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Messages - Coatue

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General Discussion / Re: Adrenal Glands
« on: February 14, 2011, 04:07:11 pm »
Adrenals look kind of like a gland made of liver flesh.. Pinky-red. You will find them just up behind the kidney inside the suet.  Sometimes you can see them and sometimes they are encased in the kidney fat.  When you cut them open they will look like a regular gland, except pinky-red in color.

They have their own kind of 'zangy' taste (although i have had some that were tasteless, probably frozen first or something?).

Do not take Ys' advice on eating a lot of adrenal.. You will probably not want to do that.
I am usually eating adrenals from large animals like moose and bison.  My wife and I have both found that it is quite easy to 'overdose' on adrenal.  About 1/4 of one adrenal is about what you want to take.. if you bump that up to something your body doesnt like you are going to feel it in your stomach. You wont be sure weather you're going to shit or throw up (you will probably do both).
 Just two days ago we did it again. I spotted an adrenal left in the bison suet we got. My wife figured the adrenal didnt look all that big.. it was kinda flat looking compared to usual so she ate the whole thing, probably about the tip of my thumb kinda size.  My wife says its like a bad trip.. haha.
she didnt want any more after that so I ate 1/3 of the other one and was fine.. The next day I ate the other 2/3 forgetting there was an adrenal in it and felt pretty rotten for about 2hrs but I kept it down.

My wife noticed a similar 'bad trip' effect when she ate about half a moose brain in one sitting.

Too much hormones in these things?

Hmmm...This explains the thread I created yesterday called "Don't Mix". I should of read this post before I ate adrenal glands. I bought some bison adrenal glands and they come in 2. They're small so I thought I just eat both at once and began to eat some liver....big mistake. My stomach burned for 2 hours and I felt was going to puke.  So was definitely a bad trip haha.  Note to self, only eat 1/3 adrenal at a time!

General Discussion / How long to see result of what you eat?
« on: February 14, 2011, 03:15:25 pm »
How long would it take generally to see a result of what you eat affect your skin? I'm trying to determine what is causing my skin to become inflamed and dry and my dandruff to go crazy.

General Discussion / Slankers Pork
« on: February 13, 2011, 01:45:51 pm »
Anybody get slankers pastured pork? From what the site says no grains of any kind are used? Should I be concerned about trichinosis?  Also, is wild boar bacon that has been frozen for 3 months good to eat raw or useless in nutritional value?

General Discussion / Re: Don't mix?
« on: February 13, 2011, 01:04:27 pm »
It's more likely the adrenals rather then the liver

Should one not eat adrenals than? Apparently it causes inflammation...perhaps this is the burning sensation i felt/

General Discussion / Don't mix?
« on: February 13, 2011, 08:32:30 am »
For the last 2 days I've eat 2 pounds of liver each day mixed with some lamb fat. Today I ate 2 adrenals and then began to eat more liver (perhaps just a bite or two) when all of sudden I became really nauseous and my stomach began to have a burning sensation. So I stopped eating immediately. After about 2 hours my stomach settled down and the burning and nausea left me. Any idea what could of caused this? Was it too much liver within the last few days or that i shouldn't have mixed adrenals with liver or shouldn't have eaten adrenals at all?

Health / Re: Left leg shin numbness
« on: February 10, 2011, 02:56:39 pm »
I bet it's disappeared by now and his on to the next thing.

No actually it is still there. Its not psychosomatic as I stopped caring about it. However, it is still numb and hope it goes away with time. I mean i can feel pressure...its like fat lip feeling but on your shin.

General Discussion / Red vs white meat
« on: February 09, 2011, 11:55:26 am »
What is the difference between red meat and white meat? Does one have different nutritional properties from the other?

General Discussion / Re: Raw fish organs
« on: February 06, 2011, 04:55:28 pm »
What does one eat in the fish head?

Health / Left leg shin numbness
« on: February 06, 2011, 02:12:08 am »
Has anyone here ever had numbness in one of their legs' shins? I have had numbness in the frontal part (shin)of my leg from the bottom of the knee to the top of the ankle in my left leg for over a week now. I'm not sure if  I pinched a nerve or it i should be taking this more seriously and go to the dr. It doesnt hurt or anything and its not red...soo im not sure about the possibility of blood clot.

Hot Topics / Re: Blood Shot Eyes
« on: February 04, 2011, 10:09:39 am »
If it happens with raw meat but not cooked, it sounds like detox.

