Author Topic: HI people... My (very) long story....still searching to fix it  (Read 20499 times)

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Hi. I have been reading a lot on this forum. A lot of good and helpfull people. So pleased. And then i have decided to log in and post what i think its my story in order to maybe in the future help some people too and find answers to my questions.

I am a male, 31 years old. 1,80cms and 71 kilograms right now. I have been a little bit underweight since childhood...not a strong person.

When i was 1 year old, i had a lot of problems with food. I ate almost anything. My family say i only ate avocados, blue cheese, pickles and yogourt. My parents always had a bad time with my food intake....i could stay in front of the table for will be school time...and i still was sitting, looking at my meal. Pediatrist  said  i had some digestive disorders, diarreas of course. My parents didn´t give a lot of importance to this, and life went on.
Then at 10 years old i began to eat a lot. I began swallow all the food they put in front of me not matter what it was. But i still always been a thin person. I could eat a lot, but I never gained weight. I usually go to the bathroom 1, 2, 3 even 4 times a day, having loose stools and/or pale ones. I always had some acid reflux after meals...but I always thought it was normal, so, again life went on...

I have been always the type of person that easily do things, easily learn things...but i always lacked of discipline and attitude. I have began a lot of things in my life, i have been good in them, but always i left it, and began another new thing....i had never end anything on my life. I usually left things when they were going ok, in the best moments i change my attitude with them. It has been frustrating.

As well i had always been a rebel person. I usually destroyed all my relationships in life...not giving security to my girlfirends.....been influenzable by new people but not by my dear friends, family or people that loves me. I always thought this was due to my parents divorce, my circustances, or some genetical predispotion because my father is depressive/ my grandpa is too...My other grandpa died from cancer and my uncle died too at 28 years old from medular cancer. I was born in a industrial city so I suppose it was so contaminated

At 15 years old i began smoking Pot and some tobacco, i dont know why, ego or automedication.....dont know.

I always had recurrent ear infections, alergies and bronchittis/asma and doctors usually gave me antibiotics, and inhalators like pulmicort, terbasmin, ventholin, and seretide...when i was 21 years old and by a naturalist reccomendation i quit milk and most dairy products and this issue solved in about a year.....but i think other things began happening to my inmune system.

Then i followed my life....get back things, left them, get back things, left them....and so on my life was like a roller-coaster.

I remember my friends always telling me i had a problem and lack of attention but i never think seriously about it. I thought it only were jokes. Some time ago a very close and smart friend told me he thought i was autist.....

3 years ago a book came to my hands. It was a naturist book. I began learning about "healthy" nutrition and quit sugar, i began to eat more honey....a lot of fruit in the mornings and evenings, big salads, veggies, safe starches, lots of olive oil, drink distilled water....and so on. I read about candida too, but i didn´t gave it so much importance. Then, another swing and i broke with my girl 2 years ago. So in retrospective....this form of life didn,t help a lot

I decided to live alone and try to search me but i failed and began another relationship. I never open my heart to her, and she suffered a lot. I tried to broke with her 3 times but always come back...She still were suffering about me. She was the best person i had ever meet, disciplined, know how to love, have a lot of attention for me, and was giving me ALL, but i couldn´t saw it ...always thinking on me and me..".i am not well, i am not well, i am going to hurt you...." and so it was....

Then i learn and read again about candida, i had some toenail fungus, white thrush on my mouth and dry mouth, pennis fungus, mood swings and ohhhh!  The answer to all my wasn´t is a fungus that is destroying my blood and life...easy thing...change your diet and your life will change.....easy, isn´t it? JA JA JA

And last summer i change my diet.....began eating "healthy grains" you know, millet, amaranth, buckwheat....a lot of veggies....not sugar....a lot of nuts, veggies soups, miso, tamari, a lot of neew stuff i thoght i had the key of health that never had.....but become obsesed with the food, not wanting to go anywhere because i need to eat this stuff or that one. My great girl began to suffer more indeed.

Then, i bought a book about fasting...and did a 11 day water fast with enemas, i lost 11 kilograms....thought i was still girl didn´t aproved it...but i had the real key of know...2000 years of health on my hands...during this fast none of my symptoms improved (white tongue, fungal issues, chilis...) but at least i could saw some aliens getting out my body what i thought it was candida (i will show photos) and eureka! YEs i have candida! ok... I began to eat again, you know, fruit juices, rice, no meat, nuts...typical things....I gained back about 7 kilograms. I forgot to say that the same day i broke my girl broke with me....she thought i became crazy (and certainly i was) and she never believed on the candida theories i was doing.

