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Hot Topics / Re: Using Xylitol as a carb source?
« on: March 26, 2011, 03:35:56 am »
I love it in the shape of fresh "birch sap". Find out where there are birch trees and hit them when its season. Its delicious and I think its plausibly paleo.

Hot Topics / Re: Goodbye Grass-fed Meat
« on: March 26, 2011, 03:23:20 am »

I'm saying what happens if the gene gets out of control and sterilizes these staple crops so they produce nonviable seed. ...supposedly.

Hot Topics / Re: Blood - The most overlooked nutrient?
« on: March 26, 2011, 03:13:58 am »
I dont have access to any source that I would trust with it. but I just wanted to add that you dont have to go back any further than my grandparents generation to find blood a common dish. Black pudding and sausage. My granddad loved that stuff and I had it a lot in their home. But I hardly see it anymore. in 2 generations it has become a culinary outcast. The local take on it is basically just blood and fat with a bit of rye flour for texture.

Off Topic / Re: What are you listening to?
« on: March 25, 2011, 03:03:08 pm »
Ahahahaha@Dickhead song! My new pesonal theme, cheers Miles

Listening to Calyx and TeeBee because they are dominant species in the DNB eco system. FUNKY!!!

Up and comming artist Billain blows my mind with about everything he does.

Off Topic / Re: Rawpaleo fortunes
« on: March 24, 2011, 03:36:49 pm »
We cannot assume nor judge what action hero does for a living.

No but as SD pointed out. We can judge his choice of words, his attitude and the people he hold up high (show me your friends and I will tell you who you are). When people reccommend to start adopting the thinking of known gangsters who will stop at nothing to have the riches they feel entitled to. I protest. And I get angry because of the damage this mentality is causing everybody. GS i understand what you are saying, but I am not padding any backs to protect peoples feelings or the popularity of paleo, not when they are speaking shit and its obvious.

Having a lot of wealth with health is a pretty good combo.

There are many ways to generate wealth that doesnt require you to sell your soul. Also, how can wealth accumulation by an admirable goal in itself if you understand that the global financial system
is a racket. Ok, so you do what you can to get comfortable, but if you knowingly join a racket to gain from it you are a muppet all the same. Remember that law, justice and "whats right" are entirely different things and do not connect in our system. Just because something has been made legal doesnt mean it is 'right'.

even if they are rude on-line.

yeah atleat be consistent. I am rude crass all the time.  ;D

Off Topic / Re: Rawpaleo fortunes
« on: March 22, 2011, 08:13:09 pm »
Wow - brutal. Hahaha!!!

I am sick and tired of these entitlement issues that pose as creative force. There is no disagreement that focus on what you want to achieve is everything, and working out strategies before you do anything is the only way to succeed.

The people like AH are the people who invented flight and space travel. Pick which one you'd like to be

The people who invented space flight were scientists who want to do space flight. The mindset of these people in no way compare to gangsters like Trump and likes which AH touts as masters of his trade. Rather, their mindset often prevent the better technology from prevailing to ensure their comfortable lifestyle at the expensive of the collective. A local example is that of wind energy. We can make insanely efficient small windmills that could easily power a farm and still provide excess. the most magnificent design was made by a farmer who now 15 years down the line are still fighting for the right to put it into production, but the rules and regulations keep changing because "the money" want to trade in large ineffective behemoth windmills because they have the potential to generate more income in the long term. It is the entitlement issues I am protesting against because if you are good at what you do, money will come around. If you are good at what you do and have a business plan/model, only genuinely bad luck, force majeure and the Donald trumps of the world can keep them away from you.

Off Topic / Re: Intactivism
« on: March 20, 2011, 07:12:22 pm »
You tell those MFers.

Well they are still good people albeit misled. I mostly end up arguing with her brothers thats what so fun. Her father is a very devout man, he is also a very intelligent man with a live and let live attitude to everything. It is reserved for the young and the stupid to be so cocksure about everything. Her brothers arent anything like their father....yet :D

I can see that my line of thinking has planted seeds in the youth. Her older brother, especially, is worried I am going to corrupt them with my 'scientific thinking'. Her father,  not so. He likes it, but being the patriarch he cannot side with anyone in such petty issues. LOL. I dont think he would ever question my decision as father to the children. And if he did, he would be to polite to bring it up anyway.

