Paleo Diet: Raw Paleo Diet and Lifestyle Forum

Raw Paleo Diet Forums => Health => Topic started by: J.O on June 23, 2010, 07:52:17 am

Title: Solution for hair loss?
Post by: J.O on June 23, 2010, 07:52:17 am
Before start this topic, sorry my bad english...
Well, im thinking, if these diets can cure almost all diseases, including cancer, can a variation of these regrow hair???
I have only 17 years and big bald spots in temple area.
Can someone help me with this???
Title: Re: Solution for hair loss?
Post by: ForTheHunt on June 23, 2010, 09:26:19 am
I personally don't think that you can regrow hair. But I definitely think you can stop hairloss in it's tracks with cleansing and RPD.
Title: Re: Solution for hair loss?
Post by: J.O on June 23, 2010, 09:51:30 am
Somebody have a solution???
I really need this, i'm young and my hairline is from a old man...
I wanna regrow hair where i have lost and i don't now how!!!!
Is this impossible? Some people think cancer is impossible but doesn't...
Is baldness impossible to cure???
Title: Re: Solution for hair loss?
Post by: J.O on June 23, 2010, 09:53:45 am
Thank you!
Suggests of foods???
Title: Re: Solution for hair loss?
Post by: PaleoPhil on June 23, 2010, 11:29:13 am
You said you have "spots" - do you have alopecia areata or standard male pattern baldness?

My hairloss slowed down, but didn't stop, on RPD. Carbs of any sort--including even raw carbs like organic fruits, but especially wheat--accelerate my hairloss the more of them I eat, but small amounts in the short term don't seem to trigger much hairloss (but who knows what's happening at the cellular level that I can't see).

Insulin resistance, IGF-1 and acne have all been connected to hairloss (though not everyone who is balding experiences all of them, of course):

So if you find that any foods spike your blood sugars or give you acne outbreaks, there's a chance they promote your hairloss as well.
Title: Re: Solution for hair loss?
Post by: goodsamaritan on June 23, 2010, 03:07:19 pm
Do not shampoo your hair.  Use water only to wash it.

Title: Re: Solution for hair loss?
Post by: J.O on June 24, 2010, 08:55:14 am
You said you have "spots" - do you have alopecia areata or standard male pattern baldness?

My hairloss slowed down, but didn't stop, on RPD. Carbs of any sort--including even raw carbs like organic fruits, but especially wheat--accelerate my hairloss the more of them I eat, but small amounts in the short term don't seem to trigger much hairloss (but who knows what's happening at the cellular level that I can't see).

Insulin resistance, IGF-1 and acne have all been connected to hairloss (though not everyone who is balding experiences all of them, of course):

So if you find that any foods spike your blood sugars or give you acne outbreaks, there's a chance they promote your hairloss as well.

Well, this can be right because i have acne since 13 years old.
I think is male pattern baldness because my dad have too, but he is not bald, he have a big forehead and a little spot in the crown.
But i dont now how i can start my diet, because i have acne and i want to elliminate
Is my acne cause Candida Albicans?
Can I do the raw egg detox or what is the best? Wai diet?

Do not shampoo your hair.  Use water only to wash it.

I will do this when i start my raw paleo diet because now my hair is greasy.

Thanks people! I'm sorry if I did a error in the text...
Title: Re: Solution for hair loss?
Post by: sven on June 24, 2010, 12:51:04 pm
Pretty much stay away from carbs
Title: Re: Solution for hair loss?
Post by: sven on June 24, 2010, 12:58:53 pm
Well ok its a little more complicated than that.... I've found that keeping my omega3s balanced works well for me because too much omega6 triggers an inflammatotry response, especially when mixed with carbs.   Personally I wouldn't expect to regrow hair.  Keep your fingers crossed for a future balding cure.
Title: Re: Solution for hair loss?
Post by: KD on June 24, 2010, 01:15:57 pm
This is perhaps a different issue but

Its been mentioned by most SWD eaters that losing a little bit of hair regularly (say in the shower or brushing) is quite normal. Obviously those with longer hair can tell more. I know on a lot of 'alternative' type diets that either attributed regular increased hairloss to detox or simply adaptation that greater hair loss is expected. Some people even feel a thinner head of hair is healthier end product.

