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Messages - boxcarguy07

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Health / Re: Heart Palpitations
« on: July 23, 2008, 10:09:56 am »
I had some problems like that with some heart pain on and off last month.

I must have contracted parasites from my experiment with our not organic pork and probably infested with parasites pork.

Dr. Hulda Clark the ever parasite theory woman that she is said that they could be heart worms.
So I took my 1 tablespoon of DeWormer by and the next morning all heart pain was gone.

Good riddance to parasites.

I actually think I got a parasite a few weeks ago from eating some raw wild salmon that I bought from a grocery store... apparently almost all wild salmon carries parasites?

Anyway, I ate it then later that day I felt very nauseous. My mouth started salivating like CRAZY and I gagged a bit, and felt like I was ABOUT to throw up, but didn't. This repeated itself about once a day at random times for the next few days. It even happened in my sleep and I woke up because of it. I noticed allergies starting to come back as well. I started taking cayenne pepper again (I used to take it for allergies, but stopped needing it), to help with my allergies. It was around this time when I seriously was getting worried about the nausea I was experiencing and began wondering if I had a parasite. I read that cayenne pepper was really good to take to kill off parasites as well, so I was happy about that. From the first time I took the cayenne pepper I stopped getting those nauseous outbreaks!

Cayenne pepper seems to be good for lots of things!

Health / Re: Heart Palpitations
« on: July 23, 2008, 10:04:10 am »
Keith, perhaps you will consider adding a listing of your food choices to your journal.  Not amounts necessarily, but a daily log of all foods eaten. 

Well, I usually don't deviate very much at all from what I listed in the first post, except that I do eat my meat with good amounts of organic kethchup... I've made the decision to stop buying and using this as I'm sure the extra refined sugars and salt aren't doing me any good. It's funny, the healthier I become, the more sensitive I am to the unhealthy things.

I have also had cramps in my heart where I feel like I can't breathe for the pain, and then with an inhale it clears itself.  Talk about scary.  I had that as a child even with no heart issues ever known then or since.  I felt this palpitation stuff more in my vegan years ... and liver issues too ... and fatness too.  Are you taking caffeine or alcohol at all?

Me too! I used to get that pretty frequently as a child... it would be an enormous cramp in my heart and I could not breathe because of how much it hurt, and the pain went away when I was finally able to get a deep breath. Hasn't happened in a great many years though, thank God. Oh, and I haven't had ANY caffeine or alcohol in years! Not a fan of alcohol at all...

No, I do not think it is the fat.  However, I have read that carbs and saturated fats (or maybe cholsterol) can be bad news for the heart/circulatory system when eaten together, but this would be things like bread and butter.  This comes from the work of biochemist Mary Enig, but I am afraid I don't know where.  Here is an extensive list of articles on fats, many written by her.

Also, I do not believe in a one-size-fits-all diet.  Maybe this is too much fat for YOU.  It certainly would not hurt for you to vary things and see how you fare.  Again, keeping an eye on food choices may well help you pinpoint any dietary triggers.  Finally, try eating some heart since doggy ate the spleen.  :)

I have low blood pressure and always have.  It ranges from 90/50 to 105/70, generally falling in the lower area.  Yes, I have grayed out and have had - what do they call it - orthostatic hypotension.  Yeah, that's it.  I dunno what to tell you, it comes and goes.  Let me look into it more and get back to you.

Well, like I said I have not had the dizziness or "graying out" at all since I started raw paleo, so don't break your neck looking for info if you don't want to!  :)  And I can't be sure that I had low BP, that's just my guess because of the symptoms. I'm pretty sure every time I've been to a doctor it read normal, but come to think of it, I haven't had it read in a long time... I try to avoid doctors as much as possible  ;)

Also, I kinda like the warrior diet idea of light food all day and then a substantial meal at night.  Some may disagree with the idea of food combining, and I welcome all opposing views in the spirit of learning, but you might also try separating fruits from meats.

