Paleo Diet: Raw Paleo Diet and Lifestyle Forum

Raw Paleo Diet Forums => Welcoming Committee => Topic started by: NEUROSPORT on June 18, 2010, 06:51:48 pm

Title: what i don't understand
Post by: NEUROSPORT on June 18, 2010, 06:51:48 pm
i understand the point of eating raw animals - that makes perfect sense to me

what i don't understand is - isn't it dangerous ?  aren't there parasites and stuff ?

i am already close to 100% raw but the fear of parasites in raw meat has driven me to a vegetarian diet.  and i am a protein junkie - a guy that used to eat about 2 pounds of chicken per day.

but now i understand that cooking is whack so i can't grill chicken like i used to.  at the same time i am afraid of eating meat raw.

basically right now i am on 5 huge whey protein shakes a day - that satisfies my urge for huge amounts of animal protein without actually eating raw meat.  but people are pointing out to me that half of my diet is ultra-processed which contradicts my own beliefs that processing food is evil.

so what can i do ?  i would like to at least add raw fish to the diet but i am scared.  i keep seeing that image in my mind of that japanese guys' brain eaten by worms - the guy who liked sushi.

can somebody explain the deal to me ?
Title: Re: what i don't understand
Post by: miles on June 18, 2010, 09:13:44 pm
Just don't get the top of your head sawn off in a place where there are flies then, and they won't lay their eggs in your brain.
Title: Re: what i don't understand
Post by: TylerDurden on June 18, 2010, 11:00:38 pm
The simple fact is that the whole issues re parasites is way overblown. If there were any truth to it, we RPDers would be routinely reporting issues with parasites, yet it's almost unheard of. I have come across only 1 or 2 reports among the multitude of RVAFers worldwide, and these consisted of trips to tropical countries involving contaminated meats. Even then, those 2 incidents were harmless, involving no side-effects, just worms passing in stools afterwards.

I've eaten huge amounts of raw wild game and never had an issue, so I have good reason to suppose that it's all highly distorted. Besides, there are anti-parasite herbs and drugs so there's no need to get worried re this issue.
Title: Re: what i don't understand
Post by: goodsamaritan on June 18, 2010, 11:13:28 pm
I did herbal parasite cleansers before I did RPD.
So far after 2.5 years of RPD I have not found the need to do any parasite cleansing, same with my kids.

But I am well stocked and well armed against parasites if they ever rear their ugly heads.
My wife just bought some dewormers. 
She's taking a 30 day course now and she's not on raw paleo diet.

I also know a beam ray operator.  So we got herbal and electro medicine against parasites.

Just because I'm RPD does not mean I'm unarmed.
Title: Re: what i don't understand
Post by: ys on June 18, 2010, 11:24:48 pm
can somebody explain the deal to me ?

There are numerous threads in this forum that address parasites issue.  Please look through them first and if can't find answers there go ahead and ask.
Title: Re: what i don't understand
Post by: NEUROSPORT on June 19, 2010, 01:02:29 pm
All righty !

I will be trying some raw fish and raw eggs most likely - maybe some caviar YUMM.

I will hold off on the meat for now.
Title: Re: what i don't understand
Post by: Ioanna on June 19, 2010, 09:44:12 pm
There are numerous threads in this forum that address parasites issue.  Please look through them first and if can't find answers there go ahead and ask.

