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Raw Paleo Diet Forums => Off Topic => Topic started by: Alive on July 29, 2015, 03:06:58 pm

Title: How About Bernie Sanders for President
Post by: Alive on July 29, 2015, 03:06:58 pm
I've seen lots of evidence that the Bush, Clinton and Obama families are liars and criminals.
Donald Trump will play for the powerful elite so I'm not so sure he would be very good for your average working American.

I don't know anything about Bernie Sanders, except for a comment on the 'Hillary Clinton Exposed' video suggesting he might be a good option for president.

Although at the end of the day, without changes to the fractional reserve money system which creates money as debt and never creates enough money to pay back the interest, things will always end badly eventually for most of us. All of the political actors know that this is a forbidden subject of discussion, and none are keen to follow Abraham Lincoln and JFK in their sensible path of issuing government debt-free dollars, because they would rather stay alive and stack up their account of 'Federal' Reserve (Bank Cartel) dollars.
Bernie Sanders:
The Invasion of Iraq ~> Sanders: No. Clinton: Yes.
The Bank Bailout ~> Sanders: No. Clinton: Yes.
The TPP ~> Sanders: No. Clinton: Yes.
The Patriot Act ~> Sanders: No. Clinton: Yes.
The War on Drugs ~> Sanders: No. Clinton: Yes.
"No Child Left Behind" ~> Sanders: No. Clinton: Yes.
Charter Schools ~> Sanders: No. Clinton: Yes.
The Keystone XL pipeline ~> Sanders: No. Clinton: Yes.
Walmart Board of Directors member ~ Sanders: No. Clinton: Yes.
Supported NAFTA ~> Sanders: No. Clinton: Yes.
Marched with MLK ~> Sanders: Yes. Clinton: No.
Wall Street Reform ~> Sanders: Yes. Clinton: No.
Student Loan Reform ~> Sanders: Yes. Clinton: No.

Hillary Clinton is an opportunistic center right corporatist 'flip flopper.'

+Bernie Sanders, on the other hand, is 'the most trusted man in politics.'
He's our FDR! And he can win!!"

Title: Re: How About Bernie Sanders for President
Post by: TylerDurden on July 29, 2015, 07:26:02 pm
What is the point? I mean, other than Ron Paul, there has been no one willing to target  absolutely all the various problems the US has. Whoever takes over will inevitably betray the American people and abuse power. What I would love is for another country to become a major power as powerful as the US.
Title: Re: How About Bernie Sanders for President
Post by: laterade on August 05, 2015, 10:28:17 am

Hey kid, come over here. Wanna try some socialism?
Title: Re: How About Bernie Sanders for President
Post by: cherimoya_kid on August 05, 2015, 10:42:31 am
dude, do you have any idea how arrogant you seem?
Title: Re: How About Bernie Sanders for President
Post by: RogueFarmer on August 05, 2015, 10:56:01 am
but socialism is the best hope we have besides what is ideal, that will never ever happen or work

minerals under the ground, national forests... these are things that should benefit the majority of mankind, not a few ruthless businessmen and should be seized from private interest and be used to benefit the commonwealth.
Title: Re: How About Bernie Sanders for President
Post by: eveheart on August 05, 2015, 11:02:59 am
but socialism is the best hope we have besides what is ideal, that will never ever happen or work

minerals under the ground, national forests... these are things that should benefit the majority of mankind, not a few ruthless businessmen and should be seized from private interest and be used to benefit the commonwealth.

Yeah. Or in the words of Karl Marx, socialism is the intermediate step between capitalism and communism. I'm not defending ruthless businessmen here, but socialism in a country the size of the US is an invitation to corruption - from the sheer size of funding that has to flow down the pipeline.

