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Messages - radioplastic

Pages: [1]
Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: I crave nuts and vedgetable fats
« on: September 05, 2012, 03:40:00 am »
I eat a lot of fruits and veggies if that wasn't clear, i just want to cut back on vegetable fats cause I don't think its natural and also nuts are expensive

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / I crave nuts and vegetable fats
« on: September 04, 2012, 09:05:02 pm »

After eating mostly cooked chicken with salads and olive oil and nuts, i wanted to try eating no more vegetable fats so i been eating raw steak and liver for the past few days and I'm super craving nuts and olive oil. My meat is grass fed btw

General Discussion / Re: danger of raw liver?
« on: August 08, 2012, 06:10:14 am »
they are not talking about viruses.  it is about bacteria.  there is no bacteria in the liver unless the butcher+packaging contaminated it.
that's what I mean, I know there is no virus or bad bacteria in good liver, but how do you know if the liver you buy is good or not, there's no way to know.

General Discussion / danger of raw liver?
« on: August 08, 2012, 03:33:54 am »
how do you protect yourself from viruses in raw meat? example this link

An advisory council of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare is working on measures to prevent food poisoning caused by raw beef liver, or liver sashimi, which is contaminated with pathogenic bacteria.

The panel started the work in response to a series of food poisoning cases connected to a "yakiniku" barbecue restaurant chain in spring last year.

Some 180 people became ill after eating "yukhoe"—a Korean dish made of chopped raw beef and seasoned with spices—which was served at the restaurant chain. Five people died.

Health / Re: Joints problems and plantar fascia on cooked paleo diet
« on: July 29, 2012, 09:55:05 pm »
What about eating no meat at all, only raw veggies? I travel a lot (in poland and ukraine right now) and i live in the city without car so finding grass fed meat, i dont know how

Health / Joints problems and plantar fascia on cooked paleo diet
« on: July 29, 2012, 07:18:12 pm »
I've been eating strict cooked paleo diet for about a year now and I have very intense pains in my elbows, knees and heels.

I saw several several orthopedic surgeons and physical therapist and they have nothing to recommend to me.

Should I have any reason to believe that switching to a raw paleo diet will make a big difference?

General Discussion / Want to incorporate raw meats in my diet, questions
« on: August 23, 2011, 11:15:30 am »

I currently live in Canada and eat mostly a Cooked Paleo Diet.

I want to integrate some raw meat but I don't know where to start.

Can I just buy an organic steak from the store and eat it from the package?

What kind of meat should I experience with first? I don't have time to go to a farmer's market so I'll just buy organic meat from the supermarket.

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