We eat as much organ as we can get our hands on. Every few weeks I would say we get a huge load of organs dumped on us at once and we eat until we cant stand to look at another liver or heart haha.
Stressed? Well when you feel pretty crappy and your internal organs are already stressed, its kind of hard for it not to radiate out. So yeah, she is stressed.
Enough rest? as good as she can, but when you're sick you have trouble getting a good sleep.
Its winter right now too, and when you're cold and hypothyroid, the outdoors isnt the most appealing place for you at -10 haha. But we do get out for a walk whenever she feels up to it on a nice sunny day or something.
We did live in a tent for about 8 months this year and I would say that did help a lot too in many ways (fresh air, less stress etc.) and I feel like our health hasnt been as good since we moved back indoors, mabye thats part of the problem. I will find out in another month or so when we can get back outside

As far as Zero Carbing goes.. we are not 'strict' zero carb, but they are infrequent for her, like mabye a piece of fruit a month. We have experimented with trying to put plant matter back into the diet but you never feel quite right after eating it. So we question weather its really a positive thing. I dont really believe fruit is natural, at least not the type and availability of fruit that we have today.
So who knows. We have heard about the whole stressing your adrenals on zero carb before, thats why we experiment by adding fruit back in, but havent noticed anything other than there seems to be a 3 month mark on ZC where we just started craving the shit out of sweet haha... who knows, i guess we're all guinea-pigs here.
Im also thinking that recovery is kind of like a curved gradient, where when you're sick its hard for your body to make use of a lot of what you're putting in it, but it gets a little bit and uses that to heal, the next time you eat your body is slightly healed and can uptake a little more nutes this time... so as you get healthier, you get healthier faster? Mabye i am just expecting super-accelerated results, and should be happy with how good it is after 10 months, since it seems most people it took them a few years to actually get back to 'normal'?