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Raw Paleo Diet Forums => Off Topic => Topic started by: goodsamaritan on July 12, 2015, 10:53:24 pm

Title: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: goodsamaritan on July 12, 2015, 10:53:24 pm
Donald Trump is running for President of the USA. A real independent thinking person. Not controlled by the powers that be. And like Ron Paul, they will try to cheat him out of the nomination. I'm looking forward to watching the cheating tactics again. Hopefully Trump has done his homework. ( (

July 11, 2015 speech.

#1 in the polls.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: laterade on July 13, 2015, 12:51:52 am
Some ignorant people and traitors downplay, undermine, and ignore how bad the illegal immigrant situation is. Mexico is doing to us what Castro did, using the border as a criminal release valve. On top of that, we're giving all kinds of work to Mexican citizens in Mexico(ie Ford Factory) and trade deals in their favor.

Trump is the only candidate running on his own money, all the others are running on other people's money. He is going to dominate the others in debate. I can't wait to see him tear those boring chumps into pieces. He's an experienced winner. Viva la Trump!

Here's an interview from last week: July 8th, 2015. Very impressive. He's the alpha male we need. (
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: sabertooth on July 13, 2015, 06:08:36 am
The process is rigged, I doubt he will even allowed to be in the national debates, but if he is, it would be very entertaining to hear him berate all the others who stand in his path.

Though I am wary of that man being trusted with the power of the presidency... Trump often reminds me of the fictional Duke Phillips architype (
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: goodsamaritan on July 13, 2015, 10:36:41 am

On a selfish note, the Philippines needs the USA to be strong because we are in the sphere of influence of the USA.  Chinese imperialism is a real threat to us.  They have already taken over the islands in the Spratleys and more and made a ridiculous 9 dash line that says all the ocean there is theirs... that's why it is called the "South China Sea"... so the past year they implemented a naval blockade preventing our tiny fishermen from fishing in those islands.

I agree that the rest of the past Presidents in the USA are puppets.  It's so obvious to anyone who cares to look.

It's so obvious even Star Wars cartoons shows it as such when the Sith Lord took over Mandalore and installed his puppet prime minister.

My guess is if he breaks through the net of the powers that be to win in their own republican primaries learning from Ron Paul, they will be forced to assassinate him... just like JFK... and what I've heard, Ronald Reagan wasn't really running the show after he was shot.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: cherimoya_kid on July 13, 2015, 12:05:42 pm
Trump is a troll. He doesn't want the presidency. He just wants publicity.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: laterade on July 13, 2015, 01:26:17 pm
Trump is a troll. He doesn't want the presidency. He just wants publicity.

You sound like someone who hasn't been listening. Even if it were a hoax, he puts the other candidates to shame.

Go ahead, tell us who you think is better.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: RogueFarmer on July 13, 2015, 02:02:32 pm
My money is on Berney Sanders, most likely president in 2016. I will actually be registering democrat and so that I can vote in the primaries. Really you think Trump is better than Rand? REALLY? Trump stands for just about everything awful about this country. Trump's empire was build on the backs of illegal immigrants so anything he has to say against illegal immigrants is laughable unless he is talking about how profitable it is to hire them.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: laterade on July 13, 2015, 03:20:39 pm
Sanders is a self-proclaimed socialist, spouting the same romanticized bullshit Michael Moore oozes about Europe. He wants the US to be more like Scandinavia, let's not forget that Sweden is the rape capital of the world. Nearly all of Europe's major cities are being invaded by Muslims and Africans who leach off the economy and segregate themselves off into zones that become dangerous for the locals to enter. In the course of this, race-traitors like Bernie Sanders make excuses for them. Anyone who thinks Europe is a model to replicate is out to lunch. On that note, he wants whites to apologize to blacks. If that isn't the gayest shit you've ever heard then move to Detroit or Baltimore and report back to us once you've been culturally enriched.

Sanders is running on a platforms of taxation and handouts. He wants to put a huge tax on the 1%. As if the rich won't move their money out of the country. France already tried something like that, repealing soon after realizing the obvious. Then he wants to turn college into "High School part 2: Electric Boogaloo" by making it free. As if college wasn't already accessible for anyone determined to get in. Remember "socialism works fine until you run out of other people's money." I'm sick of how previous generations sold us out by footing the bill into national debt, putting that debt on us and our children. It's time we elected a business-man, who has shown good judgement even in the face of failed businesses, instead of a career politician.

On top of all this: he's in poor health, which is the most relevant factor to notice on this forum.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: RogueFarmer on July 13, 2015, 05:14:22 pm
LOL. Dude all that stuff he wants to do would cost a small fraction of what we spend currently murdering and destroying the lives of others abroad. The rich make their fortunes on the shoulders of others. I don't think he ever said whites should apologize to blacks, he said America should apologize for slavery. This is most definitely true and I hope they include in that an apology to the white slaves who outnumbered the black slaves. Businessmen are mercilessly slaughtering the planet. We have had plenty of "smart businessmen" in the white house, most living presidents have vast fortunes. Please, don't kid yourself, there is no way a republican is going to get into the whitehouse any time soon anyways. I personally am not a socialist, but it's definitely better than fascism which is exactly what bush, the clintons, trump and obama all espouse. I am hopeful that if a long shot like Sanders can win it will open the doors for "wingnut" politicians throughout the anals of public offices so that socialists and libertarians will no longer be labeled "extremist outliers". I think it's pretty obvious if you look at the condition of the world we could all use a little more socialism and a lot less corporate welfare and mabee actually have a fair market for consumer goods and raw materials with government protections on price gouges and if you disagree with that, i suggest you educate yourself to the facts and get your head out of your ass and quit listening to bullshit pundits. Just the facts please.

Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: Projectile Vomit on July 13, 2015, 07:09:15 pm
I'm for Sanders too. I attended his kick-off party here in Burlington, lots of good energy. I have to admit I'm biased though. I've lived in Vermont for the last 8 years, and in fact used to live right down the street from Bernie. It was common for us to cross paths while he was in Vermont (like all US Senators, he lives part-time in Washington DC).

All other candidates I've seen strike me as opportunists. They'll say whatever polls suggest they should say, and what they actually do will benefit them and the people who pay for their campaigns. Bernie Sanders says what he believes, he'll do what he says, and he doesn't accept donations from the corporate interests that buy the other candidates. I have several friends who work on his campaign, and one told me the average campaign contribution he gets is $33. He won't outspend Hillary Clinton or any of the Republican candidates, but he can certainly outclass them. While I don't agree with him on everything, he's a known commodity and isn't going to mislead people. And, like I said above, he used to be my neighbor. How can I not support my old neighbor when he runs for president of the United States?
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: cherimoya_kid on July 13, 2015, 07:42:09 pm
Bernie is the best choice. On the Republican side it's all scary racists and egomaniacs, although  I'd vote for Rand Paul if I had to pick a Republican.  They're all racists and/or pandering to their racist base, but at least Rand is somewhat of a libertarian.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: eveheart on July 13, 2015, 09:25:57 pm
You sound like someone who hasn't been listening. Even if it were a hoax, he puts the other candidates to shame.

Go ahead, tell us who you think is better.

Ah, if only candidacy behavior was a good predictor of presidential behavior....
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: laterade on July 13, 2015, 10:38:57 pm
Thinking we need socialism is like thinking we need high fructose corn syrup; it's cheap, sweet, and going to end many families' lineages. You're asking for handouts along with a historically failed political strategy, and think we're the ones being lead by a pundit?! Sanders is the uber-pundit. He would destroy this country at the behest of childish fantasy, he represents everything that's wrong with modern University professors. The facts are straight, Bernie is delusional about the mystical land of Europe and would lead us toward the same chaos.

You know damn well he's not talking about offering an apology to the Irish for slavery, he's appeasing blacks, as an opportunist.

And here we go with the "racism" nonsense. Once again, if you don't think the general black population has a problem: move to a city run by blacks, have yourself an experience. Systemic racism fallacies fall apart in places like Baltimore(black mayor, black police chief, black populous) let alone Africa. Every other race acknowledges that blacks are less intelligent and inherently problematic, even studies have shown a vast IQ gap, but somehow Europeans and Americans have been tasked with the duty of covering for them while pretending they are biologically identical. Blacks kill more of each other than any other group kills anybody in America, it's even worse in Africa(where slavery still exists). And you want to apologize for what goal? The feels?

I'm happy you're here on this forum, maybe the raw diet will help you to grow some balls and not be so offended when a person stands up for their own race. Here in the southwest we have serious issues caused by a lack of border safety. Maybe you're too caught up with white guilt to notice we're being attacked. Mexico is literally sending criminals through the border, and it's the people of states like California who are taking the worst hit because of their socialist degeneration. Just last week a woman was killed, in a sanctuary city, by someone who had already been deported 5 times. This is only a taste of what's happening in the southwest, and it's been happening for years.

Also, Bernie boy's home state of Vermont is one that denies personal exemptions from vaccinations. Let's not let that fact slide.

At least 20,000 people showed up in Arizona this weekend. Get ready for some Trump.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: laterade on July 13, 2015, 10:40:12 pm
Ah, if only candidacy behavior was a good predictor of presidential behavior....

Yes, eveheart, that's one reason why we're better off going with someone who is not a career politician.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: paper_clips43 on July 14, 2015, 03:43:26 am
Donald Trump
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: paper_clips43 on July 14, 2015, 03:50:10 am
As far as who is healthier. Bernie Sanders is 73 years old and not a millionaire. Donald Trump is 68 and a millionaire. Just because Bernie is bald?
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: paper_clips43 on July 14, 2015, 03:52:05 am
I suppose he may be a smart man though..
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: laterade on July 14, 2015, 04:10:23 am
Trump looks like he'll easily make it to 120. Sanders looks like he's being kept alive by the dark side.

About his clothing lines, he speaks out often about how much more they would cost if produced in the US. It's one of his main running points. Trade deals made by the current leadership are at fault. He's a businessman, keeping costs down, advocating for customers.

Global warming is a hoax. Climate is always changing, the poindexters have no idea what's going on. Politicians are just using the doomsday meme to grab power, support, and resources. This has been obvious to many of us for years. It's the oldest trick: fake a problem, provide a solution.

Of course he's smart. He turned a 300 million dollar inheritance into 9 billion dollars. Oh, and he married this gal.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: Projectile Vomit on July 14, 2015, 07:10:18 am
...And here we go with the "racism" nonsense...

Your post actup90 reminds me of how discussions about politics invariably bring out the best and worst of people. In your case any amount of respect I had for you has been flushed down the toilet and is now festering in the sewers. Your racist antics played a big part in that.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: sabertooth on July 14, 2015, 07:18:54 am
Hate to be the bringer of bad news, but Sanders is the false hope, two face token candidate, who is only kept around washington to give the democratic constituents the illusion that their party somehow still represents the will of the people. His half ass pandering to the populist, though it may contain kernels of truth, still does nothing to influence policy within the hierarchy of machine politics. 

He is also pro big pharma, and pro mandatory vaccination, and though he bashes wall street and plays like a champion for the little man, I believe that he is mostly ignorant and inept on the broader issues, such as how to properly regulate not only wall street and the banks, but also how to reign in the out of control and corporately owned federal bureaucracies of the FDA, USDA, CDC, AMA and all those other abbreviated institutions which are not representing the best interest of the people nor the earth we live on!
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: cherimoya_kid on July 14, 2015, 07:28:57 am
Actup90, if we're going to start pulling from the Bell Curve, then you need to know that East Asians have higher IQs than any other group except Ashkenazi Jews. How about that white supremacy now?
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: laterade on July 14, 2015, 08:00:46 am
Eric, I don't care what you think about me. Respect the truth. I pointed out facts and you came with nothing more than an ad hominem.

Cherimoya, nowhere was white supremacy promoted. Only reasonable expectations. Blacks are on the lowest end of the IQ spectrum and they need genuine help. Handouts are not helping them. Blaming white people for their shortcomings is not helping them. Progressivism has been trying that for 50 years and the situation has only gotten worse, and it will get even worse for everyone if these socialist fantasies continue to wreck the country.

He is also pro big pharma, and pro mandatory vaccination, and though he bashes wall street and plays like a champion for the little man, I believe that he is mostly ignorant and inept on the broader issues, such as how to properly regulate not only wall street and the banks, but also how to reign in the out of control and corporately owned federal bureaucracies of the FDA, USDA, CDC, AMA and all those other abbreviated institutions which are not representing the best interest of the people nor the earth we live on!

Adding to this: You can see he's small minded by the way he holds his posture. There is no way he'd be able to square up with people like Putin and make deals in our best interest. Donald Trump on the other hand does have that capacity.

I would like to avoid this sort of thing in the future. (
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: cherimoya_kid on July 14, 2015, 08:24:29 am
I imagine you're starting to offend some of our non-white members. We don't have very many. Please don't drive them away, ok?
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: laterade on July 14, 2015, 08:49:25 am
Seems like those points are mostly bothering racially-nervous whites, but since no one is rebutting I'll move on. Trump 2016
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: sabertooth on July 14, 2015, 09:28:03 am
Race issues are one can of worms most politicians are to cowardly to open , that's why most of the candidates let professional Political correctness firms write draft their opinions for them, and have it written out in orwellian double speak.

Part of me wishes to support the man who can stand up for his beliefs, and explain his point of view... even if he is wrong in the eyes of others, the open dialogue will facilitate a greater understanding in those who are paying attention.

Someone in the white house with great passion, ego and who craves the love of the people, and is outside of the control of the plutocracy, is a complete unknown quantity, and hasn't been seen since kennedy was shot dead. The power structure will do everything necessary to prevent it from occurring again.

This is where I would like us all to begin to collectively digress from the notion that there needs to be such a person entrusted with such great power over the fate of the world. We are reaching a point of development where it may no longer necessary to have the great decider in an oval office to pass secret legislation behind our backs and make secrete deals with secretive clandestine groups. We all should demand more transparency and the right to participate through referendum on the most important actions taken by our government. Imagine having someone as president who when given the Classified draft of the TTP to sign, would hand it over to the people, post it online, and call a national yes or no referendum, before signing our country away to corporations!

This kind of change will not happen by 2016, and its real easy for everyone to get distracted into believing that if "so in so" where only to get into power then things would get better, when in reality whoever gets into office, unless the structure of the system is reformed, there will be no great hope for change.

Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: cherimoya_kid on July 14, 2015, 09:45:06 am
Trump is no less an asshole, business failure, or racist than he was the last 2 times he ran for President. Fuck Trump. He's gone bankrupt HOW many times now? And never pays his own debts. He just defaults. He's a fraudster and a troll. Electing him would he like electing the town crackhead.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: laterade on July 14, 2015, 10:40:29 am
Oh please, we don't need the Dalai Lama in the white house blessing the world with his holiness. What do you even think politics is about?

We need someone who will fight for our interests on the global scale and win. We're already getting screwed by Mexico and China in trade deals. Do you really think someone like Vladimir Putin will have any more respect for Bernie boy than his embarrassing relationship with Obama ( Donald Trump is the only person in the running who has a proven track record of acting successfully under that kind of pressure. He has failed in the past, but check the profile of most billionaires and I don't think you'll find many on his level who came through unscuffed.

Even if it was a ruse and he was jus' tryna' trickya’ for le kekkeroni; it's not like anyone else stands a chance at providing what Trump can bring to the table, nor is it a given that any of the other candidates(all career politicians) are any more trustworthy.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: ys on July 14, 2015, 11:58:49 am
I like Trump.  He is nothing like Paul but he also does not have a chance.  Too polarizing for general elections.  Same goes for Sanders and Paul Jr.

Whoever wins Florida gets the whole thing.  I think Rubio has the highest chances of taking Florida.

If Sanders looses primary (and I think he will) and enters the race as independent Dems got no chance, no matter who wins Rep primary.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President - Hillary calls Trump a racist then epic response
Post by: goodsamaritan on July 16, 2015, 07:40:11 am
Hillary Clinton Calls Donald Trump a RACIST… And Trump FIRES Back in an EPIC WAY!

"    Failing candidate Hillary Clinton, who is desperately trying to hold on to her lead in the democratic primary against Bernie Sanders, is knowingly putting out lies about my stance on illegal immigration. I said “Mexico is sending”— I’m not knocking immigration or immigrants, but rather am very critical of the country of Mexico for sending us people that they don’t want. Likewise I am very critical of illegal immigration and the tremendous problems including crime, which it causes.

    She is desperate, she is sad, and she is obviously very nervous when she has to revert to issues that have already been settled given the absolute accuracy of my statement. She speaks about “my tone” and that’s the problem with our country’s leaders. They are more worried about tone than results! It’s not about being nice— it’s about being competent.

    Hillary should spend more time producing her illegally hidden emails and less time trying to obfuscate a statement by me that is totally clear and obviously very much accepted by the public as true. I am honored, however, that she is attacking me, instead of Jeb Bush. Obviously she knows that JEB is no longer her real competition. The last person she wants to face is Donald Trump."


What I foreigner can see is that Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush are on the same team.  The powers that be want a Clinton vs Bush show down because both of them are on the same team.  That is how TPTB want this election to come down to.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: ys on July 16, 2015, 09:26:29 am
Not sure why you are interested in Trump.
When it comes to foreign policy he is a hawk.

Few respect weakness. Ultimately we have to deal with hostile nations in the only language they know: unshrinking conviction and the military power to back it up if need be. There and in that order are America’s two greatest assets in foreign affairs.

Foreigners are usually rooting for softies like Paul and Sanders.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: goodsamaritan on July 16, 2015, 09:37:10 am
I gave you my selfish reason above.  With a Trump President he will kick the Chinese out of the Spratley Islands and surrounding waters they erroneously claim for themselves, depriving the rest of the ASEAN nations.

Philippines is a defacto USA colony.  We would rather have the USA than China as master.



On a selfish note, the Philippines needs the USA to be strong because we are in the sphere of influence of the USA.  Chinese imperialism is a real threat to us.  They have already taken over the islands in the Spratleys and more and made a ridiculous 9 dash line that says all the ocean there is theirs... that's why it is called the "South China Sea"... so the past year they implemented a naval blockade preventing our tiny fishermen from fishing in those islands.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: ys on July 16, 2015, 11:41:43 am
I've been saying that for years.  China is building aircraft carriers with one purpose only - to grab its neighbors land.

Trump would have been awesome to counter China.  Unfortunately it is highly unlikely he will get nominated.
I think Rubio or Walker has better chances.  I like their foreign policy as well.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: laterade on July 16, 2015, 02:08:10 pm
ys, You keep saying things like "unfortunately it is highly unlikely that he will be nominated." The problem with this sort of mentality is that it sounds like you're making some sort of compromise with the old fashioned 'keep the party in office' mentality. I kind of get where you're coming from, but I don't buy it as Rubio and Walker are pretty much irrelevant, and I wouldn't underestimate Donald Trump. If he's going out, it would be the way of AV.

Maybe you watch television and they give the others more attention? As far as the internet is concerned it's Trump vs Sanders.

Hillary Clinton Calls Donald Trump a RACIST… And Trump FIRES Back in an EPIC WAY!

Back to that point: Sanders and Clinton just went to visit a group called "La Raza" whose founder has openly advocated murdering white "gringo babies" and conquering the southwestern United States. Long story short, Bernie Sanders licked the salt off their balls.

What I foreigner can see is that Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush are on the same team.  The powers that be want a Clinton vs Bush show down because both of them are on the same team.  That is how TPTB want this election to come down to.

Agreed, but that would be the most boring event in history. Nobody really believes in either of them. The ol' tow the party line people might support Jeb, and the untouchables might support Hillary, but expect people to be waking up left and right if that happens.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: goodsamaritan on July 16, 2015, 02:21:25 pm
Maybe you watch television and they give the others more attention? As far as the internet is concerned it's Trump vs Sanders.

Maybe TV is still more powerful than the internet?
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: laterade on July 16, 2015, 02:36:24 pm
On an individual basis, those who watch television are still mostly buying into the scheduled programming.

TV consumers tend to have a belief system of inevitability with little or no expectation of volatility, many are becoming disillusioned.

At some point self-curated subscription via the internet will prevail, we might already be there. It's hard to tell. How much of middle America is on the internet? How many elders are on the web? How many are already fully engulfed? Very interesting questions.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: eveheart on July 16, 2015, 09:33:19 pm
At some point self-curated subscription via the internet will prevail, we might already be there. It's hard to tell. How much of middle America is on the internet? How many elders are on the web? How many are already fully engulfed? Very interesting questions.

Yes, VERY interesting! Consider that, even now, internet videos that "go viral" are featured on the television news, and there are daily shows that feature videos that are trending on youtube.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: sabertooth on July 17, 2015, 06:07:23 am
Has anyone considered the possibility that Trump is merely a distraction and his early on mainstream publicity is just a ploy to lure people away from supporting other mainstream candidates , such as Rand Paul who are not supported by the plutocrats. Then come next year hocus pocus trump loses the primary and stands down, but still manages to take enough of the fringe votes to allow a Jeb Bush to win the nomination, then of course Jeb will be the ringer against hillary.

Despite all the freedom of expression the internet gives us, and its potential for empowerment of the lower classes, as an open source information matrix, I am still skeptical as to whether or not it is "yet" able to allow the will of the people to prevail and topple the existing political power structures. Instead it is very well possible that the "Beast" is adapting itself to the new media, and still works to control the minds of the people in other ways... using even the most progressive millennial bloggers as its unwitting minions...or unleashing an ocean of distractive information which has no relevance to the true reality at hand...or by creating false prophets which claim to be the alternative, when in fact they are only mislead hacks that lack vision, and are only able to foggily mirror the dualities perpetrated by ever pervasive human ignorance... 

These are interesting times indeed, so much knowledge is so freely spread, yet we must not be so arrogant as to take everything being projected by both the mainstream, or the inter-web as gospel... Truth and change must come from within  and be projected from the heart of a living humanity, its not something to be seen emanating from ether a tv  nor a computer screen. If you let these electronic media apparatuses dictate the focus of your mind, then either way you chose to get your information, a part of you will become entrapped in the matrix, and you will loose touch with your own ability to enact change within the real world, as one who is fully alive and awakened.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: eveheart on July 17, 2015, 01:09:54 pm
We've always had "distraction" candidates. "Miss Piggy for President!" It's part of the American sense of humor. "Bert and Ernie for President!" We love to make fun of everything, even our highest office. "Pat Paulsen for President!" Complete freedom of speech allows us to be playfully irreverent. "Snoopy for President!" Sometimes we get ultra-rich candidates with sensible-sounding platforms, but we're still being playful. "Ross Perot for President!" And some ultra-rich presidential candidates have platforms that could only be implemented by a dictator who disbands our Congress and our Courts. "Donald Trump for President!"

"You're fired!"
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: cherimoya_kid on July 18, 2015, 05:13:00 am
Interesting point, eve.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: goodsamaritan on July 18, 2015, 08:33:35 am
From what Ive been seeing and reading. The current POTUS is already a dictator.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: cherimoya_kid on July 18, 2015, 08:47:50 am
From what Ive been seeing and reading. The current POTUS is already a dictator.

You lived through Ferdinand Marcos. You ought to know better than to post bullshit like this.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: goodsamaritan on July 18, 2015, 09:47:48 am
You lived through Ferdinand Marcos. You ought to know better than to post bullshit like this.

Exactly! Yes I know better and I'm saying it is so.

It's called constructive criticism.

I dont post bullshit. I post truth.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: eveheart on July 18, 2015, 10:35:23 am
From what Ive been seeing and reading. The current POTUS is already a dictator.

Exactly what do you see the Supreme Court "dictating" outside of its function to interpret the constitutionality of laws? We have layer upon layer of courts in our local, county, state, and federal judicial systems. They all do the "judicial thing" and nothing else. They rule on disputed issues, the way courts are supposed to. They listen to all the factors in each case, inasmuch as those facts are presented, and they wade through passionate and often contradictory rhetoric to try to reach some semblance of judicial wisdom. They are no more or less infallible than any other human endeavor, hence, they have supporters and detractors. I see you are a detractor, but I beseech you to make some sense instead of making outlandish and unfounded fantasies about what someone else told you is going on.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: laterade on July 18, 2015, 11:47:16 am
eveheart, you're talking about SCOTUS when even in your quote it says POTUS. Remember that guy? The one who makes public comment on criminals' funerals, blaming the white people and police, causing tremendous instability within their communities.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: eveheart on July 18, 2015, 12:26:15 pm
eveheart, you're talking about SCOTUS when even in your quote it says POTUS. Remember that guy? The one who makes public comment on criminals' funerals, blaming the white people and police, causing tremendous instability within their communities.

Yes, sorry for my hasty reading mistake.

Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: laterade on July 18, 2015, 01:29:26 pm
No other candidate is worth supporting, Trump has become mainstream by sheer force of his own will.

We need strength, some of you aren't grasping the severity of this situation. Edwin's home will be captured by the Chinese if our country is not strong enough to protect the Philippines. They are already laughing at us. On our end, our southern border is non-existent and being breached by a people who want to conquer the southwest and kill "gringo babies," all while Mexico and China are given trade deals at a cost to the American economy.

Fortunately many are waking up, let me remind you, Donald Trump is still ahead in the polls.

You lived through Ferdinand Marcos. You ought to know better than to post bullshit like this.

Exactly! Yes I know better and I'm saying it is so.

Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: cherimoya_kid on July 19, 2015, 04:52:20 am
Well, at least everything was spelled correctly in the previous post.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: dariorpl on July 19, 2015, 10:10:14 am
Trump is a protectionist, warmongering national-socialist ( ( The good news is, he has no chance of winning. The bad news is, somebody worse than him will win.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: goodsamaritan on July 19, 2015, 11:49:39 am
Isnt being protectionist good?

Give Americans jobs?
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: eveheart on July 19, 2015, 12:25:27 pm
Give Americans jobs?

Isn't that an oversimplification of the role of the president?
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: goodsamaritan on July 19, 2015, 01:49:34 pm
Isn't that an oversimplification of the role of the president?

From what I've been reading, the past presidents of the USA have done wonderfully in outsourcing almost everything.

I can't complain, a lot of Filipinos today are doing the office jobs Americans used to do.
The factory jobs are now in China and Mexico.
What are the Americans who used to do those jobs do now? 

Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: RogueFarmer on July 19, 2015, 04:18:13 pm
I wish I had the courage to expose all of my ill founded or poorly conceived beliefs all over forum threads on the internet. I think I have a lot of good ideas (not of my innovation) that might even be able to help a lot of people, but I know that I won't get taken seriously.

No I don't feel personally guilty for anyone in this country, except a little bit for Native Americans, however I fucking hate white fascist pigs. I am not a self racist because I do not identify with those who lack humanity and common sense.

IQ test doesn't really mean much and who gives a fuck anyways, no body deserves the world more than anybody else.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: eveheart on July 19, 2015, 09:27:13 pm
From what I've been reading, the past presidents of the USA have done wonderfully in outsourcing almost everything.

I can't complain, a lot of Filipinos today are doing the office jobs Americans used to do.
The factory jobs are now in China and Mexico.
What are the Americans who used to do those jobs do now? 

If you were interested, you could study the shift from agricultural jobs to service-sector jobs to info-tech jobs over the last 150+ years in the U.S. I'm in the service sector, doing a job that didn't even exist until the late 20th Century. When I say shift, I do not mean elimination, as you imply; we do not lack factories or factory workers in the U.S.

Not only does the U.S. outsource; within the U.S., we use our "foreigners" (voluntary immigrants, if you study John Ogbu) to do both agricultural and service-sector jobs, and we have an "elite" class of voluntary immigrants in the info-tech sector. Outsourcing (of work or workers) was neither invented nor implemented by our chief executive, but by our business sector. The government gets involved in international business practices whenever there is a need or a chance to define international alliances.

You strike me as an intelligent man, GS. Perhaps your information sources are betraying you by feeding you half-truths and faulty assumptions.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: goodsamaritan on July 19, 2015, 09:36:42 pm
Eve, thanks for having the patience to discuss.  This I believe is why we have a forum. To learn from each other.

So I gather with this shift in the kinds of jobs in the usa, there is no unemployment or underemployment problem?

Or maybe welfare and ebt cards fill the gap and most are happy?
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: eveheart on July 19, 2015, 10:24:26 pm
So I gather with this shift in the kinds of jobs in the usa, there is no unemployment or underemployment problem?

Or maybe welfare and ebt cards fill the gap and most are happy?

That's what I mean, GS. How could you possibly believe the broad generalizations that you write, except by an extreme lack of research? Maybe you need to stop reading the pundits and start reading history and economics.

