Paleo Diet: Raw Paleo Diet and Lifestyle Forum

Raw Paleo Diet Forums => Health => Topic started by: primaD on January 28, 2009, 08:22:18 am

Title: RPD & STDs
Post by: primaD on January 28, 2009, 08:22:18 am
What are your thoughts on our diet here (RPD) and so-called 'incurable' STDs? 

I feel that any disease is curable.  I feel that the best medicine is food.  Natural, fresh, raw food.  With that said, any disease can be cured via healthy diet.  Thoughts?
Title: Re: RPD & STDs
Post by: wodgina on January 28, 2009, 08:37:28 am
Don't know about STD's but I've had cold sores my whole life. I havent had one since eating raw paleo when I used to get them all the time which sucked when your going out etc.

I think eating shitty food and washing with soaps removes the oily/acidic protective layer on the skin making people more susptible to things like STD's I 've heard of a lot of girls lately that have found out they've got STD's which has made me really paranoid!
Title: Re: RPD & STDs
Post by: primaD on January 28, 2009, 08:50:34 am
washing with soaps removes the oily/acidic protective layer on the skin making people more susptible to things like STD's

I don't want to wash with soap or brush my teeth either.  However I find that if I don't wash at least my genital areas & armpits with soap then the smell can get bad.  I also have to use the crystal deodorant to fight underarm smell although I prefer using nothing.  I find that if I don't brush my teeth then the smell of my breath depends on what I eat.  Liver - stinky breath but if I follow that with oranges/strawberries then no more stinky breath.  However my teeth do start to become stained brown/yellow.

I'm considering just disregarding how people view my outer appearance.  Besides a lot of my middle eastern friends don't bathe regularly and they carry a particular smell with them.  They still get laid.  Also, some of my friends drink a lot of tea/smoke and have very dark teeth.  They also still get laid.  Maybe I'm just worrying a bit too much.
Title: Re: RPD & STDs
Post by: RawZi on January 28, 2009, 11:28:35 am
What are your thoughts on our diet here (RPD) and so-called 'incurable' STDs? 

I feel that any disease is curable.  I feel that the best medicine is food.  Natural, fresh, raw food.  With that said, any disease can be cured via healthy diet.  Thoughts?

According to some, eating nuts (and maybe seeds) makes excessive wrong type of sexual secretions.  I think according to aajonus, eating cooked green and yellow vegetables makes you susceptible.  Taking them out of the diet and eating all raw fresh organic foods will "cure" you. 
Title: Re: RPD & STDs
Post by: goodsamaritan on January 28, 2009, 06:15:19 pm
What are your thoughts on our diet here (RPD) and so-called 'incurable' STDs? 

I feel that any disease is curable.  I feel that the best medicine is food.  Natural, fresh, raw food.  With that said, any disease can be cured via healthy diet.  Thoughts?

Diet is a big part of the cure process.  I do not bet on diet alone though.  Do your detoxes.  Kill parasites.  I've read olive leaf tinctures work, zappers work, oregano oil works, virgin coconut oil brings relief, beam ray machines will kill them all if you positively identify which parasites you've got.
Title: Re: RPD & STDs
Post by: primaD on March 30, 2009, 08:18:51 am
Well I have been diagnosed with chlamydia.  It sucks.  The doctor says I just need to take two azithromycin pills but like I said in another thread I really want to beat this the natural way.  I'm back on the diet again, also.  100% raw paleo.  A couple of things:

A couple of days ago, I went off the diet after five consecutive successful days of 100% raw paleo.  During that time, I didn't have the burning sensation when I urinated and no other symptoms were present with the exception of dark yellow semen when I ejaculated.
About three-four days after I went off the diet I noticed a bit of blood coming from my penis.  Just a little bit and only one time after I ejaculated.  Also, just two days ago, I noticed that my right testicle was really swollen. (and still is)  It is very painful.  For the last two days I have been back on the diet and I have done nothing but stay in bed pretty much all day because of the pain.  I also have no desire to eat anything.  I think this is because my body is in attack mode trying to destroy the viruses. 

This really sucks because it's very painful but on a bright note, I'm kinda glad I get to really test this way of eating.  I do believe in this diet but sometimes I wonder does it really matter in the big scheme of things.  I mean we all do things for pleasure that are bad for us even while being on this diet.  I skydive, skateboard, do gymnastics, etc.  I could easily die on one of my jumps, I've sprained my ankle numerous times skateboarding, and to date I have dislocated both shoulders two times doing back hand springs. 

