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Parenting / Re: What are the ideal foods to introduce after lactation
« on: December 24, 2024, 08:24:11 am »
Actually I was just looking at some information on iron to compare which meats are highest in iron (since babies have a high iron need after 6 months and my baby was recently eating a lot of turkey from Thanksgiving instead of red meat like beef or lamb) and I just found out that the iron in eggs is non-heme iron which makes it much less absorbable than the heme iron in meat.  All this time I thought she was getting decent iron from the eggs I was feeding her but come to find out she might not actually be getting as much iron as I thought! 

It looks as though Vitamin C should help facilitate the absorption of the non-heme iron in the eggs though, but it doesn't look like there's any vit c in the eggs themselves.. so I was thinking of pairing her meals with eggs with some fruit for the vitamin C.. and yet finding that the fruits highest in vit c are not that easy for a baby to digest!  Orange seems to be too acidic and can irritate their digestive system and I'm not sure about bell peppers considering they're a nightshade like tomato and potato and those should be avoided shouldn't they?  I also read things like apples are hard for babies to digest because of the pectin or something, and should be cooked before feeding to the baby.. but I'd of course like to try keeping her diet as raw as possible and to avoid cooking where I can, plus doesn't cooking easily destroy vit c thus defeating the purpose of adding the fruit in the first place?

So I'm in a bit of a conundrum at the moment, wondering if anyone has any suggestions for fruits or other foods that are high in vitamin C but easy enough for my baby to digest raw?  She turned 9 months old on Thanksgiving Day so she'll be turning 10 months soon, so whatever is appropriate for her age or below? (since I might have more children in the future and will need to know this information for them as well)

It wouldn't be easy to get the ingredients for high quality formula replacement, but also my baby doesn't really know how to drink from a bottle anymore either lol.  Also my husband and family would never let me feed her raw milk or raw liver or raw meat out of fear for food poisoning and stuff.  Best I can do is a soft boiled runny egg yolks from our backyard chickens and I'll lightly sear my grass-fed steaks and feed her the interior red part.  My husband won't let me feed her sushi(sashimi) or raw milk. 

Even if the mother's diet isn't ideal?  I don't eat a raw food diet and I eat junk food sometimes.  But I do my best to make sure my baby doesn't eat anything processed or junk like that.  However I still breastfeed her and I worry that the junk food in my diet might affect her.

Parenting / Re: What are the ideal foods to introduce after lactation
« on: December 06, 2024, 09:07:38 am »
I agree about the suggestions sucking!  The very first food I ever gave my baby was the runny egg yolk from my backyard chickens at like 4 or 5 months old.  Second food I believe was avocado.  I forget what was next after that, I think my husband let her chew on some of his fruit, but she started eating beef and chicken very soon after as well. 

Hot Topics / Use for the soft bones after making bone broth?
« on: December 05, 2024, 09:44:25 am »
I just made some turkey bone broth and afterwards the bones were soft enough to just mush with my fingers.. is there anything I can do with them?  I'm not sure if I can just eat them outright since they're cooked and probably made of mainly calcium now anyways right?  So should I just throw them out or is there something more useful I can do with them?

I'd also like to know the answers to all these questions, too.. I have a nearly 9 month old baby

General Discussion / Re: Raising your own Egg-laying Chickens
« on: August 16, 2023, 05:43:25 am »
I can't believe it, I FINALLY got my chickens and decided to come here to look for advice on what to feed them and ended up on my OWN POST that I completely and utterly forgot about!  Even reading it I don't remember any of this!

Hot Topics / Re: Halal Grass-fed meat source in/near New Jersey?
« on: April 01, 2023, 01:49:48 am »
My husband was actually able to find me sources of grass-fed halal beef here in New Jersey!  I am so happy for that.  However it is pretty much impossible for me to eat any meat raw in this family, not because of blood being Haram (it is also forbidden in Christianity which I converted from) since the animals are bled and there is no actual blood left in the meat.  But because the family all believes when doctors tell them it is bad for them.  Plus the whole idea of raw meat makes them queasy and it's not something they're going to change at such an age.  My husband at least will eat sushi with me and I was able to cook a rare steak for him that he liked when before he had only ever eaten well-done steak.  But that's about as good as it's going to get for me for a long time now.  I can't even find any raw milk either.   

