed butter too. Those all worsens my cellulite (inflammation). But still, I have almost non back :)

I am in the sun all the time... my whole life already.. and never use sunscreen... so i am sure going to get but I am not worried at all about that. I rather be healthy as a horse with some wrinkles than unhealthy and wrinkle-less....  ;D

To me a high sugar diet (=high fruit)  is the one that gives me wrinkles most effectively.....
Title: Re: New post on advanced glycation end products
Post by: Inger on September 24, 2014, 11:18:53 pm
You look great Inger!

I want to ask you about your favorite way of eating raw herring. It's the cheapest fish for me and I can afford it often for that reason.

I make fish head smoothie from the heads and roe and fish milk,
the rest I make into filet and  cut into slices and mix with
-raw onion, sliced
-grated fresh ginger (optional)
-chopped garlic (optional)
-Piment (brown pepper) (optional, gives a great taste!)
-a tiny bit of raw wild honey (optional)

let it marinate over night and enjoy! I make a huge bowl and eat for 2-3 days..... easy and so yummy
I eat this all the time, and i never get tired of
Title: Re: New post on advanced glycation end products
Post by: littleElefant on September 25, 2014, 03:19:24 am
Inger, you have such a lovely body 8)
Tell me, what do you mean by high protein diet. I always make an effort to keep protein low and eat fat and some veggies for satiation. How much protein approximately contains a normal meal for you? Do you take the ACV for taste or for better digestion? And do you include eggs?  And Inger, since when do you eat so much nuts? I thought you where against it because of all the O 6 and the phytic acid and the mold problem etc
Title: Re: New post on advanced glycation end products
Post by: van on September 25, 2014, 03:38:31 am
i will add a little info as regards Ingers' diet.   Fish has a less acidic effect on the body than meat.  Hence I think one can eat more and have less neg. effects.   I'm sure the nuts she eats are from the shell and this season.   As regards the amount of omega 6's,, they are totally offset by the amount of three's she gets in fish.     Her post reminded me of how nice it will be to get fresh nuts this year.    Ok, Inger, your turn.
Title: Re: New post on advanced glycation end products
Post by: Joy2012 on September 25, 2014, 12:00:12 pm
Inger, Many thanks for sharing your health/beauty tips.

Van, your input is always useful.

Inger, I suppose you eat fresh, never-frozen raw seafood. I usually eat frozen wild-caught salmon and shrimps (purchased from Wholefoods) because I think freezing kills parasites. Do you ever worry about parasites in never-frozen wild-caught raw salmon or in wild-caught shrimps? Do you think your marinating sauce might kill parasites?
Title: Re: New post on advanced glycation end products
Post by: van on September 25, 2014, 12:51:23 pm
pacific salmon has far more parasites than atlantic
Title: Re: New post on advanced glycation end products
Post by: Inger on September 25, 2014, 01:27:13 pm
Inger, you have such a lovely body 8)
Tell me, what do you mean by high protein diet. I always make an effort to keep protein low and eat fat and some veggies for satiation. How much protein approximately contains a normal meal for you? Do you take the ACV for taste or for better digestion? And do you include eggs?  And Inger, since when do you eat so much nuts? I thought you where against it because of all the O 6 and the phytic acid and the mold problem etc

Hi, littleElefant :)

I never count macros. But when I do for fun I am always way over 100 gram protein /day. I eat between 500g and 1 kg seafood and meat/organs / day
but what I do too...... I never get artificial blue light in my eyes after sunset - I am very strict about this. I go early to bed (as I get so tired) raise early (never use alarm) and sleep so well. I do anything I can to avoid non native EMF. I have moved to a tiny town close to the shore... full of oysters. And I keep it cool.... All on purpose. I believe, in today's world.. if we are bathing in nnEMF 24/7 high protein or high carbs are both no good idea. But if you live more naturally, high protein is never going to hurt you. This is what all my research tell me and also my own experience. You always need the context!
It is not all about food.... by far not

