Paleo Diet: Raw Paleo Diet and Lifestyle Forum

Members' Journals => Journals => Topic started by: Mario on February 03, 2012, 08:22:11 pm

Title: Mario's Journal
Post by: Mario on February 03, 2012, 08:22:11 pm
Hello Everyone!

I started reading your forum about 1 year ago, and I was eating RAW PALEO for few months, but large numbers of my trips and social problems with eating raw meat caused that I started to eat cooked food again. I tried to change it many times, but always it failed. I think the main reason could be lack of any support from my friends and family. So I decided to try eating raw paleo again. but now I'm going to share my daily experience with you here, in this topic. I hope you can help me to solve my problem :)

OK, now something about me. I posted few messages here, but I guess, not many people know anything about me.
I am Mariusz. living in Poland, 20 years old. I decided to change my eating habits because of deterioration of health. I had problems with digestion system, acne and fatigue. Some of this went away during raw paleo period, but some came back again.

So, this is my day 1:
- breakfast: mutton with horse fat,
- for ate one apple for lunch
- and for dinner going to eat the same food - mutton and horse fat(freezer is full of that ;))
- and..... 3 cups of coffee... absolutely not paleo food, but this is exam time on my university and I learning 18 hours a day, without the coffee it couldn't be possible to pass it all.. :(

P.S. sorry for my English, I'm still a beginner :)
Title: Re: Mario's Journal
Post by: cherimoya_kid on February 04, 2012, 05:19:45 am
Good luck.  We support you.