These past few months have been difficult for me to try and find a balance between my overly-expensive but limited and plain diet, the overly-spiced and rice-filled curry and other ethnic dishes the family prefers to eat, and the SAD foods my husband loves that I also miss.

Hot Topics / Halal Grass-fed meat source in/near New Jersey?
« on: November 11, 2021, 08:19:17 am »
It is a possibility I may soon be converting, marrying into a Muslim family, and moving to New Jersey (from California) and I am a little concerned in how difficult it will be to find grass-fed meats which are also Halal.  I'm not sure if anyone here happens to be Muslim that knows of a way I would be able to get ahold of some Halal grass-fed meat, or to otherwise verify if the Halal meat is grass-fed, especially around the area of New Jersey.  It's already pretty difficult just to find and verify if a meat is Halal or grass-fed individually even here in California, let alone to find meat of that combined, plus I will be in an entirely different state that I know nothing about..

General Discussion / Re: Why is getting raw diary and organic meat so hard?
« on: November 11, 2021, 08:01:33 am »
You can't go to regular supermarkets, you have to look around for organic markets in your area.  Whole Foods is probably the biggest and easiest one to find if you live in the US, but there should be some other choices as well if you live in city areas.  I live in California and it is probably the best place to find these kinds of stores, many of which carry raw milk and cheese!  Raw milk is allowed to be sold here by law as long as the store has a permit, whereas many other states it is completely illegal.  Even so, no regular supermarkets here ever carry raw milk, and I have to find special organic stores to find raw milk/dairy.  Some of the regular supermarkets here are recently starting to carry more organic fruits and veggies at least, but I don't know how it is in other states or other countries.

Health / Re: Hormone Imbalance
« on: June 01, 2021, 06:03:51 am »
I enjoy Chaga and recommend it to others.

I just watched this video but I don't even know where the nearest forest is, let alone a birch forest and even if I could find one, it'd probably be several hours from me at least since I don't live in a foresty area, so there's pretty much no possibility of me harvesting my own chaga.. that leaves trying to find a good enough source of it like the guy in the video said and I'm not sure I'll be able to find that either, I'd have to check my stores that I usually go to and see if they have chaga at all, let alone anything that looks like a good  wild-harvested source.

Health / Re: Hormone Imbalance
« on: June 01, 2021, 05:46:54 am »
My biggest problem is, like I said, it can be hard to tell what affects me because I never really get any sort of immediate reactions to any foods I eat, even pure junk food, just I will eat something and maybe the next day, maybe a couple days later I get breakouts.  That's pretty much my ONLY indication that I'm doing something wrong, and is very difficult to tell if it's caused by what I'm eating or my cycle or stress or maybe I touched my face too much or who knows what else that might have made me break out. 

Sure maybe if I eat pizza for a couple days I'll notice I'm more tired than usual, but just eating it once, or just eating one slice one time, doesn't make a difference to me.  I don't feel any different than if I eat my normal steak and eggs every day.  Heck, I ate a piece of cheesecake last night and I feel great right now.  Sometimes I'll eat fast food once and then my skin clears up the next couple days.  There's no possible way I can tell a difference between one grass-fed steak and another slightly higher quality grass-fed steak, because I don't even feel different if we go to a restaurant and I eat an overcooked grain-fed steak(I always ask them for extra-rare or blue-rare but they don't always serve it that raw). 

