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Off Topic / Re: TylerDurden: Accident & offline for weeks
« on: March 04, 2010, 02:47:19 pm »
damn, get well soon!

Journals / Re: Sam's Journal
« on: March 04, 2010, 07:49:31 am »
That's the problem, sometimes belief gets in the way of finding optimal health,it happens to me all the time.

Just come out and say it mate. You recommend Sam go on a vegan 30 bananas a day durianrider diet, correct?

About grass fed, i think most  Australian meat is grass fed, i might be wrong but i recall reading that somewhere.

All grain fed unfortunately. It's fine to eat though, but grass fed is better if you can get it from a farm or certain shops. Grass fed beef is marketed as a 'low fat health food' so forget about getting any fatty cuts from a shop you'll have to contact a farmer to get fat, and then they will not sell it to you because fat's unhealthy and they are concerned that you buy so much  l). Way to go FDA.

General Discussion / Re: What should i tell a butcher to get suet?
« on: March 02, 2010, 11:52:26 am »
Some made up reason might work the first time. But when you go back for kilos and kilos each week or month...

General Discussion / Re: Types of fats
« on: March 01, 2010, 10:50:10 am »
Actually.. This stuff just tastes like wax, makes me really thirsty and not feel very good... It doesn't taste like food..

You get used to it, and start to really like it after a short while.

General Discussion / Re: Types of fats
« on: March 01, 2010, 10:48:14 am »
Not much known, but it's the wrong question anyway.
Fats are not essential, it is the component called EFAs that we seek.
We are getting practically pure EFAs when we eat tallow and ghee, both products of rendering.

Are you saying rendered fat is pure polyunsaturated omega 3s and omega 6s? If so that's not true since the melting point of saturated and monounsaturated is lower than that needed to render. Tallow has EFAs, mono and saturated fats.

General Discussion / Re: Any problems with ground beef?
« on: March 01, 2010, 10:45:17 am »
Well that ground beef I bought in bulk, it's going dark all the way through now and the taste is getting less pleasant each time.. Is there any point I should worry about eating it? It's in tight-seal bags(~500g each). It's Vacuum-packed but since it's mince it doesn't work properly. The meat is all exposed because it's mince so it's weakened and the bacteria are free to multiply like mad. I'm not sure if it's too much bacteria... Or if not, whether it may be soon... I should have frozen it immediately like it advised =/ I won't get mince again anyway... I don't know how similar it is to bacteria in thawed frozen meat or cooked meat, since it's minced. Anyone help answer?


its fine to eat

General Discussion / Re: Types of fats
« on: February 28, 2010, 04:17:44 pm »
And why does everyone eat suet as their fat source?

Because suet is the main source of a fat in an animal.

General Discussion / Re: Order Mistake
« on: February 28, 2010, 09:51:20 am »
The fat in both pictures is fine to be eaten raw and there is nothing wrong with it.

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Need to bulk!
« on: February 27, 2010, 07:54:13 am »
what am i reading this right?fat and being fat is attractive?

you're reading your idol durianrider trolling

Hot Topics / Re: Do you live forever on a rpd?
« on: February 27, 2010, 07:36:59 am »
Maybe, but a healthy snack before bed does not interfere with my sleep.
I define healthy as 1.5T pemmican mixed with 1t tallow and 1t ghee chased with a raw egg yolk.

I'm of the opinion that an entirely empty stomach is the best for sleep. Digestion interferes with sleep, so naturally an easily digested food would be the least troublesome.

Hot Topics / Re: Do you live forever on a rpd?
« on: February 26, 2010, 03:32:07 pm »
But I'm talking about IF when you eat one meal a day that lasts couple of hours.
Besides mice aren't humans.
Once researchers fed rabbits with food rich in cholesterol and they've proven that it's disastrous to their health. But they didn't check that metabolism of rabbits is much different, re cholesterol, than humans.  ;)

Firstly I doubt the cholesterol itself was the problem to the rabbits, likely the processed and rancid form it was in but that's a different topic.

Regarding humans and IF what studies are you talking about? The only studies I know of conducted on humans are the Mattson study which showed one meal a day not to be beneficial.

Although I actually agree with your opinion that IF is beneficial, it's just that there are not many studies done which actually show this. The meal in the Mattson study was a typical SAD high carb cooked food meal which I believe to be the problem. Carnivores fast, carb eaters eat frequently. The lower your carbs the less often you should eat.

The meal was also eaten at night; such a heavy, unhealthy meal eaten just before going to bed means the people would have been unable to sleep properly while on the diet. Perhaps moving the meal to the daytime would have made IF beneficial even despite the shocking food choice.

