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Messages - RawZi

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General Discussion / Re: Raw Glandulars
« on: July 15, 2009, 03:16:12 pm »
  I am eating maybe two or three ounces of raw pancreas at the start of each meal.  From Bison.  I must really need it, for to me it tastes great.  Really seems to help with digestion.  But it has to be one of the ugliest things out there.

    I like the taste too.  I may start eating it like you, a little every day before meals.  I like thymus too.  I still want to try brain and some other organs/glands I couldn't get.

Hot Topics / Re: Your experience with raw dairy?
« on: July 15, 2009, 03:10:56 pm »
At first, it gave me smelly gas for a few weeks, but I stuck with it, and the gas has since subsided. By now, raw milk doesn't seeem to be affecting me adversely at all. I've read that raw milk contains the lactase enzyme, and the lack of that is what gives most people trouble digesting lactose. That might explain why I had gas upon first beginning to consume raw dairy, and my theory is that I slowly repopulated my digestive tract with the lactase from the milk I was drinking, to the point that I'm having no problem digesting it now. It would be interesting if some of you guys who think it doesn't agree with you would try sticking to it for a month or two to see if the same doesn't happen.

    Up to a whole month, when I first started my stomach was very rumbly.  It's been fine ever since, unless I stay away six or more months and suddenly drink a lot again.  Then for another few days my stomach is rumbly again.

Also I have gone through periods where I would drink 3 gallons of CREAM every ten days or so. I prefer cream over milk big time. I am poor now and can no longer afford to buy my raw cream/milk.

    Cream I can definitely drink easier than milk, never tried three gallons in a week but pretty fast.

I'd like to hear what experiences you guys have with raw milk (if you have tried it)

Do you stick mostly to cow or goat milk? And how much do you drink?

Has it improved your health in any way, and what effects do you feel it has on your body when you drink it (positive/negative)?

For those of you who drink it: are there things raw milk shouldn't be mixed with (should it be drunk separately from meat)?

Please explain

    I drink either.  I'd like to try buffalo and sheep.  I drink (raw) milk on and off.

    It has definitely improved my health in general, but it makes me sleepy and dark under my eyes.

    Drinking milk does not mix with a meat meal.  Butter is fine though.

"Pet food" and expensive grinder issues:
.. Lex, is the Slanker's pet food you buy labeled that way? If so, do you think if enough of us asked, would Slankers come up with a ready-made raw Paleo meat/fat/organs mix labeled for humans that would make things even easier than your method of buying chili beef and grinding together with "pet food" organs and suet? Then we also wouldn't necessarily need to buy expensive food grinders. Maybe more of us would buy this Slankers product? Anyone else interested in that?

    I haven't tried Slankers yet.  I have tried some organs and glands.  I share what I eat with my cats.  I like if we like the same things.  I open one individually wrapped gland/organ per day.  My cats are disliking it or throwing these glands/organs up or just not eating them.  I'm wondering if they'd like it better if it was prepared for pets the Slanker way.  I'm flexible, I think I could eat it if it was chopped and mixed.  I'd have to try it once and see.

> If I missed any good ones, I hope someone will let me know.
More ad hominem, eh? Oh well. Yes, but every fruitarian, vegetarian and vegan discussion board I've seen has some very vocal and fanatical members who don't take kindly to people who would even consider eating cooked fish or eggs, especially RAW veggie boards. You seem to keep forgetting that many of us here have at least some experience with those ways of eating and those people in the past. Are you telling me you haven't taken any flack at all for eating cooked fish yet? Have they not found out?
And you also shouldn't assume things about me. I know animals are my relatives and I've always liked Orang-utans, the forest people. Maybe because they look and act like me. ;D Please post a link to that charity. By coincidence I was thinking of looking for one myself when you reminded me about Orang-utans and I looked them up and learned that their habitats are being destroyed by forest fires and logging, but then got distracted by a phone call and forgot. I do, however, have a requirement that any charity I contribute to not promote PETA or any other terrorist or propagandist groups or vegetarianism or the taking away of the rights of indigenous HG peoples to hunt.

    In some of my experience, quite a number of raw vegans in forum give the definite impression that if you "still" eat cooked meat, that there's hope for you yet, and you just didn't know, but they will teach you.  If you eat raw meat, then you are just plain going to "h" "e" dbl hockey sticks and you are fair game for them to do whatever they can to you; because if not they think you will bludgeon them, eat they're baby brother, etc.

Journals / Re: Keith's Journal
« on: July 13, 2009, 02:56:29 am »
Yes, oranges certainly helped, but so do the leafy greens. Spinach especially helps me in that regard.
If I find that I become constipated again (I haven't been constipated at all lately) then I will see about adding fruits back, because I feel like being constipated is one of the easiest ways of bringing yourself into a state of bad health, more so than eating certain fruits that may or may not be optimal.