I don't see any harm... new people are always contributing and experience may change former posts of older members.  I think new members should be encouraged to ask questions, not the opposite.
Title: Re: what i don't understand
Post by: Ioanna on June 19, 2010, 09:50:05 pm
I'm careful about the source of my food and mindful of odor, but other than that I don't worry at all anymore. I'm far more afraid my body's reaction to something cooked.
Title: Re: what i don't understand
Post by: djr_81 on June 19, 2010, 11:48:13 pm
I don't see any harm... new people are always contributing and experience may change former posts of older members.  I think new members should be encouraged to ask questions, not the opposite.
One of the most common things you see on just about every forum is "Search MoAR nOOb", etc. While this does convey static information, like how to fix a PC, adequately (albiet in a confrontational and rude way) our WOE is too unexplored, too dynamic, and too evolving to adequately extol this on new members as the answer to everything. I agree that perusing old posts is a good springboard into RPD but I personally enjoy helping new members with questions where I can. :)
Title: Re: what i don't understand
Post by: GR37 on July 13, 2010, 03:07:34 am
Hi there.  I'm also a first-time caller to this station (and a verbose one, as you will see). 

In reference to the topic-du-jour, how would I even know if I have contacted a parasite (should I ever muster the courage to try raw-meat)?  First I'll watch some of the DVD's and hopefully receive the booklet of where to obtain the raw food sources (that I also shelled out money for two weeks ago from Vonderplanitz enterprises).

But these guys I met in NY City's Union Square farmers-market were extolling the diet and recommending it for people who have heavy-metal poisoning-caused Candida overgrowth problems (as I assumedly do).  Before I met them, I had no idea that the so-called Stone Age Diet could also be followed for people in my quandary.

I say assumedly since $20,000 has been spent in this year of abject suffering, but all these doctors-- even "functional medicine" practicioners and other less stiff-necked GP's-- and I still am basically guessing about what caused my health to get so much worse.

Some rely on this high-tech DNA adjunct blood analysis of my cell decomposition from Acumen Labs in England (which shows Antimony as the main cause, with Cadmium, Benzene and other sensitizing influences).

But I got a Tetanus vaccine in November-- that this doctor gave me with Thimerosal in it, and without warning, despite hearing that I was ailing from what I then thought was only a "yeast overgrowth" problem-- and I have also gotten a MELISA test that showed aluminum as another stressor.

There's this doctor named Haley who did a 25-year study with the NIH that tracked patients with metals exposure.  It concluded that exposure to one metal can have a lethal synergistic effect that makes one many times more susceptible to others.

And right before I got sick in May of 2009, I had used these e-cigarettes to quit smoking the real thing.  Since then I read some internet speculation that the polyester filter in these faux-cigs creates antimony (so, even though I only puffed on the vapor of these unregulated rechargeable things about 200 times, I assume that this is what tipped the balance of my health).

But I am trying this cutting-edge IV infusion therapy of Phosphatidylcholine pushes with Leukovorin (Folinic acid); Procrit (off-label use of an anemia drug) Glutathione and Lipostable (from a Swiss Lab that makes it in a concentrated form).

They cost $800 each and the creator of this protocol, Dr. Patricia Kane, claims that I only need 20 more to finish methylating out the toxins (which are supposedly keeping my body from overcoming the yeast situation).  I am becoming increasingly doubtful that this can remove metals that may be lodged within my brain and other organs, but she feels that it all will work on the cellular level (and that's all I need be concerned with along with the supplements and dietary changes-- like no grains and more fats, proteins, seeds, nuts and low-carb veggies and fruits-- that she advises)

Phew.  That's the short-version.  I'll probably hear that my body isn't designed to digest cooked vegetables and cooked meat from ya'al.  And, if it meant getting back my health, I'd be willing to do anything to remove the metals damage that is likely ruining my life.

I say "likely", since proving this damage-- like the secondary yeast-overgrowth itself-- is an inexact or unprovable task.  So, in the meantime, I'm trying to see if doing things like removing my two amalgams from my teeth or finishing these I/V.'s can get me to the promised land of restored health.

But, in two or three months, I'll know if that has worked (and, although I am not suffering as much as before-- when I even had to take Diflucan to deal with a second case of Thrush-- I am doubting how much more progress can be made).

I already avoid all grains, anything processed, any meats with anti-biotics fed to it, vinegars, refined sugars and all the rest of the usual anti-candida-overgrowth diet (and, yes, I know that everyone's body naturally has Candida present).