Anyways, the MAIN reason I even made this thread was to know if anyone knows HOW to tell WHICH hormones I'm having problems with, like maybe cystic chin acne means too much testosterone, or feeling more tired than usual means too much estrogen, or stuff like that.  I got a big cyst on my chin so I've decided to stop with all the stuff I was taking, no more vitex, nettle, maca, or honey at all until it goes away.  I don't actually get cysts too often anymore unless I do something that really messes me up, like last time I got one was when I was wearing a plastic respirator mask to work every day (I thought it was rubber or silicone or something, not plastic so I messed up) and the time before that was when I tried taking flaxseed oil to help my hormones, which I knew wasn't a good idea but I've been desperate to find a fix and hoped it might help anyways.  Well, I learned my lesson and I'll never touch seed oils again!  It looks like I'll just have to ask the doctor for an actual hormone test and see where I'm actually at and hope I can try to fix it without messing everything up again.

Health / Re: Hormone Imbalance
« on: May 30, 2021, 12:46:40 pm »
It takes at least three weeks to clear out any possible irritations due to Dairy, and perhaps even longer to readapt to other primary sources of animal fat.

I was on WAI for at least a couple months, with absolutely no dairy and no change.

If the eggs and chicken you eat are fed soy and non organic grains, that could also be a concern regarding hormone balance.

I don't always eat eggs, sometimes I go weeks without eating them and then sometimes I'll eat them for a couple weeks.  When I do eat eggs, I always only get organic free-range eggs.  Eggs or no eggs doesn't make a difference.

Cooked meat is always a big no-no from a raw paleo perspective.

I know this but I don't really like cold beef.  I sear it as little as possible, and I did eat raw beef previously with minimal differences.

Finding quality meat can be a problem, but for optimal results on a raw paleo diet it is crucial. Try or other local farm organizations to find better quality foods.

I've already seen that website and unless I want to drive several hours away every week to get slightly higher quality foods, which is impractical and wastes a lot of gas and money.  I still only buy grass-fed beef no matter what.

There are also other factors involved, and I also recommend drinking fresh spring water not stored in plastics. No other sugary beverages, and avoid all other possible plastic contaminants  and hormone disrupting chemicals. Sun bathing is also a great option for skin and hormone issues, as is red light therapy( though quality devices are expensive). A good amount of physical activity is also recommended.

I don't drink anything else besides water, milk, coffee, or tea(and I rarely drink tea), and coffee is the only thing I add anything to.  Plastic is about the only thing that's pretty much impossible for me to avoid, but I avoid it as much as I can and definitely stay away from heated plastic.  I'm outside at work and get a little sun, and also walk around a lot for work.  But my fatigue and breathing problems keeps me from getting a lot of exercise most of the time.

Caffeine and sugar is also a problematic habit, and the temporary energy boost comes at a cost of greater adrenal fatigue. There is a certain synergy of addiction between dairy, caffeine and sugar, that becomes very difficult to break free from. There are good caffeine free substitutes that actual are good for hormone balance. Chaga is a good tonic drink by itself or can also be blended with chicory, and dandelion root. For extra energy I will sometimes chew on a ginseng root. Caffeine containing herbs have always caused me problems.

I only even started drinking coffee because my fatigue never goes away, I never used to drink it.  I just got tired of being tired all the time so I started drinking it more recently so that I don't always have to feel so damn tired all the time, especially when I'm driving to work or working.  I don't drink a lot of it all the time, and I've gone without it, like for months when I was on WAI, and it doesn't make a difference.  I could try Chaga if I can find it, I've never heard of it before though.

If you are into herbs, the primary one that has been used for ages, to ease menstrual distress is cannabis edibles.

I won't take anything that has to do with cannabis.

Health / Re: Hormone Imbalance
« on: May 30, 2021, 03:48:04 am »
I've tried eliminating dairy and nothing changed.. Also sometimes it can be hard to tell what affects me because I never really get any sort of immediate reactions to any foods I eat, even pure junk food, just I will eat something and maybe the next day, maybe a couple days later I get breakouts.  I mainly eat the dairy as my best source of raw fats.  I always always crave fat, and if I do not get enough fat I will go crazy and eat literally anything fatty even if it's pizza or fast food or whatever, so no matter what diet I do I have to make sure I get enough fat.  Raw dairy is just the easiest and most accessible healthy fat I can find, I love it, and I don't find consuming it to cause me more problems nor eliminating it to reduce any problems.