Went to general Doctor that did me some blood and stools tests that showed positive on parasites (giardia lamblia) and high levels of blood white cells. He gave me metronidazol but i didn´t take it because i did a lot of research on the internet and it showed me that it wouldn´t work.

Then i learn about liver flushings but i had never have the willpower for doing any.
The the potato/no fat diet of a curezone poster came....i lost another 4 kilogram and i got skynny again for christmass. My far family was shocked when they saw me....even my grandpa though i was a heroin addict.....bad moments.

Then i began to eat cooked paleo and gain some weight...but some things began to happen....dark cyrcles around my eyes and very very bad breath...

I went then to a special psichiatric 100kms from my house. He confirm me all my theories. I had leaky gut, probably due to a food intolerance or a toxic poisoning (mercury..lead...etc). He did me a blood analisys that showed very low levels of aminoacids and he said me my brain couldn´t work properly with this levels. They showed very low trypthophan, taurine, omega 3s, and more....

He put me on suplements+diet.....some herbal remedies for drinking and cleansing
Morning: Aloe vera juice + probiotics + oranje juice + apple puree + folic acid low fat milk + cereals (usually muesly or oats) and a blue fish sandwich if hungry (this gave me reflux instantly)

Lunch: cooked beans/lentils/rice or potatoes with veggies and some krill oil omega 3 capsules

Dinner: Fish, omelette, veggies and probiotic + taurine + tryptophan.

I then began to have  a lot anxiety but massive energy...but i was super indecisive....although i was doing ex girl could get near me again, she almost thought to come again with me....but then i broke this diet and suplements again when reading this and other forums and seeing that people do better without all that stuff (beans, grains.....fruits) and began some short of cooked paleo again due to what i thought was anxiety..........and things have been worsening again till now. I am totally depressed again, eating whatever i want i thinking that i am not going to beat this beast with diet....due to my indecissivenness and fears, my ex has got distance again from me....and i am not doing almost anything again.

I have only tested raw meat 1 day last week and it was in the form of steak tartare.....i think it was delicious but i couldn´t eat raw meat and fat alone, and what about organs....uffff
Anyway raw meat seems to digest very well on my and formed good and dark poops althought i constipate me...the only day in the last months that i had no poops was the day after the raw meat.....and i broke it with carbs and then i go to the bathrooms again.

I am not in paleo, i am not in anything right now.....i had a lot of fear, i became obsessed with food and all people around me think that food by itself won´t cure me....even they thought this is not a real illness, that all is on my head.....

I have read a lot of good stories here, but a lot of people are still ill, and not tolerating new foods....if they eat some sugar, or some honey or some milk...they will be broke i would like to go to the root of the problem. In my case thinking on Mercury or some toxic poisoning (despite i had no fillings?)  and thinking this aliens/parasites are doing some good to me eating that toxic stuff?
It is my elimination organs? Do i need liver flushings? Don´t know.

Even i had emailed GS several times to ask for answers and yet i am not following his reccomendations. Not willpower. I have been reading a lot of different stories on the internet, that i am totally misleading and i don´t know how to continued this issue right now.  I have been readings stories here (Michael for example) almost 10 years on RAF and didn´t beat candida…then he began to do chelation but suddently there are not more posts from him since this (I am guessing if he turned on michael B, a success poster overcoming candida on curezone forums)

My symptoms are:

TOenail fungus
Penis fungus and itchy penis
White thrush on the tongue
Brain fog
Lack of concentration/poor memory/always doing weird things/lack of
No want to live or do things feeling.
Thinking as all my decisions are bad and always destroy anything i touch.
MOlars that move and slightly headache always when moving it.
Cold hands and feet normally.
Bad saliva odour
Soft and pale stools
Always broken bones easily.
Ear ringing.
Hair loss.

And that is what i think is my story. Of course you could see it like a totally different one from another point of view. I am not on the RAF wagon yet, but i am considering it as I am too a sugar addict but I think if this sugar addiction is only to feed that candida who is helping me on detoxing some thing from my body and starve it will only turn the things worse. I would like to find the real root cause of my illness and try to fix it as soon as possible.

