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Messages - norawnofun

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There are 7 different types of calcium. calcium citrate, malate, lactate, oxalate, carbonate, calcium citrate malate and calcium gluconate. Oxalate is definitely the worst form, but I wonder which types of calcium do sardines, salmon bones or bone marrow have. Would these be better than the calcium in dairy?

What would be the best type of calcium for a growing toddler if you do not want to use dairy. Would dissolving bones in vinegar like sabertooth be the best way to get calcium. Or eating marrow? I read that egg shells are not that good (calcium carbonate). So what´s the best form for developing well growing bones, if you also have adequate levels of Vitamin D and K2, as this seems to be important.

Hot Topics / Re: Vegans: The Epitome of Malnourishment 6
« on: December 29, 2019, 12:28:59 am »
no surprise, saw it before it was taken down. It was a good one, as with all the others. Will most probably be reuploaded on another channel

Health / Re: Receeding gum line problem (help wanted)
« on: December 21, 2019, 08:49:47 pm »
Avos are very high in fiber, so that makes sense. No idea about the coating, at one point i didnt do well on them, now they seem ok. They are high in FODMAP, that might be a connection with your tooth coating, but i don´t know. I don´t know about tree ripened or not, but I strongly doubt it. Very often (where I get them from) they are still super hard, and ripen over time. Like with many other foods, such as bananas, picked green since the transport takes long, otherwise they would all be "dead on arrival". And the difference between unripe and ripe is so little it does not matter (1-2mg).

Health / Re: Receeding gum line problem (help wanted)
« on: December 21, 2019, 04:21:15 pm »
For the record. Haas avocado is low in ox, as well as the oil, furthermore the riper the lower the ox amount. And compared to other foods avocado is ridiculously low (3mg total ox per 100mg) compared to raw baby spinach (over 1000mg ox per 100mg). I used to have issues with avocado, now it seems better. the softer the better in general. The issue I had was IMO related to it being more alkaline, meaning having a higher ph, not good if you eat acidic food with it if u have low HCI.

Primal Diet / Re: Aajonus on bile
« on: December 21, 2019, 03:54:59 am »
Not related to AV but let me quote Chris Kresser on this:

"Coconut oil is a very good fat for people without a gallbladder because it doesn’t require bile acids for absorption, so it’s rapidly absorbed in the upper part of the small intestine, and it’s transported directly to the liver via the portal vein."

"Then there are some other things that can be done to improve that function of the bile duct and help emulsify and break down fats.  Dandelion is a very commonly used herb in the Western pharmacopoeia.  It’s bitter and it’s a cholagogue, which means it helps with bile synthesis.  Ox bile can be used if you’re having trouble digesting fats"

He also mentioned ginger to be beneficial.

AV mentioned in one of his vids that he developed the moisturing/lubrication formular. He said (kind of a quote): its most important formular in his whole system. Egg, butter, lemon juice and honey. It helps break down fats before bile gets too it. So organs and glands can´t consume it all as it goes its so rapidly so it gets out to all the other part of the body, including bones, skin, joints, connective tissue that would normally get fat. Best consumed after meat meat, heavy egg or dairy meal or in combination with.

In another one he said:

"The liver makes bile, sends it to the gallbladder, the gallbladder sends it to the duadonum. That’s the process. If the liver needs to eat it gets everything from lymphatic system. And if ur very poisoned the blood will start to deliver nutrients and its not its job, ur gonna have less strength and energy, the more work that the blood does that its not focused on oxygen. U gonna expect that when u get older to get more and more fatigued if ur lymphatic system gets more and more jammed. "

You can improve your lymphatic system with a rebounder, for a couple of minutes every day. Moving up and down is the idea.

He also mentioned: -   The bile didn’t work much on nut oils. So things will cause allergy if u can´t digest it.