I just would be heartened to hear from anyone in a similar situation who found that adherence to the raw diet got them past a lifetime of ad-hoc supplements and epson-salt foot-baths, chlorella, Pau D'arco, anti-fungals, chelation and other seemingly-endless and expensive methods of restoring the body's proper balance.

I'd also like to know if anyone can suggest a phone number for me to find out where my booklet-- about how to contact farms that sell unpasteurized butters and such-- has gone?

I introduce all that because I wonder why no one seems to mention this P/K I.V. treatment online if its so simple and effective (and, at least, obviously healthier than chelating or even testing for metals in the usual DMSA or DMPS methods that involve a small exposure)?

Can someone here suggest any sub-group of the raw paleo forum discussion to address my situation to?  I know from reading the Vondedplanitz interview with Dr. Stanley Bass how adherents of his method would react to this (and I already heard from the guy selling me grass-fed steaks at Union Square-- who swears that Aajonous' practices caused him to remove the radiation he received as a child growing up near Chernobyl).

He also occasionally eats rotten meat and, like Aajonous, sees no distinction between good and bad bacteria (and, even though I only met him once, he certainly looked as healthy as can be).

So I only know the most introductory aspects of the diet (as garnered from this guy and the interview with Vonderplanitz). And I get that there are variations of the diet as well.

Sorry if my message is multi-pronged and too long.  But I didn't even get into how I only went through puberty at age 17-- and suffered a severe growth-disorder that kept me at the same height and weight from age 13-to-17-- due to what my endocrinologist's then said was a problem digesting lactose.

It had apparently worn away the lining of my small-intestine-- a key absorption point for naturally-produced growth hormones-- and until I was removed from dairy entirely did it begin to heal(and did I begin to grow).

I'm now 43 and I mention it because I'm being urged to have dairy again (whether pasteurized or unpasteurized).  This Dr. Kane scoffs at what I always assumed was the truth and instead alleges that an early exposure to Antimony stunted my growth.  She has no evidence for this, but declares it nonetheless.

So, if there's anyone in a similar situation-- with metals-caused Candida overgrowth symptoms-- who also recovered on the raw paleo diet, BUT WITHOUT DAIRY BEING INCLUDED, I'd appreciate hearing your tales.

Sometimes I wonder if everyone's differing experiences can be attributed to some of us lacking the gene required to detoxify metals (or the ability to digest milk).  Maybe that's why I read recently of a well-known, over-40 female film producer of the new John Lennon bio-pic "Nowhere Boy" who had one form of Cancer removed and then developed breast cancer a few years later.  This time, she ignored advice to take radiation treatments and simply stopped consuming milk (in the theory that the hormones in it were responsible).  She apparently has a clean bill of health and is marrying the 25-year-old star of the picture (according to some "Vanity Fair" or other magazine article I recently perused).

Then, last night, I read about this medical-researcher whose son has severe autism and wouldn't say "Mommy" or look anyone in the eyes.  Every doctor said differently, but they took their son off dairy at age 2 or 3 and, within one year, his symptoms improved dramatically and resolved themselves so much that the earlier doctors gave a mea-culpa upon viewing the evidence for themselves.

There's just so much we don't know, yet a one-size-fits-all approach is trumpeted by those who feel a bit healthier after switching to whatever diet they attribute to improving their health.  I get that not everyone here follow the same parameters regarding dairy and even what role fruits or veggies play in their diet construction.

So I'm sorry for going off in many directions.  I'm just losing faith with my regular doctor, now that I've deduced that he is too lazy to research this stuff for himself (and, instead, is simply parroting what the controversial Dr. Kane is suggesting).  He even told me that there is no chelating agent for Antimony and is dodging my calls today that followed my reading of a report that directly contradicted that.

So Dr.Kane and this Dr. Maurice Beer are focused primarily on how my cell-lipids are 76% lower than they should be and how my immunity is impaired as a result.