    I too find that suboptimal fruit, on the rare occasion I eat fruit work fine for me now.  All the good raw fatty animal food must help.  Yes, constipation can be dangerous, even if the constipation was only a short while at the time.  Most fruit don't seem to do anything at all positive for me for that anyway except citrus.  I hope you're doing great!  Are you possibly getting back to journaling soon?

Well, my order from Tropical Traditions arrived today...
a smorgasbord of grass-fed bison organs, including many organs I've never tried from any animal.
I got:
Thymus glands
Thyroid glands
and Heart

I can't wait to try them all!

It was sold as pet food. Ha.

    I just ate raw thymus this morning.  It was my first time.  I liked it.  How did you do eating your order? 

    It's not the being raw that I don't trust (even though there are many fools out there that would think like that), it's the people behind it. The people who give the animals chemicals etc. You're putting your trust in them. I personally need to find out lots more about pesticides etc. in my life (and it seems really hard to really get into this and get this sort of information, textbooks on pesticides go for over $100 on Amazon and might end up being next to useless)... but at least I'm falling in with the crowd and am not exposed to animal medications/hormones. It's a bit like drinking milk!!! Going with the crowd sometimes can actually be a good idea. Let's remember: l love fruit so much I want to eat it all the time... I'm just talking about my comparatively small about of animal protein per week.

    The being raw is what makes my body strong enough to deal with the rest.  I don't give my trust lightly anymore.  Get to know which kind of people you can trust in your area.  I'm sure there are some good groups.  Textbooks could be useless, you're right there.  Learn to pay attention to your body, however subtly it speaks.  I'm experimenting as I type this to you.  I have milk here from grass grazed animals, I played with them, I milked them, they actually wanted to be milked!  I didn't chill the milk, I kefired it with biodynamic raisins, I hope it doesn't get me drunk!  We'll see.

    Eggs have all of the amino acids we need and in the right quantaties. They also have choline, lecithin(?)... I'm no expert, but I think they're a pretty good source of meat as well. I scramble them just a little bit... partly for the taste and partly because again, neither the agriculture sector or government health regulator give a rat's ass about people who take them raw... they'd likely just say "we told you so". Otherwise I would absolutely take my fish raw and probably eggs as well depending on how they taste.

    The people who tell us the "perfect" amino acid profile for protein in the human diet are the egg industry.  They do not digest like raw meat.  I eat my eggs the rare times I now eat them whole (white and yolk) and raw as do I my fish on the rare occasions I eat it.  I don't know who "they" are and I'm glad.

    Wrongham et al may be stupid, but I'll bet you that if you ate a raw + lightly cooked/steamed paleo diet, that you may be worse off... you may be a fatter... you may not enjoy your food as much.... but you would still be doing extremely well compared to people who take dairy, bread, cake, alcohol etc. all the time who are in another league entirely. 

    I would have and never will ever venture to live on a bread, cake and alcohol diet.  Lightly steamed?  Paleo people steamed food?  Anyway, I couldn't live on that.  Maybe red meat animal's bone broth, but the rest of the altered animal foods so far in my life make me sick when the first bite goes down my throat.

    I got very sick last time I ate peanuts, and the peanuts were local, fresh and raw.  I'm not talking a cold.  I'm talking my lymph system stopping.

... Today I have experienced one of the worst colds I've had in years. I have no idea why I got this. ... I also am taking megadoses of vitamin c, not that that's going to do much good either. I don't really know what to say... could I try and argue that this cold actually shows that I'm in fine health...? ... I don't know.

... I also got a small bottle of cod liver oil while waiting for my fish supplements... so... ... The funny thing is I ate the big bag of peanuts anyway and gobbled down two tins of fish... ... Look how moderate I am with what I ate today... I somehow feel like this was a slip or falling off the wagon... but I premeditatively did it, I do it a lot. I'm not trying to be a fruitarian... I have coffee and tea every day. ..

    Do you realize this is supposed to be a raw forum and tins of fish are never raw?

Okay I have to say something first. Today I have experienced one of the worst colds I've had in years. I have no idea why I got this. I am feeling good with it, it's just annoying to have such a cold. I honestly don't know how I could have gotten it. I also am taking megadoses of vitamin c, not that that's going to do much good either. I don't really know what to say... could I try and argue that this cold actually shows that I'm in fine health...? Well I do know that young people tend to get more colds than older people but when older people get them it hits them much worse... and I certainly feel good even with this cold. I don't know.

    I tried loading up on the best quality vitamin C supplements, back when I was vegan.  They didn't do much more than make me gassy and stink.  My health did not improve on them.

Eat whatever fruit you want... try eating a few apples instead of your usual raw animal protein. Apples are a nice, easy food to eat. They don't give too much harsh sugar and are nice to digest. I love them.