As Tech points out. There is an awareness rising within the community. it is not an act of evil it is an act of stupid in those parts of the world, most cant spell their own name in any alphabet. What Americas excuse is, I havent a clue.

Off Topic / Re: Intactivism
« on: March 20, 2011, 05:28:54 pm »
is anyone here not circumcised?

I'm not. I am married into a muslim family. I would never allow mutilation of my children and whenever the subject come up I just tell them to show me where in the Quran such a practice is ordered. Then they start verse mining and come up with "You shall be like Abraham he was an oustanding example". To which I answer that in the Quran I can learn about many things Abraham did that indeed do portray him as the archetypical and likeable 'fuck the man' rebel all the 'messengers' appear to be. But nowhere did I see anything about him mutilating his penis. Then they say ;"but according to the Bible!..." at which point I stop them and say that normally they insist that the Bible is full of errors and that's why the Quran was send to correct it. Then they say, "yes, but there are still things in the Bible that are true, they (christians) just changed some of it to fit their needs". Then I say, but since circumcision is not mentioned in the Quran, which is meant to supercede the Bible, how do they know that the information about circumcission in the bible was not part of what the christians and jews changed?.

At this point I am either kalled a "kaffir" (disbeliever) or told that I dont know arabic well enough to have an opinion. The more clever ones slither back to the starting point on how the practice itself proves its validity. Anyone going near a child of mine with a knife will find it lodged into their forehead and i don't care what our relations are.

Off Topic / Re: Rawpaleo fortunes
« on: March 20, 2011, 04:22:42 pm »
Instead do what intelligent entrepreneurs do. 

People like Trump and those other mafioso whom you recommended people to learn from?

Ignore the naysayers. Have compassion towards them, they have it hard.

You reek of MLM/telemarketing entrepreneurship,the way you talk, the way you want to think and the mentality you promote is unhealthy and the core reason for our constant financial turmoil. The idea that "naysayers" are so because they are poor/have it hard is ignorant at best. You talk a big talk ...anonymous internetboy.

Off Topic / Re: Rawpaleo fortunes
« on: March 20, 2011, 04:15:48 pm »
What about talents like artists athlets musicians ? can this bring good income?

very. If you are good at branding yourself.
*)Local talent who came out of nowhere with this track and scored a 10 million dollar contract.

*)This Hog shit sells for 10-100.000's depending on frame size. Hornsleth is a marketing genius.

the first article is featured on Which is a good indicator that someone didnt just pull it out of their ass. Most of the articles are found on other sites too in their science updates section. I think it is genuine information, but I still dont know the site in question.

Hot Topics / Re: RPD relationships/ dating
« on: March 19, 2011, 09:14:32 pm »
Thinking differently works... dreamers etc

My best mate from high school was a massive dreamer we used to constantly bring him down, he wanted to become a famous photographer in London etc he failed miserably but kept working/dreaming 4 years ago I called him up he was still struggling and had started a CGI business (he knew jack about it) he told me for the amount of hours he was putting into the business he was working for $4 dollars an hour! I thought man it's time to give'll never make it

Last year he made US$700 000 produced a pilot for a new TV series and has all merchandise rights

It's not $50 million but not bad, he's getting there and it's all about having the 'why not' attitude.

Great story. He is not rich yet, but he will probably be so in due time. Most people I know who have made seriously good money, never really set out to be wealthy. rather, they set out to be the best at what they do or as near as possible. There is a genuine exchange of wealth in their business that leaves everyone happy and costumers returning. "Rich because I am awesome at producing something people genuinely want. Bless my good luck and my hard work."

People who set out merely to be rich like Trump, van Hoogstraten and these other assholes, will start MLM companies fronting bullshit 'vitamins' (modern snake oils) when they get low on funds.  MLM is a fools game since it cannibalizes its own consumer base, but whoever set it in motion will end up winning. Or they start telemarketing companies sporting bullshit. Anything to get those money they feel ever so entitled to have. It is a deal where only one party is happy after some consideration (As the cacophony of salespitch dies out and people get to think about what just happened). Mafia mentality. "Rich because I am fucking entitled to be! You had better not get in my way!"

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: How come zero carb....
« on: March 19, 2011, 08:51:10 pm »
wow, you look stunning! Good work.