I just wish there was a doctor in the NY City area that subscribes to the raw primal diet's underlying assumptions (since I am afraid to make decisions by myself on such a consequential problem that I have consistently relied upon the wrong people to manage).

I'll stop here, but if anyone knows of anyone in a similar boat and what advice-- or names of doctors-- I would benefit from being informed about, I'd appreciate it.  It feels like I'm not going to be able to postpone the raw-meat vs. chelation question for too much longer.
Title: Re: what i don't understand
Post by: djr_81 on July 13, 2010, 07:07:28 am
I just would be heartened to hear from anyone in a similar situation who found that adherence to the raw diet got them past a lifetime of ad-hoc supplements and epson-salt foot-baths, chlorella, Pau D'arco, anti-fungals, chelation and other seemingly-endless and expensive methods of restoring the body's proper balance.

I'm in the process myself. I've got many food allergies from what I suspect was candida caused leaky gut. I exhibited many of the classic symptoms of a yeast overgrowth and tried many different things for years to deal with it. Some were more usccessful than others but nothing made things more than bearable. Eventually I ended up backed into a corner with almost no food I could safely consume. I stumbled upon this site one day and began my current way of eat ("raw zero carb" or carnivorous; all I eat is meat, fats, and organs which are all raw). This WOE is easily the best relief I've had to my issues and I am making slow but steady progress gettign my health back under control. I don't know if I'll ever be able to eat fruits and vegetables again without a flare-up but I'm very happy with my diet as it is and would gladly eat this way the rest of my life if need be to maintain the level of health I have now.

Can someone here suggest any sub-group of the raw paleo forum discussion to address my situation to?  I know from reading the Vondedplanitz interview with Dr. Stanley Bass how adherents of his method would react to this (and I already heard from the guy selling me grass-fed steaks at Union Square-- who swears that Aajonous' practices caused him to remove the radiation he received as a child growing up near Chernobyl).
I have had success with "raw zero carb" but it's not for everyone. It's also quite a leap of faith from a "normal diet" to eating just raw animal products. I honestly wouldn't have tried it if I wasn't in a dire situation.

So I only know the most introductory aspects of the diet (as garnered from this guy and the interview with Vonderplanitz). And I get that there are variations of the diet as well.
There sure are. We've got a half dozen rough classifications here on the forum with all sorts of gradients in-between which are practiced by members.

Sorry if my message is multi-pronged and too long.  But I didn't even get into how I only went through puberty at age 17-- and suffered a severe growth-disorder that kept me at the same height and weight from age 13-to-17-- due to what my endocrinologist's then said was a problem digesting lactose.

It had apparently worn away the lining of my small-intestine-- a key absorption point for naturally-produced growth hormones-- and until I was removed from dairy entirely did it begin to heal(and did I begin to grow).

I'm now 43 and I mention it because I'm being urged to have dairy again (whether pasteurized or unpasteurized).  This Dr. Kane scoffs at what I always assumed was the truth and instead alleges that an early exposure to Antimony stunted my growth.  She has no evidence for this, but declares it nonetheless.
Primal dieters (a la Aajonus) are big proponents of raw dairy. You'll find that a fair percentage of the members here feel it's an unnecessary and sometimes dangerous part of someone's diet. I personally wouldn't consider it for a minute if I had your history but it's ultimately up to you to decide how you will pursue your health.

So, if there's anyone in a similar situation-- with metals-caused Candida overgrowth symptoms-- who also recovered on the raw paleo diet, BUT WITHOUT DAIRY BEING INCLUDED, I'd appreciate hearing your tales.
I don't know if my Candida is metal induced or, more likely, from broad spectrum antibiotics when younger. I am recovering eating raw paleo without dairy though. You can message me anytime if you need advice, etc. :)

Then, last night, I read about this medical-researcher whose son has severe autism and wouldn't say "Mommy" or look anyone in the eyes.  Every doctor said differently, but they took their son off dairy at age 2 or 3 and, within one year, his symptoms improved dramatically and resolved themselves so much that the earlier doctors gave a mea-culpa upon viewing the evidence for themselves.
Both dairy and gluten are big culprits in the exacerbation of autism. It's amazing how much more functional someone with autism gets when they're eating foods that are healthier for them.

