Paleo Diet: Raw Paleo Diet and Lifestyle Forum

Raw Paleo Diet Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: Max on August 15, 2011, 12:05:27 am

Title: Organs and Pet food
Post by: Max on August 15, 2011, 12:05:27 am
Hey guys,

It's been a while since I posted.  About 3 weeks ago I went off raw for about 2 weeks.  I felt like shit.  I fasted last Monday and I've been RZC again for the last 6 days.  I wan't to incorperate organs into my diet but, I can't stand whole organs, also I tried some slankers pet food today hoping I would be able to tolerate that.  I ate maybe 2oz of pet food with some muscle meat and bone marrow, then I had too big a bite I think.  I started gaging and I nearly threw up :(  I will try again tomorrow and hopefully will be able to eat a little more and be a little more used to the flavor and consistency.  I think maybe it will take time to adjust to organs the same way it took time to adjust and be able to eat raw meat.

Any advice?
Title: Re: Organs and Pet food
Post by: Ioanna on August 15, 2011, 12:57:00 am
do you have a local farm that will make a ground mix for you?  then you can decide what organs you like and at what percent to combine with regular ground muscle meat.

there are some organs i just can't stand, even at only 5%. i'll try them again someday, but for now i just don't like them. others i really like, and i keep those at about 15% or so of my mix.

this has been an easy way for me to eat organs... an indiscernible mix that just looks like ground meat but has a little bit more (good) flavor :)
Title: Re: Organs and Pet food
Post by: TylerDurden on August 15, 2011, 01:00:45 am
I used to cut up raw organ meats into very tiny slivers and just pop each sliver, one at a time, into my mouth, quickly followed by a gulp of alkaline mineral-water to wash away the taste. I quickly got used to the taste of raw liver etc., as a result.
Title: Re: Organs and Pet food
Post by: eveheart on August 15, 2011, 01:01:28 am
I think maybe it will take time to adjust to organs the same way it took time to adjust and be able to eat raw meat.

That's what it took for me. Time to adjust to taste and texture. Also, I had to learn a new way of chewing that works for me - kinda like gnawing with intermittent swallowing.

Not all of it was getting used to organs, though. I have a strong like for some organs, an aversion to others. My favorite is fresh lamb liver, but only when it's a small liver (around 1.5 pounds). I liked kidney at first, now it's awful (pun intended). Suet no, marrow yes. Some things are better in lamb, some are better in beef. So, time plus experimentation (and a garbage can) has been successful for me.