It's the Paperclip Theory: people steal paperclips at work because they see how many paperclips the company has and figure nobody will miss a few here and there.
Title: Re: How About Bernie Sanders for President - Top 10 Reasons Why
Post by: goodsamaritan on August 05, 2015, 11:07:07 am (

Top 10 Reasons Why Bernie Sanders May Actually Become President (

Funny how this video sees Sanders' competition is Trump... maybe our forum is on to something.
Title: Re: How About Bernie Sanders for President... NOPE!
Post by: laterade on August 05, 2015, 11:13:49 am
He's a gun-grabbing, minority pandering, amnesty giving, marxist career politician misleading young people with promises of handouts.

If you want socialism, go live in a place where it already exists and maybe then you'll see why it isn't all roses and rainbows.
Title: Re: How About Bernie Sanders for President
Post by: cherimoya_kid on August 05, 2015, 12:08:21 pm
He's a gun-grabbing, minority pandering, amnesty giving, career politician marxist misleading young people with promises of handouts.

If you want socialism, go live in a place where it already exists and maybe then you'll see why it isn't all roses and rainbows.

I don't want roses and rainbows. I want our middle class back. I doubt Donald Trump cares about that, but Bernie does.
Title: Re: How About Bernie Sanders for President... NOPE!
Post by: laterade on August 05, 2015, 12:45:17 pm
Nonsense, the career politicians only care about keeping their cushy jobs.

Trump is the only one sacrificing his own opportunities in order to run a campaign.
Title: Re: How About Bernie Sanders for President - surges ahead of Hillary Clinton
Post by: goodsamaritan on August 12, 2015, 10:40:57 pm
Bernie Sanders surges ahead of Hillary Clinton in stunning new 2016 poll


Now this is getting interesting.

Come on Americans... get on a concerted effort to defeat the anointed by the powers that be... Clinton vs Bush... let it be Sanders vs Trump.
Title: Re: How About Bernie Sanders for President - Sanders gets BTFO.
Post by: laterade on August 13, 2015, 05:42:03 am
The pro-mandatory-vaccination candidate Bernie Sanders was recently BTFO by an unorganized black interest group in Seattle. (

Soon after, Sanders released a statement on his website pandering to blacks; contributing to race baiting myths of black victimization. (

Funny things is, they still don't like him. He's weak. The only Americans who want him are lazy self-deprecating degenerates.
Title: Re: How About Bernie Sanders for President
Post by: goodsamaritan on August 13, 2015, 05:51:35 am
Holy Crap! Spineless!  Bernie has no bodyguards? No bouncers?  He had better hire some security.
Title: Re: How About Bernie Sanders for President - Sanders gets BTFO.
Post by: laterade on August 13, 2015, 06:33:08 am
Holy Crap! Spineless!  Bernie has no bodyguards? No bouncers?  He had better hire some security.

The usual Bernie supporters are similar in lacking order and self-esteem. They resent and slander people for having a spine.

This is only a taste of what is wrong with white leftists here in America. They become cuckolds to avoid being labeled a racist.

The typical republicans aren't any better in this sense, amnesty etc, but at least they have the decency to control their events.
Title: Re: How About Bernie Sanders for President
Post by: sabertooth on August 13, 2015, 08:16:09 am
Pro Climate Change
Pro Mandatory Vaccination
Pro Big Pharma

Socialist my ass,
his version of socialistic healthcare is a farce. The Obamacare he supports is nothing less than a fascist takeover, giving record amounts of public resources to private interest.

The kind of socialistic free education he champions is not what this country needs, the university system is archaic and needs to be completely overhauled, simply using government printed money to pay into the privatized educational system is an epicly retarded waste.

Title: Re: How About Bernie Sanders for President
Post by: RogueFarmer on August 13, 2015, 11:08:29 am
"myths of black victimization". Who do you get your information from, Fox News? 60% of American male prison inmates are black. The U.S. has 25% of the worlds incarcerated people. There are a million black people in jail in this country. The truth of the matter is that slavery never truly ended in the "land of the free".
Title: Re: How About Bernie Sanders for President
Post by: RogueFarmer on August 13, 2015, 11:17:02 am
Pro Climate Change
Pro Mandatory Vaccination
Pro Big Pharma

Socialist my ass,
his version of socialistic healthcare is a farce. The Obamacare he supports is nothing less than a fascist takeover, giving record amounts of public resources to private interest.