Is this what people typically experience? In my own case its hard to tell because I only wet my hair once a week, but often (especially now in the summer) it seems like i'll pull stands out running my fingers through my hair almost on a daily basis. I've thought about returning to more washing (with water) and possibly shampoo. My hair is pretty thick (and has a healthy luster) but I do have some remaining scalp issues due to residual fungal stuff, so I sometimes wonder if its hair not coming back. :/. I don't even understand the CW because people would have all kinds of shorter hairs growing in at the same time as those falling out. or do they?
Title: Re: Solution for hair loss?
Post by: PaleoPhil on June 25, 2010, 11:01:11 am
Well, this can be right because i have acne since 13 years old.
I think is male pattern baldness because my dad have too, but he is not bald, he have a big forehead and a little spot in the crown.
But i dont now how i can start my diet, because i have acne and i want to elliminate
Is my acne cause Candida Albicans?
Possibly, but both acne and male pattern baldness are more clearly linked to insulin resistance, as I said above. Read up on Loren Cordain's research ( on insulin resistance, acne and baldness. The dietary treatment for both insulin resistance and candida overgrowth are very similar anyways, typically involving cutting down on carbs and eating more Paleo-type foods. Read up on them and you'll see.

Can I do the raw egg detox or what is the best? Wai diet?
I don't recommend Wai diet, especially not for someone with insulin resistance.
I will do this when i start my raw paleo diet because now my hair is greasy.
I think Cordain talks about that too, in either his research reports or interviews, if my memory serves me correctly.
Title: Re: Solution for hair loss?
Post by: J.O on June 26, 2010, 01:11:58 am
Thank you PaleoPhil
What i have to do before start a ZC diet?
What food i can't eat?

I'm sorry, my english is very bad and I had not seen the newbie forum...Sorry
But I can consume how much carbs in my diet?
Title: Re: Solution for hair loss?
Post by: PaleoPhil on June 26, 2010, 06:34:07 am
Anything what have carbs in it--at least for a few weeks anyways, if you handle meat/fat/organs well, of course. Elimination-type diets typically last for 3-4 or more weeks, preferably until your hair loss has slowed and any other symptoms have calmed down, then if you want to reintroduce some you think you might be able to handle and wish to eat, you could try it one at a time. It should give you a better idea of which foods affect you in what ways.

Danny's book is coming out soon...

Halting Hair Loss: How Eating Like A Carnivore Can Save Your Hair
Sunday, June 20, 2010 at 7:05PM
By Danny Roddy
Title: Re: Solution for hair loss?
Post by: J.O on June 26, 2010, 07:38:18 am
But i don't understand how much of these i can consume...
Organs like kidneys and liver just one time per week, right? And what kind of fat i can consume? Only from meats?
And I'm sorry for asking so many questions. -[
Title: Re: Solution for hair loss?
Post by: J.O on June 26, 2010, 08:27:51 am
Is "high-meat" good for my problems (acne and hair loss) ?
What you think?
Title: Re: Solution for hair loss?
Post by: sven on June 27, 2010, 03:50:21 am
Most likely theres not going to be a 'magic bullet' for stopping the hair loss.  Just focus on eliminating carbs and you should start noticing a difference.  High meat will probably give you energy and enhance the immune system
Title: Re: Solution for hair loss?
Post by: J.O on June 27, 2010, 04:45:08 pm
Thank you
I'm crazy to start, but... i don't know how to convince my parents to let me get this diet...
They will not belive raw meat give basically all nutrients I need...
My father have high blood pressure and my mother hyperthyroidism, they can be cured too? But my father has the habit of drinking beer every single day...
I don't know how I can make they understand the diet.
How i can do this?
Title: Re: Solution for hair loss?
Post by: goodsamaritan on June 27, 2010, 06:22:07 pm
Thank you
I'm crazy to start, but... i don't know how to convince my parents to let me get this diet...
They will not belive raw meat give basically all nutrients I need...
My father have high blood pressure and my mother hyperthyroidism, they can be cured too? But my father has the habit of drinking beer every single day...
I don't know how I can make they understand the diet.
How i can do this?

