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Messages - chucky

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Ketosis happens when you restrict your carb intake above ~20g to make body use keto bodies instead of glycose for energy.

Heart and brain work better on keto bodies. It's shown that heart can work 28% better. Don't know about the brain but brain learned to use keto bodies too and the result was better than with glycose.

I have also question. Can there be too many keto bodies and if yes then what causes it ? I have had problems with facial flush that come whenever I restrict my carbs.

Thanks man.  It's hard.  It seems a lot of people in here have no clue about how much food it takes to see gains or really know anything about bodybuilding nutrtion.  Glad to see someone understood it. 

Did you have any problems with facial flush or increased anxiety/heart beat ? I can't understand what has caused this for me. I had it before then it went away and now I have it again. When I am sitting in classroom my face just starts to flush. I can feel how my face goes damn hot and lips start to burn. It it because of ketogenese ? I will skip few glasses of my milk kefir to be sure it's not because of it.

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Is exercise useless???
« on: April 04, 2010, 02:09:40 pm »
Okay,  I have to WANT to have a body like a greek god to give me an incentive to exercise.  I have to admit I'm as lazy as Lex.  I'd rather tinker with my servers.

Have you tried doing it ? There's a rule: do something for 21 days and it becomes a habit!
I remember a study about exercise and success. Most successful were those who also exercised. So I will try to use the 21 day rule and make exercise as a habit.

General Discussion / Re: Mucous??
« on: April 03, 2010, 09:04:38 pm »
You probably know that Candida eats sugar and grows on it. But what is more important is that our gut bacteria keeps candida under control. Bifido bacteria and lactobacilli are the two main bacteria that also don't let Candida go over the edge by acidifying the colon (candida loves alkaline environment).

But lactobacilli and bifidobacteria need soluble fibre (oat bran is super food for them) to grow. So I still haven't figured out how these bacterias can live in our guts without proper nourishment. (I am not troll lol) I am just being open-minded as I am trying to be on low carb as much as possible as the feeling of keto-adapted is good.

How much water do you drink ? I wanted to try out how do I feel when I cut my water intakes by half. My face started to flush pretty easily in places where there wasn't much fresh air. I started to experience anxiety attacks and I was getting more mucous in my nose.

What happens when you consume too much vitamin A on regular basis ? What happens with the liver and could it get damaged ? I was taking Roaccutane for about 4 months. It's aa acne medicine but is very high in Vitamin A. Anyone else taken Roaccutane here ?

General Discussion / Re: How clean is your food ?
« on: March 29, 2010, 08:25:24 pm »
Well, you seem to be referring to grainfed meats which are hardly suitable. As for the tiny hairs issue, I've encountered such in the past and it never bothered me a bit. 

If you were referring to supermarket fat then yes. And good to know. Maybe it's just me for being too clean with food !

By the way the fat which felt like gum is the pigs inner fat. That's why it feels and tastes different.

Oh I try to see the source and the work ethic of the whole food supply chain as far as I can see it.
So over the years of being the marketer of the household we have settled on clean supplies.

Sure, I will be asking more about their meat and work ethics but I can't blast all of my questions out at once. They could get too protective :) You have posted some pictures from the market where you buy your meat. It looks good but they are freely in "open air" so I didn't expect that they are so clean. But eh looks like they take good care of your meat :)

General Discussion / How clean is your food ?
« on: March 29, 2010, 07:39:00 pm »
If you buy meat or fat from your butcher then how clean does it look like ? Can it have some "dirt" on it. I don't mean it literally but when I bought pork fat from my butcher and started to cut it at home, it didn't look "clean". It had some, for example, small hair pieces on it. Hair pieces were not from a human but similar when you drop a piece of fat on your carpet and pick it up. But they grow their own pigs and I have started to trust them as I recently changed butcher. But I haven't bought fat directly from butcher before so it came with small surprise.

Offt. By the way, the fat feels a lot like a gum. I usually have bought it from supermarket and it is hard and though. Is that right ?

General Discussion / Re: Eating raw eyeballs?
« on: March 25, 2010, 03:36:31 am »


I would like to see more members posting pictures freely but I am afraid this could be too anti-vegeterian ?

Primal Diet / Re: Milk egg drink
« on: March 24, 2010, 11:52:40 pm »
jarnapal- Actually i just know that egg yolks act as a liver tonic (though apparently so do lemons/limes). Scientifically speaking any high cholesterol, high fat meal with lecithin will work. What it does is the high fat triggers the release of bile. Bile acts as a medium for the liver to release fat-soluble toxins to expel through the bowl. By adding the extra cholesterol and lecithin you give the building blocks for new bile so the old bile is simply expelled with the toxins and new bile is made. Any excess choleserol would be expelled, agains, with fat soluble toxins. Thats the theory. So I figured anything with egg yolks. Since i had alot of milk and refuse to drink water out of tap or plastic bottles, my choice was clear, lol.

