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Messages - RawZi

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    I am considering going zero carb.  I want to know some experiences first.  I heard women need carbs even though men don't.  Women need carbs?  Is it for the rs?  I would imagine that would be why, as it's basically the only thing a woman has different than a man.  I would like to maybe continue having children in the future, or at least not damage my rs as it is well and want to keep it that way.  The closest I have come is raw butter and raw egg yolks, but only for a few weeks.  It did help my general health. 

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Raw sterilized?
« on: October 01, 2009, 05:41:01 pm »
Thanks for the suggestions.  Lemon juice sounds doable.  I'm not that concerned with bacteria.  I don't drink alcohol and I got rid of my freezer and  microwave.  At least my lifestyle is becoming more paleo... 

My concern mainly lies with parasites - tapeworms, nematodes, prions, etc...  

    I don't think prions can be killed.  I don't worry about it anyway.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Braaaaains
« on: October 01, 2009, 05:35:35 pm »
come to think of it, find out a little bit about tanning and ring them up with pretending you want to tan.

Sounds like a possible, even reliable way to get hold of brains. No one needs to know  ;)
Braintanning is not a strictly Native American art, but was practiced in many parts of the world throughout human history. For example, the Iceman from Italy wore braintanned skins. ("Der Mann aus dem Eis "by Angelika Flechinger and Hubert Steiner, also "Leather" by Lotha Rahme on European tanning tradition)
Unlike modern day commercial tanning, braintanning is an environmentally safe way of tanning that does not use or produce any toxins or chemicals.

    Seriously, sounds like a wonderful idea if you want tanned goods.

Health / Re: bowel movements
« on: October 01, 2009, 05:18:15 pm »
This may give others a new/different/questionable picture on the subject; the quote is from the zerocarb forum and may be interesting for members of this forum?


    Their admin Charles says his experience is similar in a post two down from DelFuego's:

    As incredible as it sounds to me, I am getting tired of carbs.  I'm getting closer to deciding to try this.  Maybe I should do it for the Winter.  I imagine that's what I'd have to do if I lived here outdoors 24/7 all year round.  I imagine it would be handy for animals living outdoors not to go #2 on the freezing ice, and then fairly directly fertilize the ground in Spring.  The green Spring grass can cover it too, where less precipitation in the dry of Winter may not, just thinking esthetics.  Pardon my poo talk.

Off Topic / Re: The social side of you?
« on: September 28, 2009, 02:07:57 pm »
    I already had a significant other when I started eating this way.  One of the first responses was disbelief.  One of the next responses was thinking I suddenly for the first time in my life I wanted to hurt myself or gone crazy.  Very supportive of me though in it, and tonight even took me out for fish carpaccio.

    Ayla,  good to see you've found this place.

Journals / Re: Karl Loren's Journal
« on: September 28, 2009, 01:49:56 pm »
    Saved me too.  I first found him while I was vegan and looking for the best supplements.  I've met him.  Great person.  Geoff, aajonus, Karl, Pietro, Stanley and a few others knowingly or not are responsible for so many lives saved.

Health / Re: Teeth Recovering on RAF
« on: September 23, 2009, 03:42:22 pm »
Now if there were on;y a cure for clumsy dentists. Way back when I was a kid, the dentist smoothed out a chipped tooth (against my wishes, as I thought t chipped tooth looked cool - hahaha!) and then decided, while he was at it, to take the liberty of filing down my rather large canines.

Now the canines are flat.

    Unfortunately, I've had more than one dentist who was like that, and it started when I was single digit age and my family had "better things" to be concerned about, for the most part.  I guess most adults have grown up to bow to any doctor no matter his unruly actions or lies, to one degree or another.

   This thread makes me SO happy. I am now concentrating on remineralizing my son's teeth through diet and have been leaning heavily toward adding raw meats and raw fats. I am working on finding a source for raw pastured butter and cream, as they seem scarce around here.

   I widened my jaw and gave more room for my teeth.  My teeth then moved a little to be less crowded and in slightly better position.  This all happened for me dietwise by dropping veganism completely, and instead doing highest raw fat fermented pasture grazed dairy and egg yolks as possible percentage-wise.  I combined my foods according to the Primal Diet, using minute amounts fruit, unheated honey and flesh foods.

Health / Re: How can I stop feeling so anxious and relieve caregiver stress?
« on: September 23, 2009, 03:15:20 pm »
   Hi Kristine,

    The link in here needs to be updated:;u=818;sa=showPosts

    I have not cared for someone with Alzheimers.  I have cared for end of life, parents, etc 24/7 without a decent aide.  That's why I started eating RAF.  I was needed, as I had no siblings that could help, and too high other stresses too.