Like every national economy, we have our ups and downs. Overall, we have less unemployment than we did a few years back, but that is moderated by a shift in reporting (some people ran out of unemployment benefits, some stopped looking for work, etc.) and a large disparity in our so-called inner-city sector (where unemployment can run upwards of 25%, even in the good years).

Just as the Philippines has an outpouring of educated workers pushing into the U.S. who tell me that "the Philippines is a violent place where women are kidnapped in broad daylight and forced into prostitution, and where certain social classes have no work opportunities but to be someone else's maid," I know better than to believe that their truth is absolute truth for all of the Philippines. That's not to say that these immigrants are lying. There is more than one side to every story. But that does not give me the right to generalize that all Philippine women get murdered in the streets or kidnapped and forced into prostitution.

I know, that sounds bizarre, but so do your broad statements about the U.S. I get the impression that the U.S. is bigger but less powerful than you think. Where you want to see good guys and bad guys, there are really just regular ol' guys.

Oh, and back to Trump - if he does get elected, he'll only be in office for 8 years, maximum. U.S. politics is best watched from a safe distance and enjoyed, if possible.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: cherimoya_kid on July 19, 2015, 11:01:11 pm
Damn. I heard that.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: sabertooth on July 20, 2015, 01:48:56 am
When I read the word POTUS, I immediately got the vision of some long ago Roman emperor.... The word did not always have a negative connotation, and should be view much differently than dictator. The emperors of Romes hay day had the most difficult task of placating the aristocracy while at the same time portraying themselves as the champion of a proud people. I see very little difference in the role of POTUS and that of an emperor, in many cases both are merely a figurehead controlled by the aristocracy, which is now called the 1%. Look back at the procession of presidents, and you are seeing the history of roman imperialism taken to the next level.

Within the imperial system, occasionally a true champion of the people will rise up and challenge the inequality of the system, and with the love of the people behind them, they are able to successfully take on the Aristocracy( at least until they are "taken out"  as were J. Caesar or JFK)

If trump is truly putting himself out there to be the peoples champion, and is willing to take his screw you money and turn his back on the criminal empire and its crony capitalism, which he has been apart of, then that would earn him some respect as a legitimate contender.

This is all optimistic speculative banter..... but perhaps Trump is reaching the point in life where the gold and jewels no longer are enough, and he is in the early stages of developing a case of the messiah complex, and out of a craving for the love and admiration of the world he is beginning to devote himself to a cause greater than his own ego...
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: eveheart on July 20, 2015, 02:15:29 am
Today's Huffington Post News: A Note About Our Coverage Of Donald Trump's 'Campaign'

reported by Ryan Grim, Washington bureau chief for The Huffington Post, and Danny Shea, Editorial Director, The Huffington Post

Posted: 07/17/2015

After watching and listening to Donald Trump since he announced his candidacy for president, we have decided we won't report on Trump's campaign as part of The Huffington Post's political coverage. Instead, we will cover his campaign as part of our Entertainment section. Our reason is simple: Trump's campaign is a sideshow. We won't take the bait. If you are interested in what The Donald has to say, you'll find it next to our stories on the Kardashians and The Bachelorette.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: sabertooth on July 20, 2015, 02:24:58 am
There is no biased reporting at Arianna Huffingtons post..... (
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: laterade on July 20, 2015, 03:45:48 am
Trump has an enormous amount of support. If he didn't, naysayers wouldn't put so much effort into slandering him and his supporters.

His talking points are unstoppable, and he's the only one advocating for the people who provide substance to the country.

Here's another recent talk from Las Vegas. He's a winner, embarrassing opponents, and I'm loving every moment of this. (
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: dariorpl on July 20, 2015, 04:43:35 am
Isnt being protectionist good?

Give Americans jobs?

No, protectionism, like all other forms of socialism, is very destructive to the economy.

Argentina is one of the most protectionist countries in the world right now. And the economy is in shatters; while not entirely because of it, that is certainly a large part of the reason why.

When you restrict the free flow of goods and/or capital, the results are a reduced availability of goods and capital investment. The price of goods goes up and the quality goes down, if they are available at all. Capital investment is reduced and as a result productivity suffers, and workers find it harder to get a job, and when they do, it's a lower quality job that pays less. Protectionism makes just about everybody less wealthy in the country implementing the protectionist policies. A few isolated businesses and workers (and of course politicians) may profit from it, however, and these are generally the ones pushing for it politically. For instance, if you own the only shoe making factory in a country, and you convince politicians to make it illegal to import shoes from other countries, or to slap gigantic tariffs on them, then obviously you are able to sell the shoes you produce at a higher price, and capture a larger percentage of the local market, without having to improve the quality, in fact you can reduce costs by sacrificing quality, because the people in that country basically have no choice but to buy your low-quality, overpriced shoes.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: dariorpl on July 20, 2015, 05:01:54 am
Like every national economy, we have our ups and downs. Overall, we have less unemployment than we did a few years back, but that is moderated by a shift in reporting (some people ran out of unemployment benefits, some stopped looking for work, etc.) and a large disparity in our so-called inner-city sector (where unemployment can run upwards of 25%, even in the good years).

Yeah, the US labor force participation rate is down to 62.7%, the lowest level since 1977. And back then, most women did not have to work if they didn't want to. Consider that.

Also, most of the jobs that have been created over the so-called recovery since the financial crisis are service sector, they are jobs based on consumption based on an unsustainable level of debt fueled by the Central Bank's moneyprinting on steroids. (Yes, despite what you may hear from leftists and from politicians, the Federal Reserve is just another Central Bank like any other, it's a branch of the State and not "private" or "independent" in any way. And they all do the same thing, which is basically to tax the population covertly through inflation, it's just that different central banks do this to different degrees, and they create larger or smaller boom and bust cycles by doing it, too)

And finally, since Obamacare was instated, the situation got even worse because it requires businesses with more than 50 full-time employees to pay huge additional taxes, or "contributions" as I think they call them. Because of this, many businesses have been firing full time workers and replacing each with two part-time workers instead. But as far as the employment figures go, if two people find a new 20hs a week job, and one person has just lost a 40hs a week job, the economy just gained a new job. And of course, the part-time employed are not counted as being unemployed even if they would rather be working full-time, so the unemployment figures appear to go down on paper.

The whole thing is a mirage, and it's gonna be rather spectacular when the bubble pops. (I mean spectacular in the sense that people won't believe what's happening, not that it will be good)
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: eveheart on July 20, 2015, 07:04:35 am
Because of this, many businesses have been firing full time workers and replacing each with two part-time workers instead. But as far as the employment figures go, if two people find a new 20hs a week job, and one person has just lost a 40hs a week job, the economy just gained a new job. And of course, the part-time employed are not counted as being unemployed even if they would rather be working full-time, so the unemployment figures appear to go down on paper.

... a-n-d part-time workers do not need to be paid benefits. As a full-time worker, I am paid again 25% of my wages in additional benefits, including retirement contributions and full health insurance. If I work more than 40 hours per week as overtime, I get paid at 1.5 my hourly rate. In contrast, the four half-time positions that my company just posted do not include benefits for the same work I do. Read it again: four positions, or the equivalent of two full-time people, will save my employer from paying benefits and overtime to those workers.

Curiously, my company is constantly understaffed; even in a poor economy, it's hard to find workers who are both qualified and willing to work here. That is another factor that has to be figured in to unemployment figures - prima donna job-seekers who want their ideal job or no job at all. This includes older displaced workers who want to earn what they earned in their prime and recent graduates who reckon that their 4-year degree qualifies them to start at the top.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: cherimoya_kid on July 20, 2015, 07:20:55 am
Prima Donna? You're better off waiting for a real job to come along, or at least one with advancement opportunity, instead of taking a dead-end low-wage job, in many cases. I'm not saying it's black and white, but those are the facts.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: eveheart on July 20, 2015, 07:48:04 am
Prima Donna? You're better off waiting for a real job to come along, or at least one with advancement opportunity, instead of taking a dead-end low-wage job, in many cases. I'm not saying it's black and white, but those are the facts.

I am talking about real jobs with advancement opportunities, jobs where you can learn about the business, demonstrate your worth, and then get promoted. Many goal-less students get their degree in sociology or comparative religions and flash their diploma as if it were the Golden Key to management. Then, they move back home to mom and dad's and get high every day, waiting for someone to worship them with a high-paying job.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: sabertooth on July 20, 2015, 08:08:36 am
The old model of employment is becoming obsolete, there are massive changes coming down the pipeline, if people of the world would join together we could completely remake our worlds economy and how wealth is distributed. 

Switzerland is going to vote on a basic income plan in 2016 to replace the current welfare system, and many trial runs have proved that when people have their basic needs, and are not under deprivation, then they will not submit to exploitative wage labor, and instead seek out more fulfilling and meaningful ways to contribute to society. (

Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: goodsamaritan on July 20, 2015, 08:13:23 am

Check out Trump.
No apologies.
Bringing out issues:

Incompetent handling of war veterans needs.
Incompetent handling of illegal immigration.

I like Trump because he says what needs to be said.

Tears down the political correctness censorship. 

Entertaining.  To see an aspiring leader who is not controlled by the powers that be.  As Sabertooth called it, Trump may be in the same league as JFK and Julius Ceasar. He needs to watch out.

I would be surprised if later on he calls out the Federal Reserve like Ron Paul.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: cherimoya_kid on July 20, 2015, 08:26:33 am
I am talking about real jobs with advancement opportunities, jobs where you can learn about the business, demonstrate your worth, and then get promoted. Many goal-less students get their degree in sociology or comparative religions and flash their diploma as if it were the Golden Key to management. Then, they move back home to mom and dad's and get high every day, waiting for someone to worship them with a high-paying job.

Yeah, things have changed. The unemployment rate among recent college grads is way higher than when you were young. Many of the jobs available really don't have any job security, advancement potential, etc.. And for you to judge an entire generation is stupid. I hope I don't start doing that at some point.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: dariorpl on July 20, 2015, 08:50:54 am
... a-n-d part-time workers do not need to be paid benefits. As a full-time worker, I am paid again 25% of my wages in additional benefits, including retirement contributions and full health insurance. If I work more than 40 hours per week as overtime, I get paid at 1.5 my hourly rate. In contrast, the four half-time positions that my company just posted do not include benefits for the same work I do. Read it again: four positions, or the equivalent of two full-time people, will save my employer from paying benefits and overtime to those workers.

Well there should be no such thing as benefits, they are a distortion on the market created by the State's meddling. The first thing to realize is that if you get benefits, they are coming out of your wages. Because your employer calculates the cost of those benefits when they decide to employ you. And it would be the same for them to pay that amount of money to you directly, or to pay it in benefits. Hence they offer you a lower wage with the benefits. Many people would prefer to be paid the extra money instead, but because of State intervention and meddling, that's either illegal or inconvenient in many cases.

Many of these benefits are simply tax loopholes, because the State charges taxes on your salary/wages, but not on things like health insurance or 401k contributions. However, things are not so simple. Health insurance is also a subsidy for the medical industry, and it is also a means of keeping people sick and dependent, and addicted to medical drugs. I'm guessing most people in this forum who live in the US would rather not have medical insurance, and have the extra money instead. The 401k and other retirement plans are problematic because they restrict your options as far as investment opportunities, but they are a benefit in that you only pay taxes on that money when you withdraw it, and not year to year as you're making it, meaning if your investment plan yields a profit that compounds over the years, the final number will be much larger than if you had to pay the tax on that year to year. But of course, there's always the possibility that when social security is finally recognized as being broke, they will simply expropriate private retirement accounts and use that to fund social security for the masses. They've done that in Argentina twice, and while I'm not saying they will do it for sure in the US, it's a possibility. Or perhaps they could simply increase taxes to 90% and so you really only get 10% of the money in your retirement account when you try to spend it.

It would be much better to remove these loopholes and mandated insurance/contributions, and simply reduce (or better yet, eliminate) the taxes associated with labor. Part of the reason why health care is so expensive in the US is because it's mandatory to pay for it. That guarantees the health insurance agencies (or the State, with the public option) a lot of customers without having to offer them a good service for a good price. Social security was always and in every country introduced by politicians who believed that the masses were too stupid to be trusted to save for their own retirement, so the government would do it for them. And in every case, these State-mandated retirement systems have gone bust as the State spends more than they take in, and because of inflation wiping away the value of the contributions over the years. So nowadays in all of the world the situation is such that social security acts simply as a tax on the working population, that is used to finance the payments to the retired.

Curiously, my company is constantly understaffed; even in a poor economy, it's hard to find workers who are both qualified and willing to work here. That is another factor that has to be figured in to unemployment figures - prima donna job-seekers who want their ideal job or no job at all. This includes older displaced workers who want to earn what they earned in their prime and recent graduates who reckon that their 4-year degree qualifies them to start at the top.

Well the State is offering huge unemployment benefits, food stamps, and other freebies to encourage people not to work. Of course, the "freebies" aren't really free, the State must tax the productive class in order to subsidize the unproductive. Also, all of these distortions in the labor market make it so that businesses would rather not have to hire more people, even if they would otherwise benefit from doing so. They'd rather be understaffed than being overstaffed and having to deal with the uncertainty of the situation.

And I didn't even get into the crazy laws regarding "worker's rights", where apparently just because someone is an employer, they've lost all their rights, and just because someone is a worker, it means they have the "right" to rob their employers blind. Discrimination lawsuits and "wrongful termination" are particularly insane and destructive. Hiring someone is always a risk, but when the State makes it illegal to fire them, and makes it so that they can sue you at whim for no reason at all and take you for all you're worth, it's an unreasonable risk. At that point it's better to try your best to avoid having to hire people.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: laterade on July 20, 2015, 10:12:14 am

Check out Trump.
No apologies.
Bringing out issues:

Incompetent handling of war veterans needs.
Incompetent handling of illegal immigration.

I like Trump because he says what needs to be said.

Hah! That was great. Notice how they all try to play out this fantasy of "Trump is finished."

"You have to get out of the race, the race is over for you." When the audience clearly loved it.

That video is a rich example of how these talking heads deliberately work to hypnotize people into believing their nonsense. Just watch the way they talk throughout this reel. All he had to do was stand his ground and apart fell their illusion. This is only going to help him grow support. McCain is not supported by veterans, they gave Trump a standing ovation. Multiple veterans groups have already issued statements in support.