Offline K-WI

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Re: HI people... My (very) long story....still searching to fix it
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2013, 05:32:25 pm »
This are candida (or what i think it is) released during my water fast....anyone knows this alien?

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Re: HI people... My (very) long story....still searching to fix it
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2013, 05:36:05 pm »
This is my white tongue.....weird :-(((

Offline cherimoya_kid

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Re: HI people... My (very) long story....still searching to fix it
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2013, 11:28:39 pm »
Raw meat isn't necessarily a panacea.  A lot of fixing your diet involves removing bad foods. What is your daily diet?

Offline K-WI

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Re: HI people... My (very) long story....still searching to fix it
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2013, 05:12:18 am »
I apologised,  I have changed it many times and actually is nothing.....really binging on  sad...

white tongue is here since many months ago but when i eat fats/carbs it is the worst......
« Last Edit: May 05, 2013, 06:01:54 am by K-WI »

Offline eveheart

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Re: HI people... My (very) long story....still searching to fix it
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2013, 06:14:25 am »
As CK said, raw meat is not a panacea..., fixing your diet involves removing bad foods. I hope you can see that most of the bad foods and bad food processing (like cooking) were incorporated into the human diet after the paleolithic era, so a raw paleo diet can be free of so-called bad foods.

Your tongue looks horrid, much worse than mine ever did. The poop strands might be strings of mucus. When I tried RPD two years ago, I promised myself to try for two weeks only. I'm still here, feeling so much better. I have tried many raw animals foods and I have my favorites. I never eat grains or milk or cheese. The things I could never figure out about my health are obvious now.

I will assume you are here for your health, and I hope you read what you need to know to help yourself. So nice of you to introduce yourself.
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Re: HI people... My (very) long story....still searching to fix it
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2013, 07:27:00 am »
As CK said, raw meat is not a panacea..., fixing your diet involves removing bad foods. I hope you can see that most of the bad foods and bad food processing (like cooking) were incorporated into the human diet after the paleolithic era, so a raw paleo diet can be free of so-called bad foods.

Your tongue looks horrid, much worse than mine ever did. The poop strands might be strings of mucus. When I tried RPD two years ago, I promised myself to try for two weeks only. I'm still here, feeling so much better. I have tried many raw animals foods and I have my favorites. I never eat grains or milk or cheese. The things I could never figure out about my health are obvious now.

I will assume you are here for your health, and I hope you read what you need to know to help yourself. So nice of you to introduce yourself.

Thanks for your answer.
Yes it is horrid and yes, i am because of my health and because i don´t  trust a lot on doctors.  But one year ago i thought the panacea was fruits/veggies/nuts/oils/grains and now i tried steak tartare!!!! Extreme....

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Re: HI people... My (very) long story....still searching to fix it
« Reply #7 on: May 05, 2013, 10:38:39 am »
There is so much anti-meat and anti-meat propaganda stemming from faulty scientific conclusions about disease in modern societies. Underneath all the clamor for vegetarian eating is the calm voice of ancestral eating. Once you find your own proof, it will be easier to adjust to RPD and stop the binge eating..
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Offline cherimoya_kid

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Re: HI people... My (very) long story....still searching to fix it
« Reply #8 on: May 05, 2013, 11:12:12 am »
The first step is getting all grains and processed sweeteners out of your diet for a while.  The second step is to start eating some raw fats, especially coconut oil, every day. Raw fats starve candida, and coconut oil starves it AND kills it.

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Re: HI people... My (very) long story....still searching to fix it
« Reply #9 on: May 05, 2013, 03:39:46 pm »
Coconut oil?? Was there any in the Paleolithic era?  I found plenty coconuts in various states in coconuts plantations, but never found any oil… So, I just looked what is exactly that stuff here and read (excerpts):

Coconut oil can be extracted through "dry" or "wet" processing. Dry processing requires the meat to be extracted from the shell and dried using fire, sunlight, or kilns to create copra.[2] The copra is pressed or dissolved with solvents, producing the coconut oil and a high-protein, high-fiber mash. The mash is of poor quality for human consumption and is instead fed to ruminants; there is no process to extract protein from the mash. The preparation and storage of copra often occurs in unhygienic conditions, yielding poor quality oil that requires refining. A portion of the oil extracted from copra is lost to the process of extraction.

