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Messages - Neone

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General Discussion / Re: Why would high meat be healthier?
« on: March 24, 2010, 05:43:19 am »
I do not have a refrigerator so i pretty much eat my meat 'high' where i put it on hooks and hang it up in my tent..

It just gets tastier and tastier as the days go on.. when its nearly gone i find we stash away bits of high meat to eat with our fresh to kind of give the fresh a kick start and because fresh is so bland,

Once you get used to it (like eating meat to begin with ) you will prefer your meat aged.

General Discussion / Re: What if you just dont like red meat?
« on: March 24, 2010, 05:39:17 am »
The quality of the meat that you buy will reflect its taste. I have been eating 100% grassfed bison and beef for a while and then i pretty much ran out of grassfed meat to buy over the winter so i thought i would get stuff that was fed on grass but finished on grain....


I LOVE eating my 100% grassfed but putting that grainfinished crap into my mouth... i just got a huge DO NOT SWALLOW feeling.  I think it has something to do with the unbalanced oils in it.

Food for thought.

Hot Topics / Re: We are somethingawfuls link of the day
« on: February 24, 2010, 05:36:58 am »
Its because i was posting on the somethingawful food forums, i got the thread goldmined and got us some attention. I dont mind being laughed at but i did it because there is something like 10k people viewing at one time.. even if 9990 of those people are laughuing, i am sure there is 10 people there who are sick and find us accidently and help themselves.

I got fucking banned too, what a bunch of faggots.  A forum of people on a god damn comedy website with no sense of humor. bunch of dicks. i am not bitter.. haha.

Hot Topics / Re: Tapeworms.
« on: February 08, 2010, 04:17:09 am »
You're probably suppsed to have worms and you're weird if you dont.

Health / Re: How long did it take you to repair yourself?
« on: February 02, 2010, 08:36:03 am »
William, i googled "blood glucose weeks to stabilize" and I dont really know what im supposed to be looking for here so unfortunately google is not being my friend. I would like to know more about this though.

Health / Re: How long did it take you to repair yourself?
« on: January 31, 2010, 09:10:49 pm »
She eats pretty mono.  We rotate between bison, mutton, sometimes beef and lamb and chicken. 
We get the mutton back whole, just skinned and gutted, I string him up in our room and we start cutting off what we want.. We are coming to the end of it, its been hanging for almost 2 weeks now so the meat that is left is pretty high.

It is thyroid and digestive problems, we have been working on them for a long time now, its just such a mystery.. is it the acid of the stomach? is it the gall bladder?  Is my body too cold to digest my food properly? do i have a mix of 10 different small problems making one big one?  Could it be a reaction to the small ammount of grain that the mutton gets still.  Mabye there is nothing wrong with her physical digestive tract except stress..  *shrug*

She eats raw, zero carb.  Mabye one grapefruit a week, so i would still call that zero carb. She's just going with her body on this one, any time she eats fruit or veg or anything that isnt from a dead animal, she doesnt feel as good as if she had just eaten meat instead. She doesnt crave carbs.

It seems most people get rapid small gains at the start, and then the body sets in and spends a few years doing the real repair work inside where you cant see it.

General Discussion / Re: How do you wash dishes?
« on: January 31, 2010, 08:58:28 pm »
I use a wooden plate. I just keep using it until there is too much mold/fat/blood/gunk caked up on it, then i just put it in some hot water to melt the fat off, give it a little scrub and its good to go again for another month or two :D

General Discussion / Re: Eggs
« on: January 27, 2010, 10:05:13 pm »
Rarely here.  I feel eggs are the same as dairy to me. (not good)

General Discussion / Re: Fat
« on: January 26, 2010, 11:55:02 am »
Speaking of fat ill ask it here since it doesnt deserve its own thread..

Why is Emu Oil a liquid at room tempature?

Health / Re: How long did it take you to repair yourself?
« on: January 26, 2010, 08:53:42 am »
We eat as much organ as we can get our hands on. Every few weeks I would say we get a huge load of organs dumped on us at once and we eat until we cant stand to look at another liver or heart haha.
Stressed? Well when you feel pretty crappy and your internal organs are already stressed, its kind of hard for it not to radiate out. So yeah, she is stressed. 
Enough rest? as good as she can, but when you're sick you have trouble getting a good sleep.
Its winter right now too, and when you're cold and hypothyroid, the outdoors isnt the most appealing place for you at -10 haha. But we do get out for a walk whenever she feels up to it on a nice sunny day or something.

We did live in a tent for about 8 months this year and I would say that did help a lot too in many ways (fresh air, less stress etc.) and I feel like our health hasnt been as good since we moved back indoors, mabye thats part of the problem. I will find out in another month or so when we can get back outside  ;D

As far as Zero Carbing goes.. we are not 'strict' zero carb, but they are infrequent for her, like mabye a piece of fruit a month.  We have experimented with trying to put plant matter back into the diet but you never feel quite right after eating it. So we question weather its really a positive thing.  I dont really believe fruit is natural, at least not the type and availability of fruit that we have today.
So who knows. We have heard about the whole stressing your adrenals on zero carb before, thats why we experiment by adding fruit back in, but havent noticed anything other than there seems to be a 3 month mark on ZC where we just started craving the shit out of sweet haha... who knows, i guess we're all guinea-pigs here.