My usual diet lately at least when I'm eating good is raw grass-fed cow milk and cheese, lightly seared grass-fed steaks of the cheapest cuts I can get (usually boneless short ribs or london broil or some sort of roast) and always try to get the fattiest cuts they have, sometimes sunny side-up free-range chicken eggs (with the yolks as raw as possible), and sometimes bone broth.  Sometimes I will drop the raw yolks into the bone broth instead after it's cooled enough to drink, but not often.  I will also eat fruits sometimes if I see ones I like or crave ones, or raw honey.  And then I usually do drink a little coffee in the morning which has some sugar because I have fatigue problems, and coffee helps.  When I do eat junk I mostly try to go for stuff that isn't too bad, like with limited/normal ingredients.  I still avoid grains and soys and processed foods as much as possible.  I love chocolate though which is so hard to find soy-free chocolate, but I haven't had a chocolate bar in a few weeks at least now.  Oh, sometimes I have rotisserie chicken and if I'm lucky it will still have the kidneys intact and I eat those even though it's all cooked and maybe not the healthiest chicken, but the kidneys are delicious.. and I mean I basically eat everything but the bones, and even the bones I crack open and try to eat as much marrow as possible. 

But then like, a little while back.. well actually, before all the Covid stuff happened, I was on a WAI diet for a little while, maybe a couple months which basically eliminated everything I normally eat like steak (my FAVOURITE food) or coffee or dairy or chocolate or anything like that.  I stuck to it well and only ate raw fish, raw egg yolks, fruits, and olive oil.  And yet nothing much changed, my skin got a little softer but it didn't clear up.  I had slightly less fatigue, but I was still tired.  I still had hyperpigmentation issues.  I still had heavy, painful periods.  I probably still had my fibroids too, but I don't know since I only recently found out about them.

After WAI I tried full carnivore which was me eating ONLY the raw milk/cheese, lightly seared steaks, eggs, and bone broths.  It was still the same, my skin NEVER clears.  My periods are NEVER NOT heavy and painful. 

I've tried changing my diet a million times already.  I've tried eliminating every certain food from my diet to see if it helped and it never does.  The ONLY diet I haven't tried all this time is Vegan, and considering how much I hate veggies and grains, if I did try to go vegan I'd basically just be fruitarian and I already know that's not gonna help.  Even when I very first found out about raw paleo and I found this forum, and I first ate raw meat coming from a SAD diet.  I only ate 100% raw, I ate raw meat and even liver and bone marrow(I drove really far to get them), even then my skin never completely cleared up and my periods were still heavy and painful, though less painful.  It's just so frustrating and disheartening that even when I eat as good as I can I still have problems, or it's like, things go great at first and then slowly get worse again.  Like my body goes into shock when I first start a new diet and my problems lessen and I think I'm doing great, then after a week my body gets used to it and all of my problems come back again and I don't know what I'm doing wrong.  I just wish I could be a normal fricken human being and eat normal food and have normal skin and not feel like I'm dying when I have my periods and not be so damn tired all the damn time. 

Health / Hormone Imbalance
« on: May 26, 2021, 10:16:25 am »
It has become clear to me over the past few years that my hormones are completely out of whack.  I have several issues pointing towards hormone imbalances, but the biggest one I just found out about is that I have fibroids.  My periods have always been painful, heavy, long, and irregular ever since I first started getting them, but over time the pain has slowly gotten worse and worse over the years. Another symptom of hormone imbalance is the acne around my chin and jawline, as well as shoulders, back, and chest, which I haven't been able to get rid of no matter what I eat.  I also now get hyperpigmentation, which I never got as a kid, or even a teenager.  Most of it comes from the acne, but a couple years ago I got some melasma on my forehead that was never there before.  All of these things just keep telling me my hormones are completely out of whack and getting worse! 

