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Messages - chucky

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I started to think why my face flushes less or not at all when I eat cacao. It could be because it has pain relieving effect and I have a problem with ingrown toe nail (Well I cut the problematic nail part away long time ago but now it has some small infection and does hurt). Can inflammation of wound cause anxiety ?
Or the other thing is magnesium! Ketogenic diet can deplete electrolytes. Has anybody checked their magnesium ? It could be low for me. I might try lots of pumpkin seeds...

   Where are they advised that?

    I seem to need less water the less carbs I have, but I'm not ZC.  I was ketogenic for quite a while though.

Sorry for late reply.

Sodium chloride deficiency and potassium chloride deficiency have been connected to HCL deficiency, constipation, and low blood pressure among low carbers. I have low blood pressure, usually have constipation and still have suboptimal digestion, so I'm adding sea salt and kelp to my meals. So far with no noticeable benefit, though.

Sodium chloride deficiency:
"I have also learned that adequate salt intake is important and that a magnesium supplement may be needed. One can’t eat too much protein or you will feel ill and it may generate an insulin response sufficient to retard fat burning. ....

When you stop eating carbs your kidneys stop retaining salt. This release of salt in your urine will take fluid with it, something called diuresis, which will lower blood pressure. "

Since Paleo diet gurus tend to recommend avoiding salt and since Dr. Wortman says that the kidneys excrete salt excessively on low carb diets, it makes sense that salt deficiency could be a problem for some low carb Paleo dieters.

Potassium chloride deficiency (

Low blood pressure, constipation and diabetes (and presumably insulin resistance) are also associated with hypothyroidism:

Dr. Ron's Iodine Complex contains both iodine and potassium iodide, just like the Lugol's solution that was popular in the early 1900's before salt was commonly iodized. I'm

That's true about potassium. I was constipated until I added potassium salt onto my food. Using PAN-SALT (sodium chloride, potassium chloride, magnesium sulfate, lysine, potassium iodide)

General Discussion / Re: how long is raw fish safe to eat
« on: May 02, 2010, 02:00:00 pm »
It depends on several factors. If it's heated and refined CLO instead of raw fermented, then Tyler, the WAPF, Green Pastures and Dr. Ron think it's bad to start with. I doubt that it would make you sick, but after 5 months it would probably also lose some of it's vitamin D value and some more of the fat could have gone rancid. I'm no expert on this, however, so I'm guessing based on what other folks have said in the past.

Green Pastures believes that CLO should be raw, stored in glass (or animal stomachs, like here:, and kept cool.

Thanks. My CLO is from Peter Möller's, who is also mentioned in that weston price article. I think it's not heated and I do get nice energy or that mental "edge" from taking it after even 5 months.

General Discussion / Re: how long is raw fish safe to eat
« on: May 02, 2010, 03:39:25 am »
Yet the Inuit and Chukchi ferment fatty fish and the fatty parts of sea animals like walrus along with the lean and no one could find a single case of cancer among the Inuit when they were still eating their traditional foods. Plus, fermented cod liver oil is considered a very healthful food that people have been eating for that reason for centuries if not thousands of years and Green Pastures sells it today at a premium price that people are willing to pay.

I saw it reported somewhere that the Inuit prefer to wait at least a year, if they can, before eating their rotted stinkfish, stink head, stink flipper and high meats (and they sometimes eat it sooner too).

I have 5 months old good quality cod liver oil with vitamin E in my fridge. So I think it's good then ?

Before I started this RAf diet, I would get a bowl of home made yogurt with granola and a couple of table spoons of cacao powder almost every night. I guess I'm immune to the cacao effects. Also coffee doesn't seem to stimulate me. I could drink lots of coke cans or energy drinks and again it did nothing to me. I used to be addicted to sugar, I remember some days I would have sugar loaded crap all day. You know here in Brazil it's very common to find all-you-can-eat buffets and they are cheap(affordable at least). So insted of going to one of those many restaurants, with a wide range of options, I insted preferred a sweet cookie, or a chocolate bar, or some ice cream or whatever sweet I could find. Once when I was a kid, I got a big basket full of chocolate eggs, sweet peanuts and all sort of treats. That day I skipped lunch and dinner and stuck with those sweets all day long.

When I was a kid I was a sugar addict just like you described. I ate tons of chocolate. It seems that cacao has better effect on me when I am doing low carb now :)


I got mood with confidence and I liked it. It was pleasure to communicate with people and do all sorts of other things.