Im also thinking that recovery is kind of like a curved gradient, where when you're sick its hard for your body to make use of a lot of what you're putting in it, but it gets a little bit and uses that to heal, the next time you eat your body is slightly healed and can uptake a little more nutes this time... so as you get healthier, you get healthier faster? Mabye i am just expecting super-accelerated results, and should be happy with how good it is after 10 months, since it seems most people it took them a few years to actually get back to 'normal'?

Health / How long did it take you to repair yourself?
« on: January 26, 2010, 02:07:33 am »
I imagine most people here, are here because they had some form of health problems. I read tylers testimonial thing and a lot of it coincided with what my wife was going through re. adrenal burnout/thyroid problems.  She has been eating a pretty much raw zero carb diet for about 10 months now and while things are miles above what they were she still has a lot of problems.  Low energy is still pretty common even though she has way more energy than before, Dizzyness and lightheadedness is another common problem, like at least a few dizzy spells every day. I imagine it has something to do with blood pressure.  Those are the two major things that we are wondering about and if anybody has had these symptoms (if you have thyroid/adrenal issues im sure you have) and if/how long it took eating raw for these symptoms go to away.

We have used a lot of different suppliments but pretty much the only things we are using right now is Dr. Rons adrenals/thyroid and ive got her to take betaine HCL with her meals to help burn up her food better since she has always had digestive problems that we have tried all kinds of stuff to help but havent found much worked. 

TL:DR; How long did it take eating RAF to heal your body and any ideas on something that we might not be doing that we could?

General Discussion / Re: Are Rancid Raw Fats Bad For You?
« on: January 26, 2010, 01:13:34 am »
There is a big difference between i guess what i would call 'dry' aging, and 'wet' aging.. Dry aging is what I do where I just hang lumps of meat up, the outside drys out and gets a small white mould thing growing on the surface.  Wet aging seems to be different and a method I dont use since its harder to do. I would call wet aging when you put meat chunks in a jar in the fridge and air it out so the moisture is staying  in the jar with the meat so its a more moist enviroment. Wet aging is more.. sloppy? to me, where my dry aging i just peel off the outside layer and inside is delicious tender meat full of flavor.  I find wet stuff is more mouldy and less appetising to me where the dry aged stuff i find pretty awesome, i eat it like a banana with the dry part being the skin that i toss my dog later on haha.

William, If you cannot eat raw fat then you have a problem, are you addressing this or are you going to eat your pemmican band-aid forever?  Pemmican is for noobs who cant handle the raw meat and fat, its makes it more palatable, are you sure you're not hiding behind this?

It doesnt make sense to me that part of the animal (especially the most important part) is 'bad' for you.  To take out the 'bad' part of fat you need to process it over fire and filter it??  does not compute - not paleo - not natural.  I dont think anyone would care that you eat pemmican except that you;re plugging the shit out of it.

Hot Topics / Re: Probiotics?
« on: January 24, 2010, 06:47:00 am »
Its called 'High Meat' and you can read all about it in the recipies forum

General Discussion / Re: I simply dont understand salmonella and e coli
« on: January 19, 2010, 10:41:21 am »
its probably your first exposure to the evil salmaneloas, and the first time you build your immunity up. I imagine you will not be bothered by chicken again.

You goofball redfulcrum. you did a 5 day experiment and are back here waving your dick around with your amazing results?  I am sure that you believe that happened, but how do you know you put on 10lbs of muscle? I mean you have just eaten 50lbs of meat.  If meat is mainly water mabye you are just swollen or something?  im trying to say that a single, 5 day experiment is not something that i would concider official results.

Hot Topics / Re: Coconut oil and antinutrients
« on: January 14, 2010, 12:15:32 am »
William, i think you gave us all the impression that you were saying that pemmican is just as good as raw meat and fat.

I also dont see how pemmican works out to be less expensive than raw? I mean you still have to buy the meat and fat, where I would just eat it, you're processing it into a different form for some reason.

Now if you dont have access to anything except mabye a fire... like.. how did the indians boil down their tallow?  Drying meat is easy you just hang it up in strips and leave it (i find its best after drying for like 3-4 weeks). I will be needing to make pemmican for the winters but i am not going to have access to pots and pans or anything that you cant find in the middle of the woods so how do i go about doing the fat part?

Hot Topics / Re: Coconut oil and antinutrients
« on: January 11, 2010, 01:08:08 am »
Can you render fat by leaving it out on a rock in the sun?

Milk is for babies.. when you're 5+ you're not a baby anymore, shit, when you get teeth you're hardly a baby anymore.. I know they 'call' them milk teeth, but that doesnt mean you're supposed to drink milk as long as you have those teeth haha..