Have them watch the videos on my web page
Title: Re: Solution for hair loss?
Post by: PaleoPhil on June 28, 2010, 12:21:52 am
But i don't understand how much of these i can consume...
Organs like kidneys and liver just one time per week, right? And what kind of fat i can consume? Only from meats?
And I'm sorry for asking so many questions. -[

I don't know what the maximum limits on organs are. Once or twice a week should be fine, I would think.

The fats that seem healthiest are marrow, suet, pork leaf, pork belly, raw cod liver oil, and extra virgin coconut oil. I don't handle coconut oil well myself, though. Brains would be another, except I've never seen them sold anywhere.
Title: Re: Solution for hair loss?
Post by: J.O on June 28, 2010, 11:04:14 am
Thank you guys!
When I convince my parents... I'll start
Title: Re: Solution for hair loss?
Post by: kgriffen on June 28, 2010, 01:53:52 pm
Thank you guys!
When I convince my parents... I'll start

There is a few easy ways into this.  First, I would not recommend labeling the diet, like "Paleo" or "Zero-Carb" etc.  Just tell your parents you would like to cut out all sugar (in all its various forms) for your acne problem.  The next week, tell them you would like to start eliminating all grains, tell them you saw a Dr. on television or something.  Next, tell them you think you are highly sensitive to chemicals and refuse to eat anything out of a box or other packaging.  Some might argue, but if you can get to eating real, unprocessed, chemical free, real food (excluding grains and sugar of course), you will be well on your way to a healthier way of eating, and you might see some benefit in your acne and hair as a result.

Then, if you so choose, you can move on to the more finer points of Paleo or whatever WOE you choose.
Title: Re: Solution for hair loss?
Post by: RawZi on June 28, 2010, 10:34:55 pm
My father have high blood pressure and my mother hyperthyroidism, they can be cured too? But my father has the habit of drinking beer every single day...
I don't know how I can make they understand the diet.
How i can do this?

    Maybe they can change with you, starting by not eating canned foods, and avoiding bread and cereals, at least a few real changes.  I wish you all great health!  If they make these changes, they will start feeling better (from their diseases), and that should help them support you.  I haven't read the book myself, but that fruitarian pro-buli guru, Douglas Graham has a book called Grain Damage that might help you learn the negatives of grain so you might teach your parents reasons to avoid that particular food of civilization.  It's hard, your parents will probably feel a little hurt that you don't look to eat the way their parents taught them to.
Title: Re: Solution for hair loss?
Post by: J.O on June 29, 2010, 07:45:16 am
Thank you guys one more time!
But one more question: Can I consume only this:
-Lean meat
-Fish (small amount)
-Suet (where i buy this?)
-Cow's liver
-Butter (maybe ?)

Is this allright?
How much should I eat each of these items? (proportion)
Title: Re: Solution for hair loss?
Post by: sven on June 30, 2010, 04:36:51 am
Its a good way to start... many people get bored eating only a handful of foods.  Suet is bought or ordered from a local butcher or online.  Try raw butter, not everyone reacts good to it.  Proportions of foods you will have to experiment with on your own.  I personally eat about this in a day:

1 pound steak with 5 egg yolks in lemon

coconut oil and chicken

beef liver

olive oil and ground beef

another 1 pound steak with 5 egg yolks in lemon

butter and milk before bed with egg yolks, a banana
Title: Re: Solution for hair loss?
Post by: miles on June 30, 2010, 07:26:15 am
Phil: What is the diet of the pig from which this healthy pork fat comes from? Also, the same question for the marrow which you consider healthy.