I'm a big fan of the saying "live in the moment!" because tomorrow isn't promised to anyone.  My gf always asks me 'if you advocate living in the moment, then why are eating like that?'  She feels that everyone should do what they want now since you never know what awaits you.  That argument is the main reason I haven't lasted more than five days on this diet.  I WILL last more than five days this time though since I have something to prove to myself and her as well.  I have never seen or heard of anyone curing themselves by diet of an STD so I guess I'll have to be the first one.  I figure if others can cure themselves of diabetes or other deadly diseases by diet alone then why should STDs be any different...

P.S. - When I state ejaculation in the above post, that refers to me masturbating.  I don't want anyone to think that I'm spreading my virus to anyone because I'm not.
Title: Re: RPD & STDs
Post by: Raw Kyle on March 30, 2009, 08:39:10 am
I would think that the main "cure" you'd get from RPD would be a cessation of symptoms. I'm not sure it would eradicate the virus. There are many theories on what viruses actually are, including AV's that it's simply a detox mechanism (much like he thinks of everything else).
Title: Re: RPD & STDs
Post by: primaD on March 30, 2009, 09:32:58 am
I should also say that I eat raw aloe vera as well.  I haven't seen that on this forum yet so I thought I'd mention that also.
Title: Re: RPD & STDs
Post by: seesawsemiology on March 30, 2009, 02:30:24 pm
dude, i totally respect where youre coming from with wanting to take the natural route and am completely sketched out by antibiotics....unless their necessary. buuuutttt i think this is one of those cases my understanding of your particular predicament is that it can do some serious damage the longer you let it go.
dont be a hero brother, im all about living paleo as much as is sensible but there are benefits to modern medicine as long as youre discriminate. the average life expectancy is continually rising for a reason y'know?
get the best of both worlds(or times i guess).
best of luck!
Title: Re: RPD & STDs
Post by: primaD on March 30, 2009, 02:34:44 pm
well I'm not sure how long I'm giving the diet to work this out but I'm thinking or hoping that I see some kind of improvement within a week or so. 
Title: Re: RPD & STDs
Post by: primaD on April 01, 2009, 04:47:40 pm
I think I'm going to give this up.  I've been thinking a lot as always about a lot of things.  Especially now since I've been bedridden with this disease.  Tomorrow, I'm going to the doctor to taken the antibiotics for chlamydia & associated epididymitis.  (<- the swelling is epididymitis)  That'll be two pink azithyromycin pills, one intramuscluar shot of Ceftriaxone, and 2 doxycycline pills a day for 10 days.  Yay!! 

Right now at this point in my life, I've come to conclusion that this diet makes no sense for me.  In spite of my full-fledged 100% advocating for this way of eating, there just isn't enough known about this diet yet to be undertaken in a serious way such as I have attempted wholeheartedly to-date 7 times I believe.  I eat to survive and I eat that which is tasty and available to me wherever I am in the world.  I have no solid time tested proof that going 100% RAF will cure anything or make me better in any way.  You see, I guess I was trying to be a hero like seesawsemiology pointed out above.  I believe in this diet so much that I was willing to experiment on myself to test its effectiveness and thereafter spread the good word if successful.  However, I am alone in a journey in which I know nothing of.  I have no first hand experience/knowledge regarding RAF and STD and no-one else does either.  My decision to go take the meds tomorrow makes me so depressed.  Depressed about everything concerning my situation.  I personally think all these uncurable diseases are created by mankind.  To kill of certain races, accidental, etc., I don't know but they had to have been created.  For me, my problem area is STDs.  I've only contracted Chlamydia and this was from sleeping with prostitutes in the PI.  In the 70-80s, you could have sex with multiple partners without the slightest worry about contracting a disease but in this day and age, something so beautiful and so natural has become so so very complicated.  I can't describe how depressing that is to me.  :'(  Our answer - our modern-day money hungry clueless medical community.

