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Topics - zeno

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Health / Alternatives to Toilet Paper
« on: November 23, 2011, 12:40:33 am »
I've been trying to devise alternatives to toilet paper for a long time now. Of the techniques I've experimented with: using my hand (as they do in India and other countries), using a re-usable handkerchief, using water or a bidet, using leaves and grasses like (I'm assuming) Native Americans did and lastly re-usable wipes that are washed regularly.

Out of all of these, re-usable wipes may be the most appealing for the average person because of the cleanliness, comfort and lack of waste. Here is the article that inspired the use of re-usable wipes. When I'm not at home I generally use my hand and be sure to wash my hands.

The fact that toilet paper gets broken down and put back into the water system; toilet paper is wasteful; and toilet paper is always made with bleach and recycled papers are generally made with BPA caused my concern.

I keep a stack of wipes on my toilet and when I use them, I soak them in a water and natural anti-bacterial solution until I need to wash a load.

General Discussion / Blood Test Recommendations
« on: October 30, 2011, 07:46:57 am »
I'm thinking about getting my blood tested. Could anyone recommend certain tests that I should request?

Vitamin Profile
Hormone Check
Thyroid Function Test
Liver Function Test
Lipid Profile

Anything else?

General Discussion / Meat Storage: The Zeer or Pot-in-pot Refrigeration
« on: October 21, 2011, 08:56:47 am »
Check out the zeer:

(Skip ahead to 42 seconds in to get to the nitty-gritty)
Flower Pot Fridge!

Through evaporation a temperature of near 40 degrees Fahrenheit can be reached to preserve foods. 

According to this Wikipedia article in a zeer meat can be stored for up to two weeks--all without electricity! Amazing!

I'm going to butcher a goat tomorrow and was concerned that it is not cool enough yet to store the meat in a shed. I'll experiment with a zeer and let everyone know how it works. I intend to use a non-porous inner pot (glazed ceramic) and a porous outer container (most likely unglazed ceramic).

Here is another quick description of a zeer.

Off Topic / Jill Taylor's Stroke of Insight
« on: October 17, 2011, 04:43:06 am »
How it feels to have a stroke

Neuroscientist Jill Taylor discusses experiencing a stroke. She has some powerful revelations on the human experience through the experience of her stroke.

If anyone is versed in the work of Rudolf Steiner, this correlates strongly with his theory of human evolution and the shift of cognizance from our ancient ancestors (who seem to have much more of their right side of their brain) to the present human species (who seem to use much more of the left half of the brain).

Health / Intense Reaction to (Grain-fed) Pork
« on: October 16, 2011, 11:19:07 am »
While I was in the Philippines over the summer, I stayed at a farm that was raising pigs. I accepted some pork to eat for breakfast one morning and had a terrible reaction afterwards. Immediately after eating the pork my hands trembled and I felt jittery, like I had become high on some sort of stimulant.

A few days later began the diarrhea. I shat for days on end--even until I returned to the U.S. At first I removed all the food matter from my stomach (fruits, the pork, etc.). Then, whenever I would feel the urge to pass something I saw plenty of bile along with a small amount of fecal matter. I hypothesize that my liver reacted in defense, and produced a large amount of bile to flush out whatever was considered a threat (supposedly, the pork).

To some degree, the reaction was good because I passed food very quickly--almost too quickly. After the incident I hardly ate much until I came back to the U.S. Up until I began eating regularly I was moving mostly liquid in my bowel movements. Now, I'm passing much less frequently and the bowels are more dense.

Although my bowel density and frequency have returned back to what I've experienced for the majority on this diet I would say that I'm suffering from constipation. I think I pass all too infrequently and often my bowels smell of putrid meat--a sign that the food has been fermenting and been in my gut for too long.

Also, I've noticed since the incident, my eyes have cleared up: crows feet have disappeared from the corners of my eyes and bags beneath my eyes show subduction.

Hmm. I almost prefer that period when I was passing mostly liquid accompanied by the defined yet weakly bound stools.


The way I pass stools now on a VLC diet, the stools seems too dense (and putrid). Often I feel like the only time I have a bowel movement is when my entire GI tract fills up and there is no space, forcing out the lowest matter.

Can anyone relate to this? Does my present condition show signs of constipation, or is this what other's bowels density, frequency, and stench resemble?