Sven: What is the diet of this chicken and beef which you eat?
Title: Re: Solution for hair loss?
Post by: PaleoPhil on July 01, 2010, 05:39:27 am
Phil: What is the diet of the pig from which this healthy pork fat comes from? Also, the same question for the marrow which you consider healthy.
That's a good question. "Healthy" is a relative term, so I should clarify further. I was thinking more in terms of pork leaf fat being a source of saturated and monounsaturated animal fats. The diet of even pastured pigs is rarely as biologically appropriate as that of 100% grassfed beef, so I see it as of secondary quality. I don't like the taste or mouth feel of pork leaf fat or lard anyway, so it's not a big deal for me personally and I was trying to put as many options out as I could think of.

The marrow I get is commercial, so I also see that as secondary to my 100% grassfed suet, and marrow is expensive too, but even commercial marrow tends to have a better fat profile and more closely resembles the fat that our ancestors ate than vegetable oils, peanut butter, margarine, etc. Even raw butter would be better than that stuff.
Title: Re: Solution for hair loss?
Post by: Dwight on July 01, 2010, 10:02:48 pm
Do not shampoo your hair.  Use water only to wash it.

GS, it's really hard to do this since I use wax. I have god awful natural hair, all messy and stuff and my hair's not long too.

I have natural spikes at the top back of my head as well, with the sides of my hair that don't seem to go down without wax.

EDIT: Also, my diet is just ribeye steaks. I am planning to add in Beef shank (plus the marrow) but I can't find any, except for Lamb, which is grain fed and shin shanks (according to the butcher) does not contain the bone marrow. Grassfed Organs are just way too hard to get here in Singapore and no one has heard of suet.
It's just really damned hard to do Paleo in Singapore without having a hole in your wallet and probably, stress from finding out the sources.

But, if I were to successfully be 100% RZC, I would spread it across Singapore like a hurricane.

Grain fed ribeye is 6SGD per 100g.
Grass fed has promotions so I'm not sure about the actual price.

Singapore hates me.
Title: Re: Solution for hair loss?
Post by: wodgina on July 01, 2010, 10:56:30 pm

Grain fed ribeye is 6SGD per 100g.
Grass fed has promotions so I'm not sure about the actual price.

Singapore hates me.

OUCH! that's $AUS 51 and $US 43 a kilo. Can you not get fatty mince?

Singapore is need a good job or wealthy parents.

I wonder how much it would cost to freight from a poorer country like Indonesia or something?

Tough predicament.
Title: Re: Solution for hair loss?
Post by: Dwight on July 02, 2010, 02:32:32 am
OUCH! that's $AUS 51 and $US 43 a kilo. Can you not get fatty mince?

Singapore is need a good job or wealthy parents.

I wonder how much it would cost to freight from a poorer country like Indonesia or something?

Tough predicament.

Fatty mince? Ground meat? All of them are lean/grain fed.
Cheaper ones would be brisket, then again it's about 2.40SGD per 100g.

I'm in a tough spot to get into RZC. Beef and lamb offals don't exist in supermarkets. Only pork, which is grain fed.

I haven't tried the wet market though but my mum says that the meat there stinks and she hasn't seen beef or lamb organs before.
Plus, it's really hard to communicate with the folks selling the beef because my Chinese and Hokkien language is terrible.

Maybe I'll hit the market this weekend.
Title: Re: Solution for hair loss?
Post by: sven on July 02, 2010, 03:19:46 am
Phil: What is the diet of the pig from which this healthy pork fat comes from? Also, the same question for the marrow which you consider healthy.

Sven: What is the diet of this chicken and beef which you eat?

