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Hot Topics / Re: Parasites really are severely underestimated.
« on: June 06, 2015, 01:23:05 pm »
How can you be afraid of a single celled organism? It represents nothing when compared with your whole body. I don't believe such a microscopic thing could ever be a serious threat.

Chances are this so-called parasite is nothing but an aid that the body utilizes in some sort of detoxification.
That an organism is or turns to a nature of life that harms and damages other beings does not mean one has to be afraid of it.

It represents nothing to a body that is not deficient of nutrients and minerals and positive energies, a body that also isn't suffering under excess toxins, stresses, or any other negative influences. But one that is, and the deficiencies aren't relieved, and in some cases are used no methods of getting rid of the parasitic organisms to give more time to correct the deficiencies, all so to heal and remove the possibility for future parasitic infestation, can in severe cases even die from the exposure.

Something you know as microscopic does not mean it is "microscopic" on every level of its existence. You look through a microscope and see little cells or organisms, but that is just the physical/material side of it. Physical/material is not all there is.
Yeast and candida are a simple example. Small microscopically, but not that small when you consider how it makes you feel and how it manipulates you, all to promote it's own life and growth on the expense of your health. And, given a lack of capacity to heal oneself and resist it (due to whatever reasons), would eventually take one to the grave.

Not every organism is of benefit (also depends on mental and spiritual perspectives, or the lack thereof). There are symbiotic and parasitic organisms. And those in between, those with qualities of both.

Obviously it is easy to not regard the symbiotic ones, because they are good for you. You don't even notice them, because they don't make you feel bad. It's wishful thinking that every organism you can come into contact with is good for you at least in some way. All when the possibility, in our world, for organisms that try to only take without giving, is real. The mentality "It is making me feel bad, but it must be for the good because I don't know any better, and can't research nor think nor experiment for experiences any deeper on the subject" (due to whatever reasons) is not a good mentality; it's a mentality where ignorance on the subject is used to justify that something inherent to the subject is not real (in this case something negative), thus the opposite must be true. "Ignorance is bliss..." "Not everything is well", but since there's a lack of awareness or perception, "all is well".
Just because you haven't noticed, experienced, nor really even tried to look at, does not mean there is no "bad" side. (Not to mention you might not have definitions/understandings in yourself that allow the easy recognition of the "bad".) Merely because you cannot see the good side, because you are rooted in it, you are of it, so you don't notice it anywhere near as well (or at all) as you notice the "bad" side.

Seems to me even positive organisms, the symbionts, are at least somewhat underestimated... As people tend to not be aware of them because they are a reason we are alive. They are part of us, they help us make us who we are.

Hot Topics / Re: Parasites really are severely underestimated.
« on: April 01, 2015, 05:12:21 pm »
Parasites aren't much of a, if any, problem to most rawists. Because we don't flood our systems with excess sugars and toxins. But it's more than just what we eat, it's also about what and how we think, what we do, what kind of environment we live in.
Even if raw foods are infested with parasites or their eggs, they cannot infect us, because the same raw food they are in does not produce in our bodies an environment where those parasites can live and eggs can hatch.
If all raw and "parasite-free", there really is not much point worrying about parasites. But being aware of them and how they use us would be good for anyone.

Eating pure and eating anti-parasitic foods only solves one part of the problem. There can be and probably are parasites that need mental and emotional work to get rid of them. Here cannabis and it's mind altering effect... mind flush? Like liver flush and such? Would explain why it is so heavily banned from being used. Because parasites in the mind alter the way you think. Too fitting to not be true...

There are many aspects to health. I notice people focusing heavily on some while others get less emphasis, and some get none at all. Many times I've seen (from hindsight) people focusing on the wrong aspects. There's unawareness, misinterpretations, misunderstanding, and downright lies. Awareness is necessary.

