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Topics - goodsamaritan

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Moderator's Note:

*** This is the OMNIVOROUS RAW PALEO DIET BOARD, anti-fruit / anti-veg / anti-carbs... take it to the ZERO CARB board ***

The world of Fraternity of Paleo Dietiers is small so let's put some order in our friendships.  IF your current diet is purely carnivorous and it works for you, then more health to you.

A greater majority of Paleo Dieters are the omnivorous type, the RAW OMNIVORES; and we see organic / wild fruit and vegetables as beneficial to our health.

I do doubt that any one member in this forum has been purely carnivorous while in eutero, since birth and until old age.  

So please respect the categorization of this forum.  If you have rants against all carbs, take it to the Zero Carb Board and it will be welcomed there.

Best wishes to all,

My new health coach has a theory regarding teeth profiles.
The more carnivorous looking a person's teeth is, the more carnivorous he is meant to be.
The same with the flipside, he needs less meat if his teeth look less carnivorous.
He looks at the fang teeth, the more dracula like is more carnivorous.

He thinks my teeth profile shows I need a good amount of meat in my diet which explains why I quickly had malnutrition in raw vegan and fruitarian.

You guys have links or theories with regards to teeth profiling and level of carnivory?

General Discussion / Advice regarding Horse Meat wanted
« on: February 16, 2010, 10:19:00 am »
I was encouraged by this article from a local newspaper:

I think I will soon be able to find a source for horse meat.

I need your advice / recommendations which parts of the horse are very good, fatty, lean, delicious or whatever.

I took my 5 year old girl with me to the office this morning. She was on DILUTED orange juice and coconut juice. This is her raw paleo diet week. She then said she was hungry and wanted sashimi / raw fish and / or raw oysters. Sure.

We went down, bought some calamansi and some guavas. Then for some fish. The hawky vendor offered me uni aka sea urchin… oohhh… yummy… 500 pesos for that small plastic container. He said it was 1/2 kilo, fully packed and submerged in ice. Maybe it was 1/2 kilo or less. I hadn’t had uni in a long time, my little girl was recovering from a long cold, this is a good excuse to blow some money away. So I bought it.

Yummy. Lip smacking good. My daughter relished the raw sea urchin. I taught her to put it on top of the raw tuna sashimi slices… great combo. She really pigged out on it. I pigged out on it myself. In a few short minutes, this made my daughter so sleepy she took a mid morning nap with the nannie in my office. Parent mission accomplished.

I went home for lunch to make sure my 2 boys had their fill of the raw sea urchin. They liked it. More with my 8 year old. We were frustrated some 2 years ago when in Palawan we paid for a lot of sea urchin only to open them and find they were “malnourished”. It wasn’t worth opening the rest of them to find such tiny amounts of sea urchin meat.

I offered my sister in law some uni sashimi, I know she likes this stuff. She declined. She said in her visits to her job in Ilocos province she eats mounds of this stuff. Yes, she eats something like half a kilo in one sitting she said. And that sea urchin was so cheap in Ilocos she pays only 70 pesos to 100 pesos per kilo. She couldn’t believe I paid 500 pesos for my tiny tupperware.

Well thanks for telling us. Now we know where to order a lot of raw sea urchin. She’s going back to Ilocos on Monday. And be back in a few days. While we wait for our next batch of uni sashimi… maybe 2 kilos will do… ha ha ha… pig out!

Off Topic / Cuban is worlds oldest person at 125. Still alive!
« on: February 14, 2010, 12:13:18 am »

In the article it says that the life expectancy for women in Cuba is 105 ?????

Hot Topics / MOVED: Repent!
« on: February 13, 2010, 05:31:18 am »


Don't you just hate know-it-all smartasses?

I may be letting my anger out here, but I just can't stand some people who think they know everything and how they think they are "better" than you. Sure I can understand if a person is modest or humble, but always saying you know more than others is VERY annoying. Some people I meet just piss me off when I get pulled an arguement from a little disagreement, and yelling obviously makes it worse.


I just realized most of us in the raw paleo forum are know-it-all smartasses.

It is probably a personality trait / fault depending on who's point of view.

I think it is this personality that we have in common that led us to this RPD path.

Most people are sheep and would like to go with the flow and not offend anyone even if it means sacrificing their own health for it.

Of course we turn out to be a lively and debateful bunch and it shows in our discussions.  

On one hand, some newbies are shy of posting because of our personalities.  On the other hand the fellow smart asses feel welcome to join in.  

The query is how can we attract participation from more people, especially those who are not of the smart ass personality?

Here is what me and my family had for breakfast.

We live in Manila, Philippines and these are the local fruits in season from left to right:

raw melons – hydrating
raw watermelons – hydrating
raw native guavas – high in vitamin c
raw avocados – high fat

We did not need to drink any water with this breakfast because the water melons provided all the fluid we needed.

Funny how I stress the word raw.

Just ribbing at people who think I’m strange I eat “raw” (fruit). Nobody cooks these fruits.

I'm directing my rib at the cooked meat paleo dieters who make such a big deal out of raw paleo dieters.  As if the word "raw" has to make people head for the hills.  I bet the cooked paleo dieters do not cook their raw fruit, right?

lifted from my blog at

Display Your Culinary Creations / Salad with Lamb's Lettuce and Avocado
« on: February 07, 2010, 10:31:30 pm »

We are so fortunate to have Alphagruis as a contributor to our forum (he's been on RPD for 11 years).  He said something about corn salad.  This link has pictures about how to prepare Lamb's Lettuce and avocado... seems it is marketed that these two go well together.

I haven't tried this yet.