I have never taken or used any sort of birth control ever in my life.  I never want to, because my hormones are already messed up enough that I don't want to mess them up further with hormone drugs.  Instead, I am abstinent and a virgin, which is probably the biggest contributing factor to my fibroids at least, the "disease of nuns," but that's not something I'm going to change.  If I get married, then maybe I can have a baby(that I want), but I'm unsure if that will happen.  I've always had acne my whole life, but from when I first started a raw paleo diet, most of it has improved but never went away completely.  My periods also became regular, and while on raw paleo they weren't always as bad.  But I've had a lot of trouble sticking to raw, I now swing a lot on my diet and I don't really eat fully raw anymore as I don't really like cold beef, and it's difficult for me to find good offal.  I usually sear my beef slightly, so it's still super rare or raw in the middle.  I do like raw fish though, as long as it doesn't taste fishy whatsoever (fresh/sashimi) and can eat it cold.  Every once in a while I break and eat some junk, but usually not very often.  I do consume a lot of raw dairy consistently.  But since I'm not consistent with eating raw/paleo/carnivore/healthy/whatever, I still do get some problems.  My periods remain regular now, but are more painful than ever.  My acne is sporadic mostly, with the hormonal jawline/back/shoulder acne being the most stubborn that won't go away no matter what.  The melasma on my forehead has very slowly been going away, or at least hasn't gotten worse.  I did go onto WAI diet a little while back, but even though I was almost 100% raw my symptoms didn't improve.  I also went full carnivore slightly cooked for a little while and no improvement.  I think this hormone problem is something far too advanced to be fixed easily by diet alone.

I originally though I had too much testosterone that was causing my acne, so I looked into what I could do to lower it.  I drank a whole bunch of spearmint tea at the time, with slight improvements but never fixing it so eventually I stopped.  I mentioned to my doctor that because of my acne and period problems I think I might have hormone issues.. he said he didn't think so, but I insisted so he requested a blood test.  WELL, when I got the results I found out that idiot doctor requested THYROID HORMONE PANEL, not sex hormones!!!  So I have no blood tests to tell me what my hormone levels actually are.  Once I found out I had fibroids though, I looked it up and found out it's usually because of excess estrogen.  I then looked up what can block/get rid of estrogen and started taking vitex/chasteberry, nettle, and maca root powder mixed with raw honey.  This seems to have greatly improved my hormonal acne as I did not get any for about a month until now.  My last period was also greatly improved, with barely any pain and much lighter.  However, my next period is coming up and I can feel some small cystic acne developing near my chin, my hyperpigmentation/melasma hasn't improved, and I'm not sure how painful/heavy this period is going to be compared to last time, which might have been a fluke since I do get a less-painful period every once in a while.

Mainly what I want to know is, if anyone is experienced with hormones that knows any other herbs that can help my specific situation, how I can know when to take which herbs, or how I can tell which hormones are out of whack and when?  I don't want to take TOO much estrogen blockers and end up becoming more manly or something!  I did pause on taking the chasteberry and nettle once my last period ended, (still took maca-honey every day though) and started taking it again immediately after ovulation this cycle, trying to fit with the normal rise and fall of estrogen during the cycle.  But I have no idea what I'm doing, or if I should continue with the nettle, if I should start drinking more green tea and/or spearmint tea, or avoid the teas, or stop the herbs, or how to tell if I'm doing too much or too little!  I'm still afraid of throwing my hormones even worse out of whack than they already are..

Long story short, if anyone has advice on herbs that can help specifically with the combined issues of:
-hormonal acne
-hyperpigmentation scars
-painful, heavy, and long periods

as well as advice on how to tell which hormones are out of balance and which herbs to take when for best hormone balancing, or curing of fibroids/hormonal acne, that would be wonderful..

Health / Re: Congested nose (lower turbinates)
« on: May 26, 2021, 08:03:26 am »
Do you have any pets?  You might be allergic to them if you do, I was given a cat for my bday and had her for over a year before I developed symptoms, then it took another year to find out those symptoms were caused by my cat.. or it could be some other external factor that won't be affected by what you eat.

Off Topic / Re: Slow Cooker
« on: October 03, 2020, 06:51:02 am »
I found the Instant Pot Duo seems to have a yogurt warmer setting that can range from 86 to 109.4° F which sounds good to me, but it's $80.

