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Messages - ANDREAS

Pages: [1]
Health / Re: Vitamin A Toxicity
« on: April 21, 2009, 11:29:03 pm »
Hey there. Please check out my video about my experience with calf liver and vitamin a toxicity. I will transcribe it into text eventually.
I have been eating  300gr to 600gr of ox, lamb, venison or chicken raw fresh organic liver every week for more than 4 months continuously. Because fresh liver goes off quickly I am obliged to eat it  in 3 or 4 days consecutively. Usually I add to that about one ox kidney or 2 - 3 lamb or venison kidneys and then I slightgtly marinate everything in lemon or lime juice mixed with some fresh herbs. I also eat about 1 whole ox tongue a week along with heart. I eat lots of bone marrow everyday which does seam to have rather immediate positive effect on the way I feel.afterwards. I 've been doing this for 4 months now since going into a RPD and I have seen nothing but benefits but if you ask me I too was very concerned about vitamin A toxicity but thankfully so far I haven't noticed any problems.
In your case I would try again from another source perhaps because it seems very doubtfull that just a week of consuming such quantity would have caused all these symptoms.
Did you make sure about the source of you calf's liver? More often than not calf meat that is sold in the market is produced under very unatural circumstances and the calf's liver is the organ that takes the brunt of detoxification.

Health / Re: bleeding gums
« on: April 21, 2009, 10:26:20 am »
the supplements are helping for sure and i notice that my strong inclination for lemon juice is also subsiding when i take the C

in terms of oral health in general....I have been oil pulling since raw and all of my receding gum line on my lower jaw is pretty much healed....i found out about oil pulling when helping a patient who was scheduled to have her last 2 remaining teeth on one side removed d/t pain and rotting and she has been 8 months and has not needed the surgery

just google oil my experience, sesame or sunflower oil only!!!!  coconut will strip your teeth

also, I remembered a an organ mapping system related to the teeth and checked it out and the tooth that is bothering me is related to the colon........makes sense as that is the target of infection right now


Can you please provide information on your claim that coconut oil pulling will strip your teeth? What do you mean by that? I've read more than 1500 testimonials on oil pulling and never have I seen this mentioned. I oil pull on a daily basis and for the last month and a half I have switched to coconut from olive oil and still haven't noticed any adverse effects on my teeth which by the way have never been in perfect shape.

Health / Re: Oyster Cure? The best zinc supplement in the world?
« on: April 21, 2009, 09:37:08 am »
I am currently experimenting with eating large quantities of oysters and enjoying myself.

Can you share your experiences with oysters?

Oysters are known as nature's greatest marine bioaccumulators of toxic heavy metals. They accumulate huge amounts of zinc-toxic for human beings-( who said so much zinc is healthy?)cadmium, lead, arsenic,copper, mercury,etc and most importantly they will do this regardless of the water purity of their environment but naturally the more available heavy metals are in polluted waters the worse it gets. However  any sea water contains trace amounts of heavy metals and because oysters and clams filter and accumulate these by concentrating them in their organs and shells in huge amounts this makes them a very bad choice if all good one has to say about eating them is that they are rich in zinc which supposedly increases libido. This might only be the case provided that one is very deficient in zinc, something that is almost impossible when feeding on a proper RPD.
As a matter of fact in the case of cadmium because the rate of absorption is speeded up by the increase of water temperature in the summer months it can often result in the massive destruction in oyster populations.
Just because oysters are supposed to be good for you and just because you might be able to afford buying them I dont think that they are a healthy source of nutrients. The risk/reward ratio is lousy.
Of course if one eats just a few oysters occasionally that should't be too much of a problem like doing any thing that is harmful from time to time would probably not do permanent harm.

Health / Re: What's your understanding of Live Blood Analysis?
« on: April 21, 2009, 06:55:34 am »
I read about this technology in the Ph miracle by Robert Young.  For the first time in my life, I've seen it work and display on the computer my blood and the blood of many people in our household.  :o  It is a marketing tool used by a water ionizing machine salesmen.

I don't know anything about it other than what the salesman told us and what robert young says in his PH Miracle book. 

What's your understanding of Live Blood Analysis?
Is it useful?
To what extent?


I did one of those blood tests while in the UK last December. It cost me 220£. At the time I was just switching from 30 years of organic ovolactopescatarian diet mainly raw but including cooked cereals legumes and cooked or sometimes raw marinated fish as well as pasteurised dairy and raw eggyolks to including very lean organic muscle meat in my diet. My results came out lousy, I could see lots of uric acid salts, fungi, damaged, clogged blood cells in the pictures. I was told by the physician who performed the test (a vegan who seamed to be much healthier than I) that I should eliminate everything of animal origin and all sweet or starchy foods including most fruits from my diet and basically feed on mostly raw vegetables and sprouts, to buy a juicer(I bought one from him) so as to eat even more vegetables or sprouts in juice form, drink 2 tbs of liquid chlorophyll daily(I bought this from him too) and after less than a month of doing these things I felt crappier than ever and with all the additional highly goitrogenic raw broccoli and broccoli sprouts that were recommended, I ended up damaging whatever had been left of my thyroid.
Then I came accross Geoff's site and since following a 99% RPAF diet and doing the exact opposite of what was recommended to me, I have finally managed to gradually overcome many of the problems that have made my life miserable (especially the last 5 years) in less than 4 months.
I just wish I had the luxury of wasting another 220£ so as to repeat this blood test and see what it would now show but unfortunately I dont.
In your case I think it would be of interest to do the test if it is available in the Filippines as long as you ignore the recommendations. Is there anybody who's done the test previously before switching to a RAF diet who has seen an subsequent improvement in the results after staying on RAF diet for a while?   

Health / Re: Dry skin, cold shower therapy...
« on: April 21, 2009, 06:06:22 am »
Another thing I just read mentioned that high insulin levels from eating carbs turns on Insulin Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1)  then testosterone to produce Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which turns on the oil glands so more food for the fungus.

The fungus uses triglycerides for food and the fungus produces enzymes (lipases) to break down the triglycerides to oleic acid which is an omega 6. The oleic acid penetrates the skin and triggers skin cell production to increase.

hmm make sense?

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