    I didn't just add RAF, rather I completely switched from my previous for health diet to 100% Raw Primal, very high fat.

    Prior to that I did have some depression and anxiety.  Eating this way, I had the incredible amount of calm and energy I needed.    

    Contact me here, first on forum (private message preferably) if you want to talk.


Off Topic / Re: High fat diet effect on cognition
« on: September 08, 2009, 05:26:23 pm »
    I went straight from low fat vegan to extremely high fat RAF.  My cognition went up quickly after I changed to the "new" diet.

    Thank you for posting it.  I never visited her, nor planned to.  Reading about her methods was interesting, zappers just didn't sound like they were for me.  It sounds like she enjoyed helping people and the FDA hurtfully persecuted her.  May she rest in peace.  I learned of this here:  Thanks again!

Hot Topics / Re: Easy Childbirth on Paleo Diets
« on: September 08, 2009, 12:40:33 pm »
    What do you think of zero carb dieting for conception, pregnancy and birthing?

General Discussion / Re: For those who do not tolerate raw dairy
« on: August 24, 2009, 12:38:48 pm »
From D'Adamo's Eat Right for Your Type site:

General Description:
Whole milk is the milk just as it came from the cow and contains about 3 1/2 percent milk fat.
AVOID: Flocculates serum or precipitates serum proteins. Inhibits proper gastric function or blocks assimilation.
Non Secretor:
AVOID: Flocculates serum or precipitates serum proteins. Inhibits proper gastric function or blocks assimilation.

Which type A diet are you talking about?

Off Topic / Re: Whole Foods Boycott
« on: August 22, 2009, 12:20:20 pm »
I just hate the fact that their eggs are usually not truly free-range, and that they're fed soy. They obviously need to sell more grass-fed meats at better prices. I'm hoping that they are making a slow progression towards that. The meat guys at my local WF say that the grass-fed sells right away every time. You'd think that would help. 

I actually get my sparkling mineral water there because it's much cheaper than at mainstream grocery stores. Which is funny, because here in Chicago people think that Whole foods is always more expensive, and you get made fun of if you shop there by the blue collar culture. (Even if the particular people aren't really blue collar.)

I agree on the eggs and on the 365 brand water.  I will continue to buy buffalo or anything they have there that I can eat. I don't care about those politics. My diet is limited enough.  I can't cut out one of the few stores that has some of my foods.  I always prefer getting my produce elsewhere though no matter what.  Whole foods has too small a selection of organically grown produce for me.  Even their berries, although organic, don't seem as fresh.  Maybe they just need to retrain their produce people.

General Discussion / Re: connective tissue
« on: August 22, 2009, 12:04:04 pm »
taller than ever because the discs in your spine are now built up better than ever.

That's me.

« on: August 22, 2009, 11:59:21 am »
He may not give you a diet that does not have eggs or dairy in it, but the people who had consults in front of me, and my consult was worth it.  I didn't tell him what I like or what has worked in the past.  He recommended things I do like.  He recommends different things for different people.  Example: He didn't recommend coconut cream for me at all.  Do what you like. I think it will work out fine.

BTW, Tyler, before I started RAF, I did read aajonus' stuff of course, but part of my research for backing that up was stuff that you wrote.  I have felt grateful to you both all along for helping me in my health and strength. I am grateful to Stanley Bass for interviewing AV and pposting that on the internet.  I am grateful to Vinny Pinto.

I know if I had read what you write now GS back when I started, you'd be on my list too.

PhatDave, I would say do it, especially since it seems you already decided that.  I have met him a number of times.  I don't have any questions for you to ask him for me.  He's not in Australia often.  Enjoy.

General Discussion / Re: Niacin flush
« on: August 05, 2009, 04:38:39 pm »
My understanding of green tripe is that it is the lining of the stomach, I think a cow has a few stomachs and that certain ones are used for green tripe. You could also get green tripe from a goat, deer, lamb etc I believe. 

    My butcher and slaughterer is going to harvest green tripe for me.  They've never harvested it before.  Can you tell me any tips to tell them?  They are asking for tips.  I didn't know much to tell.  Also, I'd like any tips for eating it, if you think there's anything important to know.

General Discussion / Re: Eating time and freshness
« on: August 05, 2009, 04:34:55 pm »
    I had a dog that aged chickens he caught himself, then dug them up and ate them.

    I age chicken and eat it.  You haven't read aajonus' books, right?  There's instructions there for aging whitemeat.