Hot Topics / Re: Parasites really are severely underestimated.
« on: April 01, 2015, 05:12:07 pm »
This Hulda-Clarke-inspired nonsense about parasites is over the top.  Yes, they exist but few RPDers ever experience them and almost all of the latter have few if any problems with them and anyway easily get rid of them via anti-parasite drugs.
I suppose it's good I notice more and more and more clearly as life progresses... oh well...

Hulda-Clarke-inspired?? I should know who that is? (Since now I checked I know a little bit who that is.) Why would you introduce someone who is completely irrelevant regarding all this in this specific topic when it has never been pointed out that there is any relevance to this Hulda person? My "discovery" of all this and posting it here has absolutely nothing to do with Hulda Clarke.

You and your "nonsense" remarks. Again and again you make this "nonsense" mistake, as if you know with absolute certainty (when you really do not)... How about an open mind if you don't know for certain? Why are you not learning from this mistake? It really is not nice seeing someone persistently stuck in such a negative mental state.

And why are you trying unemphasize the importance of parasites (the same applies to many other areas of reality) when it is obvious they have a bigger role than is generally accepted and shown?

Anti-parasite drugs? You mean modern medicine drugs? Sure some such "drugs" might be okay, but to use the word "drugs" so lightly, as if it's okay to eat drugs (while the goal is the best health you can get; not eating drugs), when you should be aware that drugs foremost are poison to us (and food for parasites)...

It's about getting a more complete picture of the world, as complete as possible. Just eating clean and raw, and good physical exercise, (and eating drugs as if the lack of taking them caused the problem), and branding many areas of reality as nonsense without actually knowing for certain, is not all there is.

Are you even aware what is making you write such nonsensical and irrational comments? What is keeping you in such unawareness and persistently not learning from your ever-present "nonsense" commenting mistake?

The "nonsense" thing you do so often. It produces a specific mental and emotional state, which also means your body produces specific molecules, a specific environment in your body. This "nonsense" thing is negative to your body and your mind (because it keeps you from freely moving on; you're a prisoner of this "nonsense" mentality), but positive to whatever parasite could be living off of it. How often do you experience such a state? I bet that which you show here on this forum is merely a fraction... Is a parasite triggering these "nonsense" responses of yours, to keep itself alive in you? It's a possible explanation, and a very likely one, considering the nature of parasites and how they manipulate us to keep themselves alive inside us, through making us behave and act in ways that promote their lives. There could be other reasons why you so persistently keep doing the same mistake, without learning from it, but it is an established "fact" that parasites manipulate us.
I don't know why exactly, but you do it, and you do it again and again.
Why do you do it? Find out and heal yourself. Or don't... but why wouldn't you?
Or are you simply very slow to heal in these regards?

And sure... it hurts being wrong. Until you learn to turn the pain into an opportunity to learn from it.
Parasites feed from that which is negative to us. Excess sugars, toxins, negative emotions, negative thoughts, negativity caused by unawareness, etc.
Eating pure and eating anti-parasitic foods only solves one part of the problem. There can and probably are parasites that need mental and emotional work to get rid of them.

If you think this is some attack against you then you are severely mistaken. I'm just pointing out the obvious, and giving some possible explanations.

Would be very nice if you didn't respond to this with your "nonsense" mentality... I don't even care for a response in turn... Obvious is obvious...

After all... this is a health forum, the best I'm aware of. Physical health, mental health, emotional health. And you've got issues that cannot be not noticed (at least I can't not notice... the price of a positively evolving mind).

Up to you what you do with this.

Hot Topics / Parasites really are severely underestimated.
« on: April 01, 2015, 06:21:04 am »
Parasites are severely underestimated...
If you behave in some certain way, or eat something specific, or do or say something... Is it really you?

It's rather odd noticing yourself "craving" sugary stuff when you consciously know for an absolute fact that sugars in such amounts are only harmful to you. And your body knows it even better, down to molecular level and very probably much smaller. So, the "craving" does not come from you, nor comes it from your body. Yet there it is... So WTF!?! Where's it coming from??