The powers that be are terrified. He's tearing their puppets into pieces.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: goodsamaritan on July 20, 2015, 10:42:02 am
Hah! That was great. Notice how they all try to play out this fantasy of "Trump is finished."

"You have to get out of the race, the race is over for you." When the audience clearly loved it.

That video is a rich example of how these talking heads deliberately work to hypnotize people into believing their nonsense. Just watch the way they talk throughout this reel. All he had to do was stand his ground and apart fell their illusion. This is only going to help him grow support. McCain is not supported by veterans, they gave Trump a standing ovation. Multiple veterans groups have already issued statements in support.

The powers that be are terrified. He's tearing their puppets into pieces.

The technique of these talking heads and editorial opinions is to put words in Trump's mouth.

They are banking on the lazy viewers to not actually view Trump's full speaking engagement to see the full context of what he said.

In Trump's first foray... they accused him of being RACIST against Mexicans... when Trump's real beef is with ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION.

In this 2nd foray... they accuse Trump of being against VETERANS or belittling captured VETERANS as if John Mc Cain was supposed to be some untouchable HERO.  When actually Trump's real beef is with the treatment of VETERANS as 3rd class citizens owing to bumbling execution of benefits.

For short clarity, see Trump's twitter feed: (

Or Facebook (

Or his website (

Straight from the horse's mouth.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: cherimoya_kid on July 20, 2015, 10:49:20 am
You don't mock John McCain's war record. That's like mocking a concentration camp victim. Trump's ego is too big for him to realize that he destroyed his candidacy with that comment. McCain really is a hero. He's a dangerous warmonger, but he suffered badly while a POW in Vietnam.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: goodsamaritan on July 20, 2015, 10:53:31 am
You don't mock John McCain's war record. That's like mocking a concentration camp victim. Trump's ego is too big for him to realize that he destroyed his candidacy with that comment. McCain really is a hero. He's a dangerous warmonger, but he suffered badly while a POW in Vietnam.

This is exactly what the talking heads want people to think with their "sound bites".
But that is not what Trump was saying.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: laterade on July 20, 2015, 11:52:29 am
The only reason we know about John McCain is because his father, an Admiral in the Navy, was a good and powerful man.

The John McCain we know has not lived up to his father's name. (
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: sabertooth on July 21, 2015, 06:07:17 am
McCain is a traitor, and being shot down in a proxy war does not make him a hero.

Once his captors found out his father was an admiral he was given the royal treatment. He could of went home, but decided to stay jailed in order to gain street cred for his future political aspirations. While the children of Americas poor were left to rot in poor conditions, he was given special treatment. He even lied about being beat up after being captured, his injuries were a result of the crash and not enemy torture. He is a true Fake, and its a shame that so many people still don't see it.

McCain was the manchurian ringer candidate who was put in to lose against Obama, and now he is being used to polarize and divide any opposition to the imperial power structure.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: sabertooth on July 21, 2015, 06:18:26 am
Seeing how Trump is being attacked on all sides with straw men tactics which do not address anything he is actually trying to say, its obvious there is an all out misinformation war being waged. (
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: goodsamaritan on July 21, 2015, 08:27:37 am
Nice. Comedy coated truth speak.  Like what Eddie Murphy does.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: cherimoya_kid on July 21, 2015, 11:09:02 am
Trump is an egomaniac. He's not got a coherent message because he has no intention of winning. He just wants publicity and to feed his massive ego. But you will see. He's clowning and speaking off the cuff because winning isn't his goal. Self-promotion and getting richer is the goal. Most of the candidates would be a lot more likable if they didn't care about winning. The ambition is what makes them so unpalatable.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: RogueFarmer on July 21, 2015, 04:25:28 pm
Yeah, things have changed. The unemployment rate among recent college grads is way higher than when you were young. Many of the jobs available really don't have any job security, advancement potential, etc.. And for you to judge an entire generation is stupid. I hope I don't start doing that at some point.

The other thing is depending on where you live even if you are lucky enough to find work, full time work is nearly impossible to find and when you are working 20 or so hours even if the pay is decent it's still hard for it to amount to much. At the same time the skyrocketing prices of everything make it very hard for people to make a future for themselves and "get ahead" which causes a very stressful national zeitgeist where people don't really care about what really matters and grope for escape in television, video games, social media and drugs. (

This brief article stuck me, I see his grey hair and imagine how stressful and painful his life must be. But humans are good at suffering so he keeps plugging. I guess I'm too big headed for wanting more glory out of life.

Video games are extremely popular with younger people and may pose a great danger for our future. Or at least they are a terrifying mirror to the condition of our society as their popularity is largely due to them being one of the few places where the masses of people actually feel like they are achieving something and being successful.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: goodsamaritan on July 21, 2015, 08:01:31 pm

Found this at
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: TylerDurden on July 21, 2015, 11:40:51 pm
They are saying that Trump is being used deliberately by the Left to rip off votes from the Right so that the Left may win. So he may just be a con-man.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: laterade on July 22, 2015, 01:19:36 am
Great commentary by Stefan Molyneux on the Trump-McCain drama. (
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: goodsamaritan on July 22, 2015, 10:25:57 am
They are saying that Trump is being used deliberately by the Left to rip off votes from the Right so that the Left may win. So he may just be a con-man.

"They are saying"? - Come on Tyler, you can do much better than that.  "They" are the mainstream media pawns of the powers that be where the powers that be control both the Republicans and the Democrats.

Remember that the election fixing happens at the party level.  Once both opposing democrat vs republican candidates have been fixed as both theirs... they don't care who wins in the elections.

The only independent minded candidate right now is Donald Trump.

Tyler, since you so admire the independent mind of Ron Paul, I suggest you take a look and watch Trump's videos, read his official website, facebook, twitter so you can actually judge for yourself if Trump is genuine or not.

If you read Ron Paul "straight from the horse's mouth", do the same with Donald Trump.

For short clarity, see Trump's twitter feed: (

Or Facebook (

Or his website (

Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA - Launches Hotline for Veterans
Post by: goodsamaritan on July 22, 2015, 05:49:06 pm
Donald Trump Launches Hotline for Veterans, Calls for American Flag to be at Half-Staff for Tennessee Shooting Victims

GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump – who recently made media headlines with a spat between him and Sen. John McCain (R-AZ)
– is announcing a move to show he is committed to the military and veterans.

First, Trump is calling for all American flags to be flown at half-staff to honor the five military members who were killed in the Chattanooga, Tennessee shooting last week by a “devout Muslim,” as CNN described the shooter.

Second, Trump is establishing a hotline and email address for veterans to share their stories on how the Veterans Administration should be reformed. He pledges that if elected president he will take care of the veteran complaints “very quickly and efficiently like a world-class businessman can do, but a politician has no clue.”

The hotline is 855-VETS-352 and email is

Trump stated, “This disgraceful omission is unacceptable and yet another example of our incompetent politicians. It is a simple yet meaningful and important gesture that signifies our respect and recognition for these great soldiers who lost their lives. We must do better for all Americans, especially our military. We must Make America Great Again!”

A senior member of Trump’s campaign told Breitbart News the hotline is a place for veterans to share their stories. Trump will be personally responding to some of the messages. (

... Wow for showmanship.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: eveheart on July 22, 2015, 09:31:43 pm
Second, Trump is establishing a hotline and email address for veterans to share their stories on how the Veterans Administration should be reformed. He pledges that if elected president he will take care of the veteran complaints “very quickly and efficiently like a world-class businessman can do, but a politician has no clue.”

That kind of Trump move is both the good news and the bad news.

Good news: The V.A. has shamefully slow to respond to poor performance complaints. Something should be done...

Bad news: It's not in the POTUS's job description to act like a businessman, only like the executive branch of government. In a healthy democracy, one person's brilliant idea is not everybody's brilliant idea. That only works in a healthy dictatorship. The U.S. rejected monarchy a few centuries ago.

Like CK said: egomaniac.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: TylerDurden on July 22, 2015, 09:50:30 pm
If the US had allowed monarchy 200 years earlier, the situation would have been far better>>>>>>>
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: goodsamaritan on July 22, 2015, 11:30:57 pm
"Egomaniac" is a criticism?

At the level of running for President, I expect ALL of them to be egomaniacs! 

“Show me someone without an ego, and I'll show you a loser.” ? Donald Trump.

Even amongst us healers we have egos.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: sabertooth on July 23, 2015, 01:09:50 am
Even in tribal days the leaders must have let their egos flare, and much of it may of been a mere superficial show, ,that primal show of power and strength which kept tribal society in order, is what modern human social hierarchies are imitating on a grand scale. Traditionally if you wanted to be chief you had to perform real feats of bravery such as taking down big game, or fending off invaders, now days everything has been so monetized and virtualized that in order to become commander and chief you must project the image of wealth and control within a media matrix which is completely outside of the evolutionary context of leadership.

Ronald Reagan was just an actor, but he learned to play the part of a great leader( and even though many of his policies where great failures, he is still remembered as a genuine leader,)and not the sock puppet of Bush Senior)

By building up the image of success, one can become successful, and even something as superfluous as Trumps made for TV persona, can take on an entirely different significance if it can be transferred to the political sphere.

Then again there is a legitimate concern that Trump could be a shill for the empire being used to tare down the other outside the box GOP contenders before stepping down, and smugly going back to his hugely profitable TV show, while someone like Hillary is swindled into the White House. If this is the case then we have truly sunken into a corrupt age and this whole Democracy debate is a complete farce.

The publicity he is gaining now would definitely carry over to the TV networks and as long as he doesn't burn too many bridges, whether or not he is being (fake or for real) (wins or loses) it seems like he will be fine. The litmus test will be for us to watch and see if he stands down, or if he goes balls to the wall come next year.

Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: eveheart on July 23, 2015, 08:01:08 am
"Egomaniac" is a criticism?

At the level of running for President, I expect ALL of them to be egomaniacs! 

“Show me someone without an ego, and I'll show you a loser.” ? Donald Trump.

Even amongst us healers we have egos.

My dictionary does not give ego as a synonym for egomaniac. For example, ego means "a person's sense of self-esteem or self-importance," while egomania means an obsessive preoccupation with one's self and applies to someone who follows their own ungoverned impulses and is possessed by delusions of personal greatness."

In the context of Mr. Trump, his flippantly impulsive comments point to egomania, even though his political platform is appealing. If he were president in a democracy, he might not be able to work cooperatively within the U.S.'s representative form of government. That happened in California when Mr. Schwarzeneger was governor: he was elected with his splendid rhetoric, then spent his term deadlocked with the California Senate and House of Representatives because he couldn't dismount his super-sized ego.

Cooperation is a trait that gets the highest nod of approval in the U.S. Perhaps it is different elsewhere.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: goodsamaritan on July 23, 2015, 09:49:31 am
Thanks! I did not know about that Schwarzeneger experience. 
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: cherimoya_kid on July 23, 2015, 11:17:49 am
Thanks! I did not know about that Schwarzeneger experience. 

"It's not a tumor!"
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: sabertooth on July 24, 2015, 09:58:44 am
If an independant like Trump won the white house it would be just as Schwarzenegger v.s. the california legislature, all over again on a national scale..... where the controlled overlords of congress would work together to obstruct any meaningful action initiated against the money masters, by the executive....

As the powers that be begin to loose control, there would also be a greater potential for covert, secrete society, orchestrated false flags, economic disasters, and other shenanigans designed to set up the independent executive to fail.

All pessimism aside, it may not be a bad thing for an independent as Chief, to halt the out of control legislature and the passing of corporatist take over bills, long enough for the people to organize just and legitimate ways to restore balance to the republic.

If the nation can survive four years of Trump battling against, the old guard in washington, then by the end of the term, perhaps enough of the public can be awakened, that the demand to replace all the elected officials who are not working for the best interest of the people, will be too strong to be suppressed.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: ys on July 24, 2015, 11:04:49 am
ys, You keep saying things like "unfortunately it is highly unlikely that he will be nominated." The problem with this sort of mentality is that it sounds like you're making some sort of compromise with the old fashioned 'keep the party in office' mentality. I kind of get where you're coming from, but I don't buy it as Rubio and Walker are pretty much irrelevant, and I wouldn't underestimate Donald Trump. If he's going out, it would be the way of AV.

I'm not making any compromises of any kind.  I am simply looking back at our history.  When was the last time a candidate like that was nominated in the last 50 year? Recent example is Paul 4 years ago.  Back then I said the similar thing that Doc does not have a chance whatsoever.  Number of people tried to tell me otherwise that he is getting so much support, his followers are so enthusiastic, and so on.  You can argue all you want.  History is showing people like that are simply not electable.  And there is nothing currently in our political environment that might indicate otherwise.

Highly unlikely is still better than 0, much better chances than Paul's.  I will be very surprised if Trump wins the nomination.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: ys on July 24, 2015, 11:11:54 am
Once his captors found out his father was an admiral he was given the royal treatment. He could of went home, but decided to stay jailed in order to gain street cred for his future political aspirations.

I've heard that as well.  I have not read all the details but so far gut feeling tells me Trump is on to something re McCain.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: ys on July 24, 2015, 11:20:03 am
Obama a dictator?

Tell us you are joking.  He has not been able to pass any of his lefty ideas in the last 6 years.  Lame duck that's who he is.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA - Andrew Gause Supports Trump
Post by: goodsamaritan on July 24, 2015, 02:05:27 pm
For truth seekers, Obama has been doing what he has been assigned to do.  And he does them well, and as predicted way back before he took office in 2008.

Donald Trump resonates with the same frequency as truth seekers.
Just like Ron Paul does.
Just like Nigel Farage does.

Truth seekers are not happy with the current reign of the powers that be. [war + depopulation + unli printing of money for themselves but none for the people]


Andrew Gause is a monetary historian and truth seeker.
He used to support Ron Paul.
Now he supports Donald Trump. (
(click on hour 2)

Andrew is a realist and knows that the powers that be do not want Trump to be POTUS. 
But truth seekers can always dream.
Just like when they elected Andrew Jackson in the past.
It happened with JFK being elected... and the powers that be killed him.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: TylerDurden on July 24, 2015, 02:42:21 pm
Yet more proof that democracy is a waste of time. It merely encourages a system wherein politicians are usually only in power a short while, cannot do what is necessary to fix the economy or anything else as they have no real power, and anyway obey special interests in order to gain enough money afterwards to set themselves up for life. Only individualist anarchism or a benevolent  autocratic monarch like Bhutan's king can ever be useful to a regime. Hmm, I also love Ancient Athens' democracy where only a small portion of people are allowed to vote, and who have the power to ostracise/expel  any who get too much power. Imagine if one could only vote if one had a tested IQ of more than 140, for example.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: eveheart on July 24, 2015, 09:33:00 pm
Yet more proof that democracy is a waste of time....