Aajonus says that washing your eyes with egg white will remove redness (and also improve vision). Use 1/2 tsp egg white in eye cups. Do it up to 3 times a day. He even claimed that in one case,  severely bloodshot eyes were eliminated 20 minutes after the egg white washing.

I never did this on a consistent basis, so I can't personally comment on how well it works. But it makes much more sense to me than HCL pills (or any other kind of pills).

Why do you think high meat will help?
It's quite easy to objectively verify bloodshot eyes. Not all health problems are "in the mind".

How long do you wash the eye for time? Does it matter what kind of eggs they are?

General Discussion / Re: Mineral Supplements and Liver
« on: February 04, 2011, 01:45:43 am »
People have always eaten plant foods, even inuits.  No need to be afraid of make believe "nutritional imbalances"(not that they don't exist but they usually involve mega doses of supplements).

If you really think carnivore is the best you better find a good source for blood as this probably contains most of the minerals you would be missing.  Bone broths are also something to think about if you aren't too worried about consuming everything raw.

Do you really need blood if your eating enough organs?

Hot Topics / Unrefined Sea Salt Structures Water
« on: February 03, 2011, 12:55:40 pm »
Would a dash of unrefined sea salt structure and alkalize water like a lemon squeeze would?

General Discussion / Mineral Supplements and Liver
« on: February 03, 2011, 12:13:53 pm »
does liver supply the best ratio of minerals to create the natural balance in the human body? I've been wondering since apparently all plant foods and milk products contain these improper rations and cause an imbalance in the body. Liver seems to supply all the necessary minerals but has a low amount of magnesium and potassium...but at least it has some in a easily digestible matter right? The head wolf in a pack always gets the liver...they must know something instinctively. Thus, does one really need take any mineral supplements or even a magnesium supplement if they are eating low amounts of it in liver? I'm starting to think perhaps the "Daily Value" percentages are incorrect and we truly don't know what is the proper ratio. However, some people believe there is a mineral depletion issue. Then others believe taking pure mineral supplements cause an inevitable balance. schluss...Mineral supplements or no mineral supplements at all is needed on raw paleo? Or I guess another way of putting it: has natures resources to heal us been exhausted by environmental pollution and destruction?

Hot Topics / Re: Blood Shot Eyes
« on: February 03, 2011, 11:17:48 am »
I've tried HCL tablets and I really dont think thats the answer. Im hoping high meat does the trick

Hot Topics / Dermamag Magnesium Skin Lotion
« on: February 03, 2011, 09:52:53 am »
Anybody try this stuff or any other kind of magnesium oil instead of liquid magnesium?

General Discussion / Organs meat digestion
« on: February 03, 2011, 09:16:25 am »
Are organ meats any easier to digest than muscle meats?

Hot Topics / Blood Shot Eyes
« on: February 03, 2011, 09:10:23 am »
I've noticed that when I eat raw red meat (from a variety of cuts), within a half hour my eyes are blood shot. I takes this as not a good sign and there is some kind of strain on my body. So what do you think this is from? Eating too much? too much protein? Not enough Hydrochloric acid?  I've also noticed that red eyes only appear when I eat strictly meat and fat. Finally, my eyes seem to never turn red when the meat has been slightly cooked.

General Discussion / Raw fish organs
« on: February 02, 2011, 04:18:00 pm »
I was thinking of ordering whole wild fresh salmon so I can eat the this a good idea?

General Discussion / Re: Fat in Liver
« on: February 02, 2011, 03:56:39 pm »
What kind of fat is good to eat with liver?

General Discussion / Fat in Liver
« on: February 02, 2011, 09:42:31 am »
Is there enough fat in liver to just eat liver and not need additional fat?

General Discussion / Re: Liquid Chlorophyll
« on: February 01, 2011, 09:05:49 am »
Yeah, I was wondering if there was even a point on the paleo diet. Eating liver should supply the same minerals that are supplied in liquid chlorophyll.

General Discussion / Liquid Chlorophyll
« on: February 01, 2011, 08:42:15 am »
Anybody here drink it? I'm considering it but I heard it contains progesterone.

General Discussion / Raw Lobster?
« on: January 29, 2011, 05:51:51 pm »
anyone had raw lobster before?

General Discussion / Mineral Supplements and Liver
« on: January 26, 2011, 09:01:01 am »
Are mineral supplements helpful still if one is eating liver once a week?

General Discussion / Re: Raw brain
« on: January 26, 2011, 04:20:12 am »
I have eaten raw lamb brain many times without any observable side-effects.

Does eating brain really make you smarter or is it my first assumption that its bs.

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