    Raw animal protein works for my body.  Raw apples really not.  There is no reason for me to go against my body like that by eating food that disagrees with it rather than food that assists my health.

Again, I am not a fruitarian. 80/10/10 is what you'd get from being a pure vegan as there is substantial protein in raw plants. What you crowd seem to be suggesting is 10/20/70, which is far worse.

    I vote by experience for 5/5/90 as the healthiest diet for me.

BTW, isn't it interesting, in comparison to fruit juice, that beef and chicken broth do not seem to have the same negative effect and are actually used to treat illness (especially when bones and marrow are included)? Why do you think that is?

    I find fruit juice way too acidic.  I'll only drink it if where I am has nothing else to offer in the way as calories, like at a Whole Foods Market juice bar.

I try almost every food out on myself, and then don't necessarily adopt it, even if it doesn't affect me; because I prefer raw.  Example in case is I have made a beef bone broth and I have made a chicken both broth.  The beef bone broth actually went down very well and I got no reactions.  The chicken bone broth was a totally other story.  Then I read on WAP about fats in marrow and which species of animals' marrow cooks well and which don't healthwise and why, and now I understand.  I would take juice over chicken broth, and beef broth over juice.

General Discussion / Re: Tongue
« on: July 11, 2009, 01:09:45 pm »
With beef tongue, most people prefer to cut away the darker purplier underside of the tongue and just eat the pinker slab-like meat above(and also throw way the tip - but, after a while, they get used to and enjoy the whole tongue.

    I got beef tongue twice before.  It was rough, I didn't like that.  It went to waste for me.  Hopefully animals enjoyed eating it.  I just got bison tongue now though.  It's nice and fatty, just great texture.  Does the purple part taste bad, or just tough?  I've only eaten from the back end of it so far.  The upper skin is a little tougher than the inside meat, but I find it edible.  I will probably deal with the tip in a couple of days.

    Funny thing, all cats are not alike.  My fat loving cat loved the tongue.  She chewed on it before swallowing.  She doesn't seem to usually chew as much with other meats.  My finicky cat wouldn't touch the tongue.  Luckily I remembered I had some lean pork muscle from three days ago that was still in perfect condition, so I fished that out and she loved it. 

General Discussion / Re: Raw Glandulars
« on: July 11, 2009, 12:57:30 pm »
Anyway, since taking these raw adrenals has seemed to have such an effect on my irises, I'm now going in for other supplements like thyroid, brain, pancreas(all raw). In the past, I've always maintained that the healthiest approach was to eat as wide a variety of raw organ-meats as possible(ie "like cures like", but I gave up a little, for a while, this notion , partly because my previous health-conditions had been sorted out so I didn't feel the need, and partly because it was an uphill struggle to get hold of the rarer organs, so I just gave up. I can only assume that while a mainly  (raw) muscle-meat/fat diet can do a lot of healing, that if one has seriously damaged organs of any kind, one should make strenuous efforts to get hold of those specific raw organs from grassfed animals, for 100% optimal health.

    Have you worked with raw pancreas yet?  I've been eating some of one the last couple of days.  Is there somewhere I can look at diagrams of bovine organs?  I want to understand every part I might eat.

There are tons of books and academic papers supporting the argument that it was animal protein that fueled the brain size increase that humans are so distinct for. I have never found any serious academic work indicating anything else....maybe Man The Hunted by Sussman or Wrangham's cooked tuber hypothesis, but I've looked and looked and really haven't found anything else. Answer me this: since modern domestic fruit didn't exist, what raw vegan plant source could have supported human brain development, considering our need for DHA and iodine too...? 

    The beach near where I used to live naturally grew salty tasting coconuts and salty tasting sea grapes.  I looked sea grapes up just now, and they're supposed to contain a lot of iodine and prevent goiter.  SuperInfinity could always suggest we all go on sea grape rich diets.  I don't know if it grows on normal beaches though.  This was a super rough beach and many (modern) people died from the coarse currents.

Primal Diet / Re: how much organ meat to muscle meat?
« on: July 10, 2009, 06:12:08 pm »
    Thank you, guys.  I ate testicle, pancreas and marrow last night.  I felt like I could eat a lot of pancreas. 

    I don't like anything beef so far.

Hot Topics / Re: The Brain Power Cookbook
« on: July 10, 2009, 12:39:18 pm »
    I wouldn't buy anything called a cookbook.  Can't you find one called recipe book?  I just bought Food is Your Best Medicine by Bieler and Feasing on Raw Foods by Gerras.  They look interesting.  I would like a good brain power book.  For me, it's not a priority though.  Proper exercise is good for the brain.  That would probably be better for me.