Off Topic / Re: Slow Cooker
« on: October 01, 2020, 11:45:28 pm »
I agree with a pressure cooker. You can use an Ninja Instant Pot or something similar and get the same broth in 2 hours.

I've read bad things about contaminants in the ceramic liners in slow cookers. I think it's different heavy metals. Not something you want to add to bone broth you're using to rebuild health.

Be careful if you have any issues with histamines or oxalates. Slow cooked bone broths are high histamine (pressure cooking helps cut this way down). If you have issues with oxalate the glycine in bone broths can add to oxalate load in the body. Overall bone broth is super healthy but contraindicated for some people.

I don't know if I have issues with histamines or oxalates.  All I know is that no matter what I eat, I constantly break out in acne.  I tried to do a 2 week long bone broth fast (I didn't even make it a full week) as an elimination diet type of thing.  During the time I had nothing but bone broth, even though it was a processed bone broth, I had no break outs for the first time in my life.  I couldn't keep it up though because I wasn't getting enough calories and feel super weak and tired all the time.  I tried doing just bone broth + raw milk, with a blue rare seared steak every so often, so I could get enough calories, and then coffee.  But once my cycle came up again (pms with really really bad cramps as well) I broke out horribly bad.  With cystic acne which I haven't gotten in a long time.  I'm still drinking tons of bone broth and trying to limit what I eat but I'm feeling like crap, weak and shakey.  One good thing since I started drinking tons of bone broth though, is my nails seem a lot stronger and don't break as easily.  I like that a lot since I like to grow my nails out long, but they always break all the time. 

I've tried eliminating so many things yet I still break out all the time.  I did fully raw paleo, which helped the most, since I started it from a SAD diet, but I still broke out.  I tried the WAI diet(twice), which was fully raw as well, and it helped a lot but still never fully healed.  I tried eliminating dairy from my diet, still broke out.  I tried eliminating plants from my diet, still break out.  I'm mostly carnivore right now, eating mainly bone broth, egg yolks, raw milk, raw cheese, raw butter.  Still breaking out.  When I eat steak, which is only a few times a week right now, I season with garlic and pepper, and lightly sear it because I don't like cold meat.  I used to sear it in butter, tried not searing it in butter(or anything), still break out.  Right now I'm trying to go a week without any sugar, besides the sugars in raw milk (+cheese and butter), to see if that will help.  Limiting my dairy carbs to keto levels.  I'm still breaking out, 6 days in.  I'm on day 4 with no steak, in case it's the garlic/pepper/searing that's the problem, still breaking out.  I miss my coffee with sugar.  I'm tired all the time.  I hate this.  I wish I could just be a normal human being and eat normal food without having all these problems.  I don't even need junk food, I just wanna eat steak and eggs every day with some raw milk to drink.  Coffee with sugar every so often.  Maybe a burger bowl once in a while, with raw onions on top.  I miss fruit.  I don't need veggies or grains, never liked them, don't eat them.  I want some sushi, too.  Sashimi actually, I don't need the rice, just give me some raw salmon and tuna.  I'm tired of all of this, I'm about ready to just give up on life and live with being ugly and in constant pain and depressed because I look more like a spotted fricken hyena than a human being.  cause oh yeah I got tons of spotted hyper pigmentation acne? scars all over my body as well.  maybe haha, maybe going vegan would actually be the thing to cure me.  that would be the one thing I still have never eliminated yet, is animal foods.  Might as well be fruitarian then though, because I hate veggies and grains. 

Anyways, long story short, I wanted to try a bone broth elimination diet but the bone broths in the stores are all high in protein and low in fat and low in calories, plus have a bunch of random veggies mixed in, so I wanna make my own bone broth with only raw marrow bones that still have the marrow in them, so I can get all the good fats and stuff from the marrow and get more calories as well, plus some raw apple cider vinegar as an acid to help break down the bones.  But I don't wanna overcook it so I just wanted suggestion on a slow cooker that actually has a low enough temperature of like 100 or 150 degrees (F) that isn't too expensive, cause all the cheap ones I looked at only had settings of "low, medium, high, warm" and don't actually say a temperature on them.