Health / Re: erectile dysfunction
« on: December 18, 2019, 09:24:02 pm »
When I went carnivore everything was great except for bowel movements, I mean they were better than on plant-based, but dairy slowed things down significantly. Sparkling water helped for motility. If you HCI or bile is not working properly, then meat and fat only won´t work, unless you eat rendered fat such as lard, since its super soft. There is an adaption period, surely, but if after some time you still have issues with digestion, then other solutions might need to be looked out for, such as adding veggies. So now with almost every meat meal I eat tomatoes, onion, squashes, bell peppers, aubergine, pumpkin, olives, capers, avocado and so forth. Then some specific berries and nuts such as cranberry, black currant, walnut, hazelnut, brazil nut and sometimes pumpkin seeds, allthough i find the oil is better. I read that if you have digestive issues selenium can be beneficial. Lately I do crave sardines and brazil nuts, both high in selenium. I also try and focus on mag and copper, so pumpkin, hazelnut, walnut would be a good non animal option. for copper liver would be best, but i have issues digesting it. 100 percent chocolate with zero additives or sugar is great as well for minerals such as mag, but finding a dark chocolate that has zero additives and tastes good is hard. Only issue is that its a high ox food, but if you just eat a bit, the benefits, at least so far, outshines the neg for me. Motility improved.

So I focus on foods that are low carb, do not have too much vitamin A (to avoid V A toxicity) and have low oxalate amount. Everything soft makes digestion easy, hard things make it worse, because of low stomach acid. If you were to eat potatoes at least eat red skin potatoes, they are lower in carbs, medium oxalate and have a lower GI, among other things. Forget white or purple potatoes. Same as with all color varieties of sweet potatoes, all of them have high ox. Too much carrots I would be carful with, since they are way too high in A and hybrid.

Health / Re: erectile dysfunction
« on: December 18, 2019, 04:48:00 am »
I would refrain from high estrogen/hormonal foods such as eggs. I also find that if intestinal motility is slow, sexual desire is minimal. I also noticed that certain things can trigger an immediate sexual desire, for example, if I drink certain beer brands I want to fuck within minutes. Its crazy, I tried asparagus, oysters..and had zero "boosts". Most commercial beer brands don´t work at all. I am not sure on what this depends on. The ones that cause this immediate "hornyness" are "Märzen" beersärzen. The thing with drinks is that they get digested very easily. Then again beer apparently is high in estrogen. But for some reason it always worked very well. I could speculate that it kills parasites (which beer can do) and the carbonation gives yo more stomach acid, which breaks food down faster, makes it softer, hence easier for digestion. If your stomach acid is low or you have indigestion and slow peristalsis and you need to break down harder foods such as meats and fats, then you can eat the most "horny" foods on the planet, it won´t change much. I think key to having sexual desire is improving your intestinal motility. Back in the days even a little bit of peanut butter, ground oats or chestnut flower worked fast, too much clogged up the intestines, which had adverse effects. Small amounts work well because it acted like a sponge taking all that food matter that was stuck in the intestines and increased motility, which I find improves sex life a lot. Cleaned gut= sexual desire I found.

Health / Re: erectile dysfunction
« on: December 13, 2019, 03:29:53 am »
what do u eat

Raw Weston Price / Re: Where does he mention homosexuality
« on: November 29, 2019, 06:41:06 am »
Recently, they did a large study to determine the cause of sexual behaviour and find a "gay-gene": They concluded that there is no such thing. My guess is that indeed, nutrition plays a main role, but there are for sure other factors like Tyler mentioned. You can´t blame everything on nutrition. Even in nature there are examples of gay animals. Did they eat soy? I doubt it. Still, I think that nutrition is a very important factor that one should not miss. I know at least 2 people that were fed soy milk when they were babies, and they turned out to be gay.

Health / Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« on: November 10, 2019, 03:51:03 am »
low dental health can have many causes, mineral deficiencies, amalgam, root canals, fillings, death teeth, braces, bacteria (sugar or fat/protein feeding), i think even misalignments. One thing that seems to be great for teeth is silica. Calcium I would be careful with. I don´t think we need as much.

Health / Re: Just one more thing to be completely healed
« on: November 09, 2019, 07:42:52 pm »
If you have low stomach acid then not drinking any water with a meal is the way to go IMO. I frequently read that people on a RAF diet do not touch water with their meals. Which is the way to go. I would generally refrain from "mineral" waters, regardless if I were to eat cooked or raw animal products, because their PH is high, in the range of 7-8 usually. Also because the minerals there are inorganic and harmful, distilled is healthier according to my experimentation and research. Animal products have a lower acidity content, with the exception of egg whites and goat dairy. So if you have low stomach acid production I recommend cutting these out. Egg yolk would be ok because their PH is lower, as well as cow and sheep dairy.

