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Raw Paleo Diet Forums => Hot Topics => Topic started by: on May 03, 2011, 10:12:47 am

Title: Eating disorder checklist for raw vegans
Post by: on May 03, 2011, 10:12:47 am
I have spent time in the raw vegan community.

They appear weak physcially, weak in the mind, and always chilled out and have the ''peace out brother'' attitude.

I made this for them, to help them and a friend of mine. Veganism of all sorts is dangerous and I see it in people.
Heck, even cooked animal foods could save a vegan

The best way for a raw vegan to cure himself and get out the cult is to only go 80 per cent, then eat 20 per cent anything else.
Then eventually forget veganism altogether.

I also believe a vegan is much more likely to believe in a globalist, cosmopolitan , multicultural and multi racial societies and forget all things like cultural and historical and racial identity.

eating disorder check list :

1)connect who you are and your identity to your diet

2)confidence and ego come from eating a diet

3) you could only feel complete and at ease with yourself when you follow a diet

4) binge and punish yourself on junk food

5) connect emotions to your diet

6) judge yourself by your diet, and judge people by theirs

7) have dietary ''racism'' and superiority

8) often feel hungry and starve yourself and are short tempered due to hunger

9) think your diet will make you special and different and better than others

Title: Re: Eating disorder checklist for raw vegans
Post by: HIT_it_RAW on May 06, 2011, 03:35:48 pm
I tick some of those boxes at RPD  8)
Think most here do..
Title: Re: Eating disorder checklist for raw vegans
Post by: TylerDurden on May 06, 2011, 04:55:15 pm
I tick some of those boxes at RPD  8)
Think most here do..
On the contrary, I doubt most people here are like that, other than the usual hypochondriac fringe element, but those exist in any kind of diet.
Title: Re: Eating disorder checklist for raw vegans
Post by: HIT_it_RAW on May 06, 2011, 05:15:37 pm
well personally
2) I do get confidence from a good diet confidence in a healthy life
3) I can only feel at ease with myself when eating right cause I feel like crap if I don't and don't allow myself to feel crap by choice
5) see 3 if I feel crap because of bad eating I'm angry with myself
6) Judge myself on the above but don't judge others let them do whatever they like.
9) Doing RPD makes you special/different since less than 1% of the population eats like that. Better than others? No but centainly better than myself at sad

I get what you mean though Tyler. Its just how you interpreted the items in the checklist. I would be surprised if you don't feel different or more confident on RPD as opposed to SAD. You probably don't cheat anymore but when you did weren't you ever angry with yourself?
Title: Re: Eating disorder checklist for raw vegans
Post by: Josh on May 07, 2011, 02:30:41 pm
I don't think a lot of people check the boxes, but I think there is an element that is similar.

A lot of standard eaters would say it's ok to have a treat on Friday, have some fish and chips and chocolate as long as you eat healthily the rest of the time.

Raw paleo excludes that, so I do feel a little bit like a bulimic trying to push myself to eat raw, then binging on cooked when I can't handle it.

When I was a standard eater I had no problem sticking to a meal plan. Obviously it wouldn't do me good in the long run, but it's healthy behaviour to be able to stick to what you want, whereas at the moment I can't.