Paleo Diet: Raw Paleo Diet and Lifestyle Forum

Raw Paleo Diet to Suit You => Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet => Topic started by: RawGuy99 on October 04, 2010, 06:49:47 am

Title: Newbie Mc'Newb here.
Post by: RawGuy99 on October 04, 2010, 06:49:47 am
Hey guys,

Just started a raw diet recently, progressing from a more conventional cooked paleo. I'm trying to fix my digestion & skin inflammation problems and I figure this is the way to go. At the moment my diet consists of fruit, raw eggs, raw steak and green juices.
I feel a whole lot better most of the time now, even after a large meal when before all I wanted to do was sleep. However the problems are still here just much less prominent - indeed there are also times when my stomach can be a little on the dodgey side (mostly late at night) with I must say one of the funkiest smelling gas I've ever had the pleasure of experiencing  :P  I think this may be a relic of me adding some raw dairy not to long ago for a month - that stuff does not agree with me.

Do you have any suggestions to further improve my situation? And what foods will give me the most bang for my buck (both health wise, and wallet)? And finally what type of fish do you guys usually go for, I've tried sashimi not to long ago and would like to include it in my diet regularly - but am lost on which to choose.

Thanks for any help guys.  :)
Title: Re: Newbie Mc'Newb here.
Post by: TylerDurden on October 04, 2010, 04:45:46 pm
Several newbie points:-

The top foods that cause the biggest problems for RVAFers are(roughly in descending order) :- raw dairy, raw veggie-juice, raw eggs and  coconut oil/cream . Try eliminating 1 of those foods at a time for a month or two each time, to see if things improve. Also, eating too much in the way of raw foods is a bad idea. Raw foods contain more nutrients than cooked foods so, actually, you don't need to eat as much when going raw.Plus, many RVAFers have discovered that they heal faster during those times when they are not eating, which is why many people go in for various forms of Intermittent Fasting(ie either 1 large meal every day, or 1 large meal every alternate day).

Many RVAFers report that having some raw organ-meats in the diet helps speed up one's recovery(raw organ meats contain more nutrients than raw muscle-meats, and for those with severely wrecked digestive systems after decades on cooked diets, raw organs can often be more easily digested than raw muscle-meats as they are usually much softer and have a higher water-content. Raw organ-meats are also much cheaper as far fewer people like them among SMD-eaters.

Go in for raw 100% grassfed meats at all costs. If you can get hold of raw wild game (such as is often found at LFM farmers' markets in London  , then that's even better/healthier(and considerably cheaper, oddly enough if you buy it from farmers' markets instead of those hideously expensive wild game butchers).

I go in for pretty much any kind of raw wildcaught fish as long as it's got more flesh than bones in it. I avoid farmed fish like the plague with the sole exception of eating raw sushi with acquaintances(sushi only provides farmed salmon, which is foul stuff). Don't buy "sashimi-grade" fish ever, as it's always far too expensive, just visit the fishmongers and get freshly caught raw wildcaught fish. I go in for things like raw swordfish/mackerel/shark/tuna/sardines/sprats/kingfish/scallops/mussels/oysters/prawns etc. etc. Probably best to avoid prawns, actually, as they are , I suspect, to some extent farmed nowadays, but farmed shellfish has a better reputation than farmed fish.

One thing that really works re improving digestion is "high-meat". However, this is usually only recommended for people who've been rawpalaeo for a year, as people are expected to get used to , and enjoy the taste of, raw meats, first. If you're willing to try it, though:-

High-meat also helps considerably re boosting one's mood/concentration/energy levels. But it takes some getting used to.
Title: Re: Newbie Mc'Newb here.
Post by: Hannibal on October 04, 2010, 04:48:38 pm
Go for grassfed meats at all costs
And wild ones :)
Title: Re: Newbie Mc'Newb here.
Post by: TylerDurden on October 04, 2010, 04:57:08 pm
And wild ones :)
Yes, I know, I was about to say that too, but my PC is infected and I am getting fake ads so  I couldn't add in the whole text right then.
Title: Re: Newbie Mc'Newb here.
Post by: RawGuy99 on October 06, 2010, 09:31:07 pm
Thanks for the responses  :)  And I figured out the cause of my indigestion - combining fruit with raw eggs for breakfast. Yeah, I know it sounds a bit stupid now that I think about it, but having been on cooked paleo for a while the general feeling was to always combine fruit with fat for a better insulin response or something along those lines. I guess again the 'do what's right for you, rather than what's right for someone else' holds true here yet again. A trend I'm finding more and more common.

I'm implementing the 2 larger meals a day like you suggested, and it does seem to be doing the trick. I do feel a lot better in my day to day dealings I've gotta say. I'm going continue this for a while and maybe add to it if it's a particularly active day. That being said, is it possible to gain weight long term on this approach? That is my goal to an extent - on top of course just a better feeling of well-being.