As far as switching up the diet, I'm extremely happy with it so far minus the heart thing... the way I feel today compared to a couple months ago, both mentally and physically, is astonishing! I've tried the Warrior Diet style for a while and I do find that I do perfectly fine with multiple meals and food combining...
For right now, I've decided to do the following:
-chew my food better/eat more slowly... i find myself eating my meat so fast sometimes!
-get rid of that ketchup i'm eating my meat with
-become more regular with my consumption of cayenne pepper (a wonderful herb for heart health)

If I still am having problems after a while, I will look more into switching up my diet!

We are all so different!  Yet we have this common space to share ideas about and thrive on natural foods and lifestyles.  So cool.

Yes! Very cool indeed!  :D

Health / Re: Heart Palpitations
« on: July 23, 2008, 08:23:02 am »
yep, eating enough organs

Health / Heart Palpitations
« on: July 23, 2008, 07:04:44 am »
Ever since I began eating such high amounts of meat I've started getting heart palpitations.
It's kind of scary, but doesn't seem to affect anything else.
In fact, it seems strange that the palpitations do not occur when I'm exercising.
I think it normally happens upon standing up from sitting down. My heart beat gets noticable stronger and faster. Sometimes its accompanied by a "strange" feeling, but the vast majority its not.

I can't help but be worried that its caused by eating so much fat... saturated fat especially. While I know saturated fat isn't the great evil some people would have people believe, too much can't be good right? I eat 3 lbs of fatty meat most days, is this just too much?

Before I started this diet, I believe I had low blood pressure... when I would stand up after lying/sitting down for a long time, I would get EXTREMELY light-headed and my vision would get covered up with grey spots. That hasn't happened since I changed my diet to what it's like now though. But these palpitations have got me kinda worried. In my search of this forum, I see Craig said he's had issues with this, and that it could be related to sodium? I don't think I have a sodium deficiency....

Any advice?

General Discussion / Re: boxcarguy07's Organ Meat Review Thread
« on: July 22, 2008, 06:39:47 am »
So, an update with me vs. spleen vs. dog.

I was eating another portion today, and some fell on my white shorts that I'm wearing which left a nice, bloody stain. I promptly got up to get some hydrogen peroxide on there to get the stain out.
Now, at home we have two very small dogs. This dog that I'm sitting is much bigger. I'm not used to that. Normally, a plate left up on a desk would be unreachable to the local canine companion. Not here. I realized what I had done and ran back to the desk only to see an empty plate, with the rest of the spleen (which was most of it) on the floor with the dog standing next to it.

Oh man! My mistake... at least i didn't have to eat it  :P
But what a waste

General Discussion / Re: Cooking as a biological trait’
« on: July 22, 2008, 05:57:26 am »
Actually, funny you mention this... I just came across this on another board today:

Evidence of Hominin Control of Fire at Gesher Benot Ya`aqov, Israel
Naama Goren-Inbar,1* Nira Alperson,1 Mordechai E. Kislev,2 Orit Simchoni,2 Yoel Melamed,2 Adi Ben-Nun,3 Ella Werker4

The presence of burned seeds, wood, and flint at the Acheulian site of Gesher Benot Ya`aqov in Israel is suggestive of the control of fire by humans nearly 790,000 years ago. The distribution of the site's small burned flint fragments suggests that burning occurred in specific spots, possibly indicating hearth locations. Wood of six taxa was burned at the site, at least three of which are edible—olive, wild barley, and wild grape.


Journals / Re: Keith's Journal
« on: July 22, 2008, 05:53:25 am »
I just didn't want to make a bunch of high meat and then not be able to eat it all before it just got too old (i hear it gets very liquidy after a while)
I also didn't want to make too much or eat too much as I wasn't sure if it's the sort of thing where you only need a small amount, you know, to get that bacteria in you, and maybe too much was a bad thing.