From where I stand, the problem with U.S. democracy is not democracy itself; rather, the problem is with the size and diversity of the U.S.A. There is no consensus among our elected leaders because there is no consensus among  the citizens. Life is an obstacle course, and the U.S. is a sea-going tanker ship. In that sense, the U.S. will eventually fall apart from within or from without. That's the way it goes with large countries.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: TylerDurden on July 25, 2015, 04:54:49 am
Large countries can work, just look at China or India. Democracy, though, has inherent weaknesses which many other regimes do not have. I wish we could have individualist anarchy as a society. Imagine being allowed as an individual  to own all types of guns, even rockets and mines, legally. Imagine being allowed to shoot and kill burglars in self-defence. Imagine being allowed to home-school anywhere in the world or being permitted to publish whatever you liked, however slanderous it might be. Imagine being allowed to cultivate any drugs or poisons  one liked or being  able to smoke, imagine being allowed to travel at any speed one wanted along motorways, imagine being allowed to select who you sell your products to(eg:- some clothes-stores already effectively ban obese people in their stores by only stocking clothes-sizes for slender types, for example). Imagine being allowed to hire anyone based on IQ tests alone. God, I am sounding like John Lennon re his "imagine" song, but I simply do not see the point of most laws nowadays. ALL laws are restrictive and most are  wholly unnecessary. Many laws assume that human adults are just like immature little children unable to make their own decisions properly in life, and this is so wrong. Keep the laws protecting the wildlife and the environment, though, not even I think that humans are intelligent enough to not destroy the environment without restrictive laws.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: laterade on July 26, 2015, 06:39:46 am
Large countries can work, just look at China or India...
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: laterade on July 26, 2015, 06:40:53 am
What's with people clenching their buttholes in fear of being tricked? Even if Trump's candidacy is a ruse, it's well worth supporting him.

The whole "Trump is faking" meme sounds like typical marxist misdirection. Example: relax, nobody is coming for your guns.. (but then they do)
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: TylerDurden on July 26, 2015, 06:58:40 am
Actup, I challenge you to find any regime which is wholly bad. ALL current regimes have advantages and disadvantages  in their system. For example, mens' rights are, in some ways, more protected in the Middle-East  than womens' rights, whereas in the West, womens' rights are more protected than mens' rights. Similiarly, China is heavily polluted as a country etc. but here is a website which focuses on issues where China is better than the West:-

"5. Freedom. This might surprise some, but China feels more free than the US on most days. Sure they tap your communications even more, but meanwhile, there are a thousand fewer petty rules. You want to buy a $70 pack of premium cigarettes, go ahead. You want to buy meds from a pharmacy without a prescription, ok. You need to cut a deal with vendors or shippers; knock yourself out. A cocktail at 4:30 am, fine. As long as you don't knock the government or make a public ass of yourself, almost anything is possible." from:- (

Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: TylerDurden on July 26, 2015, 07:00:06 am
Dear God, I find myself actually  sympathetic to Trump after loathing him. I found out that Jon Stewart attacked him recently,  which is kind of an endorsement in and of itself.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: laterade on July 26, 2015, 08:43:10 am
I never said they were wholly bad, but hot damn are they bad.

Imagine being allowed as an individual to own all types of guns, even rockets and mines, legally. Imagine being allowed to shoot and kill burglars in self-defence. Imagine being allowed to home-school anywhere in the world or being permitted to publish whatever you liked, however slanderous it might be. Imagine being allowed to cultivate any drugs or poisons  one liked or being  able to smoke, imagine being allowed to travel at any speed one wanted along motorways, imagine being allowed to select who you sell your products to(eg:- some clothes-stores already effectively ban obese people in their stores by only stocking clothes-sizes for slender types, for example). Imagine being allowed to hire anyone based on IQ tests alone.

I find this interesting because much of what you imagined is already applicable to America. The reason many of us are fanatic about freedom is because we're vanguard for what could become something close to a functional individualist anarchy. Tribalism will always exist, and thereby geographically dominant institutionalized hierarchies, but a great many of us are relatively free. Makes it easy to see how many problems are caused by governments.

Dear God, I find myself actually sympathetic to Trump after loathing him. I found out that Jon Stewart attacked him recently, which is kind of an endorsement in and of itself.

This, this is what I'm saying. The puppet masters are never in complete control, and Trump is a living example of a man who's mastered the game.

He's causing a massive panic in their ranks without breaking a sweat. He's like Ron Paul or Ross Perot, but with the potential to win.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: TylerDurden on July 26, 2015, 05:24:25 pm

I find this interesting because much of what you imagined is already applicable to America. The reason many of us are fanatic about freedom is because we're vanguard for what could become something close to a functional individualist anarchy. Tribalism will always exist, and thereby geographically dominant institutionalized hierarchies, but a great many of us are relatively free. Makes it easy to see how many problems are caused by governments.
  Well, the US has many freedoms not found in many other countries. On the other hand, other countries have a number of  freedoms that the US does not have. I will admit that the US has an edge, as regards freedom of the individual, though.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA - Hillary, Obama, et al scared.
Post by: goodsamaritan on July 26, 2015, 09:43:38 pm
All the logical reasons why Trump is being attacked and should be elected. (

Why Obama and Hillary must stop Donald Trump at all costs (

Published on Jul 8, 2015For once, the powerful socialist cabal and the corrupt crony capitalists are scared. I’ve never seen them this outraged... this vicious... this motivated... this coordinated. NEVER in all my years in politics, have I seen anything like the way the mad dogs of hell have been unleashed on Donald Trump.

Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: TylerDurden on July 26, 2015, 11:44:18 pm
What is your political system like in the Phillipines, out of curiosity?  And who/which party  do you support, if any?
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: eveheart on July 27, 2015, 02:04:58 am
Large countries can work, just look at China or India.

Good comparison, illustrates the exact point I was making. Large countries have a range of problems based on their size alone. Some problems are simply more visible in a large country. Poverty is one such example: a few beggars in a small country turns into teeming slums in a large country. Other problems arise because diverse needs and customs prevent consensus throughout the country.

I am saying that the U.S. works! This is what working looks like: not like Utopia, more like Reality.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: laterade on July 27, 2015, 04:05:41 am
Why Obama and Hillary must stop Donald Trump at all costs

...I found out that Jon Stewart attacked him recently,  which is kind of an endorsement in and of itself.

This, this is what I'm saying. The puppet masters are never in complete control, and Trump is a living example of a man who's mastered the game.

He's causing a massive panic in their ranks without breaking a sweat. He's like Ron Paul or Ross Perot, but with the potential to win.

Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: cherimoya_kid on July 27, 2015, 04:33:31 am
Yes, using all capitals really convinces people.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: laterade on July 27, 2015, 05:07:18 am
Yes, using all capitals really convinces people.

I've made plenty of points and you've done nothing but exude passive aggressive butthurt and denial. Go back to reddit, filthy pleb.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: cherimoya_kid on July 27, 2015, 06:11:52 am
I've made plenty of points and you've done nothing but exude passive aggressive butthurt and denial. Go back to reddit, filthy pleb.

if anyone needs to go away, it wouldn't be me. I've been a raw foodist for 15 years, and a moderator here for 6. LOL
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: laterade on July 27, 2015, 06:18:24 am
if anyone needs to go away, it wouldn't be me. I've been a raw foodist for 15 years, and a moderator here for 6. LOL

That's great, buddy. You act like a fatherless 14 year old. This isn't about raw food. This is about politics and social institutions.

You've served no purpose in this thread other than as an example of all the butthurt Trump's campaign is causing.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: cherimoya_kid on July 27, 2015, 06:27:57 am
Whatever. I'm not going to engage in a war of personal insults. Check me back when you have something to say on the subject of nutrition. You know why I use the word nutrition? Because that's what this forum is about.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: laterade on July 27, 2015, 06:31:25 am
Whatever. I'm not going to engage in a war of personal insults. Check me back when you have something to say on the subject of nutrition. You know why I use the word nutrition? Because that's what this forum is about.

You're in the off-topic section. You've provided nothing but passive aggressive butthurt and denial. Don't pretend to take the high ground.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: cherimoya_kid on July 27, 2015, 07:20:12 am
Trump knows dick about governing. He's too egotistical to choose advisors that would cover the gaps in his knowledge, and his foreign policy experience is zero. His lack of preparation for this process is extreme, he speaks off the cuff constantly, and has nowhere near the credibility with other countries that he would need. He doesn't want the job, he just wants to prance around in the public eye for a while. He has no chance of winning, and the most he would accomplish is by splitting the conservative vote during the General election by running as a third-party candidate. Which would be good if it put Bernie Sanders in office, and probably useless if it puts Hillary in. That woman is bought and paid for.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: laterade on July 27, 2015, 07:35:41 am
We've already been through this. Trump is a natural born leader and successful businessman. Sanders is a career politician, and not a good one.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: cherimoya_kid on July 27, 2015, 08:28:46 am
Trump has been bankrupt 4 times in the last 25 years. How is that being a good businessman?  He'd be poor if not for our pro-rich-people bankruptcy laws. That's not good business. That's just scamming suckers, and unlike you, I'm not a sucker.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: dariorpl on July 27, 2015, 08:33:52 am
We've already been through this. Trump is a natural born leader and successful businessman. Sanders is a career politician, and not a good one.

The correct interpretation is that Donald Trump is representing Donald Trump.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: laterade on July 27, 2015, 08:51:59 am
Trump has never been bankrupt, quit spreading lies. He used Chapter 11 bankruptcy as any intelligent business person would.

Apparently you know nothing about how business works in the real world, but that's no surprise since you're supporting a career politician who is running on a platform of handouts. Trump's expertise in business far outweighs what could be brought to the table by any career politician.

He's worth more than 10 billion dollars, stop pretending that you know more about business than he does.

The correct interpretation is that Donald Trump is representing Donald Trump.

This is far better than the alternatives, and his opinions resonate massively.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: sabertooth on July 27, 2015, 09:34:39 am

This is far better than the alternatives, and his opinions resonate massively.

He is putting himself out there as the only one in the race who is competent enough oversee trade deals on the behalf of the American people. Most other politicians don't even read the trade deals and bailouts they are told to sign off on. If it is true that the world is now being run by corporations, then we may be better lead by someone who is more geared to brokering fair business deals, than the totally fiscally ignorant political puppet class. Trumps direct experience of failures and successes in the business world would be a huge asset to a nation which is facing the prospect of bankruptcy itself.

Imagine if someone like Trump would be able to turn his business experience toward the creation of a new deal in infrastructure projects that would rebuild and revitalize main street America. Boarder fences, hospitals, complete reforms of the bureaucracy of megalithic waste that comes with no bid government contracts and croneyism . He is someone who could go directly to the people and tell us when we are being ripped off.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: cherimoya_kid on July 27, 2015, 09:53:05 am
Trump has never been bankrupt, quit spreading lies. He used Chapter 11 bankruptcy as any intelligent business person would.

Apparently you know nothing about how business works in the real world, but that's no surprise since you're supporting a career politician who is running on a platform of handouts. Trump's expertise in business far outweighs what could be brought to the table by any career politician.

He's worth more than 10 billion dollars, stop pretending that you know more about business than he does.

This is far better than the alternatives, and his opinions resonate massively.

4 bankruptcies in 25 years is not a good businessman.  That's a person who takes bad risks and makes other people pay for his mistakes. I'm going to start deleting your political posts if you can't stop insulting people and trolling. You know you're out of line. Don't force me to reign you in, please.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA - The Manning Report
Post by: goodsamaritan on July 27, 2015, 09:59:34 am (

The World Fears Trump Presidency (

(This speaker says Donald Trump will open up an investigation on Obama's birth certificate and convict everyone involved.  2 ways "they" can prevent a Donald Trump presidency... just listen to it.)
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: cherimoya_kid on July 27, 2015, 10:38:08 am
The world fears a Trump presidency because he's a fucking nut. We need change, not a howling void of Trump's ego.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: goodsamaritan on July 27, 2015, 10:39:23 am
The world fears a Trump presidency because he's a fucking nut. We need change, not a howling void of Trump's ego.

Who do you think is best for 2016, CK?
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: sabertooth on July 27, 2015, 10:55:26 am
Tell it on the mountain,

Its absurd how the farcical parade of presidential pretenders has been able to go on unchallenged in the many years since Kennedy was taken out. Pirates have taken the White House! Skull & Bones Pirates out right stole the strong hold of the republic, inserting their own agents into the highest office,and are using the power entrusted by the American People for nefarious purposes, while the people get to chose between preselected stooges who serve only as a figurehead for the power behind the throne.

The people are seeking a real champion, a legitimate chieftain, that's why this particular debate is so popular.... now that more and more people are being connected through the Web the whole world will be watching, and Trump will be able to rival the mainstream propaganda with a Bully Pulpit, the likes of which has not been seen since Huey Long. (
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: cherimoya_kid on July 27, 2015, 11:29:18 am
Who do you think is best for 2016, CK?

Bernie Sanders. Hillary is already sold to the big banks, etc..just like Obama. We could probably limp along for 4 or 8 years with her, but Bernie is a lot closer to being an actual decent person.
Title: Re: Donald Trump vs Bernie Sanders for President of the USA - whatcha think?
Post by: goodsamaritan on July 27, 2015, 11:58:07 am
Could be interesting to have Bernie Sanders represent the Democrats vs Donald Trump representing the Republicans.

Better than what the powers that be want right now: Hillary Clinton vs Jeb Bush (which continues the dynasty either way, 2 sides of the same coin) ( (
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: laterade on July 27, 2015, 01:04:10 pm
4 bankruptcies in 25 years is not a good businessman.  That's a person who takes bad risks and makes other people pay for his mistakes. I'm going to start deleting your political posts if you can't stop insulting people and trolling. You know you're out of line. Don't force me to reign you in, please.

4 out of how many businesses he's started is hardly significant, and he did what any successful businessman would do.

Mostly what you've done in this thread is fling ad hominem insults at Donald Trump. Seems more like you're upset because you have no substance in this debate. The passive aggressive posts coupled with your pretended moral high ground and threats to silence me with your mod power only validate this.

