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Daniel Vitalis Tries to Balance the Paleo Diet Scales
« on: July 28, 2010, 11:19:14 pm »

Vegan diets are cleansing!

Animal based whole food diets are very building and anabolic, and promote the growth of the body’s tissues.  Increasing the quantity of high quality animal protein and fat in the diet is critical for rebuilding the body after long cleanses.  They are also amongst the only foods that many people can tolerate when they have developed significant fungal infections or food allergies.

Primal Diets are Building!

When the goal is neither building nor cleansing, then a diet that is balanced between both high quality plant and animal food is ideal for homeo-dynamis, the dynamic balance that is usually (mis-correctly) called homeo-stasis.

Here in this chart is an example of the spectrum of nutrition that I was talking about…

Where we eat on this scale is entirely up to us, and of course always in flux.  Rather than dogmatically polarizing ourselves to one extreme or the other, would it not be wiser to move along this scale based on our personal goals and the affects we are aiming to achieve?

If you have spent years on a vegetarian diet and have experienced a “failure to thrive”, it is animal foods that offer the chance to rebuild your body.  In particular it is wild animals or free ranging grass-fed domesticates that contain the nutrients required to refurbish a depleted body.

Conversely, if you have been on a Standard American Diet for some time, and are feeling the burden of the toxic load this so easily creates, a vegetarian and even raw food approach may be just the answer to cleanse your body of the environmental and industrial toxins that pollute our inner ecology.

More importantly, can we simply eat without judgment for one another?  The heated discussions between the opposing factions of our community is almost embarrassing.  We all agree, it seems, on this;  Our food choices matter.  They matter for our health and the health of the planet.  They matter for our children, and for the future of our species.  They are at the root of so many of the challenging issues that face us today.

We all agree that we prefer organically grown and wild foods over those cultivated with pesticides and herbicides.  We all prefer foods with wild or heirloom genetics over those that have been poorly bred or genetically modified.  We all are doing what we can to create a world where the Soil, Air, and Water is clean and pure, and the rays of the Sun can freely penetrate down to the Earth (hint).

We have such a wonderful technology and medicine in the nutritional wisdom we have gleaned.  We know how to both cleanse and rebuild someone.  Whether you come from a Vegan diet, a Rawfood diet, a Wholefood diet, the Weston Price diet, the Paleo diet, or the Primal diet, or any other makes little difference.  We are all committed to using our dietary choices to heal ourselves and everyone around us that is willing.  We share far more with one another in this regard than we do with the other 99% of the Earths current human population.  Perhaps a bit of Conscious Omnivory could go a very long way.

Besides we all have a piece of this mosaic we are creating…  We each bring a little more perspective based on our knowledge and experience.
After all…  its only food.

Full article
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Re: Daniel Vitalis Tries to Balance the Paleo Diet Scales
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2010, 11:21:58 pm »
The deal breaker in this article is when Daniel makes the mistake of falling into the cooking trap.

Now which one of you raw paleo dieters posted this wonderful comment?

Stephen Hylander said:

Daniel, I agree with most of what you said....except for the part about how cooking made us human. This is absolute nonsense and has no real scientific basis whatsoever. I can point out to the MANY flaws related to cooked foods. Let me point out just a few:

1. We have not fully adapted to a cooked diet. There are just way too many toxins created by the cooking process. And I'm not talking in the sense of the dogmatic raw vegan foodism. I am simply pointing out indisputable scientific facts. Our bodies, for example, have receptors to combat small amounts of AGE's (advanced glycogen end products), but the amount of AGE's that are formed in cooked foods are much too great for our bodies to handle. They overwhelm and saturate our bodies and cause disease, including premature aging. Remember, we're not talking about a small amount of AGE's, we're talking about the AGE count increasing by the thousands once you cook food. Here is one (of many) good study on AGE's and cooked foods:

2. AGE's are not the only toxins that cause premature aging and disease. When you cook protein, fat and carbs together, carcinogenic chemicals form that are extremely toxic. Another good example would be Heterocyclic Amines. Heterocyclic Amines are formed by protein and creatine reacting under higher heat. Researchers have identified 17 different HCAs thus far. Other carcinogenic chemicals that have been identified include Nitrosamines, Acrylamide (found in baked/grilled starches), PAHs/polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (formed in smoked and cooked foods), etc. I can go on.

