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Juzeza's Journal
« on: May 10, 2011, 12:08:00 am »
To be honest, I discovered that even though my blood type is A, I digest meat exceptionally well. I don't normally get gas or feel uncomfortable. After introducing raw meat into my diet I realized how even when I drink fresh vegetable juices, my body creates gas!

I love how efficiently my body (seemingly) digests raw meat. I want to quickly move my diet to ZC as soon as I can, but as I have a bit of leafy greens and such around the house I will have to eat through these slowly. Hopefully I will soon be predominantly ZC, supplemented by fruits and only eat veggies when I truly feel like it.

I have to reiterate how amazing it feels when the diet is simplified--not just in a broad sense, such as removing modern denatured foods--but when meals are tapered down to bare minimums (such as nothing more than raw meats), I feel my body working easier.

After have read articles on the human GI tract that suggest humans are more similar to carnivorous dogs rather than herbivorous sheep, all of my experiences with the RAF diet seemed to be confirmed.


On another note, after being a vegetarian and vegan for several years, the transition to a RAF diet seemed to contradict my very core--in some ways a slight case of identity crisis seemed to disturb me mentally. It is so peculiar how after being a firm vegetarian and understanding a sense of moral "correctness" how quickly I was able to change my diet, but how I lingered emotionally, mentally in the realm of how I defined myself. I'm sure this will affect everyone I know too; all of my acquaintances and family members know me as a vegetarian and relate to me as such. As a diet of raw meats is not only outright weird (in America) it is not only inconvenient, but also socially estranging.

Regardless of the peculiarity when compared to the SMD, I know I will quickly be comfortable with eat raw meats in public unabashedly. The only concern I have is trying to be able to relate to everyone in my life; food is a part of culture and by eating differently than anyone else (virtually everyone else) my social life will shift dramatically.

This is truly an experiment of several sorts. More people who believe in eating raw meats in my area would be well appreciated. I would enjoy the company.

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Re: Juzeza's Journal
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2011, 10:38:19 pm »
Experience with Instinctive Eating

After eating both vegetables, fruits and lean raw meat for the first 3 days (sirloin and salmon all weighing about 1 pound) my body began to crave fat. This may also be due to my being underweight from a vegetarian diet. Over the next few days I broadened the type of meat and amount; I have been eating rib, sweetbreads, liver and tongue. The fat on the ribs is like butter and cheese--so delicious! However, after eating a certain amount of fat I became sated and realized that again my body was informing me to eat in moderation. I know understand better the importance of balancing a daily diet of fat, muscle, and organ.

Experience with High Meat

High meat is so delicious! The meat is tangy like yogurt! Also, I feel as though the increased fat intake has been a little difficult for my stomach, or maybe it is that I am still eating vegetables. I'm trying to eat through all the vegetables I had stored so that I can move closer to ZC. Anyway, after eating high meat at the end of lunch, I had a bowel movement at the end of the day. I have been suffering from constipation as of late and I feared that the fat would only add to this, but it seems the high meat may assist in the digestion. The probiotic benefits are par none! I will continue to eat high meat as often as possible as a form of desert and try to remove fruits and vegetables as much as possible from my diet to simplify my diet for the sake of my stomach.

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Re: Juzeza's Journal
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2011, 01:19:05 am »
Dietary Transition and Interest in Non-meats

Today for an early lunch, I decided to eat some rice that I had fermenting in order to get rid of it. Spooning through the rice I thought: this is not appetizing and hardly satiating. I then thought that although the human body can digest plant material, it doesn't mean it is ideal. Whereas when I eat meat, I am able to receive trace minerals, vitamins, fat and protein. On a plant based diet, combining is necessary in order to get the necessary requirements of protein and the like. Lex's testimonial echoes this sentiment:

Gathering is for lean times when meat is not available. I had been doing almost the exact opposite.


I am indebted to Lex and for everyone who openly provides such a bounty of personal information and resources related to RAF diets; it is invaluable to novices.

On that note, I'm excited for a real meal.

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Re: Juzeza's Journal
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2011, 01:18:51 pm »
Lack of Fat

Today, I ate meat for breakfast for convenience which consisted of mostly leans meats. In the afternoon I ate a relatively heart meal of raw vegetables with steamed broccoli and engorged myself on hemp seeds. I specifically noticed myself craving fat. I think that over the years when I was vegetarian and would binge on peanut butter and chocolate, it was due to the lack of protein and fat in my diet. My experience today confirmed this. Had I healthy serving of fat, I would have not craved hemp seeds.