I imagine a reason they would have breastfeed longer is because its 'free food'. 

General Discussion / Re: Any way of knowing if my high meats gone bad?
« on: January 10, 2010, 09:04:21 pm »
not that i would recommend doing this..  But I have had high meat that i never aired out for like 5 weeks, just forgot about it.. My dog ate it and didnt die.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Affording a ZC diet
« on: January 09, 2010, 12:37:48 am »
Buy your meat direct from farms, it will be the cheapest that way and you will also get to actually be at the farm and check it out to see if you like whats going on there.  Talk to the farmers, ask them a million questions.
You will be able to get organs cheap and easy since generally nobody wants them, and they're superior to muscle meat anyway.
Nobody wants fat so you can hastle people for that, but most grass fed stuff doesnt really have 'excess' fat anyway.

the most cost effective is if you have somewhere you can do your own butcher. I pay $125 for a sheep, and another $50 for the butcher.
The mutton lasts two people about two weeks, so if you could get a mutton for $125 and do your own butcher you could feed yourself for $60 a week there.

Off Topic / Re: The social side of you?
« on: January 06, 2010, 09:26:09 pm »
When im eating raw outside say, for work lunch i eat my food in front of everybody.. heres how you do it.

I have a big glass bowl/container thing, i chunk all my meat and fat and organs, just whatever i want to eat for lunch is cubed up into bite sized pieces, then ill add a little spice, like some curry and garlic or something. I add all that in and mix it up and when i head off to work i throw my container up on the dash board and let the sun warm it up all day while im working or whatever. When i get hungry for some lunch i just go and grab my container and chopsticks, find a spot and sit down.  Your lunch will be nice and warmed up and its given your flavors all day to meld together. When you take the lid off of your food everyones going to have their noses in the air sniffing 'Oh man, what smells so good?'.  I get comments all the time about how great my food smells, but they always jump 5 feet backwards when I offer them a bite :P

Hot Topics / Re: Coconut oil and antinutrients
« on: January 06, 2010, 01:30:44 am »
I too eat the shit out of the wild berries when they're in season but have problems with coconut oil.

Here is why i think it is not good for you.

I used it a lot while trying to kill candida, it 'worked' we got the 'detox' from it....
if i eat coconut oil now, i will still get 'detox' and feel like shit...

i think that its really just that coconut oil makes you feel like crap and since you believe its detox you endure it.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Burning Protein/Flushing Amino
« on: January 05, 2010, 09:51:16 pm »
I guess that I have always done a (not retarded) instincto diet.  When i first went on this diet i was trying to figure out ratios and fats and proteins and all that crap.   When i just started eating what i felt like my health improved.  Sometimes i feel like i need fat, so i eat it, same goes for protein and organs..  ever found yourself having an idea like 'i need some liver' pop into your head?  i just listen to that.. 

The only time that i think you would ever eat 5lb of lean meat in a sitting is if thats all there was.. I think that if you have eaten 5lb of lean meat its probably because you're measuring out and telling yourself you have to eat it, kind of overwriting your instinct.  I think you're better off in the long run trying to develop instinct, rather than using your 'intelligence'.

Off Topic / Re: The social side of you?
« on: January 05, 2010, 09:43:11 pm »
I don't see how you can be with somebody who isn't on the same diet as you are.  Its kind of like, if i go out and eat a bunch of bullshit food and come home and i feel crap or im all hopped up on sugar, my wife doesnt want to have to deal with that crap, especially when ive gone and done it to myself.  How is she able to sit down and have a regular decent conversation with somebody who isnt thinking clearly?

People say that we talk about food a lot, i look and go 'yes, yes we do', but you guys dont talk about food but are ALWAYS EATING.  I think its because they dont talk about food other than 'oh yeah, i saw this product that has put cheese and wheat together in a new fantastic combination! you HAVE to try out this awesome artificial flavor!!'.  Where we are more aware of our food and ask 'how did this make me feel, yes its tasty but i enjoy my health more than food in face'.

I have found going raw carnivore has changed my perspective a lot.  When i look at it i am A LOT less afraid of everything than i used to be, so when i talk to people now i find they talk about boring crap like television shows, small talk, how food tastes, their crappy health problems.  When i go to speak to people now and try have a productive conversation with them eyes roll, its like they dont have the focus to sit and discuss, and they take it as a personal insult to them when they say something like 'yeah, so im constipated', and ill tell them its from eating cheese and wheat for every meal.... and then they go and order pizza for lunch...  l)

Edit: And my wife thinks that any guy who doesn't eat raw meat is a pussy :P

« on: January 05, 2010, 12:47:16 am »
William, you say some crazy shit sometimes.. If you think that early man DIDNT run around killing other tribes you're crazy. Its as instinctual as eating meat.  They had plenty to kill for..  Territory (and women probably).  If you were a different tribe than I, and I liked where you lived, I would come and kill you and have a nice new place to live.  I dont think they were 'nice' to strangers back then and found somewhere else. If they thought they could come and kick your ass and take your shit they would have.

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