Presently our environment and us are so toxic that parasites don't really have to do much to keep themselves well and fed and very comfortable. They have food in immense abundance, I'd say far more than we humans have food for ourselves. But imagine a world that is clean, there's not much for parasites to eat, like the times thousands of years ago. The times when parasites would have had to see a lot of effort to get what they want and need. Right now it's a small nudge here and there, more than that simply isn't necessary, but back then... it would have been more than just a nudge. Enough to call someone a "demon"? Possessed and literally not in control of own body.

How many people do things that are harmful to them, while knowing very well it is harmful? And are seemingly incapable of not doing it.

Obvious connection between present-day "parasites" and "demons" of old.

Parasites can and do manipulate your actions and behavior, what you eat, what you like or dislike, etc. How they affect us is far worse than how they look.
Since they use our own nervous system to make us get them what they want, we aren't even aware of if we haven't first acquired the awareness that such a thing actually is going on. The cleaner the body, the easier to notice how they manipulate, so someone with a very toxic body (like most western-world people) is screwed.

Mass-produced food full of toxins and chemicals and sugar absolutely is extremely high quality food. Just not for humans. But for parasites.
Mainstream food industry and medical industry, etc., is literally not for humans, it is all for parasites living in us.
The crap most of humanity eats today would have been thrown away in old times, because they would have known it is not food.
Almost the entire "modern" world is not for us. Is for parasites of various kinds. Through us they keep themselves growing. We're just a resource for them.

Something I conceived a few weeks ago. Now occurred to me the demon part and the past - that in old times parasites were (probably) known as demons.
Thousands and thousands of parasites, the kind eyes cannot see up to many meters long parasitic worms. Does it end with those many meters long parasitic worms? I'd say no... so whatever else possible.

Two videos, total ~17 minutes as a complement. Found them saying essentially the same things I had already come to on my own.
It's "nice" to see youtube burying essential information...

So... Who are you? Who have you been most of your life? Who will you be in the future? A human or...?

Now kind of interested in reading old (and hopefully uncorrupted) texts on demons, possessions, and such... using the new perspective.

------- edit: View the same videos in this forum ----------

Parasites - The Demons Within : Introduction

Parasites - The Demons Within : Introduction Part 2

Welcoming Committee / Re: Hi!.. and some questions??
« on: February 25, 2015, 05:14:03 am »
I concur with CK. While X-rays have been proven to be the cause of some radiation-related illnesses due to long exposure, I have never heard of people getting ill from ultrasounds. Not saying that it's absolutely harmless, but IMO the method is pretty safe to use. It's probably a matter of doses and duration of exposure, as it is for many things..
Since there are fully harmless methods, using something harmful even in "low doses" is not justified.
Plus some individuals are far more sensitive, thus deeper harm done. And using it on children growing in the womb?? They don't really have any resistance to anything other than that what the mother can provide... Not a time, at all, to subject an organism to influences that can penetrate natural defenses with such ease.

Sound frequencies can be used to levitate matter, to molecularly break apart anything, to boil, to vaporize, to bend, twist, etc. So what frequencies are they using and how do they affect the body? Considering ultrasound is a tool of "modern medicine" then it is foolish to say it is harmless or has insignificant effect, especially considering the fact that we don't really know how the devices are designed. Nor how the frequencies affect a human body, not to mention a fetus.

Unless you can link to actual proof, the kind that degreed scientists would agree with as a consensus, I ask that you not throw this thread off-topic any longer.
Off-topic any longer? Hasn't been long and I kept it short, till now. So why such a comment "any longer"?? Seems to me you yearn for and need some extra, considering the "weak" hostility you show... Anyway, after the response you now gave. No... things to say you need to understand (which you probably won't).

So, what frequencies are they using and how do they affect the body? You don't know, yet you say it is harmless... While at the same time knowing, somewhat, how much "mainstream" world lies about a lot. You don't have even a slightest doubt about ultrasound?