Journals / Re: Keith's Journal
« on: July 22, 2008, 04:34:19 am »
Thanks for the advice Nicola! I've read about making high meat before, and most things I've read about it say that it's for people who have been doing a RAF diet for quite some time.
I was thinking about trying it when I get back to school, but I'll have to see how my suitemates in my apartment react. I would fully understand if they didn't want me keeping rotting, smelly meat in the refrigerator! 

That aside, how much should one make at one time? And how often and in what quantity should it be eaten?

Journals / Re: Keith's Journal
« on: July 21, 2008, 10:42:35 pm »
First of all, I want to explain my workout program that I devised last night.
It's an 8 week program. Each day is a full-body workout. The first three exercises of each day are the main ones... they are compound lifts that focus primarily on the larger muscle groups: chest, back, and legs. The rest of them are more isolation type, things like arms, shoulders, abs, etc. Most of these I'll be shooting for 6-8 reps.
The first two weeks, I will be doing 3 sets, shooting for 8-10 reps, of the first three exercises. Then the next two weeks, I'll change it to 4 sets of 6-8 reps. Then the next two weeks it will be 5 sets of 5-6 reps. And then the final two weeks I will go back to 3 sets of 8-10 reps.
I've done a plan like this before in the past and it worked very well.

Monday, July 21

Had a good workout today. I felt full of energy despite not having a good night of sleep last night, which is a rarity these days. My workout lasted approx 1 hour. I took about 60-90 seconds of rest in between each set.

Here's my log of the first day of my lifting routine. (for those that don't know, the first number is the weight, and the second number is the amount of repetitions I completed. For exercises that utilize dumbbells, the weight that is shown is the weight of one dumbbell in one hand, so for instance, standing shoulder press: 20x12 means that in both hands I had a 20 lb. weight, totalling 40 lbs)

1. Bench Press
         -115x10     -115x8       -115x5
2. Leg Press
          -340x9      -340x9       -340x8
3. Lat Pulldowns
          -120x9      -120x7       -120x4
4. Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press
          -20x12      -20x8         -20x6
5. Tricep Pushdown
          -130x7      -130x5       -120x5
6. Preacher Curls
          -70x8        -70x4        -60x6
7. Incline Crunches with added weight
          -20x10       -20x6

Display Your Culinary Creations / Re: Traditional Mayonnaise
« on: July 21, 2008, 10:21:17 pm »
You are in the South, yes?  Do you enjoy any country living?

Haha, country living... not exactly.

The place where my parents live (where I'm at right now for the summer) is a picture-perfect definition of suburban sprawl. In fact, I remember hearing a couple years ago that it was the fastest growing town in the US. Not sure if it still is though.

Then for the rest of the year, I go to school in Charleston, which is a beautiful historic city.
However, before I transferred, I went to Clemson, and there was plenty of bona-fide countryness there!

Display Your Culinary Creations / Re: Traditional Mayonnaise
« on: July 21, 2008, 06:49:18 am »
Nice chickens!

Nothing beats the taste of good, high-quality, farm-fresh pastured eggs!
I can only get them in very limited supply from my friend's girlfriend's mother, but man are they good!
Otherwise I get eggs from a brand called The Country Hen at my supermarket, which are very high quality compared with normal supermarket eggs, but still don't compare to the farm-fresh ones!

General Discussion / Re: boxcarguy07's Organ Meat Review Thread
« on: July 21, 2008, 06:43:18 am »

Well, the thing is, it didn't seem like the problem was lack of tenderness. The inside of the spleen was almost like a liquid... kind of like jello that was left out too long. But there was a VERY thin outer membrane surrounding the whole thing, and that's what was so difficult to cut/chew/etc. It's weird considering how thin it was that it gave such a problem.

However, I think I must get used to organ meats quite quickly. Like I said, after a few bites it wasn't that bad anymore. And by the end it wasn't really bad at all. I'm not dreading eating more tomorrow. Making sure that it's completely room temperature kind of cuts down on the "gross" factor! I'll take it out of the fridge tomorrow morning before I hit the gym and then eat it after I get back.