Some time ago I focused on foods that have a low PH, animal products and veggies including berries. Best diet I ever had for digestion. And the meats were cooked, also some of the veggies. But I did not touch any water, meaning mineral water, low ph mineral water, filtered water and even distilled water (which turns acidic when it comes into contact with CO2). The only exception I sometimes do is to drink man made carbonated water around 30 min after food, if I feel my stomach acid is too weak to digest the foods I have. Carbonated water helps increase stomach acid production pretty well. Even naturally sparkling water does, however, the carbonation content is not that high and decreases fast the more you open and close the bottle, since gas evaporates. I also did experiments with home made carbonated distilled water (putting distilled water into a sodastream), but I found it to be too aggressive and uncomfortable to my body.

I know that cooking meat removes the water content, which is why people need to drink more water, especially if they consume plenty of salt with it. But as a general suggestion I would recommend not drinking water at all before a meal, since high ph mineral water will dilute your stomach acid that you need for the upcoming food digestion, not drink it during the meal, and also wait around 30 min or so after food. That counts for all types of water.

So if you want a permanent good digestion without any issues I would say.

a) eat only acidic foods, don´t mix with alkaline in the same meal
b) do not drink before, with or right after foods, regardless of the type of water
c) eat either enough fats or enough fiber (depending on your genetical make up) with it
d) make sure that you have adequate stomach acid in general. If you don´t have find the reason for that first, before going into endless experiments. Pre-set low HCI (before you even start consuming your meal) can be caused by stress, antacid drugs and h.pylori overgrowth (which apparently half of the population have). Oral dental health is important as well.

If you have low HCI then you will have all types of health issues. thyroid issues, IBS, Crohns, parasites, candida/fungal overgrowth, weight loss, hair loss, mineral and vitamin deficiencies, which leads to every possible health problem including cancer. I think low HCI, including bad dental health, is the root cause of almost every disease on this planet. On low HCI you get a weak immune system and invite the uninvited (bad bacteria, parasites and everything else). If you can´t digest the healthiest foods in the world due to low HCI, you will never get out of your health misury.

Health / Re: H. Pylori :(
« on: November 08, 2019, 03:07:59 pm »
ok thanks, then it seems the quality of the pork, even if cooked, did not matter in your case. Only thing is that tummy pain can be related to a lot of issues. Anyhow, soon I will know more about this.

Health / Re: H. Pylori :(
« on: October 31, 2019, 03:18:15 pm »
I am resurrecting this thread because I think I have this condition after listening to, it might be the root cause of all the digestive troubles I had and to a certain extend still have. The low stomach acid. Since H.pylori has the ability to diminish stomach acid significantly, causing candida owergrowth, parasites and what not to take over, I might finally understand why red wine, green tea, liquorice, honey among others did me so well when I consumed them. It would also explain the horrible detox night I once had, puking out hundreds of worms when drinking 2.5 cups of green tea. It might also explain why I have problems with eating chicken, since it seems to be high in h.pylori, eggs could be another food to avoid when u have h.pylori overgrowth/infection.

Good Samaritan, Why do you think that fully cooked fatty pork for 1-2 days is helpful for h.pylori? Is it the lectins that are able to battle this heliobacter?

Many ways to deal with tummy pain.
No one is certain if that diagnosis is accurate.

Things I know that have worked for me or other people:
- herbal colon cleansing and liver flushes
- fully cooked fatty pork for 1 day or 2 days
- Dr. Henry Bieler's soup
- zapping with a hulda clark zapper any variant
- herbal dewormer / parasite cleanser

Health / Re: did i catch trichinosis?
« on: October 24, 2019, 04:22:34 am »
Most raw honey is processed nowadays. It is still heated up to a certain temperature to make it easier to process, meaning to pour it into the glass. On top of that its very often filtered to remove all the unwanted "particles" such as pollen or other "impurities" which is exactly what you would want to be in your honey. To remove those a centrifuge is used, usually at high speeds plus a filter. I am certain that this centrifuge creates enough heat during the spinning process to destroy enzymes. Even honeycombs are sometimes heat treated when they separate them for packaging. I think the only way to consume pure honey properly is to personally visit the bee keeper and buy a whole rack of honeycomb, which you then separate yourself with a knife. That is sometimes cheaper instead of buying honey in jars.