So you would rather prefer I preach the opinions of some other people (whose opinions are based on yet other people) who also very highly likely are biased in regards to reality as a whole in the first place, instead of my own personal opinions? I've participated enough in such nonsense in the past... giving others' opinions instead of my own, myself learning essentially nothing in the process (until I did learn) and seeing how others make the same mistake over an over without learning from it... Now I only refer to what I personally actually possess in my own mind, and if I am not aware of something then I do my own personal research before ever asking others for "proof". I convey only what I personally actually understand and know and see, and not the opinions of some other people. Why ever ask someone for the opinions of others? Arguments and such between people are not about exchanging the opinions of people from outside the specific argument, all of which requires some essential pre-knowledge and awareness of the topic and possibilities regarding it and a critical and rational mind to think over it (unless the argument is specifically about the opinions of outside people and their minds).
From me all you'll ever get is my own.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if instead of people constantly referring to others' opinions for "proof" actually gave their own personal (and evolving) opinions? And thus could actually see where they and others are personally mentally at? If you cannot forward the outside opinion you are referring to from within yourself, from your own mind, though your own understanding, with your own words, then you do not possess the understanding or knowledge of what you are trying to talk about.

"Off topic"... I asked a simple question regarding an "off topic" remark you made, and you managed to answer it wrong. Then I pointed out a few further things. And then you gave a rather irrational response (I do like bringing out irrationality and mistakes, including my own to myself).
You want a stop... Yet instead of stopping you gave an answer lacking in rational thinking (the "give me proof")...
If all you do is give the opinions of others and expect the opinions of others from other people, and want to "refute" the opinions of others with opinions of others (where are your own??), then you essentially never evolve mentally. Because you never really give anything of yourself, and so you never see your own flaws and mistakes, and thus you'll never correct them. I make my own mind, I say my own mind.

You're not aware that ultrasound at least might be harmful? And thus you ask me for "proof"? If I see someone saying something I'm not aware of I do my own research on it. I don't ask for proof before doing my own research, or when I don't really know anything about it. You want material about ultrasound being harmful? Then go ahead, "google" it.

You do realize you are trying to use your own ignorance against my suggestions? The first question I asked should've sparked curiosity and thus given an answer other than just "no". Because you are not aware. If you're not aware, then why say "no". You say "no" based on what? Ignorance, unawareness... Why would you do that?

My goal was to simply point out that ultrasound is not harmless. Didn't expect you to be completely unaware, and persistently so...

Welcoming Committee / Re: Hi!.. and some questions??
« on: February 24, 2015, 12:38:09 am »
But that's wrong...
Highly concentrated sound frequencies that penetrate and affect a growing organism and it's bearer. What frequencies are they using and how do they effect the body?
Basically the same thing as is with vaccines. They claim it is harmless, but in actual reality is highly harmful.

Health / Re: Feel weak, naussea, out of breath during day. Better at night.
« on: February 23, 2015, 06:21:56 am »
I take 1-2 teaspoons over 2-3 days (2-3 sips of stronger solution three times a day, with about 2 glasses of water). Definitely has to have sea salt (NaCl) added for better taste (magnesium salt on its own has a rather nasty taste).

Daily magnesium need is about 1 gram. At least for me. That's about 1 teaspoon of MgCl2.

I tried some other magnesium variants before trying magnesium chloride. MgCl2 worked very well right from the beginning, and still does; the others sort of worked in the beginning but then began losing their effect and then ended up making things worse (probably due to toxins being added to them...). I'd suggest trying to get MgSO4 (which should be magnesium sulfate, I haven't tried this myself) or MgCl2.
They both go into ionic form in water, unlike these citrates and such. Citrates and such have to be broken down first. But MgCl2 and MgSO4 in water are already in the correct state, immediately usable by the body. Or some other ionic magnesium product.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Hi!.. and some questions??
« on: February 22, 2015, 06:32:46 pm »
Isn't ultrasound harmful?

Health / Re: Feel weak, naussea, out of breath during day. Better at night.
« on: February 22, 2015, 12:33:36 am »
Magnesium deficiency? Can be more to it than just Mg, but Mg is rather certain and very important either way, and is also easy to identify (with the use of epsom salt or magnesium chloride, taking one of those would identify if it is Mg deficiency or not in a few hours or faster).
I've had Mg deficiency symptoms for years. Was very similar (on and off for years) to what you described.