Off Topic / Slow Cooker
« on: September 24, 2020, 10:13:17 am »
I'm not sure where else to post this since technically it isn't raw, so I figured off-topic was the safest..  But I want to try to make my own bone broths and I'm trying to find the best way to make it without overcooking it!  I also live with my Dad and he said he is not comfortable with me leaving the stove on all night the couple of times I tried making my own bone broth on the stove before.

I've been thinking a slow cooker would probably be the easiest solution since they are made for cooking foods at low temperatures over long periods of time, the main problem is that most of them seem to only have settings for low-medium-high-warm and don't show any sort of actual temperature control.  The reviews on the cheaper ones as well seem to mention that the slow cookers are too hot, boiling and burning the foods when left for hours even on low, and I definitely don't want that to happen!  I was wondering if anyone had any good recommendations for a slow cooker that has a temperature control that goes low enough to not destroy the broth too much.

I also don't know what's the lowest temperature you can even make bone broth on, even if I could find a good slow cooker that goes down to low enough temps, what's a good temp?  would 100°F or 150°F be too low?  too high?  So far I've mainly just been drinking pre-packaged bone broths, but I'd like to be able to make my own without all the extra ingredients like salt and veggies that are in most bone broths.  So far my idea is just to put raw grass-fed beef marrow bones with raw apple cider vinegar and water into the slow cooker and cook for 24-48 hours on the lowest possible temperature.  I don't know if that's the best way to make it or not lol.

Wait, since when did Inuits have high rates of coronary artery disease that improved on SAD?

Wai Dieters / Re: Starting this Wai Diet...
« on: August 11, 2019, 01:54:09 pm »
I just started back on raw beef tripe smoothies and I could tell the difference in the way my skin felt by the end of the day. My joints didn't hurt as much after my cycling class either. Word of caution they are about the grossest thing you could ever imagine. Put some Worchestershire sauce in it this morning and it was still gross but at least I got it down without major concentration of not puking it up.

I buy ten pounds of tripe at a time and my butcher grinds it up for me into tripe burger. That helps a lot. I used to burn up a ton of blenders before I had them do it.

Yeah, if it in any way makes me want to gag, I'm not going to be able to do it.  I can barely get down my egg yolks, and it makes me want to avoid eating them at all.

Wai Dieters / Re: Starting this Wai Diet...
« on: August 08, 2019, 01:21:24 am »
I don't eat dairy and I still get a zit now and then. I think it might be from eating lightly seared steaks. After all they are technically fried if only for less than 2 minutes.

I have not eaten any cooked foods for exactly 4 weeks now though, and I still am having skin problems.  First 2 weeks I did very strict WAI diet with no more than 2 egg yolks/3oz of fish per day, but there was pretty much no change to my skin besides it feeling softer.  I bought a 10oz grass-fed steak and 1 gallon of raw grass-fed milk at the store the next day and ate the whole steak raw and drank the gallon of milk over the next week, but still had no improvement, if anything it got slightly worse with a few new cystic-like popping up.  I did not buy anymore milk after that and went back to WAI for the 4th week, but without the restrictions on egg yolks and fish.  Also ate a bit of onion this past week because it's one of the few "veggies" I actually like and I wanted to and I figure it wouldn't hurt.  My skin does finally seem to be improving a tiny bit over the past week, but can't quite tell yet.  My Bday is in 2 days now so we'll see how much that messes me up, lol.

Wai Dieters / Re: Starting this Wai Diet...
« on: August 06, 2019, 08:48:07 am »
I think the dairy could be the cause of your acne..? Maybe try ordering some fresh beef fat. I just received 20 pounds of amazingly yellow backfat from Amos Miller and it is delightful.