The kind of socialistic free education he champions is not what this country needs, the university system is archaic and needs to be completely overhauled, simply using government printed money to pay into the privatized educational system is an epicly retarded waste.

Bernie supported the bill to pass Obamacare. He called it a good "republican" bill. He said it doesn't go nearly far enough, he supports a single payer system.

I'm sorry but it is hard to take people seriously when they try to act like climate change isn't real. It's not just science fact it's historical fact that climate change is man made. Now I will agree that there is much need for debate in the various specifics of climate change, we really need to get beyond the it does exist vs it doesn't exist argument because stating man made climate change doesn't exist is just flat out wrong.
Title: Re: How About Bernie Sanders for President
Post by: RogueFarmer on August 13, 2015, 11:27:18 am
Something I thought of GS was talking about wanting America to act on China. Don't expect a repub to do anything regarding China. Republicans are spoiled children who fight for what they want, not to protect anyone's interests but their own. The U.S. War record post World War 2 is total proof of that. Nothing but thuggery and international looting. Of course this is true well before WW2 and no doubt throughout the entire history of U.S.

Hey don't take my word for it, here it is from the horses mouth.

“I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents.”
? Smedley D. Butler, War is a Racket: The Antiwar Classic by America's Most Decorated Soldier

Smedley Darlington Butler[1] (July 30, 1881 – June 21, 1940) was a United States Marine Corps major general, the highest rank authorized at that time, and at the time of his death the most decorated Marine in U.S. history
Title: Re: How About Bernie Sanders for President
Post by: cherimoya_kid on August 13, 2015, 11:44:27 am
Good find, RogueFarmer.
Title: Re: How About Bernie Sanders for President
Post by: goodsamaritan on August 13, 2015, 12:10:15 pm
Rogue and CK, I can perceive you like Sanders, but can he please get serious security?

That video of those young black thugs is just so telling how WEAK this man is... how he can be bullied just like that!

Title: Re: How About Bernie Sanders for President - Sanders is WEAK.
Post by: laterade on August 13, 2015, 12:39:54 pm
Rogue and CK, I can perceive you like Sanders, but can he please get serious security?
That video of those young black thugs is just so telling how WEAK this man is... how he can be bullied just like that!

Rogue and CK don't understand strength. They live in a fantasy world created by people like Bernie Sanders.
Title: Re: How About Bernie Sanders for President - Sanders gets BTFO.
Post by: laterade on August 13, 2015, 12:40:11 pm
"myths of black victimization". Who do you get your information from, Fox News? 60% of American male prison inmates are black. The U.S. has 25% of the worlds incarcerated people. There are a million black people in jail in this country. The truth of the matter is that slavery never truly ended in the "land of the free".

Nope, just the facts. Black people are their own worst enemy. Just take a look at Africa... or Ferguson, Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, etc.

Watch the video. If slavery hasn't ended, then how are those fat black women able to hijack a public event?
Title: Re: How About Bernie Sanders for President
Post by: RogueFarmer on August 13, 2015, 02:04:10 pm
I do understand strength and it is vastly overrated.
I do agree GS that it is odd what is happening in that particular scenario. I don't like it either. The best way I can describe it is that white liberals and especially politicians are per say "walking on broken glass" whenever race issues are presenented in front of them. A slip up could be career breaking. Not just blacks but white liberals would be likely up in arms over his perceived racism. I mean young white liberals basically assume you're racist if you are a white male. In either case, it should be noted that in both these situations they were not Bernie Sanders campaign events rather, he was speaking as a guest in other people's events, he probably left partly in frustration of the event organizers themselves failing to get the situation under control.
Title: Re: How About Bernie Sanders for President
Post by: RogueFarmer on August 13, 2015, 02:20:40 pm
The whole political show is always hysterical and now a days with social media it is worse than ever. All I hear on my facebook account from politically motivated people I know is either ALL LIVES MATTER IS RACIST because of esoteric reasons like supposedly more black people are murdered by cops than white people, while other people are saying BLACK LIVES MATTER IS RACIST because it is ignoring that there are Native Americans and Latinos getting murdered by cops too, but most people don't care about white people and basically think if you are mad white people are getting murdered by cops you are RACIST LOL.