The all-wet process uses raw coconut rather than dried copra, and the protein in the coconut creates an emulsion of oil and water.[3] The more problematic step is breaking up the emulsion to recover the oil. This used to be done by prolonged boiling, but this produces a discolored oil and is not economical; modern techniques use centrifuges and pre-treatments including cold, heat, acids, salts, enzymes, electrolysis, shock waves, or some combination of them. Despite numerous variations and technologies, wet processing is less viable than dry processing due to a 10-15% lower yield, even compared to the losses due to spoilage and pests with dry processing. Wet processes also require investment of equipment and energy, incurring high capital and operating costs.

Many health organizations advise against the consumption of high amounts of coconut oil due to its high levels of saturated fat, including the United States Food and Drug Administration,[22] World Health Organization,[23] International College of Nutrition,[24] the United States Department of Health and Human Services,[25] American Dietetic Association,[26] American Heart Association,[27] British National Health Service,[28] and Dietitians of Canada.[26][dead link]

Coconut oil contains a large proportion of lauric acid—a saturated fat that raises blood cholesterol levels by increasing the amount of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.[29] It is also found in significant amounts in laurel oil, palm kernel oil (not to be confused with palm oil), human and animal breast milk and sebaceous gland secretions.[30][31] This may create a more favourable blood cholesterol profile, though it is unclear if coconut oil may promote atherosclerosis through other pathways.

Coconut oil has been tested for use as a feedstock for biodiesel to be used as a diesel engine fuel.
Oh yes, use it to make a fuel for diesel engines is the best thing you can do with coconut oil! ;)

Cause and effect are distant in time and space in complex systems, while at the same time there’s a tendency to look for causes near the events sought to be explained. Time delays in feedback in systems result in the condition where the long-run response of a system to an action is often different from its short-run response. — Ronald J. Ziegler

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Re: HI people... My (very) long story....still searching to fix it
« Reply #10 on: May 05, 2013, 03:44:31 pm »
There is a lot of people trying to kill the candida with coconut oil and they keep failling again....i think.

My big question is: Why is my candida here? Is candida really the big problem or maybe my inmune system, poisoning.....?

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Re: HI people... My (very) long story....still searching to fix it
« Reply #11 on: May 05, 2013, 03:51:45 pm »
I don't know. Others here will certainly know.

All I can say is: eat 100 % raw, unprocessed, unmixed, unseasoned paleo food using your nose and taste buds and others instinctive feelings  to know what and how much to eat and it should slowly clear off.
Cause and effect are distant in time and space in complex systems, while at the same time there’s a tendency to look for causes near the events sought to be explained. Time delays in feedback in systems result in the condition where the long-run response of a system to an action is often different from its short-run response. — Ronald J. Ziegler

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Re: HI people... My (very) long story....still searching to fix it
« Reply #12 on: May 05, 2013, 05:47:40 pm »
Good advice. on..if my tastes buds seems that i like oranje juices...i must go for it....?
They dont´t seem to love raw meatbut if i prepare it like steak tartare with a little bit of tamari and onion, cappers and pickles.....i love , but this doesn´t fill your word "unseasoned"......

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Re: HI people... My (very) long story....still searching to fix it
« Reply #13 on: May 05, 2013, 06:48:39 pm »
As a general principle: oranges yes, orange juice no. Coconut yes, coconut oil no.

Fresh raw meat is often unattractive. After drying-aging it for some weeks hung on a hook in a (dry) fridge, it takes a quite different taste and may be very tasty. But to like it, we have first to get rid of any proteins overload due to a previous excessive consumption of cooked meat-eggs-fish and dairy.   
Cause and effect are distant in time and space in complex systems, while at the same time there’s a tendency to look for causes near the events sought to be explained. Time delays in feedback in systems result in the condition where the long-run response of a system to an action is often different from its short-run response. — Ronald J. Ziegler

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Re: HI people... My (very) long story....still searching to fix it
« Reply #14 on: May 05, 2013, 10:13:54 pm »
I don't know. Others here will certainly know.

Why do you think that remaining ignorant is a virtue?  We're not in the Garden of Eden. it's too late for innocence.

