Paleo Diet: Raw Paleo Diet and Lifestyle Forum

Raw Paleo Diet Forums => Health => Topic started by: Terressagirl on July 19, 2012, 06:17:19 am

Title: Countdown to clear skin in less than 40 days.
Post by: Terressagirl on July 19, 2012, 06:17:19 am
Spammy post but thread kept due to replies.

- goodsamaritan
Title: Re: Countdown to clear skin in less than 40 days.
Post by: CitrusHigh on July 19, 2012, 06:18:36 am
Oh, sad, spam!
Title: Re: Countdown to clear skin in less than 40 days.
Post by: Dorothy on July 19, 2012, 06:54:11 am
Countdown to clear skin just for you Thoth - as many days as it takes though:

1. Stop eating things that your body can't handle that have to finally get through the skin because your other organs can't handle it.

2. Stop using anything on the skin.

3. Probiotics to help the intestines.

4. Support and cleanse that liver (and related organs) that can't handle the toxic load.

5. Get more oxygen and breath deep to help the lungs do their detox.

6. Purify your water supply.

7. Don't use toxins like nasty laundry detergent or eat food with pesticides on them or animals fed foods with pesticides or that aren't fed what they ought to be that you system will then have to release through the skin.

8. Get the skin exposed to sunlight - which also will help with vitamin d.

9. Eat a variety of nutrient and mineral rich foods.

10. Love yourself as you are. Thank your skin for taking such good care of you getting those toxins out for you.


Title: Re: Countdown to clear skin in less than 40 days.
Post by: CitrusHigh on July 19, 2012, 07:25:35 am
Yeah, skin is what brought me to RVAF, and has always been  my main barometer for toxicity aside from energy level.

Can't argue with anything on that list except I'd add, that the sunshine be all parts of the day with an emphasis on midday sun.

And I'm not down with supplementary probiotics, but can get on board with natural ferments and meat, high to one's tastes.
Title: Re: Countdown to clear skin in less than 40 days.
Post by: Dorothy on July 19, 2012, 07:41:38 am
Yep - the real ferments are better of course.

I got here through skin by a very roundabout path. When I was young I cleansed through my skin so a dermatologist put me on antibiotics for years giving me candida (aside - it made my skin even worse) which eventually circuitously led me to a change in diet that made my mental state change so fast that I was hooked.

So, are all your skin issues over with now?

A little spam can't stop us huh Thoth?! ;)
Title: Re: Countdown to clear skin in less than 40 days.
Post by: Chris on July 19, 2012, 08:01:00 am
Terressagirl, Please push your products somewhere else. Your very first post, and this is what you add to the Forum? Pathetic! If I could Spam you, I would!
Title: Re: Countdown to clear skin in less than 40 days.
Post by: CitrusHigh on July 19, 2012, 08:20:40 am
Lol, nope, we plow right through that mystery meat of the web!

Yep, skin issues are all looked after as long as I don't overdo it on sugars/carbs/starches and stress.  I will sometimes go past my limit, but only in an effort to test the extent of my healing. I can tolerate soooooo much more sugar now days than I could way back when. As I continue to heal I can see my progress in this manner.

When I was at my worst, way back when, I could eat something sugary today and see the acne crop up the next day.  When I added raw veggies to my diet, the acne would heal up so much faster. Then when I got off sugars and added raw animal foods I became unstoppable. Then it was just getting on top of my cravings produced by the mind bending candida fungus. The pschyosomatic abilities of microbes amazes me.

I was learning the other day about a worm that lives in sheep I think. To spread, it drops out in the sheeps dung. A slug eats the sheep's dung. The worm is then excreted in the slug's slime, which is then consumed by an ant. Then the worm goes to the ant's 'brain' and manipulates it in to leaving its colony each night, climbing a blade of grass and waiting for another ruminant to come and chow down on it, thus completing the host transfer. If nothing eats it, the ant goes back to it's normal duties during the day, then repeats the process at night. I mean, the complexity of that scheme blows my mind!

