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Messages - Spirit Bear

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General Discussion / Re: Now that Aajonus has passed away...
« on: September 17, 2013, 04:14:16 am »
I'm not convinced making a .pdf of this book will cause sales to drop dramatically. Some people simply can't or won't pay for things, and will go without. Others will never download a copy because they don't know how or don't want to. There's something to be said for owning a physical copy of something.

Louis CK, the comedian did an experiment where he created and offered a comedy special available for download. Almost immediately a torrent was created and basically stood side-by-side the pay-download. The special still cleared over $1 million in one week and many more copies were paid for than torrented. This was the case even though it was faster, easier, and free to torrent the material. The fact seems to be that people will acquire what they want in the way they're most familiar with, and are more than willing to pay for something when the price is reasonable and acquiring it is made simple.

All diets, and raw paleo is no exception, tend to fade into obscurity when a period of time goes by and no new work is published. Aajonus's death was a major blow to RAF diets because he was the most outspoken proponent of this approach.

I don't mean to argue this point in any way, I posted this thread because I want to gauge the opinion here and be told things I hadn't considered. This is not a black and white issue. Of course copyrights exist, but don't we all have an obligation to help each other heal? Do you think a copyright is more concrete than that? That is a perspective.

"If you say, 'I understand.' What have you done? You have made a value judgment."
-Lactac riddle

General Discussion / Now that Aajonus has passed away...
« on: September 16, 2013, 03:48:18 pm »
I'd like to ask everyone what they would think of someone like me making a .pdf of Aajonus's book The Recipe For Living Without Disease freely available online.

For what this book has to offer it's virtually unheard of. Amazon is selling copies of it for $50-$100, is still offering it for $30 (although I'm not aware of their stock situation), and not enough libraries carry it. Word has been spreading too slowly.

Raw paleo is popular online but there is a glaring lack of information on it. This forum for example gets many, many more viewers than posters. There are lots of people searching for information here but there's relatively little discussion because people's access to info is restricted. Some people cannot afford to buy material like this, and many others will likely never hear of it. A well-seeded torrent and word-of-mouth could help change this.

Aajonus passing on makes me feel like the time has come for his perspective on health and nutrition to reach more people and hopefully improve their lives.

General Discussion / Re: Wild snakes of the local river
« on: August 28, 2013, 05:08:41 pm »
I've heard snake has a "fishy" taste. Looking forward to reading your experiences : )

Health / My E95 Food Tolerance Test
« on: July 26, 2013, 09:00:06 pm »
For those who haven't heard of this, they take blood and expose it to certain foods and observe how many anti-bodies are made.

The theory is that when large numbers of anti-bodies are produced in response to certain foods, those foods are being recognized as foreign and are provoking an immune response that may be contributing to illness.

The test recommends I avoid cow's milk, casein (milk protein, in lots of processed food), cottage cheese, American cheese, beef, and brewer's yeast.

There's some controversy around whether producing lots of anti-bodies to food is harmful or not,  but my results seem to reflect my reactions to food. After drinking cow's milk I always have a stuffed up nose the next day and feel groggy. When I drank raw goat's milk this never happened. Now I wonder if casein could be contributing to the brain fog and forgetfulness I've had all my life. There's evidence for a connection between casein intolerance, ADHD, and feeling spaced out regularly. Going dairy-free seems like it would be a good experiment for me, it would be hard though. I've been really enjoying butter lately >: ;D

Health / Re: Looking for answers in the power of breathing
« on: July 20, 2013, 12:44:34 pm »
The Alexander Technique is straight-forward and helps naturalize posture and movement. It will help reduce the energy you use to move and relieve tension throughout your body.

Holographic Breathing is good for migraines, facial pain, TMJD, and promoting calmness and awareness.

I know what you mean in regards to your mind rebelling and losing concentration. I think visualizations can be helpful here.

Hyperhidrosis is a detox symptom but it can also be caused by chronic stress. Supplementing with calming nutrients like magnesium, B vitamins (esp B3), vitamin C and D3, and water will help. Regulating the sleep is important. If you have any worries or subconscious stresses like uncertainty with regards to the future, regret, grief etc it can be helpful to set aside a certain amount of time each day to think about these things and then stop yourself from dwelling on them at other times of day. There is probably a multitude of factors contributing to your sweating but I think lifestyle changes and calming your thoughts throughout the day will have the most effect. These conditions can appear or disappear overnight because they can be purely the by-product of building psychological tension. The mind and the body are not separate.