    Raw animal products work, and that's it.  You can call it a hobgoblin diet for all I care, I like life.  Too many people would be dead on your diet.  Have you ever even eaten RAF, and if so, how often and for how long?  I suspect you have no experience at all.  It's ok, but doesn't sound like you'll last.

Health / Re: Cholesterol Query
« on: July 10, 2009, 11:02:16 am »
    I think if you let it sit in the air, and it dries out, then it may not be good cholesterol anymore.

Off Topic / Re: Commitment thread
« on: July 10, 2009, 08:00:51 am »
    I don't know right now.  I'd like to say I will be strict 100% forever, but at this very moment I'll just promise to be strict right now through tomorrow.  Maybe tomorrow I'll come back to the thread and write how much more.

General Discussion / Re: Blood Type Diet
« on: July 10, 2009, 04:21:00 am »
    There are a lot of holes in his theory.  His diet doesn't work for me either.

Primal Diet / I've got testicles
« on: July 10, 2009, 04:11:36 am »
    Just trying to draw attention.  What I really mean is I just got a bunch of bison stuff and want to know the best ways to use them.  I got a pancreas, a liver, a heart, a spleen, a thymus, a testicle, marrow, suet, a tongue and two adrenals.  It's amazing how small most of it is.  I was told these buffalo are small.  Thanks.

    I have biodynamic butter, kefir, milk, honey and eggs too.  Maybe they can be used in recipe with above?

    So far, I don't like any of the animal products cooked.  Kalamansi looks interesting.  I wish it was available in major US cities, etc.  Of course I would use lemon, for I know I can get that.  I have tried raw beef liver cut like sashimi with salt, pepper and avocado.  It was nice to have with company.  They had theirs as they prefer, with olive oil rather than avocado.  No way I would ever try cooked liver again.  Last time I tried that was many years ago, and it gave me an awful headache.

    I have tried raw chicken civiche, and it had too much of a 'cooked' texture for my liking.  I would however be willing to try goodsamaritan's recipe.  My opinion is that acid denaturing meat make the muscle fibers too tough for my body to digest or use.  Marinating in brine stops microorganisms from growing, that should be helping me decompose the meat.  Cold smoking, well, even though it's cold isn't it smoke?  Smoke is supposed to be carcinogenic, so although it may taste interesting, it's not very healthy. 

    Drying renders meat indigestible to me.  I chew it, my carb digesting enzymes try to get started, they get wasted, my energy gets wasted, the meat goes the wrong places in my body, no more dried muscle meat.  Dried fat I don't even want to touch.  Mixing it with unheated honey seems to keep it good to some extent.  Maybe dried lean liver might work?  It is high in carbs.  I might be open to trying that.

    Freezing meat seems gross to me.  I had some chicken and my refrigerator got too cold.  I didn't like the chicken texture that way, so I gave it to my cats.    The only foods that froze that didn't feel overly damaged to me were unsalted raw grassfed cheese and cultured unsalted grassfed raw butter, but they're not paleo.  Maybe suet is good still after it's frozen.  Seal fat and whale fat are probably good then.  I've never the (good) fortune to be where I could try them.

General Discussion / Re: Power Drink - anyone tried it?
« on: June 30, 2009, 06:44:32 pm »
    I'm listening to it now.  Thank you for posting.

Aajonus Vonderplanetz power drink experience with anti aging and 'energy" using freshly harvested organs from grass fed cows.

    I don't like the smell of cow.  I eat raw veal liver and chicken liver.  I eat raw lamb heart.  I pretty much eat any raw grass fed organ I come across otherwise.  I just can't wrap my head around blending it into a drink.  I have tried them as a pate', but still, I prefer not to process the meats.

    It's probably really good for babies who have specific need, maybe premies.

    The podcast is sounding good.  Thanks again.  Yes, unheated honey works real well to preserve foods.

    Ok brain thyroid adrenal liver and testicle or ovary depending on gender of drinker, huh?  I still haven't tried most of those glands.  I'd be willing to try it.  We're all full of stem cells as adults?  That's probably true.  I'll have to listen to it a second time and do some research.  I'm sure it would be better than taking bioidentical hormones.  A little scary to me though, as I've never tried raw glands.

Are there any interviews (MP3 or Videos) with Aajonus Vonderplanitz? I read he was due for a few interviews with Patrick Timpone on One Radio Network but Aajonus had to cancel for some reason. I am really in the middle on RAW meat so would love to connect with Aajonus.Will he be on soon?


    He was on Superhuman radio a couple of times recently.

I started eating raw meat and organs after I've read "The Elixir or Life" by Arnold De Vries, where he described amazing health benefits of raw organs like liver...

    Where can I get that?  I did google it, but it's just not there.

    I might like that.

Perhaps we could have subject-based chapters, with each contributor's opinions listed on each subject, like so

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