(This speaker says Donald Trump will open up an investigation on Obama's birth certificate and convict everyone involved.  2 ways "they" can prevent a Donald Trump presidency... just listen to it.)

Let's all take a moment to remember that Hillary Clinton started the birther movement.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: laterade on July 27, 2015, 01:08:17 pm
Here's the video of Trump's speech in Iowa. (

Remember how he asked the veterans to file their complaints about the Veterans Administration?

In this speech he shows off a stack of hundreds of documents they received in the first day.

Trump also rips into Scott Walker and Jeb Bush for supporting Common Core.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: TylerDurden on July 27, 2015, 03:27:56 pm
I suggest people ask trump basic questions to see if he has even a clue. Many US candidates have not the slightest clue where Iraq or Iran are on the map, and yet go on paranoidally about the so-called "need" to bomb Iran etc.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: Projectile Vomit on July 27, 2015, 09:54:06 pm
In pretty much all of the other forums I participate in, political and religious discussions are prohibited. The reason is that they're always divisive, lead to bitter discussions and distract people from the real focus of the forums. It seems to me that politics has done that here too. The vast majority of posts on this forum these days are political in nature, or religious, or homophobic, or racist, etc. Folks hardly even talk about raw paleo nutrition anymore...
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: cherimoya_kid on July 27, 2015, 10:06:42 pm
Good points, Eric.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: laterade on July 27, 2015, 10:32:50 pm
In pretty much all of the other forums I participate in, political and religious discussions are prohibited. The reason is that they're always divisive, lead to bitter discussions and distract people from the real focus of the forums. It seems to me that politics has done that here too. The vast majority of posts on this forum these days are political in nature, or religious, or homophobic, or racist, etc. Folks hardly even talk about raw paleo nutrition anymore...

Again, we're in the off-topic section. It seems more like you have a personal problem with religion, politics, homophobia, or racism. All four of those subjects are important realities regardless of how tense they are, and there are those of us who are comfortable taking on these issues. Start a thread on nutrition, browse old threads, make posts, start some discussion elsewhere and I'm sure there are people who would join you.

I suggest people ask trump basic questions to see if he has even a clue. Many US candidates have not the slightest clue where Iraq or Iran are on the map, and yet go on paranoidally about the so-called "need" to bomb Iran etc.

I'm curious what you'd ask. It's harsh and probably unnecessary, but when people in Iran are screaming "Death to America" it's hardly paranoia.

If you'd like to learn more about him and his perspective I'd encourage you to read The Art of the Deal or listen in the link. (

Chapter one starts at 10:05
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: TylerDurden on July 27, 2015, 10:59:13 pm
I was pointing out that it was laughable  for a politician to scream rabidly  about nuking Iran when they do not even have a clue where it is on a map, or even have a clue about its history, recent or otherwise. As far as starting wars is concerned, Iran has not done so for a very long time historically, whereas the US and Israel have done so repeatedly in the last 60+ years, so there is no rational reason for being Iran-phobic.

As regards politics/religion, I have been on other forums where politics and religion forums have been omnipresent. Admittedly, most such forums tended to be boring, tedious ones where virtually all members were of the same political mindset. In the case of  RVAF diet forums, you cannot simply wipe out all political discussions. For example, the raw dairy movement is big in the US and to a lesser extent elsewhere, with RVAF forums often  indulging in petitions to US State Governors etc. over the issue. There have been other attempts to wipe out healthy  food sources by governments. For example, Argentina's  past Socialist governments have almost wiped out the formerly thriving grassfed meat industry  in that country, and that is just one among many such cases. I pity any Venezuelan RVAFers at this moment etc.

Religion is a lesser issue, here. However, I think it is reasonable to include it. For example,  someone might state that they are a Buddhist or whatever and ask how they can fit their religious dietary doctrine within  RVAF diet guidelines.

We probably have been discussing non-dietary stuff more than before. Unsurprising, in a way, since most RVAF diet topics have already been covered so that many people just have to search rawpaleoforum in order to find the thread with the right dietary information in it  they need. As regards laws, those are best for totalitarian societies. I believe in a genuine diversity of opinions. I would not personally even mind conversing with a Muslim RVAF diet follower  who was a supporter of IS, if such existed.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: sabertooth on July 27, 2015, 10:59:33 pm
I see the formation of world governance under secretive global political organizations as a paramount threat to the food sovereignty of paleos all over the world. Though there may be no direct way the political banter exchanged in a nutritional forum to effect change upon out of control governmental systems and corporations that are working to control every aspect of human life, through a global political debate among paleo dieters.... those who participate can come to certain realizations which would benefit the wider community of people who have vested interest in maintaining their sovereignty and freedom.

There is something inherently Paleo about members of a tribe discussing politics, and when a general consensus is reached that the current chieftains are inept and the hierarchy no longer serves the health and well being of the tribes people, then there is a calling among the ranks to challenge authority. Now we can debate how effective our efforts could possibly be, as members of a back water cyber tribe, to effect change on the grand stage which seems outside of our direct influence, nevertheless here we are, the descendants of monkeys, who after taking over the earth, were not satisfied, and now continue the conquest of our own collective minds through the jungle of the electronic media matrix.

Its our nature to fall into such pathological debates, many of us have become hopeless contrarians, likely due to overbearing sociological conditioning put upon us by impersonal forces outside of human control. Most of us here are capable of understanding that there is likely no hope of our Paleo Ideals reaching the mainstream and all of us would be better to spend our energy becoming our own sovereign, drop off the grid, and go tribal, instead of hoping for political change.

It seems many of us are hopelessly hooked upon the notion that we need to participate in the development of a greater humanity. Which is not a bad thing.... its only that the avenues for our participation have been so limited by the archaic established structure....that many may feel like there is no legitimate recourse, except to howl madly into the digital darkness
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: goodsamaritan on July 28, 2015, 12:07:30 am
i can see from the responses in this thread that the democrat leaning choose Bernie Sanders.

The republican leaning choose Donald Trump.

Maybe someone needs to start a Bernie Sanders thread.

I dont read anyone here pushing Hillary Clinton or Jeb Bush.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA - has Jewish Allies
Post by: goodsamaritan on July 29, 2015, 07:51:07 am (

Trump’s Got A Trump Card
July 27, 2015

So both Donald Trump's daughter and son married into Jewish rich families. And Trump says he admires Netanyahu.  Maybe trump does have a shot.  Watch the video.

( ( (
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: cherimoya_kid on July 29, 2015, 10:53:12 am
Netanyahu doesn't vote in the U.S.. And there are only a few million Jews in the U.S., anyway. Being pro-Israel and/or pro-Jew is not anything special among presidential candidates.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: TylerDurden on July 29, 2015, 11:10:40 am
Netanyahu doesn't vote in the U.S.. And there are only a few million Jews in the U.S., anyway. Being pro-Israel and/or pro-Jew is not anything special among presidential candidates.
RP was practically the only candidate in the past who was not pro-Israel and he failed completely as a direct result. GS does have a point.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: goodsamaritan on July 29, 2015, 11:32:31 am
Netanyahu doesn't vote in the U.S.. And there are only a few million Jews in the U.S., anyway. Being pro-Israel and/or pro-Jew is not anything special among presidential candidates.

Jews own most of the US media.  And the all important banking industry.  The most powerful lobby groups in the USA are Jewish.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: sabertooth on July 29, 2015, 11:51:03 am
Its not necessarily the Jews as much as it is the Zionist power elite that dominate the worlds media and financial institutions.... Trump knows this and is attempting to make alliances....Which is BWT a very wise move...

Look at Joe Biden sucking up, its kind of pathetic, but thats politics, and it looks like trump is learning the Game rather quickly. (
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: cherimoya_kid on July 29, 2015, 11:53:23 am
RP was practically the only candidate in the past who was not pro-Israel and he failed completely as a direct result. GS does have a point.

Ron Paul failed for many reasons. Being anti-Israel is only one of them. Being anti-military is another. But he's far too much of a racist to ever be a viable candidate or a great President, anyway. There's some deeply, deeply disturbing racist stuff in his newsletter a few years ago. Stuff that even most Republicans would be disturbed by.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: cherimoya_kid on July 29, 2015, 11:58:30 am
Jews own most of the US media.  And the all important banking industry.  The most powerful lobby groups in the USA are Jewish.

The Jews don't run the world. In fact, the richest and most powerful Jews are not especially religious at all. There's no conspiracy. You're embarrassing with all this ignorant bigoted nonsense. Please stop. At least let me keep believing that I'm not associated with the kind of people that believe this stuff.

I don't think I can take much more. I think I'm going to at least resign as moderator if this keeps up, and maybe just stop posting. This is the kind of stuff the Germans were saying while the Nazis were cracking down on the Jews, etc..
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: cherimoya_kid on July 29, 2015, 12:01:19 pm
You want a REAL conspiracy? Try MK-ULTRA, or the military-industrial complex's  deliberate worsening of the Cold War. That shit is public record, and indisputable. Stop embarrassing me.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: cherimoya_kid on July 29, 2015, 12:01:54 pm
Stop embarrassing me.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: sabertooth on July 29, 2015, 12:34:55 pm
We are all victims of lies perpetrated by those who control our history. There are many uncomfortable truths that Americans are not taught, and so many of us as a result have a skewed sense of world events.

The Zionist Banking elite work with the American Military Industrial complex to covertly instigate and fund virtually every major conflict for the Past 100 years. American wealth robbed from the people and was given to Hitler during the great depression by the same entities which Killed kennedy and orchestrated 911.

To this day no one, not even Ron Paul ever dared to stand on the floor of congress and decry the government for its complicacy in crimes against humanity... sure they pussyfoot around the issue, but there is no one of the political world stage that represents the kind of truth that I hunger for. "so we keep waiting on the world to change" (
I just watched this recently and it is the motherload of all conspiracy documentaries, a lot of information which was new to me... Such as the Kennedy corpse surgical augmentation...some very sick shit!...... I agree with conclusion at the very end...Which is that there is an intrinsic part of the American persona, along with the subjects of other empires throughout history, which is criminal to the core, and most people on some level is complete with the atrocities that have been perpetrated by the power behind the thrown and allow themselves to be willfully ignorant, in exchange for bread and circuses.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: TylerDurden on July 29, 2015, 12:43:28 pm
Ron Paul failed for many reasons. Being anti-Israel is only one of them. Being anti-military is another. But he's far too much of a racist to ever be a viable candidate or a great President, anyway. There's some deeply, deeply disturbing racist stuff in his newsletter a few years ago. Stuff that even most Republicans would be disturbed by.
That is absolutely untrue. RP already pointed out that that stuff was spouted by someone else, not him. Besides, what I really  like about him is that he promotes ideas that, amusingly, ultimately benefit almost everyone, whether they be white or black or whatever. More to the point, RP states things that are sane. Contrast this with the rabid, warmongering responses made by other Republican candidates in previous elections about bombing Iran, just in order to get backing from the Jewish Lobby.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: TylerDurden on July 29, 2015, 12:55:11 pm
The Jews don't run the world. In fact, the richest and most powerful Jews are not especially religious at all.
GS was not actually stating that Jews run the world. Also, the 2nd sentence  is a bit odd  and somewhat  irrelevant, rather. What on earth  has religion got do with the Jewish people? Most Jews, these days,  are not even religious. Besides, Halakhic law states that someone is a Jew if they have a Jewish mother and the Israeli State even allows one to become a citizen there if one has just one Jewish grandparent, so, clearly, being Jewish is an ethnic issue not a religious one.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: goodsamaritan on July 29, 2015, 01:10:25 pm
No need to be hot headed, CK.

This is just a pool of ideas and discoveries, not a pissing contest.

Trump is an interesting character and now more so that he does have Jewish connections via the marriages of his 2 children.  Smart guy.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: Alive on July 29, 2015, 03:24:19 pm
I agree to some extent to Erics observation that non-RP topics are crowding out the RP stuff, but at the same time I like having global contacts to share ideas on these other matters. The main issue I have is that coming to this site occasionally I might not see any RP comments if they have been pushed further down the queue by newer off topic things.

If there were a way to have separate lists for RP & off topic comments that would help. Or some way to keep important RP topics visible for longer. For example only have RP topics listed on the home page and go to a another page to view off topic comments.

Its also interesting to see the discomfort between those awake to the conspiracy truths that have formed our modern world, and those that still believe the public relations / propaganda as we are meant to. My position as a lifelong truth seeker is that the more I look the more I can find many things have been very carefully arranged for specific reasons, while being given a different cover story for mass consumption through main stream media.

However paradoxically in many ways I can see that those that are blind to these facts, and who believe in the story we have been given, are in some ways better off, as it can be rather stressful to be more aware of some of what has been going on!
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: sabertooth on July 30, 2015, 03:56:16 am
This particular thread is helping me cultivate a perspective on the subject.

I'm beginning to see the Trump for what he truly is and represents.....Its obvious that the old Bush Dynasty, {which has held considerable power since CIA chief George the 1st was involved in taking out JFK}, is Dieing and once the old man is gone the power elite will not want to have anything to do with his idiot sons. Trump could be seriously courting the ruling elite, and putting himself out there as a Man who can wheel and deal with the Best of them... Using the bully pulpit of the presidency to make much needed minor reforms, which would keep the system from falling into revolution, while at the same time he would work in secrete to preserve the majority of the power and wealth of the world elite.

He will pretend to be some macho Teddy Roosevelt type who will be able to get different factions together and force the Robber Barons to make concessions to the people...and perhaps this wouldn't be a bad thing, as long as these deals that are made are transparent, and that when the people are being cheated Trump would go directly to the people the way Teddy did in his trust busting hayday.

Aristocracy has always had moments of tumult as one dynasty dies and gives way to a new upstart....It is my opinion that trump is trying to position himself within the aristocracy as a person whom the 1% can deal with, while at the same time being able to make necessary reforms which will placate the public and maintain the status quo. 

It should be obvious to everyone what trump is doing... He is telling the Pentagon that he will maintain military spending, He is telling the Jews that he will allow them to continue to control the Media, He is letting the elite of the world know that he is someone whom they can do business with. The platform of reforms which he is suggesting is merely a side show which panders to the ignorance of the public, while at the same time is showing the elite that he could be a useful tool.

The old Guard which played the figureheads, the Bush Family, the Clintons, CIA puppets like Obama along with all the lesser minions of the Empire have lost all respect from the people. The time is ripe for someone like trump to come in and cut down the old Puppets, while at the same time not really going to far, as to indite and investigate the Power behind their Treasonous acts.

