Paleo Diet: Raw Paleo Diet and Lifestyle Forum

Raw Paleo Diet Forums => Hot Topics => Topic started by: MrBBQ on May 15, 2010, 05:20:22 pm

Title: High Meats = ALE/AGEs?
Post by: MrBBQ on May 15, 2010, 05:20:22 pm
Hey all,

I was recently thinking about how high meats go brown on the surface as they're exposed to oxygen in the fridge and I was wondering if this browning was maillard/glycation products or enzymatic browning by bacteria.

Any clue anyone?


Title: Re: High Meats = ALE/AGEs?
Post by: alphagruis on May 15, 2010, 09:45:38 pm
Yes, sure there are ALEs and AGEs (and many other things that are "toxic" in high quantities) formed at the surface and in bulk to a lesser extent.

Again we should definitely refrain from demonizing any particular molecule or substance.

Actually it is essential to realize that everything is "toxic" in too high quantities.

Nothing to worry about here since the quantities formed are by no means comparable (orders of magnitude less) to what takes place at higher temperatures (cooking) again because of a phenomenon called thermal activation of non enzymatic glycation or peroxidation.