"conincidentally" enough, this was posted a few hours ago on facebook... (
Title: Re: Countdown to clear skin in less than 40 days.
Post by: Dorothy on July 19, 2012, 08:35:50 am
I was learning the other day about a worm that lives in sheep I think. To spread, it drops out in the sheeps dung. A slug eats the sheep's dung. The worm is then excreted in the slug's slime, which is then consumed by an ant. Then the worm goes to the ant's 'brain' and manipulates it in to leaving its colony each night, climbing a blade of grass and waiting for another ruminant to come and chow down on it, thus completing the host transfer. If nothing eats it, the ant goes back to it's normal duties during the day, then repeats the process at night. I mean, the complexity of that scheme blows my mind!

OMG! Really? That's outrageous. How many millions of years did THAT little dance to develop?

Even as an old fart who hasn't had to deal with acne in what feels like lovely lifetimes - if I decide to go off the deep end and eat crap for a few days - I will STILL release it through my skin. Isn't the human body incredible that it can do that? The doctor kept on saying that he thought I'd grow out of it. When exactly? When I'm dead! Wrinkles and zits are like the ultimate curse of bad foods.

I wonder if sugar intolerance and candida is at the core for most people. It certainly was for me.
Title: Re: Countdown to clear skin in less than 40 days.
Post by: intrigued on July 19, 2012, 08:50:55 pm
I believe you're referencing the liver fluke, though I heard it with cows and snails.  The really interesting part is that not only does the fluke have the power to absolutely control the ant to do that, but it somehow has the presence of mind to do it only during the night, since during the day hanging out on top of a blade of grass the ant and parasite would both bake.

Back "on topic", if it can be on topic in a spam post, I've also had some minor skin issues that start clearing up or flaring based on WOE.  Grains, as always, are the culprit.  Still a long road from shaking them for good though.
Title: Re: Countdown to clear skin in less than 40 days.
Post by: CitrusHigh on July 19, 2012, 08:55:24 pm
You got it, a liver fluke, but in this case sheep and slug. Damn, mother nature you scary!!
Title: Re: Countdown to clear skin in less than 40 days.
Post by: Dorothy on July 20, 2012, 12:18:44 am
Spammy post but thread kept due to replies.

- goodsamaritan

It's just that Thoth was so disappointed because skin issues are pertinent to him. 
I'd like to just make believe it was actually started by Thoth on a subject he is interested in instead.... or .... should I start another post myself with my suggestions and Thoth's comments?

I think it's actually a good subject.
Title: Re: Countdown to clear skin in less than 40 days.
Post by: CitrusHigh on July 20, 2012, 01:16:13 am
Actually Dorothy, I came in to this post expecting spam due to the title. Just part of tracking, the only reason I went in was to confirm my intuition based on the tone of the subject title. Then I just posted for shits and giggles, and to let the mods know, though they would obviously have noticed soon enough.

I agree, the thread is a good topic that affects a lot of people (it's one of the most common indicators (imo) of toxicity in the body, I'm always noticing it everywhere I go on people, especially at the grocery store so I can note what they have in their cart, as you would excpect, usually loads of processed foods, starches and sugars), not necessary to keep though if there are skin threads already. I'm ok with less redundancy since the search engine on this forum is decent.
Title: Re: Countdown to clear skin in less than 40 days.
Post by: Dorothy on July 20, 2012, 01:21:47 am
Actually Dorothy, I came in to this post expecting spam due to the title. Just part of tracking, the only reason I went in was to confirm my intuition based on the tone of the subject title. Then I just posted for shits and giggles, and to let the mods know, though they would obviously have noticed soon enough.

I agree, the thread is a good topic that affects a lot of people (it's one of the most common indicators (imo) of toxicity in the body, I'm always noticing it everywhere I go on people, especially at the grocery store so I can note what they have in their cart, as you would excpect, usually loads of processed foods, starches and sugars), not necessary to keep though if there are skin threads already. I'm ok with less redundancy since the search engine on this forum is decent.

Well - then shits and giggles it is! LOL. I'm all for that. ;D
Title: Re: Countdown to clear skin in less than 40 days.
Post by: CitrusHigh on July 20, 2012, 01:24:28 am
ROFL - LOLLLL! For funzeees!