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Messages - bachcole

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Welcoming Committee / Re: juicing and other questions
« on: May 18, 2012, 05:49:49 am »
I really appreciate getting such good help from experts with such a huge change in my life.   (:->)  Thank you.

Welcoming Committee / Re: juicing and other questions
« on: May 18, 2012, 05:47:09 am »
I do not have cancer, as far as I know.  I am relatively healthy for a 66 year old.  And with juicing, juice fasting, and now raw paleo, the UgLY age spots on my forearms seem to be disappearing.  After the juice fast of 30 days, my triglycerides and thyroid numbers improved dramatically.  Everything else is very close to OK.

Welcoming Committee / Re: juicing and other questions
« on: May 16, 2012, 04:50:02 am »
I notice that my raw beef meal gave me really strong prana, such that I was unable to process it without a little jolt while dropping off to a nap.  That is a good thing, but really no surprise.

Welcoming Committee / Re: juicing and other questions
« on: May 15, 2012, 11:48:07 pm »
I have another question, although it is more theoretical.  If Max Gerson is curing cancer with his diet, which is very oriented around raw fruit and veggie juicing, would not he have done a better job (higher cure rate) if he included raw meat?

Welcoming Committee / Re: juicing and other questions
« on: May 15, 2012, 11:39:03 pm »
So, this morning I had my first honest to God raw meat, for breakfast, along with 2 raw eggs (which is nothing new for me), a green smoothie and a tablespoon full of coconut oil.  The raw meat was organic, grass fed beef.  It had no taste, so I put a little salt on it.  I am glad to report that I did not die from all of the germs, at least not so far.  I also had a hand full of pills, most of which I am phasing out anyway.  The fish oil caps may stay.  This raw paleo may actually save me some money since I will be taking far fewer (if any) supplements.

Now, comes the question:  How do you folks deal with the thoughts about the microbial dangers of raw meat?


Welcoming Committee / Re: juicing and other questions
« on: May 15, 2012, 11:42:45 am »
So does this mean that I can't post here anymore?

I am well aware that paleo man did not have juicers.  But, biochemically, they were evolved to deal with raw veggie juices since they chewed and swallowed veggies and their juices.  But raw fruit juices have too much fructose, something that would be much more rare 25,000 years ago.

Since I have 25 lbs. of excess, processed food derived body fat, I need the extra micro-nutrients to metabolize the excess body fat.  It is possible that when I get down to a more ideal body weight that I will leave off with the juicing.  It seems to me that paleo-correct food should be defined by the biochemistry.

What say you about homemade kefir?

And what do you do with the idea of many anthropologists that early man cooked meat and tubers for about 1 million years.  I believe that the raw meat for the previous 999 million years might very well trump the 1 million years of evolving with cooked meat.  I am open to suggestions.

Today I had my first raw meat, and I will have some more for the next 4 days.  I will see how it goes.  Do you have experience that says that raw meat actually works better than cooked meat in your body?  Anyone?

Welcoming Committee / juicing and other questions
« on: May 14, 2012, 10:27:58 pm »
Hello you-all, I have been raw juicing for about 1.5 years, and it has helped a lot.

I have been doing homemade kefir for about a year.  Although I really like kefir and the idea of kefir and the idea of having my own farm in my kitchen (kefir culturing is farming), and although I haven't experienced the kefir harming me, it doesn't seem to have done as much compared to the raw veggie juicing.

I did a 30 day raw veggie juice fast recently, and at that time I had to decide where to go from there.  Processed foods just didn't cut it anymore taste-wise.  And that is when I started moving towards and studying paleo.  I noticed during the juice fast that fruit juice made me more hungrier.  That was the eye opener that showed me that sugars and carbs were hurting me.  Since I have been more strongly following the paleo diet, I have felt and slept and pooped so much better.  I have even given up the psyllium, which I find completely unnecessary.  Of course early man did not have psyllium.  When looked at from the evolutionary viewpoint, it is absurd to be taking so many pills and powders. 

My questions are, what do you all think of raw veggie juicing [aside from the fact that most raw veggie juicers slide into raw veganism, which is 1/2 wrong (too much for me)]?  I think that raw juicing fits very nicely into a paleo diet, especially given the fact that I am still about 25 pounds overweight (after losing 25 pounds on my 30 day raw juice fast.)

What do you think of homemade kefir?

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