3. Also, keep in mind that oxidized cholesterol, NOT raw cholesterol, causes heart disease/arterial plaque. In fact, our bodies don't have receptors for raw cholesterol, ONLY oxidized cholesterol, which, again, shows us that it is a natural defense mechanism. Oxidized choelsterol sticks to your arteries, unlike unoxidized, clean cholesterol. Might I also talk about the MANY toxic, highly carcinogenic compounds that are formed by oxdized/heated cholesterol?

4. And let's talk about protein digestibility. Various studies already show that protein digestibility is actually reduced by heat, but that's just one problem. Yes, proteins need to be denatured so that they can be broken down into amino acids by enzymes and absorbed by the body, but the problem is, when you heat protein, it is denatured through heat, not stomach acid. Is there actually a difference? Yes there is. "Denaturation" (of protein in stomach) is a technical term used in biochemistry that makes unfortunately things ambiguous in present context because it suggests that is not a normal entirely natural phenomenon in stomach with intact raw proteins. A protein in a cell is a long chain of amino acids that folds in a very specific 3-dimensional structure in its active form (as an enzyme or an hormone receptor for instance). In stomacal acid environment (pH as low as 1.5), this chain usually unfolds so that it can bind to the digestive enzymes and be cut into its amino acid pieces.
This kind of denaturation is just unfolding. It's used by biochemists because the protein loses its "nature" i.e. its 3-dimensional structure that makes it active (as an enzyme for instance). This MUST be carefully distinguished from what heat does to the same protein which is much much more. Heat unfolds the protein, sure, BUT it also damages heavily the protein by binding it to other biomolecules such as sugars, damaging the various amino acids by cutting off or pasting to other things, racemizing and isomerizing them (same formula but different atomic arrangement), etc. The result no longer fits well to the enzymes designed for intact protein chain handling on the one hand (impaired digestion) and once more or less digested the free amino acids are damaged (impaired future utilization in protein synthesis or neoglucogenesis). So, in other words, these amino acids are damaged and the body and has to work hard to not only get rid of them, but digest them by making different enzymes to digest damaged proteins, rather than just digest natural, intact proteins that it's original enzymes can recognize.

Here's a reference which show that cooking reduces protein digestibility of meats:-

"From Oste [1991], heating (above 100°C, or 212°F) decreases meat protein digestibility. Frying chickpeas, oven-heating winged beans, or roasting cereals at 200-280°C (392-536°F) reduces protein digestibility.

Seidler [1987] studied the effects of heating on the digestibility of the protein in hake, a type of fish. Fish meat heated for 10 minutes at 130°C (266°F), showed a 1.5% decrease in protein digestibility. Similar heating of hake meat in the presence of potato starch, soy oil, and salt caused a 6% decrease in amino acid content."

taken from:-

The simple fact is, we have NOT fully adapted to a cooked diet. How come no other animal cooks their food? How come only we cook our food? Because it's not natural. Lions don't cook their meat and deers don't boil their grass before eating it. Now I am not going to tell people what they need to do, but if people want ideal, NOT good health, they should consume a diet of at least 80% raw plant AND clean animal foods. Herbs can be cooked and boiled because the medicinal components alone are being isolated and the undigestable matter is not being consumed. So you're just basically drawing out and isolating free-compounds, which is fine. You can also gently steam vegetables, but, liek I said, for the most part, a diet high in cooked foods will lead to premature aging and disease quickly and no tonic herb will stop this in the long run. Herbs only supplement your diet so that they fight disease and make you live longer, ONCE YOUR DIET IS IN CHECK. Raw animal foods, such as raw eggs, meat, dairy, and fish is very nourishing and you're not getting flooded with large amounts of toxins, such as AGE's. BTW, better stop those omega 3 fish oil supplements and switch to fermented cod liver oil, raw eggs, fish and grass fed beef for omega 3's because rancid DHA and EPA is just as bad as trans fat and oxidized cholesterol.