Though now it seems best to use lemon/lime juice and sum extra fat, like oil, butter or cream with the eggs for optimal results.

Also as Rawzi stated, milk should be drunk at room temperature, if it's cold it'll cause digestive distress. I actually just take 2-4 quarts and leave it out overnight(5-8hrs for cold ass fridge) and sip it during the day. Also don't drink alot at once and don't guzzle/chug it. I chugged about 1 1/2 quarts at work last night and it "stayed with me" for about 7 hours, lol.

Good to know. THanks!

Reminds me of a story read years ago, someone learned the diet of (NYC) young car thieves who stole just to go joyriding.
ALL of them drank at least a quart of milk/day.

You have been warned.                           :D

So Seeker, have you noticed any tendency to steal a car ? lol

Primal Diet / Re: Milk egg drink
« on: March 22, 2010, 08:05:44 pm »
Thanks for your answers. Seems like it's not the case for you.

Seeker_1 you mentioned using it as a liver tonic. Do you remember where you read about it ?

Primal Diet / Milk egg drink
« on: March 22, 2010, 03:33:57 am »
Does anyone combine milk and egg and drink it ? How do you feel after drinking it ? Does it make you dizzy or drowsy ?

Seems like every time I drink this combination I get dizzy and extreme weakness. But it never happens when I don't combine these two. I remember someone mentioning that Aajonus does this. Can egg-milk drink clean liver as it made something to be dumped into my bowel. I still feel it being "there".

Health / Re: Questions on digestion
« on: March 22, 2010, 03:27:13 am »
Egg whites are a waste. The nutrients are in the yolks, and I don't need lean protein.

Nation, I like a very limited variety because it helps me obsess about "purity" of food and ingredients less (I have a bit of orthorexia). Also, I feel great this way.

I have been thinking of adding chicken livers a few times a week, but otherwise my meat is high quality and the fat sources are pastured from a nearby farm.

Great body !  ;)

Do I remember it correctly that you were eating supermarket ground beef before ? I didn't know about orthorexia so I googled it. This describes me how I was at summer " this focus may turn into a fixation so extreme that it can lead to severe malnutrition ". I was scared to eat unhealthy food, what a paranoia! I don't know how exactly I came over of this disorder but it had to do something with adding potassium into my diet, decreasing salt and starting to drink kefir. (when I don't drink kefir I get depressive and paranoia could return.)

Hot Topics / WOW! Watch this tapeworm video.
« on: March 18, 2010, 10:57:06 pm »

Tapeworm was pulled out of the hole which was bitten by spider ? Seriously ?

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Are Bard Valley Dates raw?
« on: March 18, 2010, 12:12:24 am »
It was a recipe that I was given by my Ayurvedic Doctor owing to my particular body type. It may very well affect testosterone levels. I would not suggest taking another person's word on anything because as the expression goes one man's meat is another's poison.

The modern day idea that food and supplements are universal and we should all eat the same is a clever marketing scheme. I chuckle at people who with a straight face tell everybody that they have to eat so much vitamin a, b, c d, e, etc. Phone them up is 6 months after they start to react to their guru's teaching. For some people garlic and onions are a Godsend. For me its like eating sulphuric acid.

It's bread not meat :) I am feeling much better already after not touching the dates. I just started with onions and they made me dizzy alot at first. It's decreasing regularly. Just experimenting with sulfur.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Raw Vegan to Raw Every Thing
« on: March 17, 2010, 09:49:35 pm »
Hi Dameon,

    Welcome!  I too made big changes in diet.  I actually didn't like meat before.  Eating raw eggs don't give me any anxiety, and I did have a lot of anxiety before.  Eating grains gave me anxiety, a lot!  Raw sour cream definitely doesn't give me any anxiety, but the reverse is true.  Raw meat with honey gets me feeling the best in those respects.  

Enjoy the trip :)  

Whole health to you,


Your meat and honey combo might be backed up by science research. Check it out:

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Are Bard Valley Dates raw?
« on: March 17, 2010, 07:59:07 pm »
Interesting.  Is there any health benefits in dates besides nice amount of tryptophan and sugar ? I know only that body converts tryptophan to niacin using Vitamin B6 for this.

But I remember eating dates with warm milk. Really relaxing !

Just bumping the post.

Why he says that dates are good ? I tried them and after a week of eating 5-8 dried dates a day it felt like they were decreasing testosterone levels. Stopped eating them since yesterday.

Health / Re: Jaw problems?
« on: March 17, 2010, 05:07:19 pm »
Include some fish as omega 3-s are anti-inflammatory.

General Discussion / Re: Irritability
« on: March 17, 2010, 02:29:59 pm »
Just eating a good deal of raw eggs will cleanse the livers.  Without the combo.  Cancer and liver cirrhosis patients do this.

You can do liver flushes without epsom salts. 

In my experience, all liver flushes I did were good with zero side effects.