I'm doing it to gain weight/mass for bulking up.  It's working very nicely
Title: Re: Solution for hair loss?
Post by: miles on July 02, 2010, 06:55:03 am
Heh. I meant, what does the chicken and beef eat? =)
Title: Re: Solution for hair loss?
Post by: sven on July 02, 2010, 11:55:33 am
LOL oh... the fresh beef I get is grainfed unfortunatley, but they are not raised with hormones and are considered all natural(whatever that means), I've called up the farmers and even though they are fed grains and alfalfa ect.  they are still a much better choice than typical supermarket beef. 

the eggs I get are from a local farm that I can go watch run around all day
heres the guys website 
Title: Re: Solution for hair loss?
Post by: goodsamaritan on July 02, 2010, 12:51:53 pm
Grain fed ribeye is 6SGD per 100g.
Grass fed has promotions so I'm not sure about the actual price.

Singapore hates me.

I should send you my beef and make a profit as well.
I don't know the first thing how to pack, ice it and send it via which carrier.
Title: Re: Solution for hair loss?
Post by: wodgina on July 02, 2010, 02:28:57 pm
Fatty mince? Ground meat? All of them are lean/grain fed.
Cheaper ones would be brisket, then again it's about 2.40SGD per 100g.

I'm in a tough spot to get into RZC. Beef and lamb offals don't exist in supermarkets. Only pork, which is grain fed.

I haven't tried the wet market though but my mum says that the meat there stinks and she hasn't seen beef or lamb organs before.
Plus, it's really hard to communicate with the folks selling the beef because my Chinese and Hokkien language is terrible.

Maybe I'll hit the market this weekend.

Why buy expensive rib eyes when you can buy brisket.

I don't even buy rib eyes. Just add some fish if your worried about 0mega 3. You have to do what you can.

Grass fed rib eyes are $US45 kg here, mince is $US 13.50 kg.
Title: Re: Solution for hair loss?
Post by: sven on July 03, 2010, 04:09:00 am
I was thinking a little bit more about this hair loss affair... I remember being on SAD and my hair was thin and brittle, I had a very mild case of receding hairline, nothing major... maybe 15-20 hairs lost over a course of a year.  Now that my protein intake is well over 200g per day my hair is Much thicker(no surprise there) and stronger.  No hair loss has occured in the 7 months of my raw diet and high protein intake.  No regrowth has taken place. Both my grandfathers are bald, my father is balding.  I do have a full head of hair. 

This might be too simple a solution but maybe  strengthening the hair is the answer...  a strong hair will not thin out and die easily.  When the body is starving one of the first things to stop is hair growth and nail growth.  So if you're eating 20-50g a day of protein its not enough.  the body uses protein for a million things.  Perhaps a high protein intake is sufficient enough to SLOW or halt hair loss.  The stronger and more resistant the hair is the less likely it will fold to balding.   Thoughts?
Title: Re: Solution for hair loss?
Post by: Dwight on July 03, 2010, 08:50:23 pm
Why buy expensive rib eyes when you can buy brisket.

I don't even buy rib eyes. Just add some fish if your worried about 0mega 3. You have to do what you can.

Grass fed rib eyes are $US45 kg here, mince is $US 13.50 kg.

Thank you. ^_^ I guess it's just brisket and sashimi for me. I am content though I guess I will sneak in a few pieces of different kinds of meat. Once there was a special on rump steaks from Tasmania, the fat content was "holy crap, did the cow just sat in front of a tv chewing grass all day non-stop"?

Anyways, do you guys have trouble chewing brisket? I can't rip any with my teeth.

I'm worried about fat content too but I guess i should just eat what is available.

P.S Sorry, I'm kinda high because it was the first time i drank a raw egg (didn't dare to at first) and I hardly get to have any raw animal products.
Title: Re: Solution for hair loss?
Post by: miles on July 03, 2010, 08:55:21 pm
No, I don't have any trouble eating brisket. You are puny.