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Re: HI people... My (very) long story....still searching to fix it
« Reply #15 on: May 05, 2013, 11:39:31 pm »
try to reduce your carbohydrate consumption, like under 50g a day.  you will likely feel like absolute shit for a few weeks, maybe even a few months, but chances are your mental health will improve in this time and you will start to see the light!

focus on fatty meats,  you can gentle cook them to begin with, its more important that you just get your carbs lowered then you go directly to raw meats.  make stews and roasts (slowly cook these, no boiling/super long cooking times or super high heat) with plenty of garlic, pepper, mustard, curry, etc.  use fatty cuts of meat, oxtails, pork roasts, be sure these are nice grass fed or the best quality meats you can find.  offal works best ground up with other meats, you can make meatballs or meatloaf.  bacon and sausage without added sugars is great, focus on savory instead of sweet.

try egg yolks as a dressing for green veggies, keep to low carb and non starchy veggies.  think more along the lines of lettuce, cucumber, green beans, kale, collards, radish..etc. 

do not eat fruit for the time being. 

you will need to focus on starving out candida and rebalancing your gut flora.  get a digestive enzyme like pancreatin, as well as a probiotic like garden of life brand "primal defense"

drink a ton of water, add seaweed so that you have plenty of electrolytes, drink the broth from your soups and stews. 

work on getting more omega 3's in your diet, if you have access to oysters, clams, fatty fish, eat those!  if not consider a supplement.  try to stay away from seeds and nuts and seed and nut oils!

most of all consistency and moderation is important here, it takes the body quite a long time to truly break down, it takes time and patience to truly heal

is there a chance you can have your vitamin and mineral levels tested?  have you actually had your food allergies tested?

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Re: HI people... My (very) long story....still searching to fix it
« Reply #16 on: May 06, 2013, 01:35:25 am »
Why do you think that remaining ignorant is a virtue? 

Did I say so??

Needless to say that I completely disagree with you, Jessica...
Cause and effect are distant in time and space in complex systems, while at the same time there’s a tendency to look for causes near the events sought to be explained. Time delays in feedback in systems result in the condition where the long-run response of a system to an action is often different from its short-run response. — Ronald J. Ziegler

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Re: HI people... My (very) long story....still searching to fix it
« Reply #17 on: May 06, 2013, 01:44:10 am »
Did I say so??

Needless to say that I completely disagree with you, Jessica...

With Jessica? refered to what?

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Re: HI people... My (very) long story....still searching to fix it
« Reply #18 on: May 06, 2013, 02:02:08 am »
Yes, I disagree with Jessica's approach in her above post.
Cause and effect are distant in time and space in complex systems, while at the same time there’s a tendency to look for causes near the events sought to be explained. Time delays in feedback in systems result in the condition where the long-run response of a system to an action is often different from its short-run response. — Ronald J. Ziegler

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Re: HI people... My (very) long story....still searching to fix it
« Reply #19 on: May 06, 2013, 02:44:29 am »
The way I see it, there are two forces at play here. On the one hand, if we were all raised as paleolithic children, we would probably not exhibit immune disorders and other special needs. On the other hand, if we continue with a modern-day agricultural diet, our diseases will progress and multiply.

So there are two routes: continue with cooking and processing our food and search for a magic bullet to make us immune to the ravages of cooked and processed foods, or...

Dive whole heartedly into RPD, which removes the giant thorn, and then address the remnants of disease.

In my case, I came to RPD with such bad arthritis in my hip that I couldn't walk. I was still working, and the walk from the parking lot to my office was so painful that I considered lying down in the middle of the street so that someone would call an ambulance. The things I tried before RPD were the "usual" treatments: food supplements, raw vegetarian, vegan, and fruitarian, enemas, etc. After a few days on RPD, I was walking without pain, although a limp remained. Eighteen months after starting RPD, I consulted a naturopathic doctor, got some blood tests and xrays, and take a few supplements that were indicated. The doctors are all delighted that I stick to RPD - even though they do not prescribe this way of eating into their recommendations, they have had enough evidence from their patients to know that raw meat eaters make the most successful recoveries.

I have read that, when autoimmune issues are present, removing the toxins are imperative. Even if you don't recover the tissues and organs that were damaged, at least you won't decline further. Also, remember that it is impossible to see long-term improvement immediately. Go on faith a little, and be patient with the process of healing.

For the record, I eat a high fat, moderate protein, and low carbohydrate RPD diet. I do not cook my food.