If everyone would share a little about their bowels (density, frequency, and stench), I think it might provide some insight for others. Our bowels are much more telling than some would realize.  ;D

Off Topic / Short Documentary: Heimo's Arctic Refuge
« on: October 15, 2011, 07:14:12 am »
Far Out - Heimo's Arctic Refuge - Full Version

This is a good film to watch for all you who would like to live off the land. The video documents the life of a man who lives above the Arctic Circle in Alaska with his wife. Some highlights include Heimo's opinion on civilization, hunting a bear, and trapping some rabbits. Although, the only sad part is he tosses away all the offal and cooks his meat to the crisp!  -\


"In 1980, Jimmy Carter established the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in the Alaskan Interior, cutting off 19 million acres of prime boreal wilderness from the mitts of fur trappers, oil tycoons, and would-be lodge owners alike. Only six families of white settlers were grandfathered in and allowed to keep cabins in the refuge—of them, only one still stays there year-round living off the land. His name is Heimo Korth, and he is basically the Omega Man of America’s Final Frontier.

Raised in suburban Wisconsin, Heimo set off in his teens to the Alaskan Bush to pursue the Davy Crockett lifestyle in more or less the only place it was still possible. Amid numerous setbacks and misadventures, Heimo gradually learned how to master his terrain, provide for his Eskimo wife, and rear children in one of the most inhospitable environments in North America."

Originally from:

Suggestion Box / Install Google/Scroogle Search Engine
« on: October 13, 2011, 10:30:54 pm »
The Google search engine was powerful and simple. The search engine that accompanies the forum design doesn't work as well.

Better yet, install a Scroogle search engine. Scroogle mirrors Google's search results but doesn't store cookies, and search terms.

General Discussion / Paleo Approved Inc.
« on: October 05, 2011, 12:59:30 am »
Paleo Approved Inc. is a new start-up certification system designed to meet the needs of those who practice Paleo diets. The company still seems in its early stages but I'm curious to see how this may progress.


General Discussion / Danger of Overthinking/Obsession
« on: October 03, 2011, 01:22:57 am »
I was reading another thread and came across this post:

The counter point to the over thinking argument is that none of us would have found this diet if we didn't do a lot more than average thinking about diet. The average person doesn't think about what they eat, and they eat SAD foods or whatever their parents brought them up to eat. The average person here who eats primarily RAF's has spent considerably more time thinking about diet.

Can you over think? Probably. Can you under think? Most definitely.

I realized that perhaps those who follow the SAD, those who graze about on whatever is available and whatever they please, are simply acting out a natural tendency. There seems to be a similarity between the way our ancestors most likely ate and those who don't worry about what they eat, in that it wasn't a process that was over-complicated by thought.

Lex discusses the idea of over-complication in another thread:

I think the whole premise is mostly nonsense. Our ancenstors didn't measure their blood glucose levels before deciding what to eat.  Neither did they agonize over whether they should combine fruits with fat, fat with protein, protein with fruit or eat all three together.  They ate what was available to them when they were hungry and they ate until either the food ran out or their hunger was satisfied.  To the best of my knowledge, no other animal agonizes over BG levels or food combining issues and all seem to do rather well when living their natural lifestyle.

Leave it to humans to overly complicate that which every other lifeform can do without giving a second thought - eat.  Makes one wonder how our species has survived this long.


So what has changed? Why must we feel the need to extrapolate, theorize and debate the minute details of nutrition? Its truly only the environment. Our ancestors most likely ate in a similar fashion to the way modern people eat--without too much thought--because there was food everywhere and the environment (and thus food) was pure. Now that civilization has tainted the environment and food supply, some of us feel inclined to constantly wonder about radiation fallout in the atmosphere, the HFCS content in our beverages and the omega 3 and omega 6 ratio in our foods. Although many of us here have good reason to worry about nutrition and the environment, we would also benefit from learning from our modern-day counterparts who are much more careless and therefore exert less energy worrying over trivialities.

I brought this topic up just to provide perspective. I know that since I learned about the difference in organic and conventional agriculture I've become much more obsessive about my health and the state of the environment to the point where I may be worrying too much.

I suppose that some of you have already realized this, but too much attention to detail can be detrimental to mental health. Perhaps the best advice is to experiment and find something that works for you and just stick with it until it doesn't. This seems to be a theme on the boards. Worrying about results and so forth will just exhaust you mentally. 

Health / Bone and Joint Popping Addiction
« on: August 17, 2011, 05:18:05 am »
Has anyone ever dealt with this addiction? Ever since high school I've been addicted to popping my knuckles and have progressed to my neck and back.

I've tried to overcome the addiction through will power but have yet to be successful.

Health / Reliable Methods to Determine One's Health
« on: June 26, 2011, 12:09:06 pm »
I'm curious of the ways that members of this board determine their health. Of course there is the most readily accessible technique of observation, but what are some of the other trusted methods of observing one's health?

Those that come to mind: blood test, cholesterol test (event though the idea of cholesterol is debatable here), fitness test. Are there any other methods that are good ways to determining one's health?

General Discussion / Too Much Organ Meat?
« on: June 18, 2011, 09:10:30 am »
I just bought more than 15 pounds of beef liver. Rather then eating a blend of muscle meat and organ meat, I was thinking about trying to eat straight liver (with some added fat).