Health / Re: Infected Root Canal
« on: July 13, 2013, 03:36:58 pm »
Thanks, van. I've heard about zirconium but didn't realize the options for implant materials were so limited  :(

Titanium I find very suspect for causing potential problems in the body because it's metal and probably reacts with cells in ways that are difficult to observe.

Health / Re: Infected Root Canal
« on: July 13, 2013, 01:56:48 pm »

I'm not considering retreating the tooth, it was a very odd tooth to begin with, having an extra cuspid on the side of it. During the initial treatment the oral surgeon left it open for a long time while she waited for two specialists to come in and give their opinion on how to finish the procedure. They couldn't decide if the extra cuspid had its own blood supply coming from the jaw or if it was getting blood from the tooth. When I went back to my own dentist to replace the temporary filling it started to leak blood everywhere. I had to go back to the oral surgeon and she had to reopen it to finish the job.

I have no idea how long it's been infected for and I don't trust that anyone alive today fully understands teeth and the central nervous system, and especially not this strange example. My current dentist can't tell by xray what material the surgeon used to fill it, he says it looks like amalgam but the edges are so straight he can hardly believe it is. That material is deep in the tooth and whatever it is I'm sure it isn't biocompatible.


The dentist I'm consulting in about a week uses ozone among other substances, and has a rife machine he says he's able to eradicate infection with. This dentist is very knowledgeable so I'll talk to him about an implant, I'm sure he uses ceramic or something that won't conduct much electricity.

Health / Infected Root Canal
« on: July 13, 2013, 10:52:19 am »
Ten years ago I had a root canal procedure without knowing the dangers of them. I had mine checked recently and surprise, surprise, it's infected.

I've increased my intake of spring water to help flush out toxins, and eat as much fat as possible. I have a consultation with a holistic dentist soon about getting rid of this tooth and detoxing. Does anyone have any advice for this?

Health / Re: MY EARS!!!
« on: May 02, 2013, 10:13:29 am »
I jumped on Invisalign because it forces the occlusion to rebalance which can cause those symptoms temporarily.

But Poncho, did you say you had an injury to the head in the past? That can cause or lead to imbalances and blockages in the cranium as well (including the inner ear problems that PaleoPhil mentioned). These can be released using craniosacral therapy, osteopathic techniques, and the sacro occipital technique.

PaleoPhil, did what you experience feel like someone tapping on your eardrum a few times rapidly? For what it's worth I've heard it's commonly reported by people with candida overgrowth. It was happening to me and presented with tightness on the same side of my neck until I stopped drinking tea. I think it was the heat further inflaming my already tense neck, and the caffeine and sugar speeding up my circulation while at the same time constricting blood vessels in my head and neck. Interesting though that it affects so many people with candida and that cutting back on carbs helped you, I'd like to know the full role sugar/carbs play in this.

Health / Re: MY EARS!!!
« on: May 02, 2013, 03:11:27 am »
I don't think it's a tumour! I only mention that because I knew someone who died in her early 20s after having her migraines ignored by doctors for years because of her drug and alcohol history. A simple MRI could have helped save her life but the doctors were too conservative or too cynical to help her.

Craniosacral therapy is the go-to for relief of these types of symptoms, but it's important to know what's causing them. These things benefit from intervention early on. Someone who practices osteopathy with good palpation skills can be helpful too. Chiropractors have a lot of knowledge about anatomy and their perspective is very useful, they can see a lot in an xray. Look for a chiropractor that's been trained in the Sacro Occipital Technique, the branch of chiropractics that works with these systems.

Health / Re: MY EARS!!!
« on: May 01, 2013, 12:11:43 pm »
The cerebellum is responsible for balance and regulating rhythms through the body. It needs reference points in real space that are predictable in order to determine its location, which it must know to organize the autonomic nervous system.

The lower jaw and maxilla (cranial bone behind the upper teeth) send signals to the cerebellum that are used to hold the cranial bones, neck, and the rest of the body in correct alignment. When the teeth have moved out of their correct position distorted signals are sent to the cerebellum and blockages can occur that affect how fluid drains out of the head. Ear aches, ringing, headaches, feeling pressure in the head, or pain in the jaw, neck, or bones of the face is common.

My guess is the Invisalign has caused a temporary disturbance in your cranial rhythms. But as you know, these symptoms are really not nice, and can mimic symptoms of a brain tumour or nervous system disorders. If the symptoms didn't go away or progressed to visual disturbances or increased pain I would want to know what was wrong. A bite exam by a dentist, xrays of the jaw and neck to check for alignment issues by a good dentist or trustworthy chiropractor. An MRI of the skull would rule out a brain tumour.