Yeah, besides the 1 gallon I bought I haven't had anymore dairy.  I've been back on a bit more strict WAI again, so egg yolks, fish meat, and fruit for me, back to olive oil too.  Thought I ate a little bit of raw onion too because I love it and figure it can't hurt that much.  I've been kinda low on my calories lately though, the past few days I seem to only be eating 900 or so calories so I'm worried I might not be eating enough, even though I'm not that hungry.  Also seems like my hair is falling out more than usual so I want to eat more animal foods to help that.

As far as the back fat goes with ordering online, one problem I have is that I live in Southern California and anything that gets delivered and possibly left on my doorstep is gonna get super hot.  Also, I'm pretty picky with my animal foods and if it doesn't taste right to me I'm not gonna eat it and I don't want to waste money on it.  If I can get less than 20lbs of it delivered and more like a sample of it for cheap, I might consider.  My Birthday is coming up pretty soon too, and since my skin hasn't really improved all that much if at all, I'm gonna have a cheat day for my Birthday since my Dad usually takes me out to dinner and I don't want to be stuck eating only raw fish, I want a STEAK.  But I think I've had a pretty good 4 weeks raw, and will be going back on raw again after my birthday, just hoping it doesn't mess up my skin too much.  Might also buy just a little more raw milk to help with digestion of the cooked foods, because it's helped me with stomach aches in the past.

Wai Dieters / Re: Starting this Wai Diet...
« on: August 01, 2019, 12:10:36 am »
An update, I finished my 2 weeks strictly on the WAI acne diet and I still have acne.  I bought a steak and ate it raw!  Proud of myself for that, haven't eaten a completely raw steak in a long time.  But I also bought a gallon of raw milk.  I stopped eating the olive oil so I have been on completely 100% raw with no oils for another week, and if anything my acne got a little worse.  =(  Getting a bit more cystic-like acne now and I don't know why.  Maybe the milk?  But there's not much other easy way to get a good source of fatty calories.  It would be nice if I could find a good source of fresh grass-fed bone marrow because I love it, but I've only been able to find grain-fed or frozen grass-fed and both tasted disgusting to me.  =(

Just feeling discouraged again after 3 weeks of raw eating and my skin hasn't improved at all.

Wai Dieters / Re: Starting this Wai Diet...
« on: July 19, 2019, 07:05:45 am »
There are pitfalls on the Wai diet.  I tried it some years ago.

Fat and sugar glycate, and and cause problems on a cellular level.  Read about it.

Fruit has high amounts of fructose, can cause fatty liver. 

Moderator back then had to consume extra white sugar mixed into his orange juice to stay full of energy.  Should tell you something.

So, pay attention to any signs, and, they, like many deficiencies, can take a while to evidence.

I'm only trying it again to, yet again, try to clear up my skin.  Luckily, I'm a small woman trying to lose just a couple pounds so my calorie needs are quite a bit lower than most people, the 2 egg yolks, one avocado, and 2 tablespoons of olive oil are already nearly half of my daily calories.  I don't need to sip Orange Juice with added sugar to hit my calorie intake, plus I'd rather take more fats than sugars and eat an extra avocado or drink extra olive oil if I'm lacking in calories, but 1200 calories isn't hard to hit.  Luckily also this time around, my cravings aren't nearly so bad, and easily ignored.  I think it's partially because this time I included the olive oil, when last time I didn't.

Also, I haven't really been eating raw for a while now, though I barely cook my steaks I still blue-rare them because I prefer them warmed a bit with some garlic and pepper.  I also slip into eating junk foods a lot too, especially when I'm low on money.  Wai diet is probably the easiest and cheapest way to eat 100% raw (if you consider the cold pressed olive oil raw) and I never finished my 2 weeks of acne sample diet before.  I mostly only get breakouts around my chin/mouth these days, so I'm hoping the 2 weeks can clear the rest of my face up.  Although, it's been a full week now and although my skin is feeling extra soft and good the last couple days, I haven't quite seen too much improvement on my face yet.  Hopefully the next week will show some more, better improvement, but regardless after the 2 weeks I will reassess and see if I want to continue on the diet or not for another week.  It's not a diet I want to stay on permanently, just until (if) I clear up before reintroducing foods one at a time.

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