General Discussion / Re: Anyone here eat insects?
« on: April 30, 2010, 04:00:41 pm »
I see nothing wrong with eating insects. If paleo man already ate everything that moved on earth then why wouldn't he have some insects ? I haven't eaten them but I can imagine them as a snack in leather bag.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Euphoric effects from cacao
« on: April 29, 2010, 03:00:34 pm »
With that kind of reasoning, you might as well drink green tea, eat tofu etc.  -\

However dark, chocolate always contains refined sugar, one of the worst 'foods' ever infented, the beans are toasted... The fact that scientists have isolated subtances in chocolate that are supposedly beneficial doesn't mean that eating chocolate is beneficial at all.

Actually it was from the health food store and it contained raw bamboo sugar (I think it's the same as brown sugar) but sugar is sugar. I agree that chocolate bars are processed, heated so as with meat some toxic byproducts are created. But raw cacao beans. I really want to get my hand on them for some time. I can't make my high-meat at home to boost my mood like Tyler said.

I am not sure if I remember it right but some aztecs or mayans drank about 30 cups of chocolate a day. I don't think they would have embraced it if it made them sick later.

What more symptoms does excess blood protein give ? Does it make one sensitive to heat or more anxious ? Increased heart rate ?

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Euphoric effects from cacao
« on: April 28, 2010, 09:24:14 pm »
Be careful of cacao.  Even a lot of raw vegans believe it is very toxic.

I think that most of them believe that eating meat is unhealthy and toxic too. :)

There is too many subjects on cacao with different views... I haven't found no real studying saying that it is toxic.

I just see more benefits in it than unhealthy side effects. Magnesium, increased dopamine ( brain activity ), antioxidants and more.

Off Topic / Re: forced to eat grains- help?
« on: April 26, 2010, 08:45:01 pm »
Your parents have an obsession with rice. Everybody around them are eating rice and may also spread the word about how healthy it is.
If you want to make them accept the way you want to eat, it takes some discipline and guts. For me it was hard at first too. Although, my parents didn't mind the fact of eating only meat ( maybe because they are undereducated at this point ) but it was difficult for them to accept me eating my meat raw. It took some discipline and faith but they just got used to it. I first started to eat some common raw foods like sashimi as they have heard about it and know it is eatable. And then I started to slowly eat some raw meat under their nose. I had some rejection from them at first but my discipline and increasing health just proved my eating to be true.

You just can't drop the rice and ask for meat because people live by their habits (your parents). When a habit is broken, brain understands that something is wrong. So if you were eating rice for years there is no need to drop it out from day one. Better start decreasing the amount day by day. And tell your parents some stories about the grains and paleo man.

Off Topic / Re: Study shows smoking lowers your IQ
« on: April 26, 2010, 04:12:04 pm »
It's another propaganda against smoking. If the news would release some information about the benefits of smoking, the mindset towards the smoking wouldn't be so scary. But this is the way it is. Society is now anti-smoking and drinking even more which is actually the real killer. People who lived the longest life all smoked but never drank alcohol.

This website shows smoking from the other side . I don't know if this site belongs to the tobacco industry or not but it shows what the news channels are not allowed to tell.

I don't smoke.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Euphoric effects from cacao
« on: April 26, 2010, 01:44:18 am »
I'd wager a fair bit of the heightened euphoric effect was due to the fair amount of carbs in the chocolate. If you've been eating really low carbs it's quite a noticeable boost in both energy. In my experience it's a manic energy which doesn't sit well with me but to each his own.

Nope, I haven't been low carbing constantly. Have to include some fruits from time to time when I'm short on meat. Sugar definitely wasn't the cause :)

Journals / Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« on: April 26, 2010, 01:40:16 am »
Has anyone ever analysed the stones ? What I know is that these stones are from formation of cholesterol and bile. The real stones are too large to pass.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Euphoric effects from cacao
« on: April 26, 2010, 01:32:08 am »
I had exams recently and I ate whole bar of very dark chocolate during the exam. Cacao gave me some kind of narcotic/euphoric effect. I was feeling really really good on it. It never happened before I went low carb. Before low carb, it might have made me calmer or a bit sharper in thinking but nothing like this what I experienced during and after the exams.

I am wondering if low carb enhances the effects of cacao ?

Hot Topics / Re: Appetite when eating cooked food
« on: April 26, 2010, 01:24:52 am »
I'm having the same thing but only with ground meat. I can eat until I get sick and would eat some more later.

Tyler mentioned opioids which might be it. But there is also glutamate. You might know about monosodium glutamate which is food enhancer. Well, cooked foods release free glutamate which can act as monosodium glutamate and make you crazy about the food. So you will overeat as you do with junk food.

I agree, fat is the best fuel for the body. But my mind seems to do poorly if I don't get sufficient carbs

I noticed this after prolonged work with my brain where I had to think 5 hours straight. It made me so dizzy and tired at evening. So I was thinking if the symptoms were because of decreased glycogen stores.

