Firstly, I have to say a big big BIG thank you to everyone contributing in this forum, and for the founders of this forum. You people have seriously saved my life.
I am 90%+ sure that if I hadn't stumbled upon Raw Paleo through GoodSamaritan's website and then found this forum, I would have been dead probably a couple months ago. The severity and incredible agony of full body eczema rashes, nearly 0 quality of life would have pushed me to consider suicide as the only way out of hell.
I have learned so much from reading threads here the past few months, and I wanted to start documenting my experiments and experiences to hopefully give back in a way to this forum, and of course, to keep track of what I'm doing myself as well.
- severe depression, PTSD, occasional extreme fatigue since ~2-3 weeks ago
- rough, dry, occasionally itchy skin on face, neck, behind knees
- Stopped daily coffee enemas ~1 week ago after members here detailed the dangers of it stripping the colon of gut flora etc. Using fresh urine retention enemas to heal, repair gut and keep daily bowel movements. Went 2 days without BM after stopping coffee enemas and got desperate - didn't want to reabsorb toxins and overburden weak liver, decided to use urine enemas - hopefully not as damaging as water/coffee enemas.
- Very Low Carb (VLC) experiment day 1: 2 meals in total. 1st meal: (all raw) mix of lamb tenderloin, wild-caught salmon, grass-fed beef tenderloin, beef bone marrow. 2nd meal: mix of similar meats, didn't desire fats so didn't eat any. No strong craving for fruit so didn't eat any.
- No shampoo since ~2 weeks ago, was already no soap for most of my life (fortunately!)