So, in closing, I'd like you, Daniel, to do some research on the "raw paleo diet" because that is the most natural and original diet for man. Throw in some tonic herbs and you have something magical.


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Re: Daniel Vitalis Tries to Balance the Paleo Diet Scales
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2010, 11:23:44 pm »
gabriel forzano shares his balancing experience:

This is a piece I wrote for my blog... You'll find it took balance to save my life...

It took me four years full time to get well... What I did was the exact opposite as what I saw (through much meditation, asking, and honest introspection) had brought me to my knees... Physically and in prayer...

The day after my first diag I closed my business, went on a fast, joined a Zen group, and literally turned my world upside down. Coming from a technical background where I had trouble shot $60K pieces of video gear day in and out, designed studios, etc. I said to myself "if I can fix them I can figure out wants up with me and fix me too.

So I took my skills and went at my body, researched, asked, busted balls, spent all my money, then begged for free help, went away on retreats, fasted more, and in the mist of it signed up for a full load at college, which dismayed my friends and relatives, for in their mind I was dying and what the fuck was I doing in school. They thought I should go to Europe, Costa Rica, lay on a beach, instead I studied, sat on my pillow and meditated, became close to a qigong master, and traveled the country to find the best teacher, (in Brookline, MA I did) and travel there. One time I had to be emergency airlifted home, arriving at my acupuncturist near death, scarring the life out of him. They all thought I had lost it, but I knew in my knower what I needed to be doing, I knew it was mind, that my state of being had become sooo fucked up, I needed to rebuild myself from the inside out, to become literally a new creature... No not in Christ, but in me...

I ate the wildest shit, I was raw for two years, lived on wheatgrass and sprouts, then soo thin I could hardly stand I knew I need to be nourished... I found a man who told me about the primal diet, a raw diet that included all foods... Meat, eggs, tons of raw butter, goat milk, cream, and raw greens... After 2.5 month on that I awoke... (let me say that for years I had bleed every day, I’d awake with blood on my pillow, my nose clogged with it, my bed soaked from nite sweats, I would sleep on beach towels to absorb the sweat, changing them many times each nite) that morning no blood in my nose, my bed was dry. I thought... hmmm oh how interesting... hee hee...

This was the beginning... In the next two years I worked on my spleen (it was huge), rebuilt my body, continued my schooling, and just last this Sunday I received my Masters in Oriental medicine... I am now well, whole, educated, and positioned to offer hope and help to all those who are willing to go all the way to find their healing... Considering my quest, what I was willing to endure, I have little patience for those who whine and cry, saying I don’t like to eat that, do this... Fuck them! let them die (he says with a Buddha’s compassion) I say this for it's up to us what will happen, personal responsibility in of the utmost importance.. Too many people want things to be done "for them," few are willing to do for themselves..

So that’s a thumbnail of what I did, the particulars will take a book which btw is in the works... All is well dear one... all is well... So be it...

Smiles... gabriel
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Re: Daniel Vitalis Tries to Balance the Paleo Diet Scales
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2010, 11:27:36 pm »
I really like this graph.
I had something like this in mind by Daniel beat me to it.

The same journey I went through, but not as long as Daniel's.  
At first I was sick on SAD,
Then detoxed with protocols.
Then further detoxed with raw vegan, fasting and fruitarian.
Started body building with raw meats, then more more more raw meats and more raw fats.
Lately my body asks less raw fat and more lean meat.
I can sense some days my body wants less raw meat.
But this evening I pigged out on my raw beef steak.
So my body swings left and right the raw omnivore range.
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Re: Daniel Vitalis Tries to Balance the Paleo Diet Scales
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2010, 02:53:08 am »
daniel vitalis eats a lot of raw meats himself. however if he were to promote ONLY that, like aajonus, his business and social lives would probably rapidly deteriorate. the customer will not buy it.


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