Health / Re: MY EARS!!!
« on: April 30, 2013, 07:14:08 pm »
Those sound like TMD symptoms but it looks like you have good facial-dental development. How are your teeth and jaw movement, do you have pain there or in your neck?

One other thing that comes to mind is the sudden onset and presentation makes me think it has something to do with circulation and biological rhythms. Your symptoms could go away as quickly as they came on as you go through a period of rebalancing. If you are able to you should see a doctor to rule certain things out.

Actually, we as raw people do understand.
But those with the money interests refuse to understand or play dumb.

True, we've seen and felt the changes in our own bodies and we have a good philosophical framework to refer to for guidance. It's a lot easier to heal from disease when you understand what your digestive system does well with.

I think in the future we may have more precise instruments to examine food with and there will be more agreement on what is best for the human body. Or maybe we will learn to use the tools we already have in a more wise way.


The food given to the flies were extracts of bananas, potatoes, raisins, and soy beans.

"On certain food sources, greater activity and greater stress resistance was additionally observed".

I take this as more evidence that food has properties we don't understand or haven't yet observed.

General Discussion / Re: Help with Deodorant!
« on: April 25, 2013, 10:55:01 am »
For a few years I had hyperhidrosis (sweating) partially because of bad diet, excessive use of antiperspirant, and stress. Avoiding cooked foods makes my sweat smell fresher and less like stank. There are probably certain vegetables that combine with each individual differently to make body odour, but eating everything raw should result in a more subtle smell overall. Juicing parsley and most other green vegetables work well to cleanse and I believe deodourize.

Trimming armpit hair short keeps the area cool but still reduces friction and surface area for microbes.

I don't know how bad you're sweating is or how hot it is where you live, but mixing different proportions of coconut oil and baking soda with essential oils only irritated my skin or didn't work for very long. If I was tackling this problem today I would stop clogging and irritating the skin with powders, and focus on keeping cool and stopping the growth of the bacteria that cause the odour. Covering my head in raw honey for 3 hours works extremely well for stopping my face and scalp itching for a couple of days, I'd be willing to bet it would work with body odour too.

General Discussion / Raw honey in plastic?
« on: April 24, 2013, 12:40:04 pm »
I love the local raw honey and bee pollen I get but the honey, I guess for ethical reasons is packaged in plastic containers. The pollen is in glass because it's frozen while fresh. I know some kind of bleach is made when honey is mixed with water, but does honey have any other properties that might leach chemicals from the plastic?

I'm sure they use a modern BPA-free plastic but I don't know much about plastic to be honest. I had a conversation with a guy while collecting water and he told me that old plastic is better than new plastic for storing water in. Any comments on this?

Welcoming Committee / Re: Hello.
« on: April 22, 2013, 03:09:17 pm »
Welcome to the forum!

Welcoming Committee / Re: didnt get sick! haha
« on: April 22, 2013, 03:03:44 pm »
Congratulations on taking that first plunge. I love the feeling of proving to myself that something is possible.

As far as I know grinding the teeth at night is the body's attempt to create the bite it wants. I wear a nightguard and it helped alleviate some tension in my neck, but I have pain and misalignment throughout my whole craniosacral system and down through my feet. The worst symptoms are in my head and neck, including pain in my cheek and temporal region which I'm told is caused by pressure from the maxillae on other cranial bones.

General Discussion / Re: Eating cats and dogs
« on: April 22, 2013, 11:25:50 am »
I prefer not eating other predators, I think it strays slightly away from the natural paradigm of hunter and hunted. By no means do I think this is the only way it could or should be. Some omnivores like pigs seem to universally be thought of as delicious, but to my knowledge dogs and cats are not usually preferred, both for social reasons and because of the toughness and taste of the meat. A few people have told me they tried a stew made with dog in Korea, and that they did not like it.

I have a consultation on May 2nd with a dentist to see if I'm a good candidate for the ALF. I'm hoping that along with some podiatric treatment this will be the eventual cure of my myofascial pain syndrome. It's great to read that this device is working well for other people.

Suggestion Box / Forum for sharing food sources
« on: December 29, 2012, 05:40:00 pm »
Can there be a forum for sharing location-specific raw or high quality food sources? I wanted to ask for some good stores or farms near my city in the personals section, but realized it would be off-topic.

General Discussion / Re: What kind of water do you drink?
« on: December 29, 2012, 12:15:00 pm »
Canadian west coast

General Discussion / Re: What kind of water do you drink?
« on: December 27, 2012, 08:01:24 pm »
Haha... you have a strange sense of humour. There's another spring less than an hour away, and fluoride's never been added to the drinking water here, praise the stars.

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