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Welcoming Committee / a little about me, i guess
« on: May 11, 2014, 11:25:37 pm »
well, not much to say other than i am a twenty something year old german-american male from new england, who has always lived an active lifestyle to varying degrees (as in at some points of my life a healthy/moderate level of activity, and at other points quite obsessive to a fault). my diet has changed at bit over the years; i've never eaten truly "bad" by an american standard, actually even at my worst most americans would have considered me quite healthy (of course that is not saying much). but yes indeed for a good portion of my life i ate a new england version of the SAD diet

when i was really young though, i always had a thing for raw seafood. strangely enough i kinda abandoned this in my teens when i became really obsessively active, and at way too much grains (i basically lived on peanut butter and jelly and oatmeal at that time), and of course i was led to believe that sugary cultivated fruits and vegetables that i could hardly digest were "healthy". so, while i was what most people would call "fit", i was far from healthy

my health suffered over the years, and yet i ignored it and continued to lives obsessively. my musculature was always somehow still fairly healthy, but i was thin. i'm still thin (6', 168 pounds, granted i'm fit and all, but well my musculature begins eating itself really quickly), and still trying to put on some good weight to this day (at least to the point that if i have to fast for a while, my body won't start eating away at my musculature)

well long story short, my diet wasn't good, and my lifestyle wasn't good. and it started to hit me in late 2010, and hit me full on in mid-2011. i knew i had to change my diet, and change my lifestyle. and i quite alot of things cold turkey. interestingly enough, the withdrawal symptoms i had from my lifestyle, were considerably more intense than those i had from a changing diet. i still remained active, just not to a fault, and i actually allowed my body to heal itself (just the fact that i could live the way i did in my teens, for that decade or so, without hurting myself more than i did, really amazes me to this day. know need to get into in more deeply, i'm just grateful these days). at this point i started various elimination diets; interestingly enough it was the Wai diet that caught my attention early on. granted, i never followed these diets to a complete fault, as every so often i would eat with family or whatnot, mostly cooked meats and stuff (although i was very strict about not eating grains or dairy at the time; i knew i was intolerant to one, or both. couldn't tell which at the time, turned out to be grains, because i can handle dairy just dine these days and still eat it on occasion). but for the most part i was eating fruits and fruit juices, with the raw egg yokes and coconut and whatnot, with a variation that i still liked teddy peanut butter (especially with apples or bananas)

this diet, really worked well for me for a while. it cleaned my body out it seemed, and i stuck with it even into the winter, at which point i started eating more meats again. at which point, i began favoring meats more and more over the fruits and such. this, began my transition to a more carnivorous diet, on mostly cooked meats at this time, although around summer 2012 i started getting into raw seafood again. this diet, still with remnants of wai, worked well for a while, and combined with a moderate workout routine (oddly enough i got into sprinting and heavy resistent training at this point, which fealt good for a while but i later ran into problems) i felt strong and healthy, for a while

problem was, come late 2012, early 2013, i was having blood pressure issues: my blood pressure was quite high (pretty sure it was like 160 something /88, cant remember exactly but it was high, and the symptoms were there). i couldn't even stand up without feeling like fainting after awhile. come to find out it had to do with a combination of too much protein/not enough fat, heavy resistance training (which became excessive after awhile, i eventually came to realize that i simply had an excessive personally with those sorts of things, which i have since quelled quite a bit), and oddly enough a creeping increase in sodium intake. not to mention i wasn;'t always eating the highest quality of said foods...and some of my old habits started creeping back, like i started eating oats again (its a food from my childhood that i remembered fondly, so i started eating it again. along with some other foods. except this time what it was doing to my body and mind was obvious, so after a few months of experimentation i just dropped them again. with once again some minor drug addict esque withdrawel symptoms, but they didn't last that long)

so, once again i needed to change my diet. and my lifestyle. so by mid-2013 i went back to my classic cross training routine, just way toned down and way less obsessive. and while i still enjoy the summer and autumn fruit harvest, other than that i seem to have lost all taste for carbs in general. and other than simple berries (and i still like coconut), most carbs just don't sit well with my digestive system at all. so, i started eating more and more raw (and sometimes lightely cooked, my family is big on lighely cooked seafood anyways so its not like i'm gonna turn that down) seafood, and for a while nuts until i realized that they too did not site too well with my body, so i try to stay away from nuts for the most part now (of course if eating with family, i make occasional exceptions, with just about any food group that isn't poisonous vegistable oils, sugars, or wheat for instance,i just can't handle those at all. and i try to stay away from sodium like the plague given my previous blood pressure fiasco)