Furthermore, I would recommend raw bee pollen rather than honey itself. Far more nutritious, less quantities needed to achieve benefits and far less carbs, since you tend to eat less. But you need to start slowly to ramp up the dosage. If you take the whole comb you will get everything yes, but also consume a much higher amount of carbs. I used to eat a lot of honey, every day, it aided digestion but when I went off carbs I found it spikes insuline too much, even if it was truly raw. Bee pollen did not give me that effect. I recommend having a look into this site to get more info about pollen there is a LOT of info there. Either way, if you get honey you should always check for unheated honey, and always ask the producer if they use any centrifuge, filtering or heat. Maybe something like the flow hive would be good to produce your own easily. allthough they use plastic.

Health / Re: did i catch trichinosis?
« on: October 23, 2019, 04:00:41 am »
different remedies react on different parasites. There are some remedies that kill a broader variety, but some only kill a few. You would need to experiment what works best for you, or you take something that has a broad killing potential. That would be better rather than trying out millions of things. but then again, i think dry fasting should kill all of them.

and I agree with Sol^Sa´s post. If your digestion does not work properly it´s hard to digest even the most pristine raw foods. Digestive enzymes, ox-bile and HCI pills did nothing for me really. I am pretty certain that parasites are the main cause for that. Raw garlic, onion, spicy herbs, pumpkin oil and so forth work far better to improve my digestion that any pill could ever do.

Parenting / Re: What are the ideal foods to introduce after lactation
« on: October 21, 2019, 05:15:00 am »
I would somewhat agree to that. But you need to be careful. If the child gets a taste of carbs, even if it´s raw fruit, that instinct can turn into an addiction. And once you have a baby that was fed on cereal and pasteurized dairy, it can be hard to get it off that. Early adaption to animal foods will keep the instict alive, but if a child has lost its natural insticnt due to eating processed carb garbage, it can be hard to reverse that addiction.

if you don´t do well on zc i would stop guessing and wasting time, I would do a genetical test and that should sort it out once and for all. I agree about the comment on facebook groups. However, there is a group I know that has people which failed on ZC. It´s not public and you can only get in with an invitation. So they do exist.

Not true that everybody has the same requirements of carbs, fat and protein. I know people that tried ZC or Keto and developed big health issues. I know of one person that feels best by eating around 100 carbs per day, quite a big differents from the previous ZC experience. A genetical test revealed that. The reason for the demise was low vitamin C, high uric acid and nitrix oxide. This article will explain it further Full version is paid though. You can test yourself what your are meant to eat btw.

Health / Re: did i catch trichinosis?
« on: October 17, 2019, 04:39:22 am »
parasites don´t like certain foods/remedies/tinctures. And very often P can cause bloating. If you take something that kills or paralyses them, you should feel a fast relief. I would not take it with food, otherwise you might falsify the result.

Health / Re: did i catch trichinosis?
« on: October 16, 2019, 04:12:57 am »
if you feel bad and/or bloated. try and drink a glass of water mixed with 1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper. If you feel better and bloating goes away, for me that´s an indication that you have parasites. you can try the same thing with raw pumpkin seed oil or raw garlic. You need to be careful, if the parasite is able to get hold in the body it can take 3 months to get rid of it completely. Also, taking certain anti-parasitic things such as oregano oil can only be taken for a short period, otherwise the liver will suffer. Either way, I still think a dry fast, first for 12 hours, then 24, then 36 is the most efficient way to kill absolutely everything the body does not need. Or you take an antiparasitic medical pill, like tyler durden did when he had an issue with parasites.

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: can not get rid of belly fat no matter what
« on: October 09, 2019, 05:37:51 am »
do you use seasonings? If so which ones exactly.