You know how kitchen roll and corrugated card tears more easily in certain directions? The skin on the brisket is the same... Even before I worked that out though, I just pulled hard or something... It tasted so nice I was not bothered, but soon enough got more skilled at doing it anyway.
Title: Re: Solution for hair loss?
Post by: Dwight on July 03, 2010, 09:05:05 pm
No, I don't have any trouble eating brisket. You are puny.

You know how kitchen roll and corrugated card tears more easily in certain directions? The skin on the brisket is the same... Even before I worked that out though, I just pulled hard or something... It tasted so nice I was not bothered, but soon enough got more skilled at doing it anyway.

Well, one day I will snap a picture of our brisket here. I see no skin =| I guess I need practice..
and no cigarettes.
Title: Re: Solution for hair loss?
Post by: miles on July 03, 2010, 09:53:48 pm
Maybe they took it out... The skin is one of the nicest things about brisket...
Title: Re: Solution for hair loss?
Post by: djr_81 on July 04, 2010, 12:09:58 am
No, I don't have any trouble eating brisket. You are puny.
Play nice. If people are less regular to the forum they might not get that you're joking. :P

FWIW my brisket, from two sources, has no skin either.
Title: Re: Solution for hair loss?
Post by: miles on July 04, 2010, 12:47:27 am
FWIW my brisket, from two sources, has no skin either.

omg I looked on google for a picture and I couldn't really find any good pics to show the skin... That is sad, I find it so tasty. You get the main meat part, then you get a thin(thicker in some) layer of soft(harder in some) fat, then there is the skin... It looks like many people remove not only the skin, but the soft-fat layer too... That's ridiculous...

Is it possible that what I am calling 'the skin', you may not refer to as 'the skin'? Or is there really nothing that could be considered such on yours?
Title: Re: Solution for hair loss?
Post by: djr_81 on July 04, 2010, 01:59:24 am
omg I looked on google for a picture and I couldn't really find any good pics to show the skin... That is sad, I find it so tasty. You get the main meat part, then you get a thin(thicker in some) layer of soft(harder in some) fat, then there is the skin... It looks like many people remove not only the skin, but the soft-fat layer too... That's ridiculous...

Is it possible that what I am calling 'the skin', you may not refer to as 'the skin'? Or is there really nothing that could be considered such on yours?
Take a photo next time you get a cut and highlight the skin. It's definitely possible we're looking at different things.
Title: Re: Solution for hair loss?
Post by: RawZi on October 09, 2010, 04:49:21 pm
    Incredible, July to October.
Title: Re: Solution for hair loss?
Post by: Raw Kyle on October 10, 2010, 02:20:05 am
Removed spam post.
Title: Re: Solution for hair loss?
Post by: wodgina on August 14, 2011, 10:23:44 am
My younger brother has huge areas of skin showing on his crown and receding on the forhead. He is going bald fast. Less than a year ago he was fine. He eats no raw animal foods anymore. I really don't want to go bald besides the fact it looks crap you have to deal with sunburn/stroke and have to wear a hat all the time.

I have totally the same amount of hair i had 10 years ago although salt and pepper.Unbelievably thick. I find it hard to believe I may be dodging the baldness bullet. How? 
Title: Re: Solution for hair loss?
Post by: van on September 19, 2011, 09:54:51 am
Raw egg yolks, healthy ones, and keep your scalp clean by cleansing it with baking soda;   One - three teaspoons to the scalp, work it in, let it sit for a few minutes, and then really work your fingers massaging the scalp, and then rinse with just warm water while still massaging.  Brush your hair frequently with boar bristle brush. Massage scalp and brush it in the morning.  Ditch excess sugar, including fruit sugar.
Title: Re: Solution for hair loss?
Post by: raw on September 19, 2011, 12:06:48 pm
Putting organic free range eggs on scalp , not only clean the scalp, but give comfort and nourishments. Sleeping condition even improves. Putting placenta on the head does the same thing and even more nutritious than eggs. Good diet and good care (not only involves brushing the hair only) can prevent hair falling and graying hair.
Title: Re: Solution for hair loss?
Post by: van on September 20, 2011, 11:18:43 am
eggs on head may work, I was citing my history for about 25 years eating them raw.  Every vit/min hair restore product have the nutrients found in egg yolks. 
Title: Re: Solution for hair loss?
Post by: RogueFarmer on October 02, 2011, 03:39:33 am
Hey, no one mentioned stress or ejaculation...