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Re: Juzeza's Journal
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2011, 03:58:37 pm »
Awesome learning there.
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Re: Juzeza's Journal
« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2011, 06:28:05 am »

The other day I partook in a community pot-luck. I prepared a raw vegetable dish as I knew bringing raw meat would have been bizarre. (Now that I think about it, sashimi would have been a good idea.) I had been suffering from indigestion all day because I had eaten some Filipino snack made with brown sugar and coconut after a meal of raw meat because I was craving something sweet.

At the pot-luck, even though I was not hungry, I ate (for obvious reasons of courtesy) and regretted it, too. I tried eating as little as possible but still found myself craving to eat more just because I felt greedy and selfish. The food looked delicious and I wanted to eat as I pleased (without regard to how full I already was or how much the others wanted to eat. I feel that there is some deficiency that is present which causes this sort of ravenous eating. Although I ate the least compared to every other person, I still felt guilty because I knew I ate too much. Also, I was surprised at the voraciousness to which some of the others ate. Overweight, yet these people can still find the ability to truly stuff their faces. I am no better than them, just different in degree. I feel that this strange greed is of course explainable psychologically but also there may be some trace deficiency which is causing satisfaction to not occur. I suffer from this problem, too. If not psychical deficiency, then most definitely mental. I look forward to making daily progress.

I payed the price for my selfishness; I suffered greater indigestion as a result of overeating too much poor quality foods and cooked foods. A lesson well learned.

On a different note, after reading honey and longevity, I realized the importance of incorporating small amounts of honey to my diet not only to curb cravings of sweetness after eating raw meat but to assist in digestion as well. I find that raw honey does a great job of assisting digestion. A tablespoon in warm water is a satisfying beverage.

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Re: Juzeza's Journal
« Reply #6 on: May 16, 2011, 01:50:21 am »
Overcoming Addiction

Yesterday I did not eat a decent breakfast and thus had a late lunch that was hearty with raw meat and felt completely satisfied all throughout the day. I even had the opportunity to go out to eat with my family who wanted to eat sushi which gave me a great opportunity to be able to preserve the RAF diet and share a meal with my family. However, I had no appetite throughout the day. Moreover, I had no urge or desire to eat in spite of my previous predilection of eating when full. The ability to refuse came naturally; I was so perfectly sated that I could not dare to even put down much water let alone food. I feel as though my instincts and my ability to heed to such instincts are becoming stronger.

In the past, despite being full, the sight and smell of food might excite my salivary glands and I would force "just one or two bites more". Now, I feel sated; I understand I'm sated and I have no desire to eat. Also, the quality of food at chain restaurants is such that the food is hardly appetizing (which in honesty, only helps).

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Re: Juzeza's Journal
« Reply #7 on: May 18, 2011, 09:39:38 pm »
Health History

1988-2006: I was raised on a typical SAD diet. My health during high school was fairly decent because I was a young, fit athlete. Once I enrolled in college, my health began to deteriorate markedly due to the rigorous demands made of students which tend to lead to unhealthy habits.

2006-2011: I took my studies quite seriously which caused all sorts of problems from insomnia, unhealthy habits (of sleeping, eating, alcohol consumption, recreational drug use and exercise), exhaustion, stress and adrenal exhaustion to name the major, recognizeable issues.

May of 2006: I began vegetarianism which helped me to improve my health slightly after transitioning from a SAD diet. I would often eat huge meals of carbohydrates because I believed I needed the carbs to fuel my body (I commute solely by bicycle everywhere) and then would binge on peanut butter and chocolate for things like fat and protein. This diet seemed to be decent, but the insomnia that I developed in 2006 became much worse because I was overeating and had no idea because I was so thin; rather than being properly assimilated all the food became stuck to the walls of my intestines as compacted fecal matter. I was also full of mucous because I loved foods that produce mucus such as wheat, peanut butter, and dairy products.

2008: I was struck by a car while riding my bicycle on my left knee which furthered complicated the above issues and created new issues. In some ways this accident was a blessing because through it I was able to realize the flaws of my health. I began experimenting with yoga, meditation and in general self-help rather then prescribing to the advice of modern medicine which was a great decision. Although I would and continue to make mistakes, I am wholly better off.

2009-2010: I studied in Japan which worsened my health due to unhealthy habits (of sleeping, eating, and alcohol consumption), but I also continued to experiment with fasting and meditation which was beneficial.

