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Messages - Alomonger Pete

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Distilled Water
« on: October 13, 2010, 03:33:08 pm »
I just use a Brita filter.  Bottled water is a huge ripoff and produces tons of waste.  What's the consensus here on Brita filters?
It doesn't do a very good job of filtering the water.  I'm sure there is still chlorine in it; it tweaks my thyroid.

Primal Diet / Re: Anyone have kefir grains?
« on: October 11, 2010, 02:21:01 pm »
I heard this site sells some high quality kefir grains:

General Discussion / Re: Distilled Water
« on: October 11, 2010, 12:49:32 am »
    Distilled water tastes very flat to me.  Still, I'd prefer a good distilled water over tap.

    Wouldn't it be great to live in a community that shared a water alkalinizing machine, maybe a kangen?  I think they're about $7,000.00US.
I've done of a lot of research into the best drinking water and other than having convenient access to a good quality spring, Pristine Hydro seems like the best home filtration system going.  Some day I'll get their countertop unit for $1.2k.

Health / Re: Bleeding gums
« on: October 10, 2010, 08:10:15 pm »
    I don't know about bleeding gums, but 5 g of c/day just gave me ugly smelling gas.  Do you mean in the form of fruit or whale blubber?  How do you like the forum so far?
Correction: he actually recommended taking 6g of vit c with bioflavanoids (in tablet form I presume).  I wouldn't recommend most people do this but if you have bleeding gums it's worth a shot.  More than 1g of vitamin c and I my eyes go quite bloodshot.

I feel really fortunate to have stumbled across this forum.  A wealth of info on here; it's helping to give me something to do in my two week break from work.  Good to see you on here, Rawzi.  :)

Primal Diet / Re: Raw Unheated British or Irish Honey?
« on: October 10, 2010, 07:01:55 pm »
Waitrose offers some unheated honeys that are delicious!  Funky Raw sells plenty of different types as well:

This guy's site is well worth checking out:

Health / Re: Bleeding gums
« on: October 10, 2010, 05:49:12 pm »
5g of vitamin c a day should really help bleeding gums according to one of my contacts.

Health / Re: Scar tissue
« on: October 10, 2010, 05:47:31 pm »
You might wanna try out dermarolling.  An acquaintance of mine highly recommends this type of treatment for scar tissue. Here is the best value for money way to get your hands on one:

General Discussion / Re: Raw eggs
« on: October 10, 2010, 05:13:26 pm »
Thanks for the advice guys. Much appreciated.
Hey technosmith; have you managed to track down any pastured eggs here in the UK?

Health / Re: Depression ? Can I use this diet to get off my meds?
« on: October 10, 2010, 05:07:46 pm »
Yes, veggie juice and coconut oil/cream should be avoided like the plague  unless you are absolutely certain beyond any reasonable doubt  that they don't cause you any harm.
What's the problem with these foods?  Please explain, I'm very curious ...

Health / Re: candida carbs
« on: October 10, 2010, 05:00:42 pm »
In my experience the following foods do NOT feed candida:
Meat, eggs, fresh coconut meat, coconut oil, organic butter, yams, buckwheat, millet, quinoa, mesquite, maca, raw cacao, medicinal mushrooms such as reishi, berries, all greens (including goitrogens), sweet potatoes, lentils, amaranth, bee pollen, seeds, algaes

And all these do:
All dairy, carrots, beets, all fruit (apart from those listed above), all nuts, all honeys, grains

I could be missing some.  You might also want to take a potent anti fungal the best one I have ever tried is called Syclovir from  Getting on top of my candida issue has really changed my life.

Off Topic / Re: nootropic drugs
« on: October 10, 2010, 04:50:20 pm »
I've experimented with many different nootropics and while they do work, they only work while you are on them.  They don't provide lasting improvements.  I'd recommend saving up for some neurofeedback as this helps set the brain into new patterns and strengthen these neural connections.  Brain State Technologies seems to be the most effective neurofeedback going.  I'll be getting some next year and can't wait!

General Discussion / Re: Coconut oil
« on: October 10, 2010, 04:35:27 pm »
I'll soon be importing this brand of coconut oil.  I've searched long and hard and it is the best value for money:

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