Brain uses more ketones over time if body is constantly in keto state. If I am right then after 40 days brain will use 60% of it's energy from ketones so as my brain was still used with glycose it might have used all my glycogen stores and made me dizzy until they were filled again. Just a theory.

What fruits ? What's the ratio of glycose to fructose in these fruits ? Maybe you are fructose intolerance - unable to handle fructose.

General Discussion / Re: hyper thyroid?
« on: April 21, 2010, 12:50:43 am »
Hyperthyroid has been actually cured with high doses of iodine. It cures both hypo- and hyperthyroid. Somewhere I read that eskimos are slightly hyperthyroid and it is actually healthy to be slightly hyper as it increases longevity and gives you ability to think like A. Einstein  ;)

Does anyone know if hyperthyroid caused hot fluhes as facial flush ? This problem is still annoying me.

Health / "Parasites suck toxins from sharks"
« on: April 20, 2010, 01:49:15 am »

"Together, such studies leave researchers thinking that these intestinal creatures are protecting their hosts." and I think if.. the host is protecting them or making their life comfortable by eating right.

Health / Re: Getting constipated when eating fish.
« on: April 20, 2010, 01:44:34 am »

  I haven't eaten whole herring anymore but fillets only and my bowels move normally. But this change was not the only one. As I was always suspecting salt to cause constipation by decreasing potassium I started using PAN-SALT. It has both sodium and potassium and creates perfect balance! And I have seen more health benefits from potassium ( don't take me wrong here as I have always thought that I might be low on potassium - drying lips, mouth and getting hungry too fast) such as better insulin, no dry mouth nor lips.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Micro-nutrients Intake/Loss
« on: April 10, 2010, 08:51:25 pm »
The issue re micronutrients being leached away from urine is nonexistent, there is no such phenomenon(unless you unwisely take processed supplements of extra vitamins/minerals, of course). Asv for grassfed versus grain-finished/grainfed, grassfed contains far more omega-3s, has a far better omega-3 to omega-6 ratio, and far more vitamins/minerals as well.

As for dietary carbohydrates supposedly  leading to nutrient-loss, this merely seems to be a myth as raw omnivores don't have issues with such.

It is true but high water intake leaches potassium and magnesium and dilutes keto bodies. Children on ketogenic diet for treatment are advised to consume less water because of that.

Hot Topics / Re: Oh Nuts..!
« on: April 10, 2010, 06:51:54 pm »
And is that fat yellow and soft?

My digestive system can't handle this raw hard-white fat(from muscles)... It makes me ill... I smell of 'stale fat', I have no energy for doing exercise, I mean I CAN'T push myself, literally CAN'T, not like the days when I've just had lean steaks with very little fat(since I last had this Sh** raw hard white fat), when I've been been able to metabolise plenty of energy, but just not have much of it so run myself really low on energy but can still keep going and push hard... With this hard white raw fat I cannot use energy AT ALL... and when I try to exercise I get the same feeling that I used to have when I ate grains, ~2years ago... the IBS feeling. I was doing much better for a few days when I had lean steak almost no fat... but it wasn't right either... I was taking in less energy than I could put out and nowhere near enough fat... but if I have the fat I can't use it anyway...

Do the people who are successful with raw animal fat only eat this yellowy fat? Because this white stuff seems BS.

I don't see how it can have anything to do with me adapting to using fat.. I've had loads of fat for ages.. but cooked. I just can't even digest this sh**. Or absorb it or whatever.


By the Way, the place I am planning on getting my grass-fed beef from is here:
What do you think about that?

Miles, are you still lethargic ? Do you know you potassium levels ?

Raw Weston Price / Re: who was the healthiest tribe
« on: April 10, 2010, 02:24:23 pm »
   Did you finish middle school/junior high?

I don't think school makes someone write better or make ones expressions more intelligent (although school helps with overall intelligence but it's not the case). During writing, he could have been either drunk, still non-paleo with brain fog, with low thyroid or with some other metabolic dysfunction. Have you noticed how people on raw paleo/paleo are more intelligent than people on regular diets ? When someone does not have any disturbing factors in his diet (like MSG or a metabolic) he/she does much better.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Micro-nutrients Intake/Loss
« on: April 10, 2010, 02:08:09 pm »
Too much water flushes out minerals like potassium and magnesium. I don't know about other minerals.

I still have some inflammation and I wondered if it could be from too low micro-nutrients intake/content in my body so that's the reason for this thread.

Your inflammation might be caused by low vitamin E. I had ingrown toenail and inflammation never got better until I wanted to try olive oil and unknowingly noticed that my inflammation was gone! Whenever I stop olive oil I notice that it wants to come back so.. hmm!

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