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Although not WP, William Bates found that many primitive people not only have no need for braces but no need for glasses. He attributed that to eye muscle habits, though I suspect diet is the main cause (diet likely allows for better eye muscle function). Less than 1%, I have read one report citing only 0.02% of primitive Inuit tested had detectable myopia. Apparently another study of 1200 Eskimo found no myopia amongst traditional inuit. Myopia is highly prevalent amongst young Inuit today.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Carnivores and sleep?
« on: February 15, 2010, 07:29:52 am »
I like to get around 10 hours sleep, though I rarely do.

Health / Re: I dont understand raw meat???
« on: February 14, 2010, 05:31:36 pm »
Wow! im actually really suprised that i never thought of that but do they eat any other raw animal besides seafood.

Beef carpaccio

General Discussion / Re: Do you tell your farmers what the meats for??
« on: February 14, 2010, 05:21:58 pm »
Everyone I know knows that I eat my meat raw, including the farmer that I buy it from. Some people are interested and the rest really just don't care. I Never saw any reason not to tell people.

I wouldn't mind if someone just thought it was strange. But to say they don't think it's healthy etc makes me worried they will be reluctant to keep selling foods and just say they don't have any this month or something along those lines thinking that they are actually helping me.

General Discussion / Re: Do you tell your farmers what the meats for??
« on: February 14, 2010, 09:21:33 am »
I've told both of the people I've ordered from at Slanker's exactly what I'm doing with the food and it doesn't phase them in the least.
Hell, there's only 4 people who could answer the phone AFAIK so even Slanker's is "personal communication".
It really comes down to the open-mindedness of the vendor. Some people will be understanding about how we eat and some will be rigid in their beliefs that it's unhealthy.

I think the more customers a place has, the less they are phased by unusual orders.

General Discussion / Re: Do you tell your farmers what the meats for??
« on: February 14, 2010, 07:40:16 am »
When I was buying fat from a farmer they said they were "worried" about the amount of fat I eat. I be purchasing 10kg of fat and every time I sense befuddlement on their part. I think we need a slankers type place available where there is no personal communication.

Hot Topics / Re: Oh Nuts..!
« on: February 12, 2010, 01:49:05 pm »
In the name of all that's holy, why must I endlessly have to explain that RENDER is a real word, and that it exists because it means something different than "cooked".

Obviously the word exists because it's a type of cooking, not to differentiate from cooking. Why do the words 'boiled' 'fried' 'roasted' exist?

Heating above 40 degrees Celsius = cooked. Stable =/= raw.

RawKyle won't deny you the right to talk about rendered fat. You're free to do that.

Hot Topics / Re: Canadian Pemmican
« on: February 11, 2010, 10:32:59 am »
Perhaps it's not legal to sell raw jerky so he has no choice.

Hot Topics / Re: Tapeworms.
« on: February 11, 2010, 10:01:18 am »
if the suet is from the fat around the kidneys perhaps it's part of the adrenal glands?

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: De Vany vs. Graham
« on: February 10, 2010, 07:00:20 am »
As for Aajonous I've never seen him personally, discounting pics I think he looked like a badass in the Ripley's episode on "high meat" which clearly tried to paint him as a creep. More recently on "The Doctors" I thought he was looking not so well (although for someone in his 60's definitely healthy enough) but perhaps due to the antiseptic and ignorant panel and audience he seemed a bit jittered in presence as well.

How long is there between those two shows? In the former he looks really healthy, in the latter he looks very bad. Lost lots of hair and aging skin and appearance. Really looks like he is 15 years older.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: 'Beer gut'.
« on: February 10, 2010, 06:52:29 am »
Perhaps its not weight gain, but digestion is slower because you just started the diet so your stomach is 'full' longer. I used to have that when I first started eating low carb, then it went away. Now I get it when I eat high carb.

If you eat one big meal a day your stomach will obviously expand much more than usual, but before eating your stomach will be smaller than usual. Most people walk around all day with their stomachs somewhere in between bloated and empty.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: 'Beer gut'.
« on: February 09, 2010, 12:41:07 pm »
Exercise might also give you better muscle tone, but probably wouldn't have a big effect on your body fat, based on most people's experiences that I've seen.

you talking about the overweight mother who goes for a walk in the morning or people who actually work out intensely? The latter will have a huge impact.

