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Topics - Roselene

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Please explain how, why, if or whether eating only rabbits and no other foods is adviseable people with diabetes. This is for a relative who is trying to get another to go on an all rabbit diet.

General Discussion / I am FrEEEEzing. There's only grainfed fat.
« on: March 22, 2011, 06:11:50 am »
    What do you think? I tried drinking eggs, eating some grassfed butter, but I definitely need more fat.  There is a big load of butchered today fat here from half a cow.  They say it's organic fed.  They say they baby the cows, feed them corn and oats and grass by hand, and a little hay, but mostly the grain.  They're well and streamfed, untreated.  Would it hurt to eat this grainfed fat?  Which parts are best?

Health / How Many Here Lost Their Teeth On "Healthy" Plant Kingdom Food?
« on: February 02, 2010, 11:27:50 pm »
...and then halted the damage to any degree or re-enamalized them by eating raw meat?

I am reading a thread on another raw network, and I'm finding a couple of entries with disinformation.

Here's an example

I find raw meat leaves my teeth clean while plants raw or not do not.


Raw Weston Price / Raw Milk Rally in Wisconsin Max Kane's Court Date
« on: December 20, 2009, 01:29:46 pm »
Mix Video in favor of Raw Milk. Come to Max Kane's
Raw Milk court date and rally event in Viroqua
Wisconsin on December 21, 2009!!!! More info at -therawmilkparty

Please forward to your lists.

Thanks for all your help - Max Kane

Personals / Alabama
« on: August 11, 2009, 07:55:18 am »
I'm here this week, kind of found out last minute.  I called a few farms, left messages.  If anyone wants to get together or can tell me a good place to eat, drop me a line at

Primal Diet / Car Sickness
« on: August 10, 2009, 04:46:46 pm »

I avoid cars and buses, as I used to get car sick.  Let's discuss this in relation to raw paleo, and as far as what works and doesn't to help when in a motor vehicle.  I am on the road now, so I checked notify me of replies, and I'll be checking my email every chance I get on the road

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