Late 2010: I lived on a farm in Japan for several months which completely altered my life and served as a breakthrough. After intimately observing the workings of life through agriculture, health and the importance of wholesome foods and a wholesome lifestyle became extremely important. I realized that without health there is nothing and nature is the perfect guide. Henceforth, I wanted to be able to commune daily with nature and personally provide and raise my sustenance to enrich my life andsustain my being rather then being dependent on complex, fragile food systems.

January to May of 2011: I discovered the idea of healing my body with nutrition through the book Healing With Whole Foods (Pitchford) and Eat Rght for Your Type (D'Adamo). These books and my experience of Japanese culture particularly influenced me that a plant based diet would be the solution to my problems and meat need not be a concern. That my blood type is A also reaffirmed that consuming meat was foolish. I began experimenting with fasting and veganism. I continued to lose quite a bit of weight. I also began experimenting with colon cleanses and using herbs and drugs to purge my body of heavy metals and yeast overgrowths.

May of 2011: After reading an interview with Aajonus Vonderplanitz, I decided to eat a pound of raw meat to see what would happen and have never looked back since.

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Re: Juzeza's Journal
« Reply #8 on: May 18, 2011, 09:42:50 pm »
Initial Stage of Raw Animal Food Diet

I've taken photographs to document the physical appearance of my body before my outward appearance has altered dramatically from eating a raw animal food diet.

The photograph of my teeth shows a degeneration of my teeth that I unknowingly inflicted upon myself. I was preparing to see a special chiropractor in Japan that had a specific regimen that called for patients to suck on lemons as much as possible for two weeks straight. The acid from the lemons must have started to break down the enamel on my teeth. I went to see a dentist about my enamel and they said there is nothing that can be done. However, since I have started a raw Paleo diet, my enamel has been restoring itself back to its initial bright, white color. Amazing!

The picture of my body demonstrate how thin I had become. I was always pretty thin (5'11" at approximately 145 to 150 pounds since high school, regardless of diet), but I feel as though my weight dropped pretty low--somewhere around 130.

The picture of my face captures the fatigue that plagues my face. This was one of my personal goals before becoming concerned with my health: I wanted to understand why my face showed exhaustion all the time. The purple circles under my eyes bothered me. I thought I was not getting enough sleep, but I soon realized my body was not resting well because I was plugging it up with indigestible foods! My organs weren't able to rest properly which then caused the rest of my body to overheat and when I would wake up I would be exhausted rather than well-rested.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2011, 09:53:48 pm by juzeza »

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Re: Juzeza's Journal
« Reply #9 on: May 18, 2011, 11:23:43 pm »
I think in a few months you will be a success story. You have the foundation for a quick recovery looking at your photos.

I hope you stick with it.

« Last Edit: May 18, 2011, 11:34:31 pm by TylerDurden »
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Re: Juzeza's Journal
« Reply #10 on: May 19, 2011, 03:28:26 am »
Haha, thank you, Wodgina! You don't know how happy your comment has made me!

I feel a certain optimism as well. I have been feeling positive effects since my first raw meal and they continue to slowly build.

Again, thank you!


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Re: Juzeza's Journal
« Reply #11 on: May 27, 2011, 06:59:38 am »
Loss of Appetite

Over the past few days I have lost my appetite completely. I have decided to stop eating as of today and fast until I regain  my appetite again. For the past few days I persistently ate even small amounts of raw fruit, meat, and honey regardless of my lack of appetite out of confusion and fear.

I have experience fasting in the past, but this would be the first time my body has expressed a will to fast; beyond my control my body is not interested in any forms of food. Sometimes I yearn for something but it is not hunger for food and small amounts of water usually quell this desire.

As a result of this strange development and the abundance of free time I have I have taken to sleeping throughout most of the day. I'm not sure what's occurring but hopefully the extra sleep will only be beneficial. I will be able to rest my digestive system and give it the energy and focus it needs by sleeping more than usual.

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Re: Juzeza's Journal
« Reply #12 on: June 08, 2011, 08:00:13 am »

I don't know what was wrong with me but I got into a weird mental slump and convinced myself I wasn't hungry. However, I think part of the problem was that I was eating too much indigestible fat; all I had was this chalky fat that seemed to clog up my digestion, which in turn slowed my bowel movements and then affected my mental and physical state.

Other changes I've made to my diet:

1. Returned to eating several smaller meals rather than one huge midday meal

Although other RPD'ers choose to eat one large meal I find that this usually causes indigestion for me. Moreover, I have a hard time telling when to stop eating and will sometimes end up over eating. Recently, I have tried eating a small piece of fruit once I feel like I should stop eating and the small amount of sugars will end any hunger.