And finally, I don't know if anyone here could help me on this issue, but I'll give it a try. I've always have been proned to being stressed and in more recent years have acquired some anxiety problems in certain situations. Eating this way seems to alleviate the problem a lot, I don't know why but I have a strange feeling that there is a connection between the gut and mental functioning. (so in other words, bad digestion -> anxiety, stress, depression etc.) So anyway, in the morning waking up I feel great but gradually as the day go by and certain stress inducing situations pop up I get a reduction in vitality. Interestingly, the first stressful situation of a day is probably the worse, but other potential blips afterwards don't raise nearly the same response. There is still a response mind, but it feels more manageable after the 'rush' of the initial one. And even more weird is that I notice these tiny red dot's appear on my skin (particularly my hands) when in these situations - worse on the first one of the day.
Title: Re: Newbie Mc'Newb here.
Post by: Hannibal on October 06, 2010, 09:51:45 pm
combine fruit with fat for a better insulin response or something along those lines.
It's better to eat fruits alone.
Combining carbs with fats isn't a good option - it'll potentiate insulin secretion and insulin resistance.
Title: Re: Newbie Mc'Newb here.
Post by: TylerDurden on October 07, 2010, 01:02:58 am
I would say it would make sense to add extra weight mainly via exercise/weightlifting.  Building up muscles will no doubt add extra weight.

I suggested 1 large meal a day, not 2 by the way. Include plenty of raw animal fats such as raw tongue, raw marrow or raw suet etc. I believe Lex claimed that really high levels of raw animak fats help increase weight.

Re anxiety/- if you have the guts to try it, you would find it would really help your anxiety. Slightly-aged raw meats are nowhere near as effective but still have maybe 10?  percent of the efficacy of high meat.
Title: Re: Newbie Mc'Newb here.
Post by: RawGuy99 on October 07, 2010, 07:23:43 am
I would say it would make sense to add extra weight mainly via exercise/weightlifting.  Building up muscles will no doubt add extra weight.

I suggested 1 large meal a day, not 2 by the way. Include plenty of raw animal fats such as raw tongue, raw marrow or raw suet etc. I believe Lex claimed that really high levels of raw animak fats help increase weight.

Re anxiety/- if you have the guts to try it, you would find it would really help your anxiety. Slightly-aged raw meats are nowhere near as effective but still have maybe 10?  percent of the efficacy of high meat.

Ah, a bit of mis-reading on my part then. But indeed the principle of reducing the amount of meals per day is a very good general one in itself I guess ;)  (2 instead of my usual 4 is showing a  big improvement. )
How do you squeeze in a decent amount of cals in just one meal though if you don't mind me asking?

And you know what I'm going to give the whole high meat thing a try. The amount of weird tasting supps I've taken over the years has adapted my taste buds for nearly anything lol. My only worry is that I wont prepare it right.
Title: Re: Newbie Mc'Newb here.
Post by: RawZi on October 07, 2010, 01:04:43 pm
    Hi RawGuy99.  Welcome to the forum! :)

And finally, I don't know if anyone here could help me on this issue, but I'll give it a try. ... And even more weird is that I notice these tiny red dot's appear on my skin (particularly my hands) when in these situations - worse on the first one of the day.

    I used to get red dots on my hands in the afternoons every day at school, before I started fiddling with diet.  I don't know the answer.  Yes, I think learning more how to eat what's good for you will help.
Title: Re: Newbie Mc'Newb here.
Post by: TylerDurden on October 07, 2010, 03:08:39 pm
Ah, a bit of mis-reading on my part then. But indeed the principle of reducing the amount of meals per day is a very good general one in itself I guess ;)  (2 instead of my usual 4 is showing a  big improvement. )
How do you squeeze in a decent amount of cals in just one meal though if you don't mind me asking?

And you know what I'm going to give the whole high meat thing a try. The amount of weird tasting supps I've taken over the years has adapted my taste buds for nearly anything lol. My only worry is that I wont prepare it right.
  High-Meat preparation guide:-

For the 1 large meal a day, I make sure that it includes some raw animal fat such as fatty muscle-meats or fatty raw organ meats like raw tongue etc. The Intermittent Fasting rule of 1 large meal a day usually involves eating however much you want within a 4-hour period every 24 hours, though I generally prefer  a maximim of 2 hours, and then only with raw foods that take a long time to prepare for consumption such as raw mussels(I include the time taken for preparation)
Title: Re: Newbie Mc'Newb here.
Post by: RawGuy99 on October 08, 2010, 05:42:37 am
@Tyler - I had an off day today and did a 1 meal intemittent fasting thingy. I had some great concentration levels and was able to do alot of dedicated studying. However I did feel groggy from time to time, looked a little off and had some unusual lower back pain (that went away after eating)

I think I'll try and do this when ever I get a chance, but I'm not to sure if I could keep up over a whole week with more commitments.

@Rawzi - Cheers for the welcome :) I'm positive that the red spots on the skin is a stress related issue but that's all I've got at the moment heh. In a weird way I'm sort of glad I'm not the only one with this. I'll post a reply if I ever do get to the bottom of it though.  ;)