Personally I am tired if the R word. No just because I am white does not mean if I say something slightly ignorant I am a racist bigot. And mabee I might even say something racist and I really have every right to because I am a human being and I don't think I should be hated cause I said one racist thing on occasion. Because you know what racism means? "the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races." Now that especially is tricky because you may not have meant to distinguish as inferior or superior but it will certainly be interpreted as such. Like for instance I once said, I wouldn't want to move to mexico because I might get robbed because of the high crime rate. I was denounced as a racist. But to really get to my point, the problem with constantly throwing around the R word is that the real racists who think they are superior, you know what is special about them? Nothing you can do is going to change their mind. You could be the Albert Einstein of sociology and racism and you couldn't crack their thick skulls. They are too stupid, they can't be helped. They are basically zombies.

I feel we are all one, I don't hate anyone, even the people I probably should hate.

America is a country founded in protest, it's our tradition. The price of living has skyrocketed, inflation has been going on, poor people in America are facing tougher times than they have in a long time, in some ways ever. We are also lazy and stupid but it is getting a lot harder to do that and still live well. So naturally a lot of people are up in arms. It seems like the biggest craze right now however is making it a racial issue, but it isn't just a racial issue, it's a national economic issue. It seems the media is helping this along, they are owned by the corporations who are responsible for much of the oppression DONTCHAKNOW.
Title: Re: How About Bernie Sanders for President
Post by: goodsamaritan on August 13, 2015, 02:31:34 pm
Maybe since I come from a different country, this RACIST issue is not relevant to me.  All I saw was FAT UNRULY YOUNG WOMEN who were uninvited and disgustingly disrespectful.  I do not give a shit what race they were... they were still FAT UNRULY DISRESPECTFUL and needed to be dutifully thrown out by the bouncers / bodyguards / security. 

This man is a possible president and should be well protected.  No ifs and buts.  If his security personnel were incompetent, they should be replaced.  What if the next disruptor was an assassin?
Title: Re: How About Bernie Sanders for President
Post by: laterade on August 13, 2015, 02:32:40 pm
I do understand strength and it is vastly overrated.

Overrated? Rating has nothing to do with it. If you're weak you get conquered, just like Sanders was in the video above.

If he allows a few negresses to do this then we can just imagine how weak he would be negotiating with someone like Putin.

The best way I can describe it is that white liberals and especially politicians are per say "walking on broken glass" whenever race issues are presenented in front of them. A slip up could be career breaking. Not just blacks but white liberals would be likely up in arms over his perceived racism. I mean young white liberals basically assume you're racist if you are a white male.

This is the retarded nonsense I'm pointing out. In politics, negros and mestizos do nothing other than grab power for their own.

White liberals, and cuckservatives, are the only ones who give up ground. Doing things to be perceived as nice, generous, and non-racist.

In return these other ethnic groups only want more and more, and appreciate nothing. Entitled savages harping on non-existent oppression.
Title: Re: How About Bernie Sanders for President
Post by: laterade on August 13, 2015, 02:38:50 pm
Maybe since I come from a different country, this RACIST issue is not relevant to me.  All I saw was FAT UNRULY YOUNG WOMEN who were uninvited and disgustingly disrespectful.  I do not give a shit what race they were... they were still FAT UNRULY DISRESPECTFUL and needed to be dutifully thrown out by the bouncers / bodyguards / security. 

This man is a possible president and should be well protected.  No ifs and buts.  If his security personnel were incompetent, they should be replaced.  What if the next disruptor was an assassin?