Even so, my confidence in the medical community is coming back to me.  My dream as a kid was to be a heart surgeon since I had heart problems as a child.  I loss this desire when I became aware of how corrupt some doctors were and only wanted money.  What I'm trying to get to here is that the work of the medical profession is for the most part time-tested and works. (for curable diseases, that is)  I'm such an all-or-nothing type of person.  That's why I keep trying to do 100% raw paleo cold turkey with failure each time.  It hurts my pride/ego every time I failed.  I was like I'm such a loser, I can't even control MY own body.  But as I said in an earlier post, I think the main point is enjoying what you're doing.  Even though, I know the dangers of gymnastics/boarding, I still do it.  If I get hurt, I take care of the injury until it's better and do the activity again.  I think it's the same way with food.  Why should I not give my body what it wants?  If it tastes good, eat it.  I still feel we should control what goes in our food/bodies but mainly what I"m referring to here is the cooking of food.  I want to make very clear that I'm not putting down this diet in any way, I LOVE this diet and pursue it in the very distant future but I thought this diet would heal me of illness/diseases.  Now I don't know that it will/won't/or hasn't but I can't be a hero and I won't wait alone trying to find out.

Well, I'm rambling quite a bit, so please forgive me.  I've mentioned in other threads about my plans to move to the PI with my family and start a farm there in a couple of years.  I think when that time finally comes and more "solid-proof" is revealed concerning RAF and curing diseases, then I will most certainly return to this way of eating.  However for now and a couple of years to come, I'm returning to my old way of eating.  I hope someone finds this helpful and not all blab.
Title: Re: RPD & STDs
Post by: goodsamaritan on April 01, 2009, 05:03:19 pm
Just because some symptoms erupt in your reproductive parts does not mean you were "bad".

I would not depend on diet alone to cure diseases.
This is why I made my outline at

I used to be diagnosed by an MD that I had some form of STD. 
And the anti-retro viral drugs the doc gave me... useless... didn't work... garbage.
It was just all related to my eczema problem that blew up in 2005 and was finally cured at

Title: Re: RPD & STDs
Post by: TylerDurden on April 01, 2009, 05:41:11 pm
Given that animals in the wild on natural diets also get disease, it's clear that a RAF diet can't protect against any and all conditions. However, there is unequivocal proof, given  the multitude of scientific studies out there that cooking produces heat-created toxins such as AGEs/nitrosamines/heterocyclic amines etc. And these toxins have been shown to be  involved in either producing unusual illnesses not present in wild animals(eg:- type 2 diabetes etc.) or in exacerbating age-related or auto-immune-related conditions. So, the best one can say about cooking is that the less one cooks, the fewer toxins are created.

I guess what I'm saying is that if all you have is an issue with STDs, then modern medicine can sort that out. But modern medicine cannot solve many human-specific problems such as senile dementia, or they can only provide a poor substitute(such as inserting artificial hips made out of titanium for older people with bone-problems). So, should you come across non-infectious health-issues, then RPD is a solution.

Up to a point, RAF diets should really only be attempted when other avenues have been exhausted - after all, doing a RAF diet can be difficult to carry out in a social environment with non-RAFers(probably easy in Los Angeles and similiar RAF havens), so it's best to do it when young only if one has a health-problem, or, when around c.40, to ward off/minimise  otherwise inevitable health-problems in a future old-age.
Title: Re: RPD & STDs
Post by: primaD on April 01, 2009, 06:28:20 pm
Given that animals in the wild on natural diets also get disease, it's clear that a RAF diet can't protect against any and all conditions. However, there is unequivocal proof, given  the multitude of scientific studies out there that cooking produces heat-created toxins such as AGEs/nitrosamines/heterocyclic amines etc. And these toxins have been shown to be  involved in either producing unusual illnesses not present in wild animals(eg:- type 2 diabetes etc.) or in exacerbating age-related or auto-immune-related conditions. So, the best one can say about cooking is that the less one cooks, the fewer toxins are created.
Yes sir, that's part of what I wanted to point out amidst my depressing ramblings.
I guess what I'm saying is that if all you have is an issue with STDs, then modern medicine can sort that out. But modern medicine cannot solve many human-specific problems such as senile dementia, or they can only provide a poor substitute(such as inserting artificial hips made out of titanium for older people with bone-problems). So, should you come across non-infectious health-issues, then RPD is a solution.
Totally agree with you!
Up to a point, RAF diets should really only be attempted when other avensues have been exhausted - after all, doing a RAF diet can be difficult to carry out in a social environment with non-RAFers(probably easy in Los Angeles an similiar RAF havens), so it's best to do it when young only if one has a health-problem, or, when around c.40, to ward off/minimise  otherwise inevitable health-problems in a future old-age.
yeah, only do it in a RAF haven, since that makes things much easier as far as getting a wide variety of food.  I know it won't happen because of money but it would be nice if one day, some doctor(s) started making connections with this and actually started curing diseases.