General Discussion / Re: Any problems with ground beef?
« on: February 26, 2010, 12:43:29 pm »
never had a problem with ground meats

General Discussion / Re: Should I start now or later?
« on: February 26, 2010, 12:42:18 pm »
should get better immediately, especially if eating Liver (vitamin A controls sebum).

Hot Topics / Re: Do you live forever on a rpd?
« on: February 26, 2010, 10:02:38 am »
The Intermittant Fasting is proven to be better than simple CR.

Not true. If you look at the actual data results you will find that not all the IF mice lived as long as the CR mice. Only the IF mice who naturally calorie restricted due to the eating schedule had the same life extension benefits. The mice weren't calorie restricted per se because they were allowed to eat as much as they liked on days they were fed. The mice who managed to eat enough in one day to completely make up for the previous did not live as long as CR mice.

What this shows is that IF can overcome the hunger and desire for food that can occur during calorie restriction, but not the weight loss and emancipation which unfortunately is the biggest drawback.

Durianrider seems to have fang/sharp teeth yet hes strongly raw vegan and seems to do very well on it.

lol I knew you watched his videos. You can leave the forum now.

General Discussion / Re: So why do we need shoes?
« on: February 20, 2010, 03:35:58 pm »
his bones didn't grow properly because of his poor diet

General Discussion / Re: How bad do you think it is to freeze meat?
« on: February 20, 2010, 03:18:04 pm »
I dont think we should be looking up to the eskimoes or nenets and admiring their diet because they live in unnatural climates that humans beings shouldnt be living in. Rather picture yourself in a tropical paradise next to a beach were one would most likely be eating lots of fruits vegetables and probably more fish than land animals. But thats just my opinion...


and 'originally' we came from Africa, a land with abundant land game.

General Discussion / Re: How bad do you think it is to freeze meat?
« on: February 20, 2010, 11:25:57 am »
I've had great results eating grainfed meats and grainfed organs in the last month. I switched to grain fed meats after having used up all my grass fed meat and having felt terrible after a few days of mainly fruit. Have more grass fed meat now but I'm going to continue eating grain fed organs, due to limited supply of grass fed ones and in my opinion nutritionally the order of food is: grass fed organs (whether frozen or not - from experience frozen effects taste very slightly, but not nutrition) > grain fed organs > grass fed muscle meat > grain fed muscle meat

General Discussion / Re: How bad do you think it is to freeze meat?
« on: February 19, 2010, 02:12:40 pm »
It is not at all bad. It's perfectly fine.

Hot Topics / Re: Evolution
« on: February 18, 2010, 07:43:59 pm »
it makes more sense to me that we are some kind of alien hybrid, since we are like aliens compared to all other animals which follow nature.

We followed nature until very recently...this is why this website exists.

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Kidney Stress
« on: February 18, 2010, 06:34:21 am »
try eating more fruits and vegetables and lessen meats, that is what i am experimenting/doing myself and the dark-eye circles seem to have faded a bit. If milk isnt a problem for you then drink more milk and lessen meat.

If you do not think the raw paleo diet is healthy then that's your choice, but stop recommending people go to neolithic diets around here.

I'm already having organs every other day with daily values of Vit A, copper, and iron approaching 500%, cholesterol approaching 1000%.  I'd like to be cautious and not overdo organs.

Well, that's the worst assumption there is.  You can't look at yourself and then tell others they are doing something wrong.   You can't generalize like that.  Everybody has unique bodies.  What works for one does not work for the others.
It is like for me telling an overweight person "If you can't easily loose weight you must be doing something wrong.  Look at me, if I skip a meal I'll drop 2lb right away."  See the analogy?

imo people aren't that different at all. We are all human beings with the same digestive system, only varying in the damage that has been done to it from modern diets. All people react well to a healthy diets. The difference is how well they can tolerate an unhealthy diet and losing weight is indeed possibly the easiest thing in the world to do for anyone with more than an ounce of willpower.

With that said...your situation is strange and I don't know what to recommend.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Beaver and muskrat meat
« on: February 17, 2010, 06:58:23 pm »
Raw wild game is generally nutritionally superior to raw grasfed/organic meats

I have yet to see benefits.  After 4 months of mostly raw grass-fed products I'm still struggling to gain weight, reduce fatigue, and my gums are getting worse.  I am still optimistic and trying various things.

My sister started feeding her dog (6y old 130lb rhodesian ridgeback) raw organs and bones with marrow.  All are non grass-fed, from cheapest local grocery store.   Dog's energy level is the highest it's ever been.  I wish I'd get the same effect but it is not there yet.

You should try increasing your organ intake.

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