2. Cut the amount of daily sugars and carbs (in the form of fruits and honey) and salt

Before, I was eating copious amounts of salt with every meal which may have led to over eating (raw fat plus salt is irresistible to me) and I was also eating copious amounts of honey after each meal of meat (around 1/8 of a pound).

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Re: Juzeza's Journal
« Reply #13 on: June 08, 2011, 08:19:25 am »
Over Consumption

Being a fit, young male all my life I have taken to eating as much as I pleased and now that I am some what of a hypochondriac, I tend to "over indulge" in too much of a good thing; because I believe raw meat is great for me, sometimes I eat too much and don't know when to stop.

I believe eating too much was what caused my recent lack of appetite; eating too much (indigestible fat) caused my digestive system to get backed up and without having a bowel movement, my body went into a slump.

Over Consumption as a Sign of Obsession--Not Gluttony

This tends to be the root of several of my personal problems. I see my desire to eat too much as a symptom of gluttony, but truly it would be more precise to categorize this weakness as obsession. When I was on a vegetarian and vegan diet, I easily starved myself to unhealthy levels because I believed that the body only needed a very small amount of food to survive. Now that I am eating meat, the same problem persists in the opposite vein. This isn't gluttony, but obsession. Addressing my obsession with my health will allow me to stop worrying about eating too much or eating too little. This will be a healthy progression for me as my obsession seems to be hindering my progress by over eating at times, and also worrying about food and eating constantly throughout the day.


Patience and balance are the key. Experimenting to find what works for myself is key. All the information in the world can't help me unless I try to implement it and take note of the reaction.

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Re: Juzeza's Journal
« Reply #14 on: June 08, 2011, 08:41:02 am »
what fats are indigestible for you? which are better digested? 

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Re: Juzeza's Journal
« Reply #15 on: June 08, 2011, 08:33:26 pm »
I seem to digest the chalky, crumbly fats poorly. I personally don' find them appetizing either. This is the fat I had begun to eat too much of.

The oily, chewy fats, on the other hand, are delicious in my opinion and I seem to digest them decently. I've decided to render the fats that I don't digest well in the future.

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Re: Juzeza's Journal
« Reply #16 on: June 08, 2011, 08:37:34 pm »
I seem to digest the chalky, crumbly fats poorly. I personally don' find them appetizing either. This is the fat I had begun to eat too much of.

The oily, chewy fats, on the other hand, are delicious in my opinion and I seem to digest them decently. I've decided to render the fats that I don't digest well in the future.
Render??  :o
You could blend the into a creamy smoothy with milk and honey or if you don't eat dairy with eggs and honey. Makes them a lot easier to digest. Way better than destroying them with heat I'd say..
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Re: Juzeza's Journal
« Reply #17 on: June 09, 2011, 04:30:53 am »
Render??  :o

I got the idea to render the fat from Lex. I'm not sure if I digest tallow much better but I thought I would give it a shot when I was making a bone stock. I did notice that my stools were horribly runny!

You could blend the into a creamy smoothy with milk and honey or if you don't eat dairy with eggs and honey. Makes them a lot easier to digest. Way better than destroying them with heat I'd say..

Thank you for the tip! I would love to try your tip but I don't eat eggs, milk, or honey. Maybe I can try fat with water...

Do you have any other suggestions?

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Re: Juzeza's Journal
« Reply #18 on: June 09, 2011, 02:14:58 pm »
I got the idea to render the fat from Lex. I'm not sure if I digest tallow much better but I thought I would give it a shot when I was making a bone stock. I did notice that my stools were horribly runny!

Thank you for the tip! I would love to try your tip but I don't eat eggs, milk, or honey. Maybe I can try fat with water...

Do you have any other suggestions?
Fat and water might work with a bit of soap  ;)
Seriously though fat and water don't mix.

I know one other thing I read it here donno where. Put the crumbly fat in a blender and blend with short bursts thill it is a powder. Than mix it with cocnut oil. I tried it ones made my suet into a very nice smooth paste. Quite tasty too.
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Re: Juzeza's Journal
« Reply #19 on: June 09, 2011, 08:59:54 pm »
Seriously though fat and water don't mix.

Woops! I guess I was thinking of a combination of the only liquid I drink (water) with the fat, but of course they won't mix, haha! l)

Thank you for the tips! I will have to do some experimenting!