Another Red herring which points to Trump being courted by the elite, is the Prime time Mainstream coverage he is receiving. Ron Paul would never be allowed that kind of publicity, and yet trump is all over the networks, so we can only assume that the powers that be want his message to get out to the people and are in some way supporting him.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: goodsamaritan on July 30, 2015, 06:05:53 am
This particular thread is helping me cultivate a perspective on the subject.

I'm beginning to see the Trump for what he truly is and represents.....Its obvious that the old Bush Dynasty, {which has held considerable power since CIA chief George the 1st was involved in taking out JFK}, is Dieing and once the old man is gone the power elite will not want to have anything to do with his idiot sons. Trump could be seriously courting the ruling elite, and putting himself out there as a Man who can wheel and deal with the Best of them... Using the bully pulpit of the presidency to make much needed minor reforms, which would keep the system from falling into revolution, while at the same time he would work in secrete to preserve the majority of the power and wealth of the world elite.

He will pretend to be some macho Teddy Roosevelt type who will be able to get different factions together and force the Robber Barons to make concessions to the people...and perhaps this wouldn't be a bad thing, as long as these deals that are made are transparent, and that when the people are being cheated Trump would go directly to the people the way Teddy did in his trust busting hayday.

Aristocracy has always had moments of tumult as one dynasty dies and gives way to a new upstart....It is my opinion that trump is trying to position himself within the aristocracy as a person whom the 1% can deal with, while at the same time being able to make necessary reforms which will placate the public and maintain the status quo. 

It should be obvious to everyone what trump is doing... He is telling the Pentagon that he will maintain military spending, He is telling the Jews that he will allow them to continue to control the Media, He is letting the elite of the world know that he is someone whom they can do business with. The platform of reforms which he is suggesting is merely a side show which panders to the ignorance of the public, while at the same time is showing the elite that he could be a useful tool.

The old Guard which played the figureheads, the Bush Family, the Clintons, CIA puppets like Obama along with all the lesser minions of the Empire have lost all respect from the people. The time is ripe for someone like trump to come in and cut down the old Puppets, while at the same time not really going to far, as to indite and investigate the Power behind their Treasonous acts.

Another Red herring which points to Trump being courted by the elite, is the Prime time Mainstream coverage he is receiving. Ron Paul would never be allowed that kind of publicity, and yet trump is all over the networks, so we can only assume that the powers that be want his message to get out to the people and are in some way supporting him.

Wow! You summarized the Trump enigma! Thank you!

The media strategy against Ron Paul was ignore... do not mention... and this is why TPTB will not give his son Rand Paul the nomination for this 2016.
Title: Re: Donald Trump Teases a President Bid During a 1988 Oprah Show
Post by: goodsamaritan on August 01, 2015, 08:47:21 am (

Donald Trump Teases a President Bid During a 1988 Oprah Show (

Trump has been consistent since 1988.
Which shows he is his own man.
Definitely not a puppet.

He said that he would only run if the country's state has gotten so bad.
And that if he ran, he would run to WIN.
So guys and gals, this is it. 2016 is it for him.

This supports Sabertooth's summary above.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: cherimoya_kid on August 01, 2015, 12:49:22 pm
And the heck of it is that not ONE of you will feel stupid when you're proven wrong about Trump. I feel like I'm dealing with a bunch of unruly children. You have no sense of shame over your mistakes in judgment, or no caution in taking up an extreme cause, or both.

Just because the best diet is bizarre/extreme by American standards doesn't automatically mean the best presidential candidate is extreme or bizarre. But subtlety is lost on many of you. LOL
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: sabertooth on August 01, 2015, 11:10:06 pm
You are entitled to feel that way, I personally dont have a dog in the pony show...I am mostly just attempting to shine a light upon what I see as a very dark and obscure situation.

I am far more extreme in my own personal views than any of the candidates, and like many others here, feel like the seat of power which is the presidency would never be given to a soft headed, populist pandering, fool like Bernie Sanders...That is a brutal fact that people who still think this is a debate on democracy must face.... WE are in oligarchic times and like it or not the person who gets into power in 2016 must be pre approved by the elite.

There is no right or wrong here, the situations far to complex for such over simplification, and I am merely musing on the possible potential for Trump to be a transformative figure, which may be able to better help us all transition into the post presidential era, which is coming soon.

So much of what I have been discussing the last few years in these backwater forums is now breaking to the forefront of the new zeitgeist, and I cant help but feeling that by engaging in these debates, no matter how small or obscure the audience, we can have ripple effects which can transform our world.

This isn't exactly connected to the topic, but the spirit of this new world of the freely networking humans and our ability to transform systems spontaneously is something I think is relevant. (

Hopefully we can all transition past the ego centered capitalistic worldview and one day the role of the president will become obsolete!
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: laterade on August 02, 2015, 11:34:14 am
And the heck of it is that not ONE of you will feel stupid when you're proven wrong about Trump. I feel like I'm dealing with a bunch of unruly children. You have no sense of shame over your mistakes in judgment, or no caution in taking up an extreme cause, or both.

You haven't proven anybody wrong. You've only proven that you have a twisted, incompetent, and unhealthy superiority complex; like most liberals.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: cherimoya_kid on August 02, 2015, 12:08:37 pm
Whatever.  This nonsense is making the forum look idiotic.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: TylerDurden on August 02, 2015, 03:47:37 pm
Whatever.  This nonsense is making the forum look idiotic.
Perhaps  make a thread supporting the Democratic party candidate you like or whatever.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: goodsamaritan on August 02, 2015, 08:28:42 pm
Come on guys.  No need to be emotional about this topic.
It's not as if we have any real sway on how the presidential election will turn out.
I just posted about Trump because he added some spice / wild card to an otherwise boring Hillary Clinton vs Jeb Bush arranged match.

Maybe I should lock this thread so everyone calms down?

Perhaps  make a thread supporting the Democratic party candidate you like or whatever.

There is a Bernie Sanders thread.
Maybe we can turn our attention there next.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: eveheart on August 03, 2015, 12:30:43 am
It's not as if we have any real sway on how the presidential election will turn out.

Now that you mention it, those of us who are voting US citizens do have a real sway on how the presidential elections will turn out. I realize that you prefer to think that the so-called powers that be run the US and the world, but I see the role of TPTB as unelected regulators that prevent our economic system from collapsing - a tricky business that allows no wiggle room. Day-to-day American life is very predictable and placid, even considering all our shortcomings.

Trump is not a predictable, placid candidate. He claims to be accountable to nobody. He fits the profile of Robber Baron, not President of the United States.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: TylerDurden on August 03, 2015, 01:00:09 am
US voters do not have any say at all. Vote-rigging has been a regular phenomenon in the US since its inception. More recently, Ron Paul was prevented from becoming elected due to vote-rigging.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: eveheart on August 03, 2015, 01:19:19 am
US voters do not have any say at all. Vote-rigging has been a regular phenomenon in the US since its inception. More recently, Ron Paul was prevented from becoming elected due to vote-rigging.

Yeahright. It's all one, big, fat conspiracy.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: goodsamaritan on August 03, 2015, 01:47:54 am
US voters do not have any say at all. Vote-rigging has been a regular phenomenon in the US since its inception. More recently, Ron Paul was prevented from becoming elected due to vote-rigging.

Eve, in support of Tyler, I saw the whole thing myself. I followed the Ron Paul run up 2012 intently. It was amusing and educational. 
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: TylerDurden on August 03, 2015, 03:51:16 am
Yeahright. It's all one, big, fat conspiracy.
No conspiracy at all, there was ample coverage of how Ron Paul was cheated in 2012. Besides, it is laughable to pretend that US politics is 100% clean, as vote-rigging has been around in the US for centuries. I mean, there are countless  history books on the  whole subject, not to mention recent ones on recent US electoral fraud.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: eveheart on August 03, 2015, 03:51:57 am
You saw what whole thing yourself? Rigged US voting since the 1780s?

I won't deny that we have quirky political parties and an equally quirky electoral college, but that's a far cry from declaring our whole voting system as invalid. I'll admit that the US does not measure up to perfectionist standards, but that's a problem with perfectionism, not a problem with the US.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: TylerDurden on August 03, 2015, 04:09:06 am
I was not talking about perfection but pointing out that political corruption and especially vote-rigging have been an essential, endemic part of US politics since before the War of Independence. Here is some data on this:- ( (

I am not suggesting that other democracies are any better(with the possible clear exception of Switzerland), but the difference is that US political corruption has always been very blatant.

Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: sabertooth on August 03, 2015, 11:13:51 am
The amount of fraud within our current system of staged democratic elections seems inconceivable to the average voter

I don't think most people who vote in America understand that we are not a Democracy, We were originally set up as a republic, then morphed into a unique form of imperial oligarchy. Historically speaking democracies do not work on the scale of empire, and though some democratic principles are still a part of the system, democracy is not the foundation of our nation

Switzerlands democracy works because its a small country that has carved out a niche by being the best money lenders in the world....They grew rich by funding the likes of Hitlers war machine and laundering drug money,while being able play neutral and look like angels on the world stage....Bravo you criminal masterminds at the Swiss Banks! All joking cynicism aside I will admit that the swiss seem to be better at distributing their wealth than other places and so do not have a huge undercurrent of disparity which in turn builds resentment and mistrust toward the government, such as what we see in America.

As for the rest of the west the democracy ideal isn't working out very well.... Historically democracy only worked well in small city states and never had lasted very long in its purest form.

Republics on the other hand,( a representative democracy) such as Rome were about the only way to establish a more permanent and less fragile form of self governance.

The modern constitutional republics, have evolved out of a frontier world where empires covered great distance and the average person was simply not informed enough to make intelligent decisions regarding the conduct of the imperial government, nor did the peasants in the fields have the capacity to know what was going on outside of their local provence.

It often happened that the representatives of republics would become so disconnected from their people and soo corrupt that they no longer functioned as a republic, and fell to the oligarchs who often would install puppet emperors. History has repeated itself, and we may be witnessing the dying of the republic. We are definitely all witness to something big going on right now in "The Trump Show", which is what Hillarys media minions are calling the republican debate, while snidely commenting on how its just a matter of time before Trump is going to fail.

There are going to be shenanigans galore befor this race is over, and hopefully all the absurdity will make the public more aware about how real issues are not being addressed in the political process and if we want to effect change in this world it must be done outside the rigged democracy

I am hopeful that there is now a great opportunity for us to not have to fall into the empire trap. The open source Information singularity is reaching critical mass, and it will empower the masses to reach escape velocity and catapult us beyond the limitations of the old paradme of power, money, and control that required a presidential authority to oversee.

The proverbial peasants can now see the emperor has no clothing, and we are now capable joining together in ways that are still not fully clear....but the transformation is occurring....even if its only in the collective imagination of the free world connected to an underworld of networks, and inspired by the virtual visionaries.

Out of these networks there is a possibility of a return to true democracy, where the forum for public debate will encompass the whole world of ideas and the people will be free to work together outside the confines of controlled media, or power politics, to form a consensus world view that is much more in tune with our communal, tribal nature.

Thats where our own personal role in participating in a TRUE DEMOCRACY is to be found.... we can work in collaboration to bring about a Federation of Free Minds which are outside the control of the Machine apparatus. Though this may seem Grandiose, and could in fact be a delusion, as is much of what human imaginings consist of... I have this feeling that my own personal calling is to be a kind of ambassador to mother earth on a diplomatic mission, on behalf of the spirit and unity of life, to envision a truce with the "Machine". To find some common ground, a middle path of equanimity that will hold together a humanity, which is being pulled apart in the way the biological imperatives of "Gaia", are at odds with the socioeconomic impositions of "Mammon".

Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: eveheart on August 03, 2015, 11:55:48 am
... Thats where our own personal role in participating in a TRUE DEMOCRACY is to be found.... we can work in collaboration to bring about a Federation of Free Minds which are outside the control of the Machine apparatus. Though this may seem Grandiose, and could in fact be a delusion, as is much of what human imaginings consist of... I have this feeling that my own personal calling is to be a kind of ambassador to mother earth on a diplomatic mission, on behalf of the spirit and unity of life, to envision a truce with the "Machine". To find some common ground, a middle path of equanimity that will hold together a humanity, which is being pulled apart in the way the biological imperatives of "Gaia", are at odds with the socioeconomic impositions of "Mammon".

You forgot to figure in human nature, sabertooth. The corruption springs from human nature, not from the poor design of our government. Even pure-minded endeavors can turn to crap to some degree or another. Then evil-minded endeavors put on "white hats" until nobody can tell who's the good guy and who's the bad guy.

I prefer to think, "There are no good guys and no bad guys. They're all just... guys!
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: sabertooth on August 03, 2015, 01:53:23 pm
No I haven't forgotten..... I am fully aware of Human nature, though I do not feel like corruption springs from some inherent quality of human kind . Corruption which is a desire for inequitable distribution of power by some individuals within a group over others, and is something that arises within the structural hierarchy of all primates, but how it manifest is totally dependant upon environmental conditionalities. These societal imbalances would resolve themselves in accordance to natural law, but with Human law the structure is held by forces outside of those which seek to maintain equilibrium. This is something I referred to as Mammon.

Perhaps the construct of Mammon is Part of the order of human nature, and it has been a tool used to forge this great technological apparatus. Even so there comes a time when the caterpillar must break out of its cocoon and take to the air, as humanity must rise above the level of monkey mind and transcend the corruptive control of ego.

I am being somewhat willfully Naive in my optimistic view that perhaps when there is full transparency and a level playing field for all of humanity to participate, that the tendency toward corruption will give way to cooperation. What is needed is to bring our attention to All that was used in the past to divide, devoid, conquer and corrupt our better nature. We have been set against each and conditioned to tare down and ridicule each other for straying outside of conventional conditioning. The social controls which was once mediated within individuals of a small group are now under the direction of forces beyond any individual to fathom, let alone try to control. As fragmented individuals, living in the shadows of, icons and titans, we may feel powerless, but if could relearn the lessons that our distant ancestors learned about cooperation, and join together our collective mental efforts to overcome all obstacles natural or man made, then anything is possible, even the total reconstruction of what we thought we new to be human nature.

This takes faith of the greatest magnitude, to believe that when the time comes something which resides within the core of every human being on the planet will begin to awaken and adapt itself to whatever may be. Its happening in the present as it has happened through evolution, only now the power of our minds is attempting to take control over what was once ruled by natural law.