so once again to make a long story short, nowadays for the most part i eat raw seafood, some raw red meats (and lightly cooked as well), occasional cooked other meats/seafood and stuff with family so long as so (which also includes some vegistables which i really don't like and can barely digest, but i don't like to turn food down, i mean i've already had to shut out grains and whatnot, so i try to compromise and not come off as too picky. and i do occasionally eat dairy, particularly whole fat yogurt with my own blueberries), and some berries and coconut. and of course i always drink plenty of fresh water (which granted has always been a constant throughout my life, i never liked to drink anything but water) and without getting into every which way in which i feel healthier, well lets just say i feel healthier these days. sure my hair is still greying at a fairly young age (which if anything i could say i don't even mind as it mixes well with the reddish tones in my hair, giving it an even more russet hue than before), and my body is no doubt damaged...but, i'm actually getting healthier, which is not something i could say until fairly recently. i feel like the raw meat is replenishing something that has long been lost to my body; i'm not an expert on every mineral and whatnot in the body, but i can just tell that something good is happening

the only issue i have is i'm still kinda thin; fit thin, but thin. and i wouldn't mind putting on a bit off good weight, just something that my body won't be forced to eat away at muscle when i have to fast. now i know the answer to this is simply to eat more, of the right things. but i just find in hard to eat more sometimes; i find myself eating just to maintain muscle and general functions, and find it hard to put on any good fat. i feel like i'm sustained, but that i can't seem to satiate myself to where i have any "cushion" so to speak. now i know this is simply because on a hearty diet, you tend to eat less than say if you were eating carbs, and i can go for many hours, sometimes days on no food if i eat enough fatty meat before hand...which may of course be the issue, i'm simply not eating quite enough. which is where i get into the main reason why i joined this forum:

while i'm not an expert on every little mineral the body needs to function, neither is a wolf. but like a wolf i seem to understand what my body and minds needs to function well. i love to go through the human/wolf comparisons, because the similarities are obvious. why else do you think we domesticated each other, and have been close companions in a civilized setting ever since? but i degrees. the point being, i know what foods i need to thrive. what i do not fully know, is how to get them and how to get them in enough quality and quantity to satiate someone like me, in a modern world that is destroying everything that was once pure and simple. life, is not as simple as going hunting in a pack to take down megafauna anymore. it just isn't. and as simple as i try to make life seem, well whenever i get myself into that mindset it eventually always hits me, the reality of the world we are living in. but again, i digress

the reason i join this forum, in addition to sharing whatever experiences i may have with the lot of you, is to gain realistic knowledge of where and how to obtain such foods in a modern setting in a quality and quantity to sustain a being like myself, and to generally just converse the matters. like for instance do any of you ever feel guilty, that you are eating and living in a manner that the vast majority of the world due to internationalist actions and ambitions, simply cannot afford to live like? do you ever feel guilty, that you have a choice, a choice that many simply do not have? in many parts of the world, people have no choice but to eat the foods presented to them, or starve. the natural vitality of there habitat, has simply been destroyed and/or stolen or taken away (and in some cases "sold back" to them). national sovereignty due to internationalist ambitions, is becoming more and more a thing of the past. even in america, well we all know what hidden dangers lurk within just about everything sold at a supermarket. and at the end of the day, the food industries (in cahoots with the USDA of course) don't care how unhealthy we all get (keep in mind they are also in cahoots with the medical industry, so it all plays into their hands), so long as they are making profits. i could talk about this all day, but there are others who do it with much more personally (and for that i would recomend the blog "roar of wolverine: rantings of an intestinal transplant survivor" to everyone here)

long story short, it isn't always simple finding healthy foods in todays internationalist world (healthy? its not even easy finding foods that arn't downright poison to the human body. i mean look at canola oil, something that cows can't even live for long promoted as a health food for human consumption? to the greater internationalist cabal, the majority of the world and its residents are nothing more than cattle. another thing i could speak all day on, but i feel i would probably be preaching to the quire). so that is why i am joining this forum, to share experiences and find the most practical and realistic ways to live as natural a life as possible, in a world gone mad (just like those cows with the "mad cows disease", ie canola/rapeseed poisoning. to turn a species of wolves, into cattle...)


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