There's just so much we don't know, yet a one-size-fits-all approach is trumpeted by those who feel a bit healthier after switching to whatever diet they attribute to improving their health.  I get that not everyone here follow the same parameters regarding dairy and even what role fruits or veggies play in their diet construction.
I agree. Many people who find relief through a dietary change want to share it with everyone in hopes it will help others with their problems. It can get over-zealous though.
There are a lot of different approaches here on this forum. There's also a lot of scientific and impressive anecdotal backing for how/why different people do different things. The nice thing is that since we have so many different approaches, etc. we have passionate discussions about things but try to not fall into dogmatic practices (which do tend to show up on boards with more narrow approaches).

So I'm sorry for going off in many directions.  I'm just losing faith with my regular doctor, now that I've deduced that he is too lazy to research this stuff for himself (and, instead, is simply parroting what the controversial Dr. Kane is suggesting).  He even told me that there is no chelating agent for Antimony and is dodging my calls today that followed my reading of a report that directly contradicted that.
No need to apologize, I think we've all been there. :)
Title: Re: what i don't understand
Post by: Omniverse on July 14, 2010, 10:33:12 am
so what can i do ?  i would like to at least add raw fish to the diet but i am scared.  i keep seeing that image in my mind of that japanese guys' brain eaten by worms - the guy who liked sushi.

can somebody explain the deal to me ?

I've also seen the video of the Japanese guy with worms in his brain and I'm sure that it is probably a rare case, but does anybody know how he got them? I'm guessing from eating many exotic types of raw sea creatures but I'm curious if anyone knows because I would like to avoid them. I'm fairly comfortable with most of the body parasites and understand how they can act as waste cleaners but I am a little paranoid of any brain parasites.
Title: Re: what i don't understand
Post by: miles on July 14, 2010, 10:41:01 am
Just don't get the top of your head sawn off in a place where there are flies then, and they won't lay their eggs in your brain.

I think those are larvae which were lain by an animal in the external environment, via a severe head-wound which was left open.. I'm not at all sure though.. Someone should find out and report back to be certain.
Title: Re: what i don't understand
Post by: Omniverse on July 14, 2010, 10:49:34 am
Just don't get the top of your head sawn off in a place where there are flies then, and they won't lay their eggs in your brain.

If I'm understanding you correctly, this is how he contracted those brain parasites? Sorry to reiterate but I took it as a joke when I first read your response.
Title: Re: what i don't understand
Post by: miles on July 14, 2010, 10:57:31 am
Sorry, I don't know the answer. It's just that everyone is assuming they were ingested, so I wanted to bring attention to the possibility that they got there some other way. I actually read lots of posts about it, and people had lots of different stories as to how he got them, some of which involved ingestion, some semi-decapitation, and some cysts from ingrowing hairs.
Title: Re: what i don't understand
Post by: Omniverse on July 14, 2010, 11:13:44 am
Sorry, I don't know the answer. It's just that everyone is assuming they were ingested, so I wanted to bring attention to the possibility that they got there some other way. I actually read lots of posts about it, and people had lots of different stories as to how he got them, some of which involved ingestion, some semi-decapitation, and some cysts from ingrowing hairs.

I've never considered that they came from an open-head wound but that would make a lot of sense. It is comforting to know that he may not have gotten them from sushi so thanks for the alternate explanation.
Title: Re: what i don't understand
Post by: GR37 on July 15, 2010, 10:57:42 am
Hey Dan:

This is my first chance to log-in and see reactions to my introductory post of Tolstoy-like length.  So I'm heartened to read your patient and understanding reply (that took the time to address a few of my concerns one-by-one).