Good and evil are just value judgments, which have little value when it comes to understanding our true nature. Ultimately who are we to think we rule the world, this monkey mind of mankind, has a wild imagination.

Some like myself chose to put on the white hat, and espouse a doctrine of civility, though I know the beast liveth within.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: RogueFarmer on August 04, 2015, 04:02:45 pm
Though there is fraud in the political process, if you have enough votes you can still win because the can only commit so much fraud without being caught for it. My neighbor won chair of city council in Columbus despite being told after that they had destroyed countless ballots voting for him and continued to win two more times only giving up office when he resigned at the end of his last term. He was almost always the only dissenting vote on the council as the council was almost always unanimous... except for him lol.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: TylerDurden on August 04, 2015, 05:41:19 pm
I see that Trump's sons have both disgraced themselves:- (
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: laterade on August 05, 2015, 08:49:44 am
About voting fraud: something like 1.8 million dead people voted for Obama last election. (
These hunts are usually well planned to take out the dominant infertile elders so the younger fertile males can take over and continue breeding. There's no reason to believe they were poaching, they should be praised as environmentalists for protecting the survival of an endangered species.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: TylerDurden on August 05, 2015, 03:53:32 pm
About voting fraud: something like 1.8 million dead people voted for Obama last election.
These hunts are usually well planned to take out the dominant infertile elders so the younger fertile males can take over and continue breeding. There's no reason to believe they were poaching, they should be praised as environmentalists for protecting the survival of an endangered species.
It is always better to have wild animals eliminating excess numbers of certain species. Mankind only has to do this because it has wiped out so many predators  that normally balanced the ecosystem by preying on other species. In the UK, we have groups advocating the return of wildlife such as wolves as they are a far more useful, natural way to control the vast hordes of deer(which aren't even being culled in sufficient numbers by humans as guns are so prohibited in the UK for stupid reasons).

All that said,I suspect that only those wild animal species  which are kept as pets or as targets for trophy-hunters will survive the next millenia, if at all.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: goodsamaritan on August 05, 2015, 05:07:38 pm (

Donald Trump years ago... a truther! (

--------- (

Trump - I think we have to shutdown the govt. to defund Planned Parenthood! (

About voting fraud: something like 1.8 million dead people voted for Obama last election.

What I am seeing is that TPTB fix the selection of the final candidate for one party, then fix the selection of the final candidate for the 2nd party.

After that, TPTB do not care who wins because both candidates had been pre-selected by them.

So the real BATTLE / WAR is to be fought in these so called party primaries.

So if you Americans want to "win", you had best have your people's champions win at the party level for both parties.

In this 2016 election, I see TPTB want Clinton vs Bush.

But the people want Sanders vs Trump.

So I suggest you altruistic Democrats work to have Sanders win as the Democrat candidate.  And you Republicans work to get Trump as the Republican candidate.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: dariorpl on August 09, 2015, 11:08:46 pm
I went through the pain of enduring the 1st republican presidential debate (10 participants, didn't watch the other 7).

It seemed to me that the moderators were pretending to hate Trump by asking him hard questions, but at the same time giving him all the time and making the whole debate about him. From my experience watching these debates in 2011 when I was interested in the Ron Paul campaign, this is what the media does when they want to promote a candidate without looking like they're promoting him. It's what they did to Mitt Romney, and this time it was even more extreme.

After watching this, I'm considering changing my view. Maybe Trump can win after all.

As I said before in this thread, it would be very bad if he did, although not as bad as some of the others, and of course all the democrats are worse from what I've seen. Although then again, the economy is going to collapse either way, and maybe it'd be better if another democrat who is perceived as being Obama's continuation can be blamed for it, rather than a republican who at least on paper talks a bit about capitalism (and I think Trump is very much NOT in favor of capitalism)

One reason I'm not interested this time is that I don't see how any good outcomes can come out of this whole thing. In 2011 there was Ron Paul, who was the only politician I've ever supported ideologically. But his son Rand Paul is a total sellout and would likely do more to harm the liberty movement than what little he can do to help it. Either that, or he is a complete liar, and has the same views as his father, but is pretending to be just another moderate to appeal to the mainstream. Either way, it's not good.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA - Trump Dominates Post-Debate Polls
Post by: laterade on August 10, 2015, 12:57:47 am
Here's a mashup of poll results that took place after the first republican debate. Trump's lead continues to grow.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: sabertooth on August 10, 2015, 04:30:42 am
I think the question people should be asking is not if Trump can win or not, but rather who would he be representing if he did get elected.

I know this theory has been out there for some time...I still have the suspicion he could be a stooge of the Clinton Dynasty. Trumps money alliances run much closer to the wall street backed clinton gang which run the democratic leadership, than they do the Kock brother class of energy barron's which control the republican big wigs.

The clintons are about the most conniving couple of slick willy tricksters to ever grace the world stage of politics, and its totally possible they are sabotaging the whole republican primary with their Trump Card shenanigans.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: laterade on August 10, 2015, 06:39:36 am
Let's not forget that he pays off the Clintons, not the other way around.
He has already said that Hillary Clinton should be in prison for deleting those emails.

I do see what you're saying, but with how he's been campaigning, it looks more like he's in this to win.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: sabertooth on August 10, 2015, 07:09:01 am
Going after her for Deleting Emails, Ha! Hillary has more skeletons in her closet than all the other contenders combine and he choses the most softball points imaginable to go after her on. This is a woman whom many believe had her minions take out JFK Jr. so she could take the New York Senate seat that he was planning on running for.

Its obvious the gloves are still on in in this NWO style political fight, where after the show they all go to the vip room and plan the next show. No where have we seen trump prove that he is a totally free agent. He dances around the truth issue just as all the Washington Insiders. If he is for real and not just a cowardly rich tool then let him stand up and shout to the world the truth that the CIA took out Kenedy and that every one of the presidents since have been controlled puppets, give us some other sign that you will not go on with the culture of lies of washington.

Ha, get real! His so called controversial views are carefully plotted political ploys that do not take on the heart of the beast.

What I am saying is that, Even if he is in it to win and goes up against hillary in the election, if he is being disingenuous about his true nature and in reality is working on the behalf of the same gang of world financiers which clinton works for, then we are just going to see a repeat of the same farcical elections we have been witness to in previous years, such as (Bush and Kerry) or (Obama and Romney).

If he is going to be taken seriously then he needs to go for the jugular and use his bully pulpit and his access to damaging information to completely Destroy Hillary Clinton before they go down the home stretch in 2016.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: laterade on August 10, 2015, 07:51:29 am
The emails she deleted under subpoena are a recent, relevant, and strong enough issue to bring up.
Shouting about JFK conspiracies, no matter how real they might be, would be idiotic and unnecessary.

He doesn't have to go all out to win this. The cuckservatives aren't seducing many of us. The way they're trying to shove ¡Jeb! down our throats is out-of-touch and laughable. All he has to do is hold steadfast, keep up with things as they come into play, and watch his support grow.

He doesn't have to take on the heart of the beast. Let's not forget most people aren't so radical. Incremental steps are usually better anyway. If he can get us better trade deals and slow the flow of quesadilla crossing the southern border he'll have done us good in the right direction.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: cherimoya_kid on August 10, 2015, 08:30:57 am
Actup, I'm getting the feeling you don't have a lot of close friends in real life.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: laterade on August 10, 2015, 09:04:13 am
Actup, I'm getting the feeling you don't have a lot of close friends in real life.

LOL! Whatever, kid. ;)
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: cherimoya_kid on August 10, 2015, 09:16:46 am
LOL! Whatever, kid. ;)

I'm 40.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: laterade on August 10, 2015, 09:24:04 am
I'm 40.

Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: goodsamaritan on August 10, 2015, 09:32:12 am
Trump is #1 lately according to the polls.  Let's see if it translates to actually getting the nomination later on.
No need to get on each other's nerves.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: cherimoya_kid on August 10, 2015, 09:44:45 am
Trump is #1 lately according to the polls.  Let's see if it translates to actually getting the nomination later on.
No need to get on each other's nerves.

I was trying to be nice. I am making more of an effort to understand and hopefully help the many lonely, angry, mentally unstable young men who show up here.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: laterade on August 10, 2015, 09:47:55 am
No need to get on each other's nerves.

The butthurt is completely one sided, I can assure you.

Actup, I'm getting the feeling you don't have a lot of close friends in real life.

I was trying to be nice.

... really?
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: cherimoya_kid on August 10, 2015, 09:53:38 am
Yes, really. You're clearly a young, lonely, and very angry dude. People like that don't get much respect in this culture, and a lot of people of that type show up here. Instead of banning them or watching them flame out, I figure it can't hurt to try to talk them out of their delusions and create a safe space for them. The problem is that, here, the inmates FAR outnumber the staff. LOL
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: laterade on August 10, 2015, 10:02:40 am
Yes, really. You're clearly a young, lonely, and very angry dude. People like that don't get much respect in this culture, and a lot of people of that type show up here. Instead of banning them or watching them flame out, I figure it can't hurt to try to talk them out of their delusions and create a safe space for them. The problem is that, here, the inmates FAR outnumber the staff. LOL

We get it, kid. You're very sophisticated and totally not a 40 year old virgin projecting his insecurities from a false moral high ground.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: sabertooth on August 10, 2015, 10:07:15 am
The emails she deleted under subpoena are a recent, relevant, and strong enough issue to bring up.
Shouting about JFK conspiracies, no matter how real they might be, would be idiotic and unnecessary.

He doesn't have to go all out to win this. The cuckservatives aren't seducing many of us. The way they're trying to shove ¡Jeb! down our throats is out-of-touch and laughable. All he has to do is hold steadfast, keep up with things as they come into play, and watch his support grow.

He doesn't have to take on the heart of the beast. Let's not forget most people aren't so radical. Incremental steps are usually better anyway. If he can get us better trade deals and slow the flow of quesadilla crossing the southern border he'll have done us good in the right direction.

I will agree with this....but it is still a bit leap of faith and a gamble to trust that this is what he will actually do... such is game of big league politics... I am just fascinated on to see how it plays out.. I like participate in lively debates regardless of how pointless they may seem, great truths are often found in the most unlikely of places. I will continue to encourage everyone to look for signs which will prove that Trump is what he claims to be, and not a Trojan.

My mind is still open and welcome any relevant info to be posted here, as the saga unfolds.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: laterade on August 10, 2015, 10:23:53 am
I will agree with this....but it is still a bit leap of faith and a gamble to trust that this is what he will actually do... such is game of big league politics... I am just fascinated on to see how it plays out.. I like participate in lively debates regardless of how pointless they may seem, great truths are often found in the most unlikely of places. I will continue to encourage everyone to look for signs which will prove that Trump is what he claims to be, and not a Trojan.

My mind is still open and welcome any relevant info to be posted here, as the saga unfolds.

I'm with you there. Big league politics forces us to take people at face value. Trust really isn't a part of it from my perspective.

It's good to remember that no candidate will ever solve all our problems, but Trump seems to offer far more than the others.

We know the career politicians are interested in shilling. That's one reason why I'd rather bet on the mystery billionaire.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: cherimoya_kid on August 10, 2015, 10:30:16 am
We get it, kid. You're very sophisticated and totally not a 40 year old virgin projecting his insecurities from a false moral high ground.

I have two kids and am on my second marriage. I've lived in a foreign country and had three different careers. Not that any of that is particularly noteworthy, but I can tell you the typical member here is a never-married young white male, angry, highly intelligent, and not doing well financially or career-wise. You're all of those, and that was me 20 years ago.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: cherimoya_kid on August 10, 2015, 10:33:11 am
I'm with you there. Big league politics forces us to take people at face value. Trust really isn't a part of it from my perspective.

It's good to remember that no candidate will ever solve all our problems, but Trump seems to offer far more than the others.

We know the career politicians are interested in shilling. That's one reason why I'd rather bet on the mystery billionaire.

If somebody handed you 100 million and a beautiful wife, you'd be a Jeb Bush supporter in less than a year. And I'm not mocking you, I'm just pointing out that your rage isn't especially selfless, perhaps.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: laterade on August 10, 2015, 10:57:25 am
I have two kids and am on my second marriage. I've lived in a foreign country and had three different careers. Not that any of that is particularly noteworthy, but I can tell you the typical member here is a never-married young white male, angry, highly intelligent, and not doing well financially or career-wise. You're all of those, and that was me 20 years ago.
If somebody handed you 100 million and a beautiful wife, you'd be a Jeb Bush supporter in less than a year. And I'm not mocking you, I'm just pointing out that your rage isn't especially selfless, perhaps.

Okay, thank you.

Actup, I'm getting the feeling you don't have a lot of close friends in real life.

...but still you act like a butthurt smuglord wannabe-therapist.

It really sounds like you've had the life beaten out of you.

It's no wonder you lack the spirit of national pride.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: cherimoya_kid on August 10, 2015, 11:20:36 am
dude, I'm trying to help. A year or two ago I'd have already banned you. If you don't believe that, ask some of the longtime members. What I'm doing is using compassion and understanding to handle conflict. The alternative is rarely as productive. If you want to see me as a partially-beaten-down sort-of-old man, feel free.

And national pride leads to war. So does racial pride. Those were the key drivers of World War II.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: laterade on August 10, 2015, 12:27:26 pm
dude, I'm trying to help. A year or two ago I'd have already banned you. If you don't believe that, ask some of the longtime members. What I'm doing is using compassion and understanding to handle conflict. The alternative is rarely as productive. If you want to see me as a partially-beaten-down sort-of-old man, feel free.

And national pride leads to war. So does racial pride. Those were the key drivers of World War II.

I know your kind, you think you're educated and mature; but looking at your snide behavior, the passive aggressive nonsense you've spread all over this thread, your way of thinking is obviously degenerate. You're not trying to help, you're a condescending jerk who then resorts to power tripping threats of censorship.

If you want to help: consider going back to whichever country made you so high and morally righteous, they probably need help.

I've added a lot to this thread, you've added nothing but your negative attitude.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: goodsamaritan on August 10, 2015, 12:42:21 pm
Time to lock this topic. Calm down folks. I did not know Trump can cause so much emotion with Americans.
Title: Re: Donald Trump for President of the USA
Post by: TylerDurden on August 10, 2015, 02:06:51 pm
Could we leave out personal insults in future? Differences in politics really should not be an issue, here.