Hope this does not confuse you further. There are no absolute rules here, and there are many variations to eating raw meals that include animal products.
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Re: HI people... My (very) long story....still searching to fix it
« Reply #20 on: May 06, 2013, 03:21:27 am »

Fresh raw meat is often unattractive. After drying-aging it for some weeks hung on a hook in a (dry) fridge, it takes a quite different taste and may be very tasty.   

also I totally agree with this, dry aged meats are amazing, and a great way to break into rpd, but I still think that elimination of carbs, starchy veggies, grains, nuts, and refined nut and seed products while consuming a whole foods paleo type diet is first and formost, so to ease into it with cooked meats is still a million times better then to try and do raw and get lost on all the vegan detox bull shit that's out there.  I also believe once people get their "cravings", taste and habit for SAD foods out of the system, they will gravitate towards raw paleo........there are tons of examples of people on the internet, on things like paleo hacks, where folks have tinkered with raw meats after being paleo for a while because that's the natural progression, but its a process.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2013, 03:36:02 am by jessica »

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Re: HI people... My (very) long story....still searching to fix it
« Reply #21 on: May 06, 2013, 04:00:41 am »
Perhaps, Jessica.

But why do you want to eliminate starchy veggies, nuts and carbs? There's no reason to think that our paleo ancestors didn't eat any nuts, carby foods and starchy plants. On the contrary we know that both chimps and nowadays last  hunther-gatherers eat plants, fruits and nuts as well. 
Cause and effect are distant in time and space in complex systems, while at the same time there’s a tendency to look for causes near the events sought to be explained. Time delays in feedback in systems result in the condition where the long-run response of a system to an action is often different from its short-run response. — Ronald J. Ziegler

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Re: HI people... My (very) long story....still searching to fix it
« Reply #22 on: May 06, 2013, 04:57:12 am »
But why do you want to eliminate starchy veggies, nuts and carbs? There's no reason to think that our paleo ancestors didn't eat any nuts, carby foods and starchy plants. On the contrary we know that both chimps and nowadays last  hunther-gatherers eat plants, fruits and nuts as well. 

Looking at the pictures of this poster's coated tongue and poop full of mucus and his description of body fungus and digestive woes, I think it makes sense for him to severely limit (or eliminate) carbs. Our paleo ancestors did not have his eating and  health history, nor were they given antibiotics as children. If his internal body climate is so unbalanced, he cannot just ignore the dysfunction and pretend that omnivorous RPD will heal it.

When someone has candida albicans overgrowth, the candida itself overrides appetite signals and mental clarity, and all of a sudden that person will think he really, truly has an appetite for fruits and other carbohydrates. The cravings become intense. He is saying so himself: he is binge eating SAD. Next thing you know, somebody will come along and tell him he needs psychotherapy for eating disorder.

K-WI, with or without coconut oil, correct very low carb RPD is a good idea. If you are feeding candida with carbs, coconut oil will not prevail. If you do get commerical coconut oil, try to find a brand that uses the old method of natural oil separation, not the processed kind that Iguana provided a description of.

"I intend to live forever; so far, so good." -Steven Wright, comedian

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Re: HI people... My (very) long story....still searching to fix it
« Reply #23 on: May 06, 2013, 05:50:36 am »
Ok...Yeast feed on sugar/ and they think instead of me....i assume that.

Then when i crave sugar is the yeast who is telling me to crave it....
But, what when i crave fats?

I don´t know if it is normal...but i do crave fats too....

There are some big theories out is that candida is provoqued by an excess sugar on the diet.... another that it is because a excesss of fats....others: liver issues, gallblader issues, metal poisoning, weak inmune system ....

It is interesting because i didn,t catch a fever since many years ago...and i am wondering how with such infection that i have  i no longer catch high temps or fever

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Re: HI people... My (very) long story....still searching to fix it
« Reply #24 on: May 06, 2013, 06:52:05 am »
It is interesting because i didn,t catch a fever since many years ago...and i am wondering how with such infection that i have  i no longer catch high temps or fever

One thought that makes sense to me is that it takes an effective army to mount a defensive action. In the case of the body, symptoms such as fever and cold symptoms are the body's defenses. When the body is weak, it cannot raise a defensive symptom to fight infection.

Also, if you are talking about candida albicans, it is not like an infection. Some candida is normal, so the body should not raise fever in response to candida. 
"I intend to live forever; so far, so good." -Steven Wright, comedian


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