Display Your Culinary Creations / Re: Killer Middle Eastern Feast!
« on: July 21, 2008, 06:14:20 am »
Yowza, you really do it up!
Nice presentation!

Journals / Re: Keith's Journal
« on: July 21, 2008, 05:28:22 am »
Hi there Lex! Thanks for writing.

I do make sure to only consume grass-fed meat. I am a big believer in it (how could you not be?  :) )
I've read so much about the omega-3 to omega-6 ratio and I'm a huge believer that that is the very first thing that should be checked and corrected when it comes to any health problem before any other steps are taken.
I'm not a fan of taking capsules unless I'm really sure of what's in them as far as fillers and such (many capsules have things like magnesium stearate, soybean oil, titanium dioxide, and the like) and also what the capsules are made of. However, since I'm eating grassfed beef, that's not really a problem, eh?

I must correct a statement you have made though... you say that grass-fed beef has 25%-50% of the total fat being Omega-3. While this would be nice, it's not true. 25%-50% of the total EFA's are omega-3, not total fat.

So, with eating the 75% lean beef as well as the hemp seeds and eggs, I'm pretty sure I'm getting close to 80% fat. I think my hunger the past couple days has had to do with forgetting/skipping meals (yesterday I didn't have any spinach or seeds or eggs... DUH!) and also perhaps an effect of eating the "bad" foods that I shouldn't have throughout last week...

As for the salt, do you know if baking soda is an adequate substitute? Every morning upon rising I make a drink from ACV, baking soda, and cayenne pepper. The baking soda (1/8th of a teaspoon) provides a LOT of sodium, but you mention chloride, and I'm not sure if that is present in baking soda.

I know ACV and baking soda aren't technically paleo, but it is an addition to my diet that I do believe is positive. (I also wash my hair with ACV and baking soda!)

General Discussion / Re: boxcarguy07's Organ Meat Review Thread
« on: July 21, 2008, 05:10:12 am »
Oooookay, entry two.
Since my first post I've tried two more organs... Raw lamb heart and raw beef spleen. Here we go:


It's true what I've read, heart is very similar to muscle meat. The flavor is like muscle meat, and the texture is more liver-like than muscle meat, but still mostly muscle-like. It was very soft and tender. There was a good amoutn of (what I'm assuming was) fat on the outside of it, which is where all the veins were. I was expecting the veins to be elastic-like and very hard to chew, but they were actually very crunchy. Or rather, they had little crunchy "bits" in or around them. I have no idea what these were, but they were the only unpleasant part of the heart. A very good organ.


I'm eating this right now... what can I say?

Positives... 1. I'm sure this is very healthy for me.
                2. Not much else

First of all, this is very very hard to cut, and impossible to get a fork into. I dare not eat it with my hands for it is extremely messy. It is very very hard to chew. In fact I think I've injured my eye with the amount of intense chewing I've done so far, and I'm only on the third bite!  :D
The flavor isn't really bad or strong, but there's something kind of "ugh" about it. I can tell I'm making some nasty faces as I'm chewing this.
Eh, now that I'm getting into the groove of this thing, it's really not *that* bad.... it is taking FOREVER to eat though. Definitely not something you want to have to eat when you have somewhere to be anytime soon.
I'd like to say that this would have been my last experiment with the beef spleen for a long time, but the things are so danged big the one I just thawed is going to last me another two days after this one.
And I'm pretty sure I have another one or two in the freezer as well.

On a side note, I'm dog-sitting for a lady right now, and her dog seems to like the spleen. I put it out on the counter to defrost. I thought it was out of reach for the dog, and I went to take a shower. When I came back, I found the spleen on the floor (it still was wrapped in plastic thank God!). The dog had grabbed the package and tried to get to it.
Thankfully it didn't chew through the plastic and the spleen was unharmed  :)

Journals / Re: Keith's Journal
« on: July 21, 2008, 12:10:25 am »
Wow that sounds intense!
My legs are still sore but not nearly as bad as yesterday. They should be good to go tomorrow (hopefully!)
Yep, I'll keep a log of my workouts...