Off Topic / Re: 2015 Watch: economic, financial, war, money, gold turmoil
« on: February 20, 2015, 01:54:42 pm »
ys, it seems you know very little about actual reality when it comes to society, war, who humans are, why we are as we are, how we got to where we are, and most importantly how easy it would be to get out of it and how quickly it would go (it wouldn't take hundreds or thousands of years, maybe just a few decades).
Sadness takes over when reading your posts... Would expect someone on a raw diet to be more aware by now... You know perfectly well how we are lied to about diet and health, it really is not a big stretch to apply the same mentality to everything else. In fact it would be a smaller stretch than the diet and health one, since the primary foundation of survival itself is diet and good health.

If humanity is not ready now, it will never be ready. We are and will be and have always been ready. But we are and have been, on purpose, persistently kept in a position of "unreadiness". You remove that persistent upkeep of false state and lies, and everyone will rather quickly switch to readiness.
The default, natural state of humanity is that of peace and harmony and love. No one wants fighting and war and suffering, everyone wants a good and peaceful life (except some few very twisted and insane individuals/bloodlines).

That someone dreams of better worlds, does not equate, ever, to being detached from reality. In fact those who dream, those know and feel and see the real reality far better than those who don't. You seem to be one that does very very very little dreaming...
To be able to actually dream of a working better world and how to truly get there, you need to know rather extremely well how the world you presently exist in works.
In other words, those who don't dream or dream too little are in fact severely detached from reality.

If you don't dream you will never find flaws and mistakes in present world upon which to improve and make better.

There is no justified or righteous excuse to not dreaming. Start dreaming, thus finding the reality you yourself are actually in. It is a continuous, bit by bit, process; you won't find everything all at once. And you will make mistakes on the way.

Hot Topics / Re: Autism explained
« on: February 17, 2015, 12:52:27 am »
Don't know if anyone has seen this, but has very interesting points:

It becomes more and more obvious that vaccines have absolutely nothing to do with prevention of diseases...

I've never said I live the right way. Not fully anyway; partially right. But am getting closer and closer to it, but rather slowly.

Need to have the mind straight and evolving and growing (free of modern twisted nonsense and lies), also emotions straight and evolving and growing (turned out some time ago, for me, that there actually is such a thing as emotional body, like mental body and physical body). And whatever other bodies there might be. Learning about the world. Recognizing lies as lies, truth as truth. Good diet and exercise. And whatever else good and positive.

It probably can be said simpler and shorter...

Inspiring my friends... maybe we can have long healthy lives as well.
Without "maybe" it would be more accurate. No doubt needed. Doubt gets in the way.
Anyway.. at least 100 more years for me to live. And considering how slow the last 16 months have gone... I feel like many years have passed during those 16 months.

The body and mind and emotions don't count in years, they count by "feel". Numerically 100 years, but in truth way more. Unlike the passage of time while on cooked crap diets and overall false lifestyles and thinking; otherwise this "slow" passage is as it actually should be.
More experience in any given moment, throughout life. No wonder people are afraid of dying - their lives pass so fast, they experience so little, from this regret and feelings "I'm not done yet/there's so much more to do". Wasted lives.

Like with eating food, once satisfied you stop; if not satisfied, you keep eating. If you eat wrong things you'll become full, but never satisfied.
Similar with experiences and life, only one full meal last much longer. If you live wrong, you won't become satisfied. You'll have a feeling of being full ("I'm so tired of life") once time to go, yet doesn't want to go because is not satisfied.

Hot Topics / Re: Autism explained
« on: February 11, 2015, 02:45:22 pm »
If a person has a severe infection, then the virus/bacteria will be in their bloodstream, right?  If so, what's the difference between that and having dead virus/bacteria injected into the bloodstream?
A severe infection doesn't come suddenly.
The "dead" virus/bacteria, as has been seen many many times on people, are not always dead... Also the injected amount of viruses/bacteria; if the infection comes gradually, you don't get such an amount in one dose.