I think excessive ejaculation can cause hair loss. Stress for sure can.

Eating lots of raw meat sure does help with stress in my book. Eating cooked meat pisses me off and keeps me pissed off. Raw meat keeps me cool and mellow and when I do get riled up I am much more calm and collected.

However, I think love and compassion and touching/making out with other people and especially long lasting intercourse without ejaculation will help build oxytocin levels up and I think that might be the best way.

I do believe stress is the main cause of hair loss. Fight or flight hormones.

Sorry if that's too graphic lol...
Title: Re: Solution for hair loss?
Post by: cherimoya_kid on October 02, 2011, 11:37:14 am

However, I think love and compassion and touching/making out with other people and especially long lasting intercourse without ejaculation will help build oxytocin levels up ...

It will also cause prostate cancer.  Too little ejaculation is very, very bad for the prostate.
Title: Re: Solution for hair loss?
Post by: RogueFarmer on October 02, 2011, 04:23:33 pm
Not according to Dr. Bass who is I believe 97 years old.

I dunno, not worried about cancer at all to be honest.
Title: Re: Solution for hair loss?
Post by: PaleoPhil on October 02, 2011, 09:28:12 pm
Many people have claimed in the past that "excessive" ejaculation causes hairloss (often without defining "excessive"), but so far I haven't seen any provide before and after photos (which wouldn't be proof, but not even bothering to provide any evidence suggests BSing). If you regrow hair due to lack of ejaculation, provide the before and after photos and then I might take it seriously. Until then, it's highly suspect. After all, if it were true, then wouldn't male porn stars be the baldest of men?
Title: Re: Solution for hair loss?
Post by: RawZi on October 02, 2011, 09:57:19 pm
Not according to Dr. Bass who is I believe 97 years old. (  According to this video interview he'd be turning about 93 right now, spacecow boy.  I've met Dr Stanley (as he is a retired non-practicing chiropractor) in person and heard him out there extensively, and I'll vouch he is human.  What exactly did Stanley Bass say to you reference these topics?  Humans can make mistakes anyway.  Remember the natural hygiene movement way back when was mostly fasting, high pressure colonic irrigations, fruit and salad.  Anything that would support not-ejaculating, like presenting scientific suppositions that it would make a guy's hair fall out might not be out of the question.  Actually I know an otherwise healthy guy that lost his hair while being faithful to his celibate wife (they were monogamous) and I would say he didn't masturbate either.  Well, I guess that could be stressful in itself, may be part of the hair-loss.    
Title: Re: Solution for hair loss?
Post by: PaleoPhil on October 02, 2011, 10:20:35 pm
And based on that video it looks like Dr. Bass has a fair amount of baldness himself, so I'm not getting how his advice on hair loss would be particularly relevant, unless he only recently adopted the view that excessive ejaculation causes hair loss and his hair has started regrowing since then?
Title: Re: Solution for hair loss?
Post by: RogueFarmer on October 03, 2011, 02:59:02 am
He didn't have advice on hair loss. The idea of lack of ejaculation causing cancer was brought up. Bass wrote a whole book about male continence called "Energy Karezza".

You know if our bodies really need to ejaculate they will just do it in a wet dream no? Or will that cause prostate cancer too?

Also, if you aren't bald in your 90's you surely should be counting your blessings! Though my great grandpa wasn't.

I don't think it's about ejaculation directly. Frankly I can't remember the name of the hormone that is caused by masterbation/frantic sex/fight or flight, but that is what I am blaming for hair loss.

