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Topics - Poppy

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General Discussion / Sticker Shock
« on: September 10, 2021, 11:26:37 am »
I just paid $10 for half a pound of ground beef to feed a family of three.  Anyone out there having trouble funding the diet these days or do you raise your own critters?  I need to learn how to fish!

Suggestion Box / Maybe make a Q/A section for new people?
« on: September 06, 2021, 02:18:15 am »
Like, I really want to know if you all drink coffee.  That's kinda a staple here in the PNW or the US (Oregon Coast) because it rains non-stop all winter.  I don't know, I have a lot of stupid questions like that. 

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Any Runners or Cyclists?
« on: September 06, 2021, 02:16:28 am »
I'm an avid runner and cyclist, anyone else? - I'm slow and sometimes I have to take off a few weeks if my health is bad, but I do really enjoy it.

I've been reading the book, "Natural Born Heroes" by the author who set off the barefoot running craze, in his new book he delves into resistance fighters in Crete using fat adaptation and basically the keto diet to fuel for weeks of uphill mountain bounding avoiding Nazi patrols.  It's an interesting look at very low-carb running so if that's your jam, or if you like history you might check the book out. :D

Welcoming Committee / Just Starting, Newbie from Oregon
« on: September 02, 2021, 07:52:26 am »
Hi, well, I thought "RAW" was like ... an adjective like XTREME or KILLER, lol, so confession, I just read the pinned explanation and -- I can't eat anything raw that I know of, at least not at the moment, I have IBD (likely - see explanation below).  Everything I eat hates me.  So I don't know,  ya'll might have to give me the boot. 

I have so much trouble eating that a lot of times I resort to nibbling on Skittles for most of the day.  I was sick all the time as a kid, so don't know if you ever had the experience of having a bad flu and you don't really want any sort of heavy food?  Broccoli, steak and pizza aren't really on the menu... 

I eat a lot of soup and bone broth and I can eat veggies if I boil them (but not broccoli and there are some veggies I can't digest at all).   I was born with digestive issues and then it got worse.  I would eat pancakes for breakfast and then not eat again until supper because I was so scared of getting sick at school.  When I went on trips with my parents they threatened me, 'DO not get sick'  -- so I'm 46 and in the 1980's absolutely everything to do with a bad GI was "STRESS" hahaha -- so I'm like seven years old and my Mom is super ashamed that she has such a weakling mentally fried child.  I used to get threatened a lot with, "if you keep this up you will have to go to a GI doctor and do you know what they'll do (insert torture) GULP"  So although I've talked to a few general MD's -- I have avoided actual GI doctors my entire life.  There it is, my confession.  I don't have a firm diagnosis but so far they just want to use SSRI's on my gut so I guess it's all back to the whole 'stress' thing, lol.  Despite what most people know about the usual GI issues, my biggest complaint is GI pain. 

I want to develop a system of food I can eat, and some foods to avoid, and get some support.  Sometimes I just get sick of trying to manage my food and just drink a coke with a doughnut.  (I can eat most processed carbs although they put me straight to sleep usually). 

I'm really here to learn if you'll have me, but I might be too much of a mess to be saved, idk.  :D  My energy is non-existent.  I have a lot of fatigue most of the time. 

I have a big bubbly personality if you'll let me join.  I just have questions and I'm not on Facebook or social media stuff because my friends all became political meme activist and got weird. 

My dream is to be a runner and a cyclist but I'm so fatigued, and I've put on some chubby weird weight in the middle and it's holding me so far back I can't see the start line. 

Cheers!  - Poppy 

--btw -- on ancestral supplements: Beef Liver & Beef Organs  <-- these have helped a lot

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