I've just been real bad lately and not knowing what's the cause (even possibly eating these detoxx-diet approved pies that were cooked and served in aluminum-- which I recently tested highly-sensitive to-- is possible).

But I am finally getting my two amalgams out tomorrow (after needlessly postponing it for the first 15 months since I lost my health).  You see, until recently, I assumed it was a stubborn Candida overgrowth with Leaky Gut Syndrome allergies (although, just after a second case of Thrush-occasioned a second course of Diflucan, the retest of LGS showed a normal Mannitol/Lactalase ratio).

So, I don't know about the whole LGS microscopic perforations in the gut theory (as my stomach FEELS fine). 

What's the worst lately is this version  of UVetis-- a.k.a Iritis-- which has no cure and is only treated with steroid drops (and when I tried steroid pills for 7 days three years ago, this jerk of an eye-doctor didn't advise me to take probiotoics like Sacc. Boulardi to mitigate the way it likely added to my adolescent daily use of Tetracycline and encouraged Candida overgrowth).

So, the UVetis is awful and possibly getting addicted to the Prednisone drops-- when months ago, before a Tetanus-shot I wasn't warned had Thimerosal in it-- I had none and was only suffering from the yeast situation.  Now, I got extensive medical tests showing that 6 months of the IV's haven't improved my cell decomposition and a host of troubling vaccenic markers (evn though I felt 15% stronger than before).  And, even with all this, I was feeling normal just 15 months ago (and untroubled for the 40 years before that).

So, I will actually bite-the-bullet, one week from tomorrow, and try a first-ever course of EDTA Calcium chelation to try removing Antimony (even though I know it can remove the "good" minerals as well as the bad metals).  But without trying to remove the metal--or if the mercury is still hidden somewhere-- the metalS, I feel certain that suffering and eventually Cancer will be my destiny.

So, I'm hoping that the amalgams removal will help reverse this current suffering.  If it makes it much worse, that's a sign I have Mercury in  me as well (and possibly I'll do the DMPS1 chelation to motivate out the mercury first).

But I only have hope that my symptoms might lessen from this guy K Jones in England who posted a similar situation on this Helium discussion forum about the roots of UVetis.  He said a naturopathic doctor specializing in the eyes pointed to a toxic bowel as the possible cause (and his anecdotal example-- after removing amalgams and chelating-- suggested that a strict low GI diet (?) plus stress-relief and Candida and parasite-fighting methods have helped his Uvetis symptoms become more manageable).

So, I'll update you all on my progress in case anyone's in a similar boat.  But, in the meantime, I need to really learn how dangerous it is for me to eat fruits and veggies when I have no digestive problems (even though the microflora of the digestic tract is still probably containing Candida overgrowth and bacterial fermentation).

But if metals are the cause, I've decided to stop futzing around as a volunteer guinea-pig for Dr. Kane's uncompensated $800-apiece IV's and put myself in the hands of Dr. Jeff Morrison in NY City (who has had years of experience chelating metals from his patients).

If all that doesn't work, I'll be back to the barely-improved Candida situation (but my experience getting sick after using those e-cigarettes leads me to expect that Antimony is probably the main culprit).

I'll be eager to learn how to obtain unpasteurized dairy to supplement the raw meat that is presumably easier to obtain.  I mean, just because dairy hurt me 30 years ago doesn't mean it will hurt me now.  And, even if it does, I can always try to save my health by eating nothing more than raw-meat.

I'll need to learn how to make that taste less disgusting, but its a gamble to eat only that for weeks or months on the gamble that it can improve my terribly debilitating symptoms.  So, first I'll do the chelation and see if it works to get me there (so I'll have no choice but to try the raw-meat as a final method of reversing my plunging health).

I only hope that the good fortune of this guy who clued me into this diet-- and had so much success overcoming his metals-caused Candida symptoms-- will be mine as well (if I am also forced to try it).