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Topics - prehistorik

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Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Dangers of thawing and refreezing
« on: March 04, 2009, 03:40:49 pm »
In various places, I have read the same two health warnings about thawing meats:

1. The first is that you should always thaw meat in the fridge, never at room temperature. 

2. The second is that you should only thaw raw meat once, so you should never put raw meat that has been thawed back into the freezer.  (This even means the time in between buying frozen meat and placing it in the fridge should be short enough that the meat does not thaw in transit.)

One reason given was that both thawing slowly in the fridge, and thawing only once, retains the meat juices better, making the meat less dry, more tasty and more nutritious.

But I only want to focus on the second reason, which is that bacteria have less chance of proliferating.  Outside of the fridge the proliferation of micro-organisms occurs extremely quickly.  When you thaw large pieces of meat in the open air, it is possible that the outside of the meat is already at room temperature, while the inside is still frozen. 

And when freezing meat a second time, the meat has to be frozen quickly.  If the inside of the meat does not freeze quickly enough, micro-organism can keep multiplying in the core until all the meat eventually freezes.  When thawing again, this increased biomass can grow larger once more.  That is why freezing must happen extremely quickly, and must occur at a temperature of at most -24 °C (-11 °F), which is a temperature lower than what most freezers can handle, -18 °C (0 °F).

Now on this forum the dangers of micro-organisms are generally downplayed.  Still, I would like to eat my meat with as little proliferation of micro-organisms as possible.  I am not yet convinced by the benefits of "high meat".  Also, in paleolithic times the entire animal would normally be eaten almost immediately after it was hunted.  Even if raw meat was eaten after several days in the paleolithic era, after freezing the cellular structure of meat is completely damaged by the expanding ice crystals, so decay of frozen raw meat should happen much faster than fresh raw meat. 
What are your thoughts? 

I would prefer scientific arguments over anecdotal evidence ("I eat refrozen meat all the time and nothing bad ever happened"), but if the latter is all you have that would also be useful. 
(This issue is very relevant at the moment:  I only have access to frozen grass-fed beef, and from one company only.  They package muscle meats in small portions, but I just ordered organs.  Because delivering organs is unusual for them, they want to vacuum-seal the organs as a whole, as they said it was easier for them.  But a lot of organs such as liver are huge, and way too much for me to eat in a few days.  This would mean I would have to refreeze the organs again, something of which I doubt the safety.  I will try to arrange if thet can deliver smaller portions, but would like to hear your thoughts.)

Welcoming Committee / Introducing Prehistorik
« on: February 18, 2009, 04:12:18 am »

I don't like unnecessary self-disclosure on the Internet at all, I am only on this forum out of desperation :o and because I feel there is a lot of expertise on this forum.

I bought Cordain's "Paleo Diet" book several years ago out of curiosity.  I tried it out half-heartedly, but was never able to follow it consistently, so I mostly ate the SMD (Standard Modern Diet, not everyone is from America you know! ;) )  The book then mostly collected dust on the shelf.

Now I took a renewed interest in the diet, as I suffered from several health problems: 
- Beginning stages of hair loss, diffuse alopecia, for some years.
- Weak immune system and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, almost a year now, after contracting mononucleosis
- Receding gums (this is actually due to brushing too hard, but my gums also bleed sometimes, which must be bacterial)
- Dental caries
- Translucent / eroding teeth
(I had become increasingly frustrated about the ongoing incapacitating CFS, but the discovery that I had receding gums, especially that it is permanent, has made me really depressed. So I was very surprised that some people here mention return of their gums. I would like to ask others some question in other threads.)

After some Internet research, I concluded that some of the food traditionaly considered Paleo (especially fruits and other plant foods), perhaps were not as healthy as I once thought.  I ended up at some of the Raw Paleo sites, and then after reading this forum for several weeks, decided that I wanted to do a 100% RAF diet.  I (thankfully) found what is probably the only farm around here that delivers grass-fed beef meat and organs (except brains, due to BSE-laws).  I neither have the desire nor the time to go in gradually, so I have gone cold-turkey meat-only for two weeks, and now cold-turkey raw-meat for several of days.  I have lost some weight around the middle on the cooked-meat diet, that's it so far as positive results go.  I also had muscle fatigue after one week of cooked-meat (perhaps ketosis?), and a cold on the day I started raw meat (coincidence I hope).  I have no food cravings, I just find the muscle meat very bland-tasting and hard to chew.

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