Oh, and lol @ your typo of "lag day"... it was anything but that!  :D

Display Your Culinary Creations / Re: requests for Satya
« on: July 20, 2008, 09:31:42 pm »
There are a few recipes on the net for raw ketchup, but from what I remember they all seemed a bit more ingredient-intensive than I would have liked. I want it nice and simple lol. I don't want to have to go buy agave nectar for my ketchup!  :)

Journals / Re: Keith's Journal
« on: July 20, 2008, 11:02:24 am »
Is 75% lean ground beef fatty enough? Because that's what I'm eating...
I do have a bit of marrow that I've yet to try, but it's not really enough to last me a long time.

Journals / Re: Keith's Journal
« on: July 20, 2008, 05:55:29 am »
Thanks man! Good luck to you as well!  8)

Saturday July 19
Man oh man, my legs and my ass are sore from doing squats yesterday.
I forgot what it was like to be so sore that just sitting down is a chore.
I hope I'm not sore anymore by Monday morning!!

Anyways, I continue to amaze myself at how stupid I can be when it comes to eating things that I shouldn't be.
I know how negatively certain foods affect me, but I still eat them anyway. I can only accept myself as in a process and move on and try to do better!  ;D

I know people on here say that they can eat less raw food and feel full, but man, I am always hungry! I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, but now 2lbs of meat is nothing to me. For instance, today I had eaten 2 lbs of meat by 3:30... I ate the first pound at around 10:00 or so and I was going to eat the second pound much later on in the day but I was so hungry and my body was really craving it so I ate it. I'm now letting a third pound defrost so I can eat that later tonight. This is getting expensive lol!

When I first started eating the two pounds a day I wasn't getting so hungry, but that only lasted a couple days.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Hi!
« on: July 19, 2008, 08:23:43 am »
Hi Felicie!!

I know what you mean with constipation... it's not a huge problem for me, but i don't seem as "regular" as I did before i started eating large amounts of raw animal foods... back when I ate lots of raw plants and things like green smoothies. But in absolutely every other regard I feel so much better!

I just had raw lamb heart for the first time today, and I noticed no bad aftertaste at all. It could be that our tastes are just different, or it could be differences in where we got it from or freshness or something. Interesting nonetheless.

Enjoy your stay!  :)

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: A few questions from a beginner
« on: July 19, 2008, 08:11:31 am »
Slanker's is indeed a great company with an awesomely informative website.
My one complaint is that my order from them arrived partially thawed and VERY messy/bloody. It was quite a mess getting it all into the freezer!

These are taken from the Wai site (i didn't include all the blatantly non-paleo ones). It does say on the website that if you find you can easily digest certain vegetables that you can eat those. Take that for what it's worth I guess.

-      Vegetables contain more pentosanes and hexosanes, which are partly bacterially  decomposed in the colon, and inhibit digestion. Brussel sprouts, beetroot, parsley, celeriac, kale, broccoli and peas contain most of these special carbohydrates.

-      Some vegetables contain much oxalic acid, which binds to minerals easily. Mangold,   rhubarb, spinach, purslane, bamboo shoots and beetroot contain most of these special carbohydrates.

-      Cabbages (like broccoli and cauliflower), radish and garden cress contain glucosinolates,  which can originate mildly toxic (to the thyroid) thiocyanate.

-      Onions contain much mutagenic quercetine (a flavonoid), and (like garlic)
        dialkyloligosulphides, inhibiting iodide absorption.

-      Mushrooms easily absorb damaging cadmium and arsenium, and contain alkaloids  which inhibit digestion and cause gripes. Many people have no problem at all eating mushrooms however.

-      Lamb's lettuce contains caffeic acid, which easily binds nutrients.

