Paleo Diet: Raw Paleo Diet and Lifestyle Forum

Raw Paleo Diet Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: JaX on May 26, 2009, 05:53:07 am

Title: Psychological changes on Raw Paleo
Post by: JaX on May 26, 2009, 05:53:07 am
What mental changes have you noted since going raw paleo- in mood, thinking, outlook, thought patterns, senses?


Title: Re: Psychological changes on Raw Paleo
Post by: goodsamaritan on May 26, 2009, 03:26:57 pm
My general path is that the healthier I got, the smarter I got, the more calm I got.
Maybe there is some truth in what Aajonus said about lessening carbs you get calmer.

Today I feel so much healthier I've stopped worrying about my personal health and decided I need to concentrate on running my business to make more money to feed my family.
Title: Re: Psychological changes on Raw Paleo
Post by: TylerDurden on May 26, 2009, 06:41:14 pm
What mental changes have you noted since going raw paleo- in mood, thinking, outlook, thought patterns, senses?

Well, I have noticed a huge increase in alertness/ability to concentrate. When I was still in my raw-dairy-phase many years ago, I was a wreck and felt as though I had the mind of a senile old man. Now, things are much improved. Mood is fine - that is, instead of the panic-attacks I had in pre-rawpaleo-/pre-raw-dairy days , I'm now relatively unemotional now, a cold fish even.

I've always been a cynic so I'm not one for positive thinking, despite this diet.

Senses haven't been much enhanced, sadly. My eyes, which became slightly short-sighted due to my revolting diet in my cooked-food days, haven't improved partly because I only rarely have the time to do the Bates Method, these days(though I get flashes of better vision, here and there). My sense of taste has vastly improved as I now find all sorts of additional textures in wild, raw foods that I could never have experienced when on cooked diets, as the latter cooked diets tend to overuse spices in order to cover up the lack of taste of cooked foods(by comparison to raw). Balancing that, I now find most cooked-/processed foods to taste extremely bland. My sense of smell is and always has been rather bad, but my touching and hearing senses have improved to some extent - not surprising, really, as , pre-rawpalaeodiet, I felt so tired and so drugged that I would often have to focus strongly in order to be able to hear what people were saying etc.

Title: Re: Psychological changes on Raw Paleo
Post by: Guittarman03 on May 27, 2009, 09:14:06 am
sharper, clearer, faster recall of information.  Much of that comes just from sleeping better and having more energy in the day.  I suspect some of it comes from removing the toxic effects of cooked and processed foods.  Calmer, more balanced, and generally more steady state, as opposed to larger swings in mood/energy.