Off Topic / Re: Rawpaleo fortunes
« on: March 19, 2011, 08:43:24 pm »
Entitlement. Do you feel entitled to have lots of money? Does it make you feel uncomfortable if you were to make one million every year? How about $750.000 a month? Still feeling comfortable or did you feel something contract inside your chest? I got most of you right there, didn't I?

Absolutely you did, because many people instinctively understand that to make those kinds of money in our semi socialist states would require you to become a sociopath, habitual liar and a fraud to your fellow man. It is certainly possible, but at the core, most people arent willing to pay the ultimate price that wealth often comes attached to. A constant feeling of entitlement leads to absurd an intrusive ambition. Also -interestingly enough- it is a common feature in socio and psychopaths.

Go into any prison today and you are going to meet a lot of people who felt entitled, who are suffering from a bad case of 'unwarranted self importance'.

But don't come here and tell me it hard out there. Like you fucking tried and gave it all you got.

Cute. Did you pick that up at the multi level marketing seminar?

Like herpes, the clap, the big G gonhorrea cant spell it, etc

Go see a doctor. Find out exactly what it is and how to deal with it. If it is an STD you have an obligation to do so. Especially where HSV is involved since it can be very persistent.

Also. Chose sexual partners and public toilets with more care. ;D

Off Topic / Re: Japanese QUake
« on: March 19, 2011, 02:37:57 am »
I guess it's the dairy...


On Japan, the last thing I heard in the press here is that they are considering just filling the things up with sand on concrete and hope it goes away. The chernobyl method pretty much.

I have a very itchy scalp and dandruff. Cold weather makes it more severe.

Have you tried applying cold pressed olive or coconut oil? Before you go to sleep, apply the stuff and cover your hair. Wash in the morning.

Has anyone experience any improvement in their hair health?

I havent noticed any. But I get dry everything when I binge on the wrong kind of carbs. eat pizza, go itchy and spend the next day close to the porcelain. But I came upon the blog of a bloke called Danny Roddy which deals with his own battle against hairloss. I think he is one of Lex's friends.

Intelligent guy that appear to have a pleasant personality (when he is not raw vegan that is).

Off Topic / Re: Japanese QUake
« on: March 17, 2011, 06:07:11 pm »
Don't be afraid, we'll all die one day anyway... and if you don't eat you'll die sooner! But if you want to avoid radioactivity, since it concentrates in the food chain, zero carb is a bad plan unless you eat only very small animals such as worms and insects.  ;D

This man bangs the drum with a truth stick. it is rumoured -at least here in Denmark- that the actual mortality rate is as much as 100%.

Off Topic / Meat Is Medicine For Desertification
« on: March 17, 2011, 01:33:34 am »

This blew my mind. Allan Savoy talks about how cattle is the solution not the problem.

Picked up in the comment section at;

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Owsley "Bear" Stanley is dead
« on: March 16, 2011, 05:58:44 pm »
I just googled Owsley and it said he was an LSD cook on basically every webpage. Is this true or vegan bull sh!t?

From what I understand he was the first to make commercially sized batches of LSD, and he came up with acid blotters (putting acid on a small piece of paper).

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Owsley "Bear" Stanley is dead
« on: March 16, 2011, 02:02:46 am »
There was a special in Discovery Channel about certain kinds of parasites that infect humans that make their reaction time slower by half a second.  And the people in car accidents were mostly infected by these parasites.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Owsley "Bear" Stanley is dead
« on: March 14, 2011, 07:05:21 pm »
Aw man...Owsley, you were a great source of help and information. Thank you so much. May you rest according to your deeds.

Off Topic / Re: Japanese QUake
« on: March 14, 2011, 04:40:15 am »
Shinmoedake volcano erupts!
Nuclear Melt Down
Volcanic Eruption
More doom... add more doom...

This whole thing makes my respect for the Japanese people grow to near awe. It speaks to their enginuity that it hasnt gone worse and that they have kept everything so well together in the face of all this. In interviews they are still fairly positive about the whole ordeal. "yeah its pretty shit atm, but it could be worse tho.......atleast its not raining!" <3

Throw a couple of nukes at them and they build a behemoth economy on nuclear power. How is that for a "yeah, well right back at you buddy!". Come hell or high water and it doesnt stand a chance against Japan. fact.

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