Raw-al, Tyler and I are the sharpest minds on the subject of health and nutrition on this board. A great deal of our knowledge and skill in this area comes directly from taking ALL claims,  conventional/traditional/alternative or whatever, and sifting out the bullshit. We have, as a result, gotten very good at it. We've had lots of practice.
Someone who is sharp enough would never say something like this.

How about using the bullshit sifting on yourself? You'd be surprised... If you are full of it, then all the external information you go through will be effected by what you are full of; in other words biased conclusions.

As said, "It is unwise to underestimate the knowledge and reasoning ability of people you know so little about...You'd be surprised." -- To this I'll add: Don't overestimate yourself.

Health / Re: Vaccination
« on: February 11, 2015, 03:47:08 am »
Do animals have the convenience of getting everything and anything they need at any given moment? I know we do... But animals need to hunt and search, or starve (I don't remember herbivores been talked about being ill nearly as much as omnivores or carnivores; makes sense... grass doesn't run). If they don't get what they need quick enough then they will not be at their best strength against illnesses. The same with humans; poor nutrition of general population - low immune system = high susceptibility to illnesses.

It's about the difference between the immune system and the illness. Which one is how strong in relation to each other...
How about instead of injecting a person full of harmful viral material (assuming there weren't extra toxins like mercury, etc.), instead not do that but boost the immune system? How about instead making the immune system so strong the illness cannot win, cannot even find a hold? Why ignore the immune system's potential strength and instead inject a person full of harmful and pointless viral material? Seriously... if someone gets sick, it's not because that person has not been previously injected with viral material... The exact same thing as is with drugs and pills for heart problems or mental problems, etc. - people don't have those issues because they had never taken those poisons before. Vaccines are the same.
We don't need vaccines, never have needed them...

If someone still would get ill, then there are so many ways to get healed without injecting poisons into oneself.

Also considering how long our species has been around... If vaccines were so damn important, we wouldn't even exist today...

Health / Re: Vaccination
« on: February 10, 2015, 06:49:18 pm »
what do you think happened to polio? Fucking vaccines stopped it. The same for smallpox, etc..
And if all those people had their diets and lifestyles correct enough in the first place... perhaps just a few would've become severely sick, those few having not as efficient genetics regarding such illnesses or immune system. Just a few, because as you should be aware, with a diet that actually fits how our bodies are built to work and to need, you don't really ever get sick.
First their bodies are screwed up through false diets and lifestyles, then they get sick because of it, and then vaccines that have mild to lethal effects themselves are given to them? Plus there are far better and actually harmless "alternatives" that aren't even researched and developed... Sorry, but vaccines are total BS.
Keeping people uninformed and stupid regarding diet and lifestyle and the world in general, and thus chronically weak and sick, does not justify feeding them vaccines in return under the guise of keeping them "healthy". This is insane.

If they had instead corrected peoples diets and lifestyles, and actually given them what their bodies need, then vaccines would not have been the ones to stop those illnesses.

General Discussion / Re: Colon cleanse
« on: February 09, 2015, 03:28:34 am »
People may see what they think are wormy things in their stools after a flush, that may be something else entirely.
Like not well digested bits of food. Especially after a "cleanse" that cleanses everything out, even the bacteria necessary for digestion.

Info / News Items / Announcements / Re: Industrial hemp
« on: February 08, 2015, 04:16:58 pm »
I've been eating organic hemp seeds from time to time. So about a week and half ago I wondered, would they sprout? So I put about 8 seeds into 3 old 5 liter ice-cream boxes where parsley and an onion are growing. I didn't really expect they would sprout...
So now I've got some hemp growing.

General Discussion / Re: Organic apples and ANTIBIOTICS!!
« on: February 07, 2015, 12:17:53 am »
Dried fruits?
Dried pears are really good.