Does this sound like a poor idea?

My body may become sick of liver which will be a good indicator of whether this is a good idea or not. But before I get to that point I wanted to ask for input.

General Discussion / Cleansing and a Raw Paleo Diet
« on: June 12, 2011, 09:56:47 pm »
Before beginning a raw paleo diet, I had planned to invest into a cleansing protocol to cleanse the organs of my body (liver flush, parasite purge and so forth). Now that I have begun RPD, I'm interested to know whether people feel these measures are necessary?

Dr. Hulda Clark recommends the removal of toxic materials from the body and parasites destruction through electricity.

On Cure Zone, a similar cleanse program is recommended.

How do people feel about these measures after having started a diet that is nutritious? Do these measures simply speed up the healing process or do they address problems that nutrition provided on a raw paleo diet cannot provide?

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Stand on Your Head for Health
« on: June 09, 2011, 09:19:23 pm »
In yoga, one of the original poses is known as Sirsasana, or the headstand. Although each pose has its benefits, I believe the headstand to be a fundamental pose because it gives the body to acclimate in the exact opposite position we spend most of our time.

Here is an article about a man who practices standing on his head (without any particular technique) for health and longevity.

I believe the coincidence of the health benefits this man experienced at his old age and the reverence of the headstand corroborate the benefits of inverting the human body from time to time.

Try standing on your head for 10 minutes a day. At first (unless you are fit), you most likely won't be able to concentrate enough or physically handle standing on your head that long. :)

Health / Loss of Appetite
« on: May 27, 2011, 10:40:23 pm »
Over the past few days I have lost my appetite completely. I have decided to stop eating as of today and fast until I regain my appetite again. For the past few days I persistently ate even small amounts of food (raw fruit, meat, and honey) regardless of my lack of appetite out of confusion and fear.

I have experience fasting in the past, but this would be the first time my body has expressed a will to fast; beyond my control my body is not interested in any forms of food. Sometimes I yearn for something but it is not hunger for food and small amounts of water usually quell this desire.


My daily diet since I began eating raw meat has been:

1 piece of fruit (apple, kiwi, apricot, etc.)
raw fat
raw muscle meat
raw honey
raw egg yolk
raw, bio-active protein powder (One World Whey)

lemon juice
sprouted nuts and seeds (almonds, sunflower seeds, chia seeds)
some leafy vegetables
raw garlic
raw avocado



Since I began a RAF diet, I would tend to gorge myself on fat which led me to wonder if I have unknowingly induced ketosis? Can anyone confirm whether or not ketosis is characterized by a complete lack of appetite?

For the past week I have been eating 2 cloves of raw garlic every day to see if this would cause a reaction among the parasites I harbor. This may seem bizarre but, the only hypothesis I can think of which is related to parasites and the increased intake of garlic would be that my loss of appetite may be controlled by parasites. This seems unlikely but perhaps parasites reacted to the increase intake of garlic by somehow shutting down my appetite in order to stop me from continuing to eat garlic.

Intense Cleansing
Perhaps the loss of appetite is a sign of detoxification?

I'm at loss as to what to do. I want to eat but there is no way I can bring myself to eat. My low energy levels are bothering me but I feel as if I have to be patient and wait for my appetite to naturally return.

Any comments or insight would be greatly appreciated!  -\

Off Topic / The End?
« on: May 20, 2011, 07:51:04 am »
I'm curious to know what the people on this forum think about the end of civilization as we know it.

Will a crash occur? If a crash does occur, what do you think it will be like? Do you think we are already experiencing the beginning of a crash?

Off Topic / Introduce Yourself!
« on: May 14, 2011, 06:32:07 am »
Introduce aspects about your life besides your diet!

What are your hobbies? What do you do for a profession? What are your aspirations?

We can't all just be eating meat all day long (even though I know some wish we could).  ;D

Off Topic / Commencement Speech: Healing or Stealing?
« on: May 13, 2011, 04:56:19 am »
Today I finished my last requirement to receive my bachelor's degree.  O0

In honor, I wanted to share a commencement speech that I found inspiring that hopefully the people on this board will find inspiring as well. Ignore all the references to diplomas and students and the message is still applicable.

Off Topic / Linux Question
« on: May 12, 2011, 09:50:48 pm »
This post is directed to Goodsamaritan specifically but anyone with knowledge of Linux is more than welcome to respond.

I noticed you work with Linux for your profession.

I have a laptop that I installed Linux Ubuntu onto and made an error that unmounted the hard drive (I think) and now I must boot from a CD every time I desire to use my laptop.

Would you be able to assist me by chance? If not, I will understand! :)

Here's an article that discusses human's lack of adaptation to eat meat. I found it by accident and thought it might be of interest.