-      Rhubarb can contain mutagenic emodine.

-      Parsley, celeriac, dill and fennel can contain small amounts of furocoumarines (psoralenes) that can become tumor-stimulating when taken in higher amounts.

-      Cacao, nutmeg, laurel, mace, anise, black pepper and ginger can contain tiny amounts of cancerous safrol.

well, since you're asking...
however, please keep in mind this quote: "Effect on humans and animals is based on laboratory tests using toxin concentrations much higher than the concentrations normally found in food."
I don't believe that all the things on this list are harmful. Obviously the ones that aren't paleo I do, but not things like spinach, tomato, stone fruits, "most fruits", etc...

Toxin family:                Examples of occurence in plants:                    Effects on humans and animals:
Cyanogenic glycosides...Sweet potatoes, stone fruits, lima beans...Gastrointestinal inflammation; inhibition of cellular respiration
Glulcosinolates...Rape (canola), mustard, radish, cabbage, peanut, soybean, onion...Goiter; impaired metabolism; reduced iodine uptake; decreased protein digestion
Glycoalkaloids...Potato, tomato...Depressed central nervous system; kidney inflammation; carcinogenic; birth defects; reduced iron uptake
Gossypol...Cottonseed...Reduced iron uptake; spermicidal; carcinogenic
Lectins...Most cereals, soybeans, other beans, potatoes...Intestinal inflammation; decreased nutrient uptake/absorption
Oxalate...Spinach, rhubarb, tomato...Reduces solubility of calcium, iron, and zinc
Phenols...Most fruits and vegetables, cereals, soybean, potato, tea, coffee...Destroys thiamine; raises cholesterol; estrogen-mimic
Coumarins...Celery, parsley, parsnips, figs...Light-activated carcinogens; skin irritation

Journals / Keith's Journal
« on: July 19, 2008, 06:14:54 am »
Hello all!
My name's Keith and this is my journal  :)
My main goals, besides ultimate supremo-health, are to gain weight in the form of lean muscle and increase strength.
I will not keep a day-to-day log of my eating but here is are some typical days of eating as of right now.

Meal 1:
1 banana
4-6 oz. of raw organ meat
Handful of berries
3 oz. Spinach

Meal 2:
1 banana
1 apple
3-6 tbsp. of hemp seeds

Meal 3:
1 banana
16 oz. of raw 75% lean ground beef
3 oz. spinach and 1/2 of a tomato

Meal 4:
16 oz. of raw 75% lean ground beef
3 oz. spinach and 1/2 of a tomato

Meal 5:
3 raw eggs

However, right now, I only have organ meats once every few days. If I'm not eating organ meat I'll split up the first 16 oz. of ground beef and have 8 oz of it in Meal 1 and 8 oz. in Meal 3.
Also, I have 1 tbsp. of honey in the morning on workout days. Other than that I workout on an empty stomach and eat Meal 1 about an hour after my workout.

Like I said, the above is a typical example, but some days it's different.
I've tried eating one large meal in the evenings like many do here, but it didn't work out as well for me. I feel like what I'm doing right now is very good.

Today was my first day going to a gym in a long time... I had a great workout and I was full of energy. I used to yawn frequently during workouts when I was not rawpaleo, but not today. I felt so mentally acute and physically energized.
This could be due to my better health as a result of the rawpaleo diet, or it could be due to working out on an empty stomach, which I wouldn't have dreamed of doing in the old days. My, how things change   :D
Other than having a great workout, I went to get an idea of how much I could lift after taking such a long break (I haven't gone to the gym consistently in about two years).
Now I have a good idea of how much I can lift so I don't need to worry about finding this out on Monday, when I begin my real routine, which I will put up as soon as I get it all figured out.

Anyways, I'm excited!
Thanks for reading!

Display Your Culinary Creations / Re: requests for Satya
« on: July 19, 2008, 04:50:01 am »
x2 on the ketchup!  ;D

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