Nuts needs context too ;). As Van says, get good quality nuts, eat them raw (!) and fresh and always with seafood. Then they want hurt you. I eat so much seafood I kind of need nuts to balance out all the omega
Not going to eat nuts in the winter tho, as they have some carbs. Hazelnuts are my favorite nuts now... I buy them from Orkos.. to be sure they are raw. in shell or shelled. But I never keep nuts stored for long time, and I keep them in my fridge.
I also am picky with what nuts I eat. I never eat cashews. I do not eat much walnuts either as they are so hard to get fresh.. or they get rancid so fast? I just do not want them.... but I do wild Siberian Ceder nuts and I do hazelnuts.. and some almonds (soaked) and Brazil nuts once in a while... sometimes I do sesame seeds... and I love pistachios too. With nuts  I very much know what I need.. as my body tells me - weird huh! Sometimes I love pistachios, and then, all of a sudden I can care no less... and I gorge on hazelnuts my body is clear on this...
But it is not that I eat lots of nuts all the time. Summer/fall is nut time by me :) need to get some Omega6 in for the winter ;)
I do believe nuts can be bad for some people with certain illnesses, as eggs can too.

I do ACV for taste only. I use lime or lemon juice too at times. I just love the chevice style with herring and mackerel, salmon too
I do not have issues with digesting anything I eat... thankfully :) I occasionally gorge on a 600 g "steak" and I digest it perfectly fine....

I do eat some eggs once in a while - sometimes I even crave them a little! But I try to get pastured and always the best quality - i am picky with that.
Title: Re: New post on advanced glycation end products
Post by: Inger on September 25, 2014, 01:37:58 pm
Inger, Many thanks for sharing your health/beauty tips.

Van, your input is always useful.

Inger, I suppose you eat fresh, never-frozen raw seafood. I usually eat frozen wild-caught salmon and shrimps (purchased from Wholefoods) because I think freezing kills parasites. Do you ever worry about parasites in never-frozen wild-caught raw salmon or in wild-caught shrimps? Do you think your marinating sauce might kill parasites?

Well, I for sure prefer fresh, but I can get fresh fish here only thursday and friday, so I buy a lot and eat half of it fresh and the rest I freeze for a couple of day or it would go rancid....
I do not freeze because of parasites, or use ACV because of parasites. I am not afraid of them one bit.
I have eaten raw fish where I have seen the parasites, not only once... and I do raw fish heads and roe and fishmilk in my smoothies too... parasites seems to not like
I believe, when we live in tune with nature parasites will not take over. And I also believe a healthy stomach acid will kill most of them. So if you have a  disturbed digestion you might want to be careful.
Otherwise, just eat papaya seeds and peel, drink herbal teas that kill worms etc. once in a while. I do think parasites can be a issue for some, but it has not been for me AFAIK / am aware of. I always think in context here too. You need to know your own risks.
Title: Re: New post on advanced glycation end products
Post by: van on September 26, 2014, 12:19:49 am
I tend to have a different view on parasites.   Fish in the ocean, which live as natural a life as one could expect ( even in the cleanest of oceans ) get parasites, as do most animals in the wild.   I shot and fed my all raw dogs rabbits once.  Rabbits carry fleas, which carry tapeworm eggs.  I wasn't careful enough to get all the fur/fleas off them and sure enough not long after, tapeworms in my dogs,, which have a far stronger stomach acid than humans could develop.     Thus I believe it's really what parasite we eat, and does the transit time in our gut provide incubation time for the egg to hatch or the parasite to attach and grow.     Again, salmon in the pacific ocean have a hole different set of parasites than where Inger lives.  Smaller fish like mackerel aren't know to carry much, as the same with sardines..
Title: Re: New post on advanced glycation end products
Post by: littleElefant on September 26, 2014, 04:08:03 am
Inger, I'm always over 100 g proteins as well although I restrict myself,otherwise I would eat much more because I love it so much.
Your digestive force is very high, so why don't you eat just more fat instead of Protein like most low carber, Keto people advise?
Inger, what does HWC means?

I started taking ACV before and with meals and it seems to help me digest fat and protein  much better. I also take digestive enzymes, ox bile and HCL with my meals and licorice root and turmeric and chili and ginger. All that seems to help me digest better. I think I should stop mixing sooo much vegetable matter with my fat and protein. I try to create balance with it, don't want to eat to acidic, but Van told me already that it might be bad for digestion

Sometimes I think I have parasites. What do you  people do  to avoid them or to get rid of them
Title: Re: New post on advanced glycation end products
Post by: Joy2012 on September 26, 2014, 11:31:14 am
Thanks, Inger and Van.
Title: Re: New post on advanced glycation end products
Post by: van on September 26, 2014, 12:33:39 pm
Inger, I'm always over 100 g proteins as well although I restrict myself,otherwise I would eat much more because I love it so much.
Your digestive force is very high, so why don't you eat just more fat instead of Protein like most low carber, Keto people advise?
Inger, what does HWC means?