Liver flush saved my 98 year old grandfather from pneumonia.  And saved my brother when he was dying of psoriasis.  My brother's liver was so toxic he was on his dying days with eruptions from head to toe.  When he liver flushed he was shouting feebly that he was dying because the toxic black stones from his liver were unloaded in his stomach and he was reabsorbing the garbage... when the epsom salts kicked in and he pooped out around 150 plus black stones... he felt relief... brought back to life.  He was deluged with a history of medication and pollutant lotions from psoriasis western medical treatments, mercury pollution, lead pollution, etc.... bad long history.

If you were in an emergency case as my brother and my grandpa, liver flush may be needed.

Probably if you are already on RPD and feeling quite well, just egg yolk liver flushing will do.

I myself suspect epsom salts as these are chemicals. 

But as always, do what needs to be done according to the situation.

Hey thanks, very interesting!

Just one question. Only egg yolks or the whole egg ?

General Discussion / Re: Irritability
« on: March 17, 2010, 03:28:44 am »
If you consider eating eggs as liver flushing than I may have done it already since I eat raw eggs regularly.

Still, I think it will be better to have a correlation between "stone composition" and "type of flush indicated".

I think you need to take them at once with lemon and lime juice

General Discussion / Re: Irritability
« on: March 16, 2010, 03:23:12 pm »
my experience is that they are not much more than soft soft mushy green pea like balls.   I think it is from the bile combining with the oils used.  They look impressive in the toilet floating.  But truly wonder if it is nothing but oil and bile.

I have read the same thing. I am impressed how goodsmaritan cured his eczema with liver flush and have heard success stories from others. But what I have read about is that the liver stones are not stones from the liver but the bile combined with cholesterol. Real stones that are in the liver are too big to pass. It would be like passing the golf ball through the bile duct. and

General Discussion / Re: Irritability
« on: March 16, 2010, 02:51:57 am »
Yes I do salt quite a bit, sadly. Just makes things so tasty :'/

How does it work though, that salt would make me low potassium?

Because salt and potassium work the same way as magnesium and calcium. When calcium gets too high, magnesium gets low. They are antagonists. When your body has too much natrium, potassium gets low.

General Discussion / Re: Irritability
« on: March 15, 2010, 03:31:47 am »
Do you put salt on your food ? If yes, could be low potassium. Dairy helps with irritability too.

Health / Re: Homosexuality and Paleo Diet
« on: March 14, 2010, 11:07:27 pm »
Not everyone is affected by a toxic diet in the same way it depends on your genes. For me its eczema and weight trouble for others it could be headaches and other problems.

Last days I have been searching about sulfur and have found some interesting facts about sulfur - including eczema and weight trouble. When you read about MSM(sulfur) you will see that this thing has cured people with eczemas and helped with eight loss (helps with bile production). Since Friday I have been eating onions and actually I'm seeing benefits amazingly fast... My facial skin is getting more tighter and don't looks so "fat" anymore. This is just my own experience but it won't kill you if you try some onions.. just to see if it actually works. Otherwise you might rot some eggs but it takes time :)

Health / Re: Getting constipated when eating fish.
« on: March 14, 2010, 10:58:23 pm »
This is but a wild guess. When I started into this raw diet not long ago, I ran out of raw butter for a few days. Instant constipation.

My solution was to take Triphala an Ayurvedic medicine that you can get at any Indian corner store. (cheap and easy) Just to get rid of the old stuff (stuck stool). Drink water with it. There are other things you can get and Triphala is not the absolute best because it has a bit of a drying tendency.

But to prevent the problem in the first place I found that butter and fats like avocado do the trick for me.

That's interesting as I have been eating less and less butter recently!


Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: "Gel Caps"
« on: March 14, 2010, 09:45:44 pm »
Those tables are pretty huge Janar, without knowing what I'm looking for. Could you give a summary of any sort?

You said you were doing the same thing, why did you stop?

Because i am not taking any supplements anymore. But when I stopped gel caps, I changed it to bottled fish oil and took it by spoon.

These chart show how glutamate toxicity can be connected will almost anything. The worst culprit here is Monosodium glutamate that has the most free glutamate but if the liver is not healthy and can't detox natural glutamate found in wheat (50% of gluten is free glutamate), whey, soy etc. it will cause much harm as MSG does. MSG and excess glutamate can pass BBB(Blood Brain Barrier) where they are converted to one harmful substance ( I don't remember the name of it ) that will mess with the brain cells, over excite them and kill them.

Glutamate depletes Taurine but Taurine is so essential!

I mentioned sulfur earlier. Taurine needs sulfur and taurine helps with making bile for digestion use.

"TAURINE, is an important sulfur-containing free amino acid (made from
cysteine). It is the second most prevalent free amino acid in the human body
after glutamate."

I'm no expert on this and don't know much to tell about it except that I avoid MSG like a plague. If you take time and follow the chart you will start to understand as this chart is like putting a big puzzle together.

A year back I was 4 -5 months on Roaccutane that could have damaged my liver alot..

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