According to in this post provided by TylerDurden, man has yet to become adapted to the consumption of milk. What about cheese, yogurt, butter, sour cream and clarified butter?

Isn't  it correct that when lentils and grains sprout, the carbohydrates change into sugars? What about using raw milk and altering it to through souring or adding culture it? Does the milk become safe, or just relatively safer?

Personals / Northern Nevada/Northern California
« on: May 10, 2011, 11:33:31 am »
I doubt there is anyone who adheres to a raw animal food diet in Reno, Nevada, but if so, feel free to contact me!  O0

Journals / Juzeza's Journal
« on: May 10, 2011, 12:08:00 am »
To be honest, I discovered that even though my blood type is A, I digest meat exceptionally well. I don't normally get gas or feel uncomfortable. After introducing raw meat into my diet I realized how even when I drink fresh vegetable juices, my body creates gas!

I love how efficiently my body (seemingly) digests raw meat. I want to quickly move my diet to ZC as soon as I can, but as I have a bit of leafy greens and such around the house I will have to eat through these slowly. Hopefully I will soon be predominantly ZC, supplemented by fruits and only eat veggies when I truly feel like it.

I have to reiterate how amazing it feels when the diet is simplified--not just in a broad sense, such as removing modern denatured foods--but when meals are tapered down to bare minimums (such as nothing more than raw meats), I feel my body working easier.

After have read articles on the human GI tract that suggest humans are more similar to carnivorous dogs rather than herbivorous sheep, all of my experiences with the RAF diet seemed to be confirmed.


On another note, after being a vegetarian and vegan for several years, the transition to a RAF diet seemed to contradict my very core--in some ways a slight case of identity crisis seemed to disturb me mentally. It is so peculiar how after being a firm vegetarian and understanding a sense of moral "correctness" how quickly I was able to change my diet, but how I lingered emotionally, mentally in the realm of how I defined myself. I'm sure this will affect everyone I know too; all of my acquaintances and family members know me as a vegetarian and relate to me as such. As a diet of raw meats is not only outright weird (in America) it is not only inconvenient, but also socially estranging.

Regardless of the peculiarity when compared to the SMD, I know I will quickly be comfortable with eat raw meats in public unabashedly. The only concern I have is trying to be able to relate to everyone in my life; food is a part of culture and by eating differently than anyone else (virtually everyone else) my social life will shift dramatically.

This is truly an experiment of several sorts. More people who believe in eating raw meats in my area would be well appreciated. I would enjoy the company.

General Discussion / Resources for Curing Meat
« on: May 09, 2011, 04:31:12 am »
Here are some resources for curing meat at home:

Donrad of Raw Paleo Forum and his experiment

Cure meats using a tree and burlap sacks
This seems ideal for Paleo enthusiasts

Publication on Meat Processing Technology Food by the Agriculture Organization of the U.N. and (see Cured Meat Cuts)
I have never heard of this organization of the U.N. but it seems like a bounty of information is available regarding meat.

Publication on Meat Curing released by Oklahoma State University

Convert a fridge at home to cure meat
Be sure to check out the recipes on this website. There is also a demonstration of a simple way to make Bresaola which could be easily adapted for all sorts of other uses.

General Discussion / Tales of the Raw Meat Eater
« on: May 08, 2011, 11:39:13 pm »
It doesn't seem like that a thread of stories and experiences exists. If you have any tales of eating raw meat in public or converting your friends--share them here!


After 2 days of this diet, I decided to jump on a special opportunity to share this new philosophy of eating raw meat with a friend of mine. A vegetarian for several years, my friend was turning 24 and I wanted to prepare a special meal for him for his birthday that would challenge him (in several ways). Furthermore, my friend is also about to leave the country for the first time to live in Taiwan temporarily and I wanted to help prepare him for experiences and situations he may have to encounter (such as specifically eating meat, and more broadly, things that are abnormal for him).

I invited him over and we enjoyed some carrot juice and a very light vegetable dish to prepare our stomachs. Afterwards, I served liver (a la  goodsamaritan's recipe) rib, sweetbreads, and cow tongue as the main course.

As for his reaction, at first sight of the liver he looked completely shocked and confused but once he tried the liver he enjoyed the flavor. He continued to try everything that I had prepared and asked for second servings of the liver!  :o

Also, and this is very key: that I took the time to prepare the meal--that is cut the meat into manageable pieces and put effort into the presentation (much like Inger does), enjoying the meat was much easier for both him and I. Had I not done that, the shock value might have been too intense for him and might have scared him (but, that all depends on the individual). In short, presentation is important--whatever your purpose be!  :)

I don't think he will become a raw meat eater, but now he seems completely comfortable with the idea of eating raw meat--that is, if the meat is of good quality and safe.

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