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Re: Juzeza's Journal
« Reply #20 on: June 23, 2011, 12:32:53 am »
    Recent Alterations to Diet and Lifestyle

    • Decrease in salt intake
    Before, I was eating salt with every meal and it was causing me to over eat fat. I would add copious amounts of salt to my fat which would make it delectable but irresistible.

    • Alteration of meal size and number
    Rather than eating one large meal and fasting for the rest of the day I have been experimenting with small meals when hungry.

    • Alteration of meal quality
    I decreased my daily fat intake. Lately I have been craving fat less so this is a good sign. Hopefully I will strike a balance.

    • Decrease in domesticated fruit intake
    I was eating apples and other small fruits daily but have stopped. I will try to only eat fruits that I pick from the wild.

    • Introduction of probiotic
    I began taking about 2 capsules of Floraderm daily.

    • Introduction of "zapping"
    Ala a Hulda Clark Zapper, I began zapping for the first time last night. As of yet I haven't experienced any dramatic results but do feel good in general. The combination of all the alterations seems to beneficial. I'm not sure if I house an parasites, but I felt fear-mongered into the idea of removing unpleasant parasites for some time now and am glad to experiment.[/list]

    As for my diet, I have reached a point where I am only consuming raw meat every day. I believe this will change soon as I don't like the idea of such a simple diet.

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    Re: Juzeza's Journal
    « Reply #21 on: October 10, 2011, 10:53:54 am »
    After listening to the Superhuman Radio Show which covered raw foods I realized that a poor reaction Ive been having to ground beef might be due to the fact that its ground, but also frozen.

    This morning I had a fillet of fresh salmon and felt great. I began to eat a little ground beef and noticed I didn't feel as good and digestion was more difficult. The difference was stark and immediately noticeable. This could also be due to the fact that I don't consume as much seafood and my body is hungry for the seafood (with the different variety of minerals and vitamins). I've also noticed that I can eat more and enjoy eating cuts of previously frozen meat over previously frozen ground beef. The ground beef is cheap, but the quality seems poor according to the way my body reacts.

    I'm going to experiment with fresh, unfrozen meat. I intend to purchase a live animal and butcher it at home (now that I have a home again and I'm not traveling).

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    Re: Juzeza's Journal
    « Reply #22 on: October 14, 2011, 12:36:33 am »
    Animal Foods
    Yesterday I ate 1 lb of raw suet and it felt great. There is something about eating raw meat that makes my hunger insatiable. There are plenty of times where this causes me to overeat  and my digestion seems to suffer. However I also feel a sense of pride in being able to savor the flesh, organs and fat of animals. I've never felt the same lust for nourishment when I was a vegetarian. Although I did enjoy my carefully crafted plates of steamed vegetables and perfectly cooked grains, the hunger and satisfaction I get from eating raw animal foods is completely unlike what I've felt in the past.

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    Re: Juzeza's Journal
    « Reply #23 on: October 14, 2011, 12:47:42 am »
    Is anyone else feeling the burden of our economic mess? I'm a college graduate without any experience that pertains to my local economic region and thus I'm left to searching for meager, menial work. I'm an idealist and can't stand to be relegated to perform work I don't find inspiring or at the least provides decent compensation.

    Woe is me.

    Paul Graham writes there are two options for labor:

    The organic route: as you become more eminent, gradually to increase the parts of your job that you like at the expense of those you don't.

    The two-job route: to work at things you don't like to get money to work on things you do.

    Does anyone have any words of advice, or can offer any assistance or opportunity?

    To be honest, I dream of just being able to provide for myself. I hate how complicated this world has become. I would love to just eat, drink and be merry. I'm torn between the conveniences of an urban life (civilization), the sufficiency of a rural life (homesteading), and the freedom of a wild life (a life in the wild). I would love to be able to walk out into the wild and survive simply but I fear of not being able to survive on my own and a lack of community. I would much rather share the beauty of such a lifestyle with a community of friends and family members.

    What to do? What to do?

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    Re: Juzeza's Journal
    « Reply #24 on: October 14, 2011, 02:54:29 am »
    internships are a must for a recent grad to get a job.  we hire a lot of interns after they graduate.  i myself doing different things than what i've studied, and pretty happy with it.  also there is huge shortage of skilled experienced labor.  there are so many people out of work but reality is most of them are unskilled gray mass that current economy has little demand for.  no matter how bad economy is, if you are an expert in your field you'll always find a good job.

    for a recent grad shoveling dirt in the beginning is probably ok, i did that before i moved to my current position.  or you'll have to be lucky to land a job you like right away.


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