I agree. It doesn't matter who they are, they shouldn't be given a pass to chimpout like this. The point is they are allowed to run rampant because they are a protected group that uses the word racism to incapacitate the weaker whites. Race is very much an important factor in this happening.
Title: Re: How About Bernie Sanders for President
Post by: goodsamaritan on August 13, 2015, 02:50:20 pm
I agree. It doesn't matter who they are, they shouldn't be given a pass to chimpout like this. The point is they are allowed to run rampant because they are a protected group that uses the word racism to incapacitate the weaker whites. Race is very much an important factor in this happening.

If RACE incapacitates security, then the next assassins will come from RACES that are glorified.
Title: Re: How About Bernie Sanders for President - Trump wins again.
Post by: laterade on August 13, 2015, 03:02:34 pm
If RACE incapacitates security, then the next assassins will come from RACES that are glorified.

Not all security, imagine this happening at an event held by Trump. They wouldn't get past the crowd.
Title: Re: How About Bernie Sanders for President
Post by: goodsamaritan on August 13, 2015, 03:58:31 pm
Lets not post about Trump here. Too much emotion.  I had dinner with a childhood friend lady living in Utah and she says talk of Trump somehow gets her emotional as well.

I wonder if Americans are waking up passionate to be involved in politics. 
Title: Re: How About Bernie Sanders for President
Post by: cherimoya_kid on August 13, 2015, 07:21:26 pm
Rogue and CK don't understand strength. They live in a fantasy world created by people like Bernie Sanders.

Did Adolf Hitler understand strength?
Title: Re: How About Bernie Sanders for President
Post by: TylerDurden on August 13, 2015, 09:08:26 pm
Socialist my ass,
his version of socialistic healthcare is a farce. The Obamacare he supports is nothing less than a fascist takeover, giving record amounts of public resources to private interest.
*Sigh*. Fascism is simply another form of Socialism. Why do you think the Germans called their version "National Socialism"? In other words, fascism is leftwing, not rightwing.
Title: Re: How About Bernie Sanders for President
Post by: TylerDurden on August 13, 2015, 09:16:24 pm
"myths of black victimization". Who do you get your information from, Fox News? 60% of American male prison inmates are black. The U.S. has 25% of the worlds incarcerated people. There are a million black people in jail in this country. The truth of the matter is that slavery never truly ended in the "land of the free".
This is rubbish. The simple fact is that blacks and hispanics in the US commit far more crime than whites do, so, inevitably, they also have much higher incarceration-rates in tandem.
Title: Re: How About Bernie Sanders for President
Post by: sabertooth on August 13, 2015, 11:12:32 pm
*Sigh*. Fascism is simply another form of Socialism. Why do you think the Germans called their version "National Socialism"? In other words, fascism is leftwing, not right wing.

I dont see how sighing will help in this situation, and any oversimplification is not possible with this subject....we need a new way of thinking and a new language to explain the emerging phenomenon in our current situation, the old propaganda of {socialism vs capitalism} is no longer relevant in today's world.... all previous forms of government and economic systems controlling allocation of resources are clearly inadequate to address what is going on in the world today.

 I use words like socialism and fascism clumsily because we have yet to evolve our political language past such limited and truncated terminology, but in my own mind as I can see it, the socialistic Ideal resembles that of Swedish socialism, where the people are truly cared for by a benevolent state which works with the people hand in hand.... while American fascism is where the government, under the false pretense of helping the people, uses socialism as a cover, to grab wealth and power from the people, in order to dole it out to a corporatocracy.

These fundamentals difference between the socialist Ideal, and the reality of applied socialism in America is what dunderheads like Sanders do not seem to be able to understand.
Title: Re: How About Bernie Sanders for President
Post by: RogueFarmer on August 13, 2015, 11:41:07 pm
This is rubbish. The simple fact is that blacks and hispanics in the US commit far more crime than whites do, so, inevitably, they also have much higher incarceration-rates in tandem.

No you are wrong. White people do pretty much just as much illegal drugs as minorities, they are just far less likely to be apprehended and even if they are they are less likely to be incarcerated. Most of the people in jail in U.S. are there for drug charges which shouldn't even be illegal anyways.