Journals / Re: Alberto's Journal
« on: February 05, 2015, 06:02:37 am »
Maybe potato starch could help with gut issues? Helped me, I can digest somewhat more plant stuff (vegetables) than before and much easier. Though I now need to start limiting myself 'cause I tend eat them a bit too much now that it's easier.

It can be homemade easily if don't want the store-sold.

Journals / Re: Inger's healing journey
« on: February 05, 2015, 05:42:53 am »
He sounds like a person severely stuck in mainstream and its negative influences.
Based on what you say he seems like a "control-freak"... like he wants to "own" you, "dominate" you. It is weird that a person cannot accept someone for who she is... or rather it's normal, in the "mainstream" world. And tries to "force" his own qualities onto you if they simply to not fit at all. His mind doesn't sound like much advanced... at least in these regards.

The understandings you have, equivalent understanding are not part of who he is... How long and what did it take for you do acquire your understandings? The processes you had to go through... that made you who you are now. Maybe you could find a "hole" in him through which you could perhaps start introducing equivalent understanding little by little, initiating his processes of finding more than what he thinks he knows and understands, in a way that those understandings would incorporate into his being.

Journals / Re: Inger's healing journey
« on: February 05, 2015, 03:20:55 am »
He just lacks the many understanding and definitions in himself that you have about health and life. Since he lacks them, but you are talking based on those very definitions and understandings, then of course he cannot understand.
Basically the same principle: try lifting a weight you can not lift at your current physical state.
Or try to understand someone saying something to you in a language you cannot speak nor understand - also the same principle.

General Discussion / Re: Organic apples and ANTIBIOTICS!!
« on: February 04, 2015, 03:28:07 pm »
imagine things that are going on that we DON'T know abou.
With some research and thinking, don't even have to imagine that much... Basically, you know diet and nutrition and health sector of our society is highly messed up. Extend the same to every single aspect of our society... the way we are raised and taught, the clothes we wear, governing systems, language itself, history, most "science", etc., etc... everything.
Then almost all of it is shown to us, if we first discover how messed up everything is, in a way as if it's done for money and because of money. Or because of "greed", or "human nature" while at the same time dismissing positive qualities of humans. But then money itself is just another lie. Where did it come from and why... so it goes deep. Money is not even natural here, it would and could not come to be naturally (if you know enough how life on this planet actually works), so this gives an indication where it is not from - not here, literally not from this planet. Which means and hints at quite many further things...
Lies under lies under lies. Strip them away layer by layer by looking from many different perspectives and connecting them all, and you'll find reality which sucks quite bad... And then, somehow, you have to live in it...

Health / Re: Intestinal blockage
« on: February 03, 2015, 04:11:15 pm »
not very familiar with potato starch, mine as well try. Do i need to get a RAW version? is bobs red mill a good quality potato starch. How does it work/how do i use it?
All potato starch should be raw, I don't think it can even be produced with heat. Unless they later apply heat. I don't really know how they mass-produce it. Personally I use a general potato starch from the store, so far works.

The homemade process is grinding up raw potatoes, putting the mass into a cloth, then pressing all the liquid out to a bowl or something, then adding water to the dry mass and repeating, and repeating. Then letting the watery liquid sit for some hours so the starch would settle down to the bottom.

Off Topic / Re: 2015 Watch: economic, financial, war, money, gold turmoil
« on: February 03, 2015, 04:01:09 pm »
There are many ways this Titor guy could have gotten his information.
One is certain, many things he said actually are true, many things about society and how it should work and would be, but in those regards he got some things wrong also. And if he was legit, then definitely he would have been "ordered" to bend the truth, to protect himself, but not bend too much so that in general picture it is still true, and also not reveal his true mission. If true then here only on "personal matters"? No...

If he was right, then talking about coming events in the very near future would have forced the "authority" to change their dates, because if what he said was true, then the "game" would already, right now, be over for the "elite" and those morons.
Out of necessity, from the "elite's" perspective, they would have been forced to change their plans, to lengthen their sick existence.

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