General Discussion / Re: Rapid Evolution Counterargument Against RPD?
« on: February 09, 2010, 12:28:07 pm »
There's plenty of arguments against evolution

The primary one being it's a THEORY, even so called evolutionists admit that

Evolution is not a theory. It's considered 'scientific fact'. You are most likely confused because there are theories which try to explain how evolution took place. Darwin's 'theory of evolution' isn't a theory that evolution took place, rather how it took place i.e. he suggests through natural selection.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: 'Beer gut'.
« on: February 09, 2010, 10:40:53 am »
Overeating on fat doesn't cause weight gain, it's calories in general. Just eat less calories. And if you overeat and don't exercise you will store fat and little muscle.

Hot Topics / Re: Tapeworms.
« on: February 09, 2010, 10:37:48 am »
I don't just care about what's going to kill me... I don't want to be internally maimed, mentally/physically disabled/impaired, ill either frequently, or for an extended period of time, have to take poisons, etc...

We believe raw meat does not contain any dangers regarding tapeworms, parasites, bacteria etc, If cooking your food will put your mind at ease, then do it. What more can be said?

General Discussion / Re: What exactly are paleolithic forms of carbs?
« on: February 08, 2010, 09:36:19 am »
Fruits is all I can imagine. If they were eaten I'd assume they were eaten as snacks. Found on the ground or low hanging trees while out hunting etc.

Some wild greens maybe as well, though practically all greens are inedible it would be difficult finding the edible kinds in the wild.

Hot Topics / Re: Sick topic
« on: February 08, 2010, 09:27:36 am »
 As I pointed out previously the conclusions from isotope analysis have already been proven to be dead-wrong as Neanderthals have been shown to have eaten plant foods and because isotope analysis only covers part of the diet, of necessity. Whatever the case, I don't think fruit-consumption was ever more than 25% of diet by calorie, even though the zero-carb claims have been proven wrong beyond doubt.

Well I think it's far from being proven wrong, just that the evidence is not conclusive.

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Giant Bananas!
« on: February 07, 2010, 07:05:30 pm »
Well it looks good. Nice and spotty. That's exactly how I like to eat bananas.

Hot Topics / Re: Sick topic
« on: February 07, 2010, 06:57:29 pm »
 Unfortunately for you there's no credible evidence that palaeoman was zero-carb.

The isotope bone analysis of paleolithic bones shows they have the same makeup as hyenas. Although this technique apparantly determines dietary protein only. Still, from the limited bones of paleo people found, it shows they was eating proportionally as much animal protein as African carnivorous animals. There is little protein in plants so it' possible it doesn't show in the bones. Perhaps this is not conclusive, but definitely strong and credible. I'll try and dig up the article if I can find it.

Hot Topics / Re: Tapeworms.
« on: February 07, 2010, 12:32:12 pm »
Never experienced a tapeworm. There are no dangers to eating raw meat.

General Discussion / Re: Do you eat raw beef SUET?
« on: February 07, 2010, 08:54:56 am »
Suet is also called perinephric fat, meaning the fat around the kidneys.

In that case I assume my farmer just gives me any type of fat they have not suet specifically.

General Discussion / Re: Do you eat raw beef SUET?
« on: February 06, 2010, 04:09:51 pm »
What is the exact definition of suet anyway. I ask my farmer for suet and receive crumbly dry fat, chewy fat or softer non crumbly pieces of fat all mixed together.

I've noticed no difference what type I eat. It's all good stuff.

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Meat suitable for the tropics?
« on: February 06, 2010, 05:52:46 am »
Meat shouldn't raise body temperature...should lower it. Carbs stimulate greater thyroid and metabolic activity. That is the case when in ketosis anyway.

General Discussion / Re: Do you eat raw beef SUET?
« on: February 04, 2010, 07:15:50 am »
It's the raw fat from an animal...whether it comes from the hide, from around the organs, the skeletal muscles it's all the same pretty much in my experience.

Hot Topics / Re: Raw vegan family
« on: February 04, 2010, 07:09:10 am »
No, the science shows that humans are omnivorous. There are carnivores who happen to eat plants on occasion(like wolves), but we're not like them.

We have virtually identical digestive system to wolves though.

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