Ingredients For The Salad:

Mache (Lamb’s) Lettuce
Balsamic Vinegar
Olive Oil

How To Make A Salad

Whisk together balsamic vinegar and olive oil to make a dressing (3 parts oil to 1 part vinegar).  In a bowl, toss the mache lettuce with the dressing.  Put the lettuce on a plate.

Peel and pit the avocado.  Thinly slice the avocado.  Put the avocado slices on top of the lettuce.

Primal Diet / Video: Making lots of coconut milk and packing them
« on: February 04, 2010, 09:47:17 am »

I took this video this morning before going up my office.  Could be of interest to Primal Dieters.

This is how lots of coconut milk is made and packed in a certain coconut stall in Farmers Market in Cubao, Quezon City, Philippines.

Coconut milk / coconut cream is popular with Primal Diet followers.

In the Philippines, coconut milk is cooked as part of many dishes. The local name is “gata”.

Raw Coconut milk / coconut cream is viewed as good fats by Aajonus Vonderplanitz and his Primal Diet followers, but personally anything more than a tablespoon of raw coconut milk may upset my stomach. Locally, the coconut vendors and most Filipinos do not drink glass fulls of this stuff. The interest is as a sauce in fruit salads / deserts or cooked in main dishes.


General Discussion / Do you eat raw beef SUET?
« on: February 03, 2010, 05:15:40 pm »
Miles is eating raw beef suet and getting sick on it.

I personally do not eat suet.  I eat beef back fat.

I don't eat suet because the butchers don't sell it to me.  The butchers sell it to those who use suet for cooking or other industrial purposes.

Do you eat beef suet?  Why? or Why Not?

I think it should be standard fare for people to attach pics of what they are eating when they ask questions so we can all have a better idea of how to answer such and such.

I'm sure by now everyone has digital cameras.

We can communicate better this way.

Primal Diet / Consuming greens without a vitamix or other high tech tool?
« on: February 02, 2010, 09:25:58 pm »
I know Aajonus is not into stone age / paleo re-enactment, but I just read in the raw vegan family book of Ka Sundance that his raw vegan family needs a vitamix blender or whatever to make smoothies from vegetables.

I'm thinking that paleo people didn't have vitamixers.

Maybe this is why fermentation was invented? To consume veggies?

Would the consumption of fermented veggies be superior to vitamixed vegetables?

I havent much experience with greens. 

Maybe you experienced with greens folk can teach us.

Which greens do you eat?
What process do you do with them? combine them with?
How much and how often do you eat greens?
What do the greens do for you?


This is how I eat live bamboo shellfish clams. I bought these at 12 noon and dunked them in a brine solution so they can spit out their mud. It is 7pm, dinner time.

My 8 year old boy is my videographer.

My 2 younger kids amazed and having fun with the live bamboo shellfish.  Their appendage goes out and in.  Priceless expression on my 6 year old boy.

Health / Why Raw organic meat vs cooked meat
« on: February 01, 2010, 12:39:11 am »
Please list down the health benefits of eating raw organic meat vs cooked meat.

We are into this bloody raw meat eating business for very good reasons.

I want this to be ammunition to shoot down those cooked meat notions of cooked meat paleo "gurus" who keep espousing that humans have evolved enough to cooked meat.

Sure sure, but have humans evolved optimally to thrive on cooked meat?

My examples:

Tooth decay cannot be cured by a cooked meat diet.  But it can be cured by raw meat.

For super nutrition to help o incurable diseases, raw liver is given, not cooked liver.

To detoxify the liver in liver flushes, raw fats are given like raw egg yolks not cooked egg yolks.

When my 5 year old son was sick of a painful eczema on his left hand, a full 1 week of raw meat paleo diet cured him.


Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Avocados for zero carb?
« on: January 30, 2010, 11:07:30 pm »
Avocados are high in fat.
Not animal.
But will you consider it for zero carb diet?

Or is it more of animal meat being the most compatible food with our digestive system?

General Discussion / Collection of BAD meats thread
« on: January 28, 2010, 09:56:51 pm »
Please reply here with the bad meats in your markets and state why each one is bad.


I'll begin with our farmed BANGUS / Milk Fish

Why it's not good.  It's farmed.  It is kept in a fish pen, it swims in its own poop.  The feeds given are commercial feeds that ensure they grow fast to get to market.


A new google search engine tool has been installed on top of the forum to help everyone search our now growing forum.  This is a sign of forum maturity.  Good news!

Off Topic / How many hours of TV do you or your kids watch per day?
« on: January 26, 2010, 11:31:03 pm »
How many hours of TV do you or your kids watch per day?
My family tv time is zero.
We quit all TV in 2002.
We don't own a TV.

Health / Diabetes Cured? Controlled? No more medication?
« on: January 26, 2010, 12:19:51 pm »

I'm looking to collect testimonials of people who have been cured of diabetes with raw paleo diet or other diets or other means.  Please post them or their links here.

Diabetes should be a simple enough ailment to fix on RPD isn't it?

I'm 2 years into this RPD and it's been all great so far.

Just wondering:

Are there long time RPDers who went back to cooked meat full time?

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Giant Bananas!
« on: January 24, 2010, 09:40:14 am »
My mother in law brought home a single giant banana one day. It was the first time I had seen such a large banana. One of our nannies says they had these giant bananas in her province but she couldn’t remember what they were called. A bunch had only 6 to 10 bananas.

We ate this banana. It’s taste was not impressive. Now I know why it is not commercialized. Please reply here with the name of this giant banana.

Health / Gout. Experiences. Cures.
« on: January 24, 2010, 08:19:38 am »
Please post your gout experiences and success stories here.
I expect since some of you are long enough on RPD any gout will have been eradicated, never to return.

I'd like to share my wife's gout experience and success.

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