And by the way the scary criminal types I have known of and experienced throughout my entire life, almost all of them were white and I grew up in a "scary" black neighborhood.
Title: Re: How About Bernie Sanders for President
Post by: TylerDurden on August 13, 2015, 11:45:36 pm
The Swedish Ideal is not benevolent socialism. At best, one could spuriously claim that the leftwing anarchist Catalonians were an expression of benevolent Socialism, but even that has inherent problems.The Swedish Ideal is full of problems. Look at the absurd "Nordic model" practised by Sweden and others which has made life actually worse for prostitutes, overall. (

Basically, socialism involves equality which cannot exist in Nature except in death, which means that the overachievers get heavily penalised while the mediocrities always get the most benefits for obvious reasons as they are much closer to the  norm average.
Title: Re: How About Bernie Sanders for President
Post by: sabertooth on August 14, 2015, 12:09:17 am
One cant just speak in generality to denounce a system by which millions of people seem to be living by a decent standard, sure one can argue swedish socialism isn't shangri la, but compared to the poorest parts of Republican controlled Kentucky where my people come from its pretty damn close.

The other part of my point, we may agree on is that there are other factors involved which would prevent the benefits of swedish socialism from being implemented into the juggernaut of the American empire. Politicians who wish to emulate to the wealthy socialist progressive nations of Europe ( like bernie sanders) fail to clearly see the dynamic forces embedded into the structure of the empire which would prevent egalitarianism from emerging through the traditional democratic process.
Title: Re: How About Bernie Sanders for President
Post by: TylerDurden on August 14, 2015, 12:19:05 am
No you are wrong. White people do pretty much just as much illegal drugs as minorities, they are just far less likely to be apprehended and even if they are they are less likely to be incarcerated. Most of the people in jail in U.S. are there for drug charges which shouldn't even be illegal anyways.
And by the way the scary criminal types I have known of and experienced throughout my entire life, almost all of them were white and I grew up in a "scary" black neighborhood.
It is not just that you are dead wrong but there is also a wealth of evidence from the FBI and elsewhere on this whole issue which shows that blacks are FAR more likely to commit crime than whites:- (

It’s true that around 13 per cent of Americans are black, according to the latest estimates from the US Census Bureau.

And yes, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, black offenders committed 52 per cent of homicides recorded in the data between 1980 and 2008. Only 45 per cent of the offenders were white.
So, while one might hope/expect that blacks commit only 13% of homicides in line with their being 13% of the US population, they actually murder at 4(!) times that rate. Case closed.

I should mention that, in the UK, the nonwhite areas are notorious for being high-crime-rate-areas. Similiarly, in Austria, the more repellent violent crimes tend overwhelmingly to be committed mainly by Turks or Bosnian  Serbs or other Muslims, with some other Eastern European populations forming a lesser minority of criminals.

I am not countering the notion  that negroes may even be crime-free in some  other areas of the world  but one ought to at least be honest about the current statistics in the US.
Title: Re: How About Bernie Sanders for President
Post by: goodsamaritan on August 14, 2015, 12:33:25 am
oh come on men, one cannot say one is wrong or right here because all of us have different experiences, live in different countries and define those political words in different ways.

I would defer the merits of this discussion in this thread alone to the american members here.  this is their presidential election, their country, their ideals.

Us non americans are just curious by standers learning and observing how the americans go about their 2016 elections, and it seems it will be more exciting than the boring and fixed 2012 and 2008.
Title: Re: How About We Sacrifice Bernie Sanders to Cthulhu
Post by: laterade on August 14, 2015, 12:54:26 am
These are emotional times, as they should be, people are furious. We have been getting screwed.

If you're not going to allow Trump to be covered then you're wasting your time talking about this election.

You might as well lock down this thread because it's not going to be any prettier. Sanders is anti-American.
Title: Re: How About Bernie Sanders for President - Locked. Let's move on.
Post by: goodsamaritan on August 14, 2015, 01:33:59 am
I agree, we are wasting our time and energy on a very emotional American election so I will be locking this topic now.

Let's all move on.