General Discussion / Re: Anyone here raise there own meat?
« on: August 05, 2009, 04:30:31 pm »
    There are so many deer and other animals around here now, true wild ones, and it's a city.  Their starting to make me hungry.  I will likely be raising chickens soon.

You don't see anything wrong or mean about that?

How would you like if your parents ate you when you reached maturity?

    You have issues.  You're eating tuna by the tin, then against raising your own fowl.  You say we're not paleo, but many of us hunt.  Did your parents eat you when you reached maturity?

General Discussion / Re: teeth and hunting
« on: August 04, 2009, 04:25:20 am »
    There's possibly no other way for these people to live and we probably would never haver survived in their circumstances if we didn't do the same.  I still would rather live on a meat based diet than blood based.  The cow didn't seem to like it.  It reminds me too much of factory farmed milk.

General Discussion / Re: teeth and hunting
« on: August 03, 2009, 02:49:32 pm »
When meat is left out flies tend to swarm it and lay their eggs. We all know the result of this however is the meat considered unfit when there are maggots on it? I know my cats wont eat it but my dogs are always more than willing. I understand that maggots are a source of protein as well however the quality of it I am unsure. Do any of you ever leave their meat out in the open air for more than a hour or so?

    My cats are getting better about that.  I'm fermenting meat at room temperature, and the older pickier cat actually is starting to like it, she eats it pretty quick now.  It doesn't have maggots, yet.  Maybe I should refrigerate it now finally.  It's getting really 'juicy'.  Anyone familiar with this?  I am eating it.  It still seems fine.  Actually I think it's detoxing me a little as opposed to regular RAF, but subtly.

    I have many times let meat sit out in open air over night.  The next day it goes down just as well as fresh, but the texture is a little drier, it doesn't bother either way.  It is good.  When I let fat sit out in open air, I can't bring myself to eat much of that, it doesn't feel right to eat more than a bite or two.

    I haven't tried eating maggots, but I have tried rubbing them on my skin, and my skin got like a (healthy) baby's.   

Hot Topics / Re: Wit
« on: August 02, 2009, 08:29:58 pm »

Off Topic / Re: Laughable Quarter Pounder Hamburgers
« on: August 02, 2009, 08:23:10 pm »
    I tended to always do better to pick a piece of meat out, and either have the butcher grind it for me, or take it home and grind it myself if I wanted something to resemble a hamburger.  I find it a little laughable that when people eat McDonalds' Quarter Pounder, that they eat part they stay far away from otherwise. 

    I'm sorry, but I have never bought a fast food burger.  If I had access as a kid I might have.  Maybe I should be thankful that I didn't.

General Discussion / Re: Raw eggs: whites and yolks.
« on: August 01, 2009, 08:26:15 am »
    When I started eating RAF, I couldn't stand egg  -v whites, so I gave them to a

neighbor.  Months in, I was able to eat eggs whole no problem.  Later a friend was giving me

her whites; because it made no difference to me.  Presently it's very rare that I eat eggs at all.

Hot Topics / Re: Blood
« on: August 01, 2009, 07:03:52 am »
I did the green juice and raw dairy thing long before AV came on the scene.  In fact, I have several very expensive juicers lying fallow in my storage shed.  At first I thought they were wonderful, but over time I came to realize that they were the cause of many of my problems, not the solution.  Stools were always loose and smelly, stomach and bowels were always uncomfortable and often bloated with gas.  The green juices in particular are just chock full of anti-nutrients.  Once I stopped drinking this muck, my health improved dramatically.

Wanna buy a juicer?  I have a commercial Ruby that will juice two by fours that cost about $2000, as well as an $800 Wheatena wheat grass juicer, and a Champion masticating juicer (makes great banana softserve) all of which are taking up space.  I no longer use any of them as they certainly don't promote health and juicing is the antithesis of paleo regardless of what AV says.

    I don't juice anymore.  I'm not necessarily against it.  I believe everything has its place.  I just dislike it now. 

    I did 'drink' blood today and yesterday.  Yesterday there was about 3/8 oz from the bison round I just bought, but I only drank a couple of droplets, and gave the rest to my cats.  Today there was another 1/2 oz from the next 'roast'.  My cats hadn't seemed to like the blood yesterday, so I used most of the amount on myself this time.  What I gave to them, they didn't touch.  Mine, I gargled with, and swallowed.  I had been thinking of buying blood separate, but I don't think I'll ever like it enough to even drink as much as I did today on a regular basis.

    So how much are you selling the juicers for?  Any discounts?  I have enough juicers myself, I just don't like to waste, and thought maybe some can use it.

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