Ah, I think it was serotonin.
Title: Re: Solution for hair loss?
Post by: PaleoPhil on October 03, 2011, 04:32:01 am
You know if our bodies really need to ejaculate they will just do it in a wet dream no? Or will that cause prostate cancer too?
Ejaculation was not found to be correlated with increased risk of prostate cancer, low frequency of ejaculation was. I think the point about the prostate cancer has more implications beyond prostate cancer. It and other findings suggest that not ejaculating has multiple negative effects. It's not like someone is perfectly healthy and then suddenly gets prostate cancer. There's a long, often unseen, buildup of ill health over time that eventually develops into full blown prostate cancer. Greater frequency of ejaculation has also been found to have other benefits in both humans and animals, but that's a story for another thread topic.

You can point to Dr. Bass re: limiting ejaculation, but I can point to Aajonus Vonderplanitz, who is pro-frequent-ejaculation (as are the results of multiple studies). Pointing to gurus is regarded as a logical fallacy called arguing from authority and doesn't prove anything.

I don't think it's about ejaculation directly.
We agree and I think the other hypothesized factor you mentioned--stress--is more likely a real exacerbating factor in hair loss than ejaculation, though I don't think there's enough evidence to term it the main underlying cause of chronic male pattern hair loss, as there could be one or more factors underlying the stress, such as the combined effects of the whole modern diet and lifestyle (in addition to other factors like genetic susceptibility to both chronic stress and hair loss).
Title: Re: Solution for hair loss?
Post by: Sully on April 05, 2012, 05:08:35 am
I think avoiding too much carbs would help those who carry the gene of hair loss. I think the gene is triggered by carbs and sugar rich diets. I could be wrong though, Just my guess
Title: Re: Solution for hair loss?
Post by: PaleoPhil on April 05, 2012, 07:25:32 am
You know what's really surprising? According to the 23andme DNA test I did, I DON'T have the gene for increased risk of male pattern baldness--I reportedly have "typical odds" for baldness and actually slightly increased odds for "curly hair" (which one of my uncles does have and my hair is somewhat wavy). Yet I am balding, my father is completely bald and all the other men in my family are losing hair. Go figure. Apparently, it seems that baldness has way more to do with epigenetics (the effect of environment on gene expression) than DNA. This and other results of my DNA test and other research suggest that often things are not as they seem and the truth is often contrary to our assumptions. Environnmental factors appear to be way more important than DNA on such matters, if the experiences of my clan are any indicator. Much of the way we are seems to be due to epigenetics, rather than genetics. It's a new field of science and quite exciting.

Here's my speculation--the microbiota in us account for WAY more genes than what we ourselves have, and when they are imbalanced their influence thus can easily override our DNA. Just a thought. Not trying to start an argument.
Title: Re: Solution for hair loss?
Post by: miriam on April 05, 2012, 02:55:30 pm
Hi J.O when i came to live in England i started losing my hair so i cut it short in 2007 i started taking armour and adrenal and my hair come back.

Then last year i started losing my hair again and Dr Peatfield said i needed progesterone as I was going through the menopause.

So it could be your hormones need looking up.

Title: Re: Solution for hair loss?
Post by: van on April 06, 2012, 12:37:28 pm
egg yolks, from pastured chickens.  And after twenty plus years using baking soda as shampoo and body soap, I've switched to using a thick creamy mixture of bentonite.  I really work into my scalp and let it sit there while I steam shower or sit in a tub.  I have this little test to see how much my hair is falling out,,,  vigorously rub your scalp with finger tips over your bed white bed sheet or pillow.  I can hardly get more than a couple to come loose.  Also using a  100 percent bore bristle brush  often on your scalp/hair.  It exfoliates the dead skin cells and opens the sebum gland at the base of every hair follicle.  I wash my brushes often in warm water. 
Title: Re: Solution for hair loss?
Post by: Waquini on April 13, 2012, 05:33:59 pm
Try to Get in the habit of using everything natural for your hair and body that way you should not have any side effects.