I started taking ACV before and with meals and it seems to help me digest fat and protein  much better. I also take digestive enzymes, ox bile and HCL with my meals and licorice root and turmeric and chili and ginger. All that seems to help me digest better. I think I should stop mixing sooo much vegetable matter with my fat and protein. I try to create balance with it, don't want to eat to acidic, but Van told me already that it might be bad for digestion

Sometimes I think I have parasites. What do you  people do  to avoid them or to get rid of them

 You might just see what works for your self.    And, it's ongoing, the noticing part, paying attention.   Too much attention though and you can make yourself paranoid.   
    the whole parasite fear, boy it can leave you bewildered.   They can be hard to test for,  but that's my advice.  Get tested if you have them, do something either herbal or from a doctor.  But if you don't have them,  let go of the thought and move on.   Some will eventually show up in stools, like roundworm or tapeworm.   then of course you'll know.    Don't get stuck or dwell on it.    There are so many people making money out there and posting how we all have them and how they are destroying us....  almost a little parasitic in itself. 
Title: Re: New post on advanced glycation end products
Post by: eveheart on September 26, 2014, 01:49:17 pm
I'm always over 100 g proteins as well although I restrict myself,otherwise I would eat much more because I love it so much.

At 100 g. protein (400 calories of protein) on a 3,000 calorie/day diet, that's less than 15% protein, so it's not actually "high" protein. It's more like moderate protein. It just seems like high protein when you don't have a lot of starchy foods on your plate.
Title: Re: New post on advanced glycation end products
Post by: Joy2012 on September 26, 2014, 04:24:56 pm
Inger, what about bone health? I vaguely remember that you do fish bone smoothie. Is that palatable?
Title: Re: New post on advanced glycation end products
Post by: Inger on September 30, 2014, 02:47:53 am
Inger, I'm always over 100 g proteins as well although I restrict myself,otherwise I would eat much more because I love it so much.
Your digestive force is very high, so why don't you eat just more fat instead of Protein like most low carber, Keto people advise?
Inger, what does HWC means?

I started taking ACV before and with meals and it seems to help me digest fat and protein  much better. I also take digestive enzymes, ox bile and HCL with my meals and licorice root and turmeric and chili and ginger. All that seems to help me digest better. I think I should stop mixing sooo much vegetable matter with my fat and protein. I try to create balance with it, don't want to eat to acidic, but Van told me already that it might be bad for digestion

Sometimes I think I have parasites. What do you  people do  to avoid them or to get rid of them

HWC means heavy whipping cream....... hard to get raw.. and dairy is no good for me really but I seldom have it with berries (wild) at gatherings or so....

Well... I do not try to count how much fat or protein I eat... sometimes I gorge on pure I am listening to what my body tells me.. and it usually sppeks pretty loud! I am not thinking much about my food at all anymore... I mostly eat the same things and go on with my day.... Today had raw Galloway air dried burgers for breakfast with chickweed, then for lunch raw lambs hearts... lots of oysters... hazelnuts...some pollen.... cucumber.... But I really do not eat much veggies at all... just once in a while.. I like chewing on celery stick, they and cucumber are about the only veggies I eat
I do eat more seafood than meat.. and I mostly eat heart as my meat.... or liver

Picked these oysters yesterday... a bag full... they were pretty big...  8)

Title: Re: New post on advanced glycation end products
Post by: Inger on September 30, 2014, 02:51:31 am
Inger, what about bone health? I vaguely remember that you do fish bone smoothie. Is that palatable?

Well... I am not worried at all for my bone health... i have very strong bones I bet.. it feels like that ;)
The fish head smoothies digest just fine in my belly... no complaints here ;-)

I guess I get lots of calcium and other minerals from the fish heads... really great stuff I would say :)
has made my hair shiny and healthy even if it is pretty bleached from the sun. All I use on it is Ghassul mud... nothing else
Title: Re: New post on advanced glycation end products
Post by: Joy2012 on September 30, 2014, 01:36:17 pm
Inger, thanks. So you get calcium and other bone minerals from fish bones. Good to know.