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Personals / People In Eureka,CA or Santa Cruz,CA!
« on: June 10, 2010, 05:35:31 pm »
I am looking for a room and board situation in exchange for work in either area, I would be looking for other work as well with the goal of eventually being able to pay for room and board, or get my own place...

Welcoming Committee / Hiiiiiiiiii:D:D:D im new ^_^
« on: June 10, 2010, 08:47:51 am »
Well, I came to this site as Ive been told by a member of another site i had stumbled across that the people here are far more open minded and accepting... I must state though that I have literally NO interest in raw land based meats, I don't think there is anything wrong with it, its just a texture and flavor thing for me, just like how I hate the texture and flavor of tapioca, but most people I know love it... some things I just cant stand... I do however love some raw sea creatures, and I love raw veggies and fruits and some sprouted grains... tried to get into juicing and stuff, but its a pain in the butt to juice with nothing other than a blender and some cheesecloth... my friend keeps making a joke that since I'm so poor, I should put up a donation button for a juicer and real dehydrator,LOL...  but I'm not THAT much of a bum, not yet at least,LOL... anyway, from what Ive read on here so far, it seems like my friend is really right about all of you, and I'm really glad to be a member here. :)

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