Health / Re: fruits with the least anti nutrients?
« on: September 29, 2019, 05:05:15 am »
fuck, just wrote a huge reply and i accidently closed the window. Either way, Ill try to keep it short now cuz i don´t feel like writing everything again. Among the ones that I tried are and found most effective are the "heidelbergers 7 kräuter stern" and the "maria treben schwedenbitter from ihrlich". Both are famous in the German herbal "world". Both can fix many health issues. Schwedenbitter amongst raw goat kefir and the "hildegard von bingen maronibreimischung" gave me extreme emotional positive reactions. I first I cried then I laughed for several minutes. It was an insane. It was certain that my body loved those. you can find the dosage for both on the internet. If you still have question you can ask. The schwedenbitter are an alcoholic tincure (non alcohol available but less effective I found) and the 7 kräuter stern are 7 herbs mixed together that you can either put in a tea or have a knife pínch under the tongue to go directly into ur blood stream in the morning. Both were very effective for digestion and both should not be taken for too long. Especially alcoholic schwedenbitter. I took it the wrong way and used it undiluted and it caused my blood pressure to raise unnesssecarily. The only thing that I would find more effective, even for the long term, is ayahuasca with an experienced indigenous shaman. And maybe certain medicinal mushrooms. But so far I have little experience when it comes to fungi. But I think they are the key to almost, if not all, disease.

Hot Topics / Re: raw=more hunger? some carbs=less hunger.
« on: September 29, 2019, 04:08:53 am »
AV mentioned something that the protein in meats double in size when cooked. The molecular structure changes when cooking meats. Or something like that, i would need to find the quote. That could be one reason why people that go raw carnivore report that it´s harder to gain weight. Another thing is carbs. Some can be slim and have an optimal weight, but gaining weight (unless they eat carbs from dairy or eggs), seems to be harder on a RAF diet. Im sure eating plenty of raw fats in combination with carbs make you gain weight. Also, you could be one type of a person that needs carbs. Don´t put yourself in the same boat as some ZC folks. Some thrive on ZC some have can develop serious health issues. Furthermore, parasites hinder gaining weight. Constipation hinders gaining weight. Once you fix these things and digestion becomes smooth and unnoticable, I think only then your body is able to use what you are eating. I used to eat a shitload of foods some years ago and instead of gaining weight I got thinner and thinner. That was because I could not assimialate the foods that I was eating. Be it the parasites/candida issues that I had or leaky gut as a result of the former. Fact was that my body could not use the huge amount of foods that I was eating.

Health / Re: been constipated for 2 months, big belly.
« on: September 24, 2019, 05:18:44 am »
I assume you got the worms from consuming dairy. On ZC you should not get any parasites unless they are meant to clean out your body, so to assist you rather than bug you for 2 month. There are plenty of things that work for parasites, papaya itself is not effective enough. Its the seeds in combination with honey that make a difference. Then there are many other things that can help, too many to mention all but some of them would be pumpkin seeds and oil, chilli and cayenne, black walnut, cloves and wormwood combination, garlic and onion, caffeine in coffee, black tea and green tea, carbonated water, alcohol such as dry red wine, vodka, even beer. Certain medicinal mushrooms like chaga, Diatomaceous  earth and its derivatives.... Now you could also go to the pharmacy and get yourself some pills, sometimes that can fix it too, for me it didn´t help because once they establish properly, its hard to get rid of them since they tend to multiply and there are many different types of them. Then if you keep eating carbs, things such as candia are even harder to get rid of.  I still think that a dry fast is the best way to kill them. The first dry fast will always be hard, but then it gets easier, at least thats what people say. There are 2 types of dry fasts, hard and soft. Hard means excluding even contact with water, like taking a shower and brushing teeth. Soft allows it. I would say that a dry fast of 36-48 hours is minimum to regain health and cellular regeneration. So if I were you I would try it again, and make sure you drink lots of water on the days before the fast. the first time I did it I also managed only 12 hours, and mind you, I live in a very hot and humid climate, so its extra hard. You living in the north are very lucky. It should be much easier for you.

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