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Raw Paleo Diet Forums => Off Topic => Topic started by: CitrusHigh on June 27, 2011, 09:22:04 pm

Title: Maximizing natural night vision
Post by: CitrusHigh on June 27, 2011, 09:22:04 pm
Anyone with any wisdom for maximizing the efficiency of the human eye's night vision/low light vision?

I'm specifically thinking of nutritional aspects and methods but really anything (except technology!) that will maximize the eye's use of low levels of light is welcome.

Title: Re: Maximizing natural night vision
Post by: bacchus on June 27, 2011, 09:40:26 pm
My mother always told me carrots were good for eyesights. I recall she had quite orange hands when I was younger. If it was from excess vitamin A or holding carrots (washed and peeled) as she ate them I can only guess. Probably the latter since the rest of her was not particularly orange.

Scientifically, if I remember correctly, beta-carotene, abundant in carrots, help produce (vitamin A, that helps produce) a pigment in the eye that converts light to nerve impulses. Lack of vitamin A can thus lead to poor night vision, but I can't say for sure if excess vitamin A will improve it. Give it a try :)
Title: Re: Maximizing natural night vision
Post by: CitrusHigh on June 27, 2011, 09:49:57 pm
Thanks bacchus!

I was just reading that the reason it takes our human eyes about a half hour to adjust to low light is because it is actually a chemical reaction taking place in the eye where the rods actually change color. That is farking amazing, biochemical processes of this flavor fascinate me! So if anyone knows anything about accelerating this process, that would also be helpful, thanks!