On the other hand, at least for me anyway, I feel free to finally have a bit of somewhat "closure" on my diet journey.  I honestly don't forsee this (diet) as being a major worry for me for quite some time to come.  what a relief!
Title: Re: RPD & STDs
Post by: JaX on April 01, 2009, 06:32:57 pm
primaD I think you were expecting a miracle cure and then when it didn't happen, you blamed the diet.

Please remember that no single diet will cure you of everything. Eating healthy foods, such as raw paleo foods, and avoiding grains and all additives/preservatives/synthetics in food, will certainly help healing and can in many cases make even chronic problems subside. Also it will help prevent future issues and the fast degeneration most people experience as they age. But if you lost a finger, no diet will make it grow back. And in the case of an STD I think I would also be a bit scared, because of all the things I have heard about how an STD can slowly spread without causing any symptoms, and then eventually cause some major problems (although I think this applies mostly to women).  

I recommend that after you are done with your antibiotic treatment, you quickly introduce some bacteria rich foods such as high meat, some fermented dairy products, or a good probiotic. This will replenish your colon with beneficial and necessary bacteria, which the antibiotics killed.
ANTIbiotic = anti life, PRObiotic = pro life.

I agree with what Tyler says that unless you have health problems (chronic problems) you can be healthy eating many different foods when you are young, as long as you avoid hydrogenated fats/vegetable oils/corn syrup and other additives, preservatives, artificials. You already know the paleo principles so you could just keep them in mind when eating out or when you prepare food. Just remember to not combine 20 food ingedients together, keep it simple. It will make it easier on the body and that way you can isolate variable and tell what does your body good and what doesn't.

It's your choice what you do in life. You'll have to find the balance that works for you, your situation and lifestyle. People have different goals in life and we have different genetic capabilities and health.

I know how bad it can be when you have to lower your standards and do something you have always been very strongly against. It's like compromising just because it's the easy way. I sometimes write down all the reasons why I made a decision so that when I start regretting it I can turn back and remember why I chose what I did.

I think when that time finally comes and more "solid-proof" is revealed concerning RAF and curing diseases, then I will most certainly return to this way of eating. "

I don't believe that will happen in the nearest future. You'll simply have to trust people who have traveled the road, who can explain to you what to expect, and otherwise listen to your body and notice the improvements yourself. Maybe you haven't experienced great benefits because you don't eat the combination that is right for you. The best way to test it is to eat 1 food at the time and notice how it affects you. This way you can make some pretty strong conclusions and know for sure what foods are best for you. It's really the best way to find your own balance on the Raw Paleo Diet IMO.

Don't expect doctors or the medical community to catch up with this. Remember medicine is business like any other, and if people get too healthy and don't need it, imagine the loss of profit, jobs, careers..

Note- interestingly I have found that what the majority of people are doing is not always the best thing to do. I guess extraordinary results require an extraordinary/uncommon approach.

Title: Re: RPD & STDs
Post by: William on April 01, 2009, 08:34:14 pm
  Tomorrow, I'm going to the doctor to taken the antibiotics for chlamydia & associated epididymitis.  (<- the swelling is epididymitis)  That'll be two pink azithyromycin pills, one intramuscluar shot of Ceftriaxone, and 2 doxycycline pills a day for 10 days.  Yay!! 

I was once diagnosed with chlamydia, but the doc was a twit and it turned out to be only clap. He prescribed blue pills. !?

Having read the symptoms of chlamydia, I agree with your decision to take the pills. This is a disease too serious to fool with unproven cures.

I don't agree with stopping RAF, though. There are too many benefits for me from my pemmican diet, notably including no more depression, and it's even socially acceptabe to eat pemmican.

Anyway, I wish you good luck.
Title: Re: RPD & STDs
Post by: primaD on April 02, 2009, 12:33:29 pm
well just got back from the doctor.  they gave a shot in the butt and i have the pills that i have to take for 10 days.  i hope no-one does like me in the future.  please go see a doc as soon as you think something is wrong.  because I waited for ten days, the doctor took a look at my testicles and was like wow! I haven't seen advanced epididymitis like this in about 2 years.  so, the disease went into an advanced state very rapidly while i was trying to get myself together.  thank goodness they have a cure for it.
Title: Re: RPD & STDs
Post by: Spear768 on May 02, 2009, 02:29:56 pm
Yeah go